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Staining Snow [Wycliff, PM to Join]

Started by AevumEternity, February 16, 2017, 02:28:06 PM

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He didn't expect Bahamut to be so fast! Aven grits his teeth as the beast tears through his clothes and flesh like butter, ripping though his leg and making it unusable. Black blood streams from the wound, and the scorching rays of the sun ensure that it cannot mend. He scrambles backward, fear in his eyes, but a fear backed by a plan. It's the only way... I'm sorry, Haky...

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Towering over him, all but blocking out of the sun with his twisted bulk, sneering down at him as the claws suddenly slam into the earth, effectively crushing his throat with his palm,"..." slowly lowering its mutated muzzle, Bahamut smirks,"... I'm going to make you watch." his throaty, low rasp a mere whisper of pure delight.
He seemed intent upon breaking Aven's neck from the way his claws slowly maneuvered to prick the skin of his cheeks- rising up to his full height while simultaneously watching Hakon's advance. He wanted to be sure she saw this as he tore her love to pieces...

Tears immediately sprung to her eyes as she kicked Purgatorio's flanks harder- just a couple more meters and she could help Aven-!


Aven's grimace becomes a triumphant grin as Bahamut's shadow darks to near pitch black, and Aven's leg mends itself within two seconds. At the same time, eight tendrils lunge out from around Aven, racking mercilessly spearing through non-vital sections of Bahamut's torso, arms, and legs, then looping back into the darkness and melding into them, effectively imprisoning the beast to his own, immovable shadow. "Watch what, monster?"

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Seeming to realize the conundrum he had been placed in- Bahamut's crimson eyes widen a fraction before hissing," Then you shall die with me." his voice a low hiss as his jaws suddenly leap wide and lung for him- only for the sharp fangs to peirce into Aven's flesh upon his chest- just over his heart.

" Aven!" She screams, the very moment she reaches him, she turns the blade so the flat iron faces him- slamming it into the beast's cranium so his skull all but caved in with the impact, his jaws ripping away a sizeable chunk of flesh from Ave's breast in the process


Aven's eyes fly open in shock as his flesh is torn away, nicking the aortic valve of his heart, pooling blood into the wound at an alarming rate. His consciousness fades as his brain is robbed of the necessary oxygen, even as the flesh rebuilds itself.
Strangely, his body also begins to bulk up, returning to the form he'd been using the past months, the same regenerating, fleshy noises resounding from it. A wispy voice escapes his throat. "Ha...kon..."

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Hakon turns suddenly on Purgatorio, all but slamming into the twisted figure of her brother- her strength and momentum all but ripping him off her love as she quickly cradles him in her arms," Aven- Aven! Oh God-!" her voice breaks into broken sobs as she presses her face into his neck- shuddering," PLease- please stay with me-!"

The white theocog proceeds to sow pure fury upon the Berserker- whom nimbly dodges each strike- howling- the other back off the flock as well, seeming content and full


Aven's body, at this point, has completely transitioned back to the soldier form. His eyes flicker to stay open. "I'm...fine... Haky..." He coughs, and trickle of black blood runs down his cheek. "Win..."
Even as his mind slips slowly into unconsciousness, Aven can feel an intrusion, something foriegn in his head, as though very thoughts were being overwritten. He struggles to keep control, if only for this fight. He extends out a hand, and a thick pillar of shadow spears the beast through the stomach, holding it in place.

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Hakon leans down, pressing her forehead against his," N-no- I an't leave you like this, you're... Y-you're-" she gasps, nearly sobbing as ears gushed from her hazel-grey eyes," Idiot-" her whole body shuddered- she should have known. She should have known.

Bahamut yowls, the flesh around the wound swelling and boiling like oil over water, a swift blow by a massive hoof silencing him as the theocog plunges forward again with a roar.


Aven's head clouds further and further, but he leans forward to kiss her lips lightly, a faint smile on his face. "I... just... need some...sleep." With her proximity, she can feel his pulse level out to a normal rate as his eyes close, his head slumping back into unconsciousness.

The sounds of battle fade away for Aven, replaced only by darkness...

Aven's eyes flutter open, a familiar, warm sensation rousing him from slumber. He is greeted with Hakon's worried visage, bare skin against his own, their legs hopelessly tangled. His cheeks light up red, and he goes to speak, to tell her that he is okay and not to worry, but a sudden, overpoweringly voracious thought startles him into silence. Fondle her.

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Hakon wraps her arms about his neck, her face pressed against his as she breathed deeply in a peaceful slumber though small streaks showed across her eyes like a half made transparent racoon's mask... Had she been crying? She never cried- nonetheless, as he moved, she did as well..

" A... Aven?" She looks up at him blearily

Fade to black...


Aven stirs from his slumber, still nestled in Hakon's bosom. Unlike other days, he cannot think of anything he needs to do: they are on leave, he can simply... nuzzle further into her embrace, and lay awake with his beloved. Aven does just that, shifting closer to Hakon and relaxing with the heat of her skin on his.

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Hakon blinks slowly as she awakens with him nustling against her bare bust. Blushing profusely, her gently hugging him tightly as she cuddles bim closer. What was this... Peace? They could lie in bed with no worries..? Incredible- she leans down to press her lips to the top of his head.


Aven grins up at her, chuckling. "Morning, Haky~" He sings, his voice light and carefree. "How are you feeling?" Another question rose in his head as the words left his mouth: what exactly happened after he passed out on the battlefield? All he knew was that he woke up with Hakon cuddling him...

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Hakon shivers once and holds him close, nuzzling his hair," Everything is fine~" she breathes, inhaling his familiar scent," I can't believe we are... Here-" she pauses, she didn't know what else to say- was this- was this peace?


Aven wraps his arms around her, just as unsure of their situation. Previously, when he wasn't hiding from Mordecai or enacting his plans, he was resting in the shadows, always on guard. To be able to lay still in the morning with the woman he loved with no fear of attack... it was almost numbing to think about. "I think... I prefer this peace. I can't wait until this war is over, and I can hold you as much as I want..."

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Hakon nuzzles his soft, silvery locks," Can we just lie here? I-I'm kind of sore," she admits and giggles softly, resting upon her side to gaze at him.


Aven grins mischievously. "I would, but there's a fee of one kiss to stay in bed through the morning, and I'm all out..." He glances up expectantly.

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Snickering quietly, she squirms downward, gently tilts his chin upward to kiss him deeply, her legs wrapping about him to draw him closer. She kisses him more deeply, trying to convey every microbe of affection and love to him.


Accepting the kiss, he blushes slightly, curling his legs around one of hers as they become less and less two separate beings. His tongue massages hers as they kiss, coming to the realization that he could never express in words how fervently he never wished to let her go, the extent to which he loved everything about her. Could he be happier than he is now? He doubted it...

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Hakon at last pulls away, sitting up to smile down at him," Does that work?" She asks softly