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A king amongst commoners, God amongst Mortals (Goooldy)

Started by Anonymous, September 02, 2009, 06:14:57 PM

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((This should take place well before his kidnapping I'm thinking. We can hammer a time out later!))

Serendipity was a place that was loved for certain reasons. The economy was stable and strong, it was a prosperous nation in that regard. The king wasn't a bad fellow at all, he understood taxes and no one really suffered because of it. Sure, serfdom was a very primitive thing in his mind, but most of the Lords and Ladies of Serendipity didn't have their serfs listed as "expendable cattle" so he was okay with that. Slavery was the same way, but he did not deal in slavery. There was a lot of things that he was willing to do for money, but human trafficking was not something.

The plan had taken a few weeks to work up, but nothing that couldn't be handled easily. Lots of people had to have been paid off, and his best spy had to be put to work to watch the King. Habits, tactics, personality, and all those other fun little things. The king thankfully had a habit of well...going off on a little adventure. This would work to his utmost advantage. He had to pick a place, where lots of people would be, and he even had to arrange a few things there.

Not that they were trouble, had to pay a few merchants so he could work in front of their actual businesses without being run off by guards and what not.

This was a pretty big ploy, and it would be surprising to learn that it was merely introduce one's self to the King. He could have made an appointment, sure, anyone can make an appointment. That might have taken months, and well, that would not do. That would not do at all. The next thing, was to show the king his skill. Making an appointment and keeping it was no skill, but subtly directing the King to notice you...that was skilled.

Everything was set. Busy market place, a few jugglers and street performers here and there...and not to mention his textile and produce shipments had 'finally' arrived. Being a man who called himself a Merchant Lord, he had certain sway with how things would go. Maybe a shipment took longer, maybe it got stopped to be inspected thoroughly, or maybe it was quick...or perhaps it never went where it needed to go.

The man in question was an unassuming looking fellow. People didn't remember him, because he screamed of looking so average. His face was plain and honest, and people had a hard time describing him. Short brown hair, combed forwards, with the bangs out of his soft green eyes of course. He was a very average man, his height, his weight, his build, he could have been the description for a thousand other somewhat young brown haired men. That was the key to his being, because if he wore a moustache, a beard, people remembered him in different countries and towns as a man with a different name.

Serendipity knew him as Damari Renneker, a clothier of sorts. He had a small reputation, nothing overly extravagant. He didn't need a big title though, a big name to be used here, he wanted to be low-key. If people started spreading rumours around because of all his...extra-curricular activities, they'd have thought someone BIG was coming to town. Someone who was really important in the Merchant world, someone you didn't want to mess with. But Damari? A simple man, a simple name, with a simple desire to sell his clothes.

Travelling under an assumed name, under a new identity, it was a perfect cover to ensure that his deliveries were made on time finally, properly dispersed throughout the capital city. After all, a lot of money was put into the merchant shipping lanes, and you had to make a profit on the whole thing. He might have take a hit on profits for this particular business trip, but the end result, he hoped, was going to be worth a lot more. Money could be remade, easily, but friendships with powerful people were a rare commodity. Being able to drop the name of a King made up for a lot of things. Even if the particular name didn't back you, if it held enough sway, it could save your life, or even give you a little leverage until they put things together.

The plan was sweet, nearly perfect, and if it failed, no one would know.

Those were always the best ones.

In the portion of Arca where things bordered between rich and poor, was where it was going down. It was relatively busy, but not busy enough that any noble wouldn't want to check it out. A great shipment had finally arrived, which meant that now things had to be sold off. Clothes, textiles, rugs, furniture, and even fine produce. The merchants were focused on getting the news out, that the market was booming, and at very fair prices. That was always the thing, if a shipment was late it meant that the merchants would sell at a reduce price, if only to make SOME profit off it. He'd have to make sure that he didn't disrupt any more shipments to Arca for quite some time but...this was a special matter.

One wagon setting up shop had focused more on clothing and attire than anything. The wagon's wares had been unloaded and carefully placed onto fold out tables and even a few racks for the stuff that obviously wanted to be sold quicker. When you folded a bunch of clothes up and put it on a table, people weren't going to look at it as much, but if you set it on a rack for everyone to see, they'd surely take a gander at it. At his main table, he made sure to put a few bits of jewellery and the like, brooches, necklaces, special cloak clasps, rings and what not.

This was a day that hopefully the King would decide to take a venture down to it. After all, there were so many people here, and a monarch sometimes got an itch to speak to his subjects. It was a good technique, come to the people, instead of having them gather in a town square or something along those lines. Sure it was a bit dangerous, but the King was favourable, well liked, assassination attempts were a far cry for the norm.

Damari supposed, if he looked at it from an outsiders angle, the whole thing smelled of an assassination. Had he not organize this himself...well, he'd believe it. He put on his simple finery, black hose leggings, a simple green tunic with a yellow belt tied around his waist. He even wore a hat, a quaint beret of sorts that he tilted to one side. His helper was also ready for when the real show started. A young girl, paid to look at his jewellery and clothes with interest. She was from the poorer side of town, and the thought of making a few silvers had been more than enough incentive. He made sure she looked it too, not that she needed too much help. A smudge of dirt here, some messed up hair there, a few new patches on her dress.   

People were already looking at his items as well, and soon he was starting to sell his merchandise. The best thing was to empty your wagon in one city, but leave that same city with a full wagon. after all, why waste the empty space? Even if he were to leave this city with a wagon full of potatoes or turnips, it would still mean he'd get a little extra money.

He just had to make sure he had enough for when...and if...the King stopped by. Some things in life could be guaranteed, but they could be swayed to the utmost degree that the chance of something happening was very high.


Luckily for the merchant, today was one of those days when the King couldn't stand being cooped up in the palace for one moment longer. Besides, he needed to keep his face in the minds of his subjects. He hated the idea that in many countries the people didn't even know what their rulers looked like. It was unheard of! After all, he was suppose to be representing them, and what better way to do that than to get to know them on their own levels?

And he meant on their level. None of this, locked up in a golden carriage riding through the streets while people cheered and threw flowers at the windows. It was ridiculous.

No, he would not be that kind of king. A Noble he might have been, but first and foremost he was a man, and he would do his best to live up to the same morals and struggles that the average person faced day to day. Sometimes while he was out, he would even roll up his sleeves and help the farmers, help the merchants. He wanted to show them that their roles in society was not above him, and he would do what he could to help them.

At first it was hard to convince people to let him work: they seemed to think it was demeaning, but he persisted. When they finally realized that he was serious and could do the same amount of hard labor as the normal man, they let him work and even appreciated it. He wasn't useless, and they needn't be worried that he would mess up their crops, or destroy their businesses because he was incompetent. If he didn't know how to do something, he would ask and laugh at his own mistakes.

He only hoped that it was creating a good impression. He didn't want to be their enemy. Although, Fenway wasn't stupid enough to think that all of his decisions were going to be popular. He still had to tax, he still had to judge, he still had to make hard decisions. He just hoped that his efforts would make those times easier for the people to accept because he was more than just that man on the throne.

So today was the day!

It was great that he didn't need to worry about planning really. He didn't need any gran preparations. The only thing important was a few guards and horses.

Donning a pair of gently worn leather breeches, a royal blue tunic that was trimmed in a little silver to represent Serendipity's colors, and some knee-high black boots, he was ready to go. The tunic was nothing special either. It was faded and made of very affordable fabrics. Of course, Fenway would have preferred to walk around in a loose linen shirt, but there was only so much he could get away with. They had tried to convince him to wear a "casual" crown for these outings, but that he flatly