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In which yet another sketchbook burns

Started by Anonymous, August 21, 2007, 11:46:58 AM

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When life gave you lemons, you made lemonade. What, then, did you make if life gave you pyrokinesis and a very flammable sketchbook?

Thalia, leaning against a wall, idly began shading in a sketch of a brick wall. It wasn't easy; shading had never been one of her strong suits. With a sigh of frustration, she flipped to a new page. She couldn't get the lines right.

This was all going wrong. She'd come to Serendipity as an artist's apprentice, eager to learn the arts of the trade. Then she'd burned down another apprentice's painting and got expelled, so to speak. It hadn't been her fault; it had been a reflex action. Hear a bell, get food. Get beaten up, burn something down. It hadn't been her fault, really.

She couldn't return home.. That meant humiliation. Everyone would recognize her as the girl who had left home months ago to pursue a career as an artist. They would realize that they'd let her leave home without teaching her self-control, and she'd have to sit through mind-numbing classes on self-control again, with children much younger than she was. If she stayed here though, there were far more opportunities for her. She could become a fire-eater; she  was impervious to fire. She could enlist in the army, if she was very careful about not thinking about fire anywhere near wooden barracks. And of course, she could always steal.

She decided to begin working on a drawing of fire. Fire was easy for her to draw; she knew fire far better than she did some wall made of mud. She closed her eyes dreamily, thinking of all the things that fire meant to her: passion, life, destruction, warmth, and home. In her mind, she could see flames dancing. The elders called that heart's fire, the fire that gave her power to manipulate the element of fire, but she personally thought that it was just arcane rubbish. It was superstition that kept her race from becoming great. Well, that, hydrophobia, and a low birth rate.

If only she had paint, which would have worked far better than the pencil she had stolen. She could already see the colors that she would use to represent the fire-bright reds and oranges that would catch the eye. She loved the bright colors; they were just so vibrant and full of life. She envisioned the bold strokes that she would use with bright red and gold and orange everywhere. She would have to steal some paint later. For now, she would have to draw her fire in black and white.

Her sketchbook seemed to be heating up. Sudden panic filled her. Not again…Opening her eyes, she saw that the sketchbook was indeed on fire. The flames seemed to be mocking her, cheerfully devouring her drawings. She threw it down and began stepping on it, trying to quench the flames. She could summon fire, but she couldn’t banish it. This was proving to be a bit of a problem.

Finally extinguishing the flames, she picked up the burnt sketchbook, impervious to the heat. Her sketches were all ruined. She didn’t really mind that; she could always redraw them later, and anyways, they weren't very good sketches either. The problem was that this was her fifth sketchbook in three days. “Damn, damn, damn, damn…damn!� she snarled to herself. The supplier she knew was sure to be suspicious if he found her loitering around his store again.

She stuffed the burnt sketchbook into her backpack, wondering why she hadn't had the foresight to steal two.


Jiva was in a bad mood. His last lead on his mark had been wrong. He had been told that Dalisme had headed to Arca but when he got there she was long gone. Now for all he knew she could be half way across the world. She could even have been crazy enough to head to Connloath, though that would slow her down, her being a magic user.

Jiva had no idea where she was so had been forced to resort to wandering round Arca in the hope that someone knew where she had gone. However the thought of travelling to Connloath was tempting. There was plenty of money to be had if he entered the catacombs and acquired some of the mages there. He could get in quite easily; his mother was a respected sorceress after all.

Jiva was broken from his musings however when he smelt burning, he glanced around until he saw the source of smell; a girl was frantically extinguishing what appeared to have been a sketch book. More strangely however she was extinguishing it with her bare hands.

“Pyrokineticist…� Jiva thought.
     Though his magic was very weak and not really of any use to him, he knew about magic and anyone completely impervious to fire was obviously a fire mage of some kind. That gave Jiva an idea. No matter what country, Serendipity, Connloath, Adela, magic users always seemed to stick together or have some contact with other magic users; maybe this girl had been acquainted with Dalisme.

He walked across to the girl and in his friendliest voice said, “Hello.�

Yay for Pyrokineticists, Cryokineticists, Atmokineticists and all other kineticists and of course yay for wikipeida!
Sorry I'm random just ignore me]


Thalia looked up at the sound of his voice. He might have been a soldier, a rapist, a thief(not that she had anything to steal), a murderer…or a customer. The first seemed more likely; he had a soldier’s build. She doubted that a soldier would be so friendly though. She tensed, preparing to run if he showed that he meant her any harm. “Hello,� she replied warily, tensing. “So what do you want?� She looked around quickly; there were still people around, so she was probably safe.

What did he want? He probably didn’t want a picture drawn; he had to know that her sketchbook had caught on fire. The distinct smell was a clue. Murdering in broad daylight was not done, and she’d already proven that she could cause a fire. She could probably singe his eyebrows off, although she‘d never tried using her powers for defense before.. She looked down and fiddled with her hands, trying to hide a smirk. It would be rather amusing if she actually did singe his eyebrows.

She looked at him again once she was certain that her expression was under control again, hoping that he hadn’t noticed. With luck, he would require art that he would pay her handsomely for. She doubted that he had a lot of money, though. The rich folks here all dressed like peacocks, and rarely visited the slums.


