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Just a Little Nibble

Started by Draconian, March 27, 2016, 01:44:56 PM

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Obediantly he sprang up and looked confused. "Are you shamed? You dont need to be afraid of me seeing you. Im going to some day," it made sense to him. Already he was hers. Since she didnt care for the other way he said it.

Still he rubbed his arm and took a few steps back. Right  she liked boundries. Sapphire heaved a breath and went to her door, obediantly leaving and closing it behind him. Where he waited impatiently.


She bit her lip to keep from arguing with him. She had a feeling it really wouldn't do much good, and at least he'd listened to her and left her alone to change.

Grumbling to herself, Lyra stripped out of her nightgown and chose a relatively simple dress from the clothes she'd brought along with her, something that wouldn't hinder her walking too much.

Glancing to the door, then to the small mirror on her desk so she could look at her hair- which really was quite a mess- she let out another little breath and crossed to knock on the door. "Um, Sapphire? You can come back in now, if you want."

She turned and seated herself at the desk, running a brush through her hair a few times before she started to twist it into a few braids.


She knew his name.

His ears perked up and he felt a warmth bloom in his chest when she said it. It pleased him on a strange level that she'd know his name. That she'd say it. Sure it was hesitant but... Still, just her saying it meant that for a moment she was thinking about just him.

Because he wanted to - why wouldn't he? - he went back into the room and watched her brush her hair. Enchanted at the locks. Sapphire couldn't help himself when he walked over to her and caught a loose chunk of hair. "It's beautiful," He said simply, resting a hand on the top of her back. Little touches. Start little, he had to remember. His Lyra wouldn't be so afraid of him if he started with little touches.


She went still at the touch, looking at him in the mirror. "What are you-"

Breathing out through her nose, Lyra forced herself not to snap at him. He just didn't know. It wasn't like he was hurting her or anything. "Thank you," she murmured, finishing the braid that swooped across her head to hold the rest of her hair back.

Smiling a bit, she twisted to look at him over her shoulder, subtly moving away from his hands as she did. "Yours is nice too." Most men she knew kept their hair a little neater, but the unkempt look was actually rather appealing.

Whoa, girl. Don't go there. Shaking her head quickly, Lyra got to her feet and brushed at her skirts. "Well then. I suppose the first day of this little deal starts now." She planted her hands on her hips and cocked her head at him. "Do you have anywhere you need to go?" Her own errands could wait a bit, if it would get this whole mess over with faster.


"No," He said simply and before he could help himself he leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips. It was clear Sapphire had poor impulse control - at least around Lyra - and he pulled back and smiled widely, ears perked up. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself." Then he paused, "What were you saying again?"


Lyra's eyes went wide and she froze, staring at him. "You- I- what-"

Her hand flew to her lips and she took a step back. Taking a breath, she tried to calm her suddenly racing heart and stammered, "Y-you can't just go around kissing people, you know!"

A soft groan of frustration- trying to ignore that despite the breach in propriety she hadn't really disliked the touch- and she dropped her face into her hands. "Look, Sapphire," she sighed. "You can't..."

Oh, what was the point. Instead of trying to explain the impropriety, she just shook her head and looked up at him. "Please don't do that again without permission, alright?"


The words 'why not' were almost out of his mouth, ears droopy, eyes sad. Then she spoke again and he looked a bit like a kicked puppy. What had been enthusiasm moments before was now disappointment and he gave a small nod, though his eyes lit up when she mentioned having to ask for permission.

"Can I kiss you?" He eyed her lips, having enjoyed the contact of the soft skin against his own.


Oh dear god.

She huffed out a sigh and frowned at him, fisting her hands on her hips again. Her heart twinged a little at his expression- he really was like a stray puppy, and she found she rather hated to see him look so crestfallen. It made her feel...guilty.

"No-" she started, then paused. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and muttered, "Not on the lips. The cheek is...okay, if you must."

Shifting her feet uncomfortably, she glanced at the door. "Come on. I have a few errands I need to run to day. If you'd like to accompany me, you may."


A few errands - whatever those were - to run for the day.

But first!

Sapphire darted in quickly and pressed a kiss to her cheek, hand briefly resting on her shoulder before he pulled back looking like the cat that caught the canary. A dopey smile on his face and he nodded. "I'd like that, I'd like to accompany you forever." he stated. It was a fact.

He would.

Sapphire couldn't imagine life without this woman anymore.

It was strange.

Good, but strange.

He held out his hand, "Can we hold hands?" He murmured, giving her a look, ears drooping ever so slightly.


Lyra felt her cheeks flush, though this kiss was decidedly more innocent than the first. She cleared her throat and tried to glance away from him, but found that she couldn't, caught in those strange eyes.

And he just seemed so sincere- where with any other man she would have accused him of feeding her a line, with Sapphire she realized that she fully believed he was just stating fact.

She eyes his offered hand for a moment, then gave a sharp, resigned sort of exhale. "Alright," she conceded, reaching out to lace her fingers through his, then turning to leave.

Well, it would keep him close, at any rate. She wouldn't have to worry about him wandering off.

With a brisk, "Come on, then," Lyra led him through the inn and out onto the street.


Like a good Puppy he kept beside her, giving her hand rhythmic squeezes because he could. The looks were curious more than hateful and he met just about every gaze with his own. "Lyra," he said softly, his voice a gentle rumble in his chest, "what do you need to acquire?"


She glanced at their joined hands, then at his face, doing her best to ignore the looks they were getting. "A few basic supplies for my trip home," she replied after a moment. "And..."

She tilted her head slightly and slowed her pace, glancing into the window of a shop. "Well, I thought I'd shop around a bit for a gift for a friend." No, nothing there. She shook her head and kept moving, though at this time of day the streets through the market district were quite crowded and it was slow going.

"Gah." Lyra frowned and paused, then moved toward one of the narrow side streets. "Come on, maybe we can cut around some of this foot traffic." She glanced up at him again. "Why don't you tell me something about yourself, Sapphire?"

That's what people did when they were courting, right? Not that they were really, but she'd play along for now.


Sapphire blinked down at her, letting her lead him along. He even politely snarled and some of the people and didn't almost trip them with his tail. A few more things and they were going to a side street. Weren't those things dangerous?

His ears perked up.

Tell her about him?

She was interested in him?

Sapphires heartbeat picked up and he smiled at her, blinking his big blue eyes.

"I... Um... Am from a tribe. You are mine and... One day I hope to have many children with you." He looked at her expectantly, like she should just throw herself in his arms , "Now... Tell me about yourself."


Oh boy.

Lyra shook her head slowly and sighed. Well, at least he seemed to be trying. "No, Sapphire, that's...not really what I meant." Although she supposed leaning more about where he came from would be good, if he's tell her.

"I meant more- what are your interests? What do you like doing for fun? What's your favorite food even, that sort of thing." She shrugged and turned to lean them down a smaller side street. "I come from further north, Connloath. I am a lady-in-waiting to the Lady Stark. I...enjoy being outside, riding, swordplay, things like that."

She looked up at him. "Okay, now you try again."


Sapphire stared at her with a blank look on his face. Interests? Favourite food? His interests were what furthered the clan and his favourite food was... well. Dragon meat was always delicious. Obediently he followed her, hand giving a squeeze every now and then to remind himself that the love of his life was still right there.

"I... Enjoy... climbing trees?" He questioned, one ear perked up along with his eyebrow, "Also Dragon Meat makes my mouth drool-y." And now it was his turn! "What are you waiting for?"


"Dragon meat?" Lyra wrinkled her nose. "That's...interesting." Then she blinked and tilted her head to the side. "Waiting for? What do you mean- oh." Lady-in-waiting.

She chuckled and shook her head. "No, I'm not actually waiting for anything. I serve my lady- I wait on her, that's what it means."

She giggled again, so distracted by her odd companion- and the constant little squeezing of his hand- that she didn't notice the small movement at the end of the little alley, a shadow that darted passed to huddle in a sunken doorway.


Sapphire was too enchanted by his soft little human. The scent of the city was so strong that one extra body didnt change how it burned his nose. Sapphire smiled brightly when she laughed, finding he really enjoyed that sound.

He just... "I want to squish my face to your face," he blurted out, still gazing at her fondly. Then there was a dull thunk and Sapphire stared at his shoulder curiously and wondered how long a knife had been in his arm. Then the pain set in. His pupils were tiny slits and his mouth pulled back to show an impressive set of teeth.

Hands grabbed Lyra, grubby arms wrapped around her middle and Sapphire snarled. The voice spoke up.

"One step and she dies, Friend. All's we want is anything of value."

Sapphire snarled, hand hovering over the knife in his arm. He'd said step but he knew he meant movement. Any of value. They already had the only thing he valued. "All I want is my woman," he said softly, hissing through his teeth.


Lyra laughed again- she sort of understood what he meant, but the phrasing was rather entertaining. "Look, I already said that's not appropriate-"

Her voice choked off and her eyes widened. "Sapphire!" She tried to move forward, but then his arms were around her and there were three- no four- men surrounding them.

Her blood ran cold and she pressed back against Sapphire with a small noise of distress. It was rather embarrassing, but she could hardly reach the knife stored in a sheath on her thigh in this position, and without it she was relatively defenseless.

And Sapphire was hurt. The thought sent her heart jumping up into her throat, a panic that was almost unreasonable.

The man who'd first spoken laughed at her companion's reply. "Then we'll take her too." He nodded toward Lyra and one of their attackers darted forward, aiming to slash Sapphire's arm as he grabbed her wrist and tried to jerk her forward.


The slash dragged across his blue scaled arm, making the cut ragged, but the meat below was red and the blood ran freely. Still, he didnt let go. She was his. "She doesnt want to go with you!" He snarled, bearing fangs and shifting his stance.

If she did want to sure.

Sapphire backed up, his arm bleeding. "I will kill all of you for threatening me and mine if you don't leave. Now."


One of the thieves hesitated. Perhaps it was something about the primal predator that he could see in Sapphire, but the others either didn't notice or didn't care.

They smirked and moved in again. Lyra and Sapphire were closed in on from all sides. She cringed back, managed to jerk her arm away, and bared her teeth at their attackers.

"Get away from us," she hissed.