Jiva found the girl’s suspicion quite amusing but he continued to look friendly.

“I was just wondering if you had come across a girl named Dalisme. She’s about your age, has red hair and crimson eyes.�

Jiva wasn’t sure if the girl had met Dalisme but it was worth a try and if the girl got too suspicious he could always kill her. Killing in broad daylight didn’t really bother him. He had realised now that in the cities nobody really cared about each other. Someone could be mugged in the middle of the street and nobody would bat and eyelid.

The girl still seemed to be a little suspicious though so Jiva casually added, “She’s my mother’s student but she ran off and now my mother wants me to find her.�

He then laughed falsely, “My mother’s pretty annoyed.�

Jiva had always been a good liar, it was a gift and it had always annoyed his mother no end. However with the business he was now in it was incredibly useful.


He certainly sounded trustworthy enough, and his reason for finding the other girl seemed innocent. The story was plausible; apprentices ran away all the time. Some just couldn't stand the hard work, she thought, slightly contemptuously. Maybe she'd been expelled, but at least she hadn't ran away because she didn't have the stomach to mop a few floors in exchange for knowledge.

Thalia considered for a moment. She had seen a few redheads wandering around, but hadn't seen any with scarlet eyes. Redheads weren't exactly uncommon; she herself was one, although her hair was really more red-orange.

Judging from the description, Dalisme sounded like a fire elemental. Flame-colored hair wasn't unusual, even among humans, but the red eyes were uncommon. Some of the elementals from back home had red eyes, although orange was a far more common color.

"You're going to have to give me a better description than that." she said. Didn't he know just how many redheads there were in Arca? "What are her facial features like? Is she tall or short? What about her body build? And what color is her hair? There are lots of different kinds of red." She rummaged in her her backpack, taking out a piece of paper and a pencil.

"Can you draw her?" Not being able to draw was a criminal offense in Thalia's eyes, which meant that almost all the elementals back at home were guilty. She doubted that he would be able to, though. No true artist would commit the crime of describing something as just "red" or providing so little detail. The man hadn't even told her if Dalisme was human or not!

Even if she didn't know where the girl was, then some of her contacts could. After a few weeks spent in the the streets of Arca, she was starting to make friends. Hmm...perhaps "friends" wasn't the best term to describe them; "people she had a temporary truce with and who would be more than willing to make a few coins" was more accurate. These... friends...would be more than willing to help this man, as long as he paid good money. It would be nice to get on the good side of her friends, and anyways, she sympathized with him. The apprentice girl shouldn't have run away.

And of course, there was the small matter of the fee that she would require if he wanted introductions...

Her belly growled at the thought. If she was canny and bargained well, then she could not only get food and the sketchbook, but also a place at the inn. It would be nice to sleep on a real bed again...


Jiva couldn’t help but smile at how precise the girl wanted him to be, she truly was an artist. Though she offered him a pencil and paper, he pulled one of each out of his own pocket. He was a bit of an artist himself, something he had inherited from his father.

Jiva drew a quick sketch of Dalisme, short skinny and with an ever present arrogant look on her face one to rival even his. He then handed the sketch to the girl. It seemed the girl had believed Jiva’s story. Despite all their powers, magic users could be very stupid.  

“She has a habit of getting herself into trouble,� Jiva chuckled, “If she’s been in Arca I expect someone will have encountered her…unfortunately for them.�


Thalia put her things back into her backpack when he brought out his own materials. Of course, he wouldn't have been so foolish as to start a search without bringing the proper materials.

She took the sketch, raising her eyebrows in surprise. The girl looked uncommonly arrogant for an apprentice; most apprentices learned humility early on. Perhaps the girl had run away because she was unwilling to work hard. If so, then Thalia had no sympathy for her.

The drawing was quite good, she noted with just the slightest trace of envy. He had managed to render the girl's personality with just a few strokes, something Thalia had never been able to do. She couldn't draw people well.

"To answer your question, I haven't seen her before." she answered truthfully. "At least, she hasn't talked to me or anything. I know people who might have found her though." She wondered if now was a good time to bring up the not-so trifling matter of price.


Jiva nearly laughed at the girl’s expression when she looked at the drawing, most people didn’t expect him to be artistic. His mother had always seen it as a useless skill but it did come in handy from time to time.

He was disappointed when the girl said she hadn’t seen Dalisme but she knew people who might have so that was a start at least.

“Can you tell me where I can find these people who might have seen her?�


"I have things to do." Thalia said pointedly, hoping that he would take the hint. Really, where did the guy think he was-La'marri? Nobody did anything for free around here, at least not in the circles that she currently moved in.

If he wasn't willing to pay her fee, then there was no point in taking him anywhere. She would demand only a few coins for her trouble, while the others would demand a lot more. If he wasn't willing to pay, then he could find someone else to help him, though he probably wouldn't be very successful.


Jiva smirked at the girl’s comment; he knew she wanted a reward for her largely useless piece of information. However as it had been useless and he actually doubted whether she did know some people who might know Dalisme he decided to continue searching on his own.

“Well, I’m sorry to have bothered you,� he said before, not bothering to cast the girl a glance before he stalked off in the bustle of Arca once again.

[OOC Time to hit another thread!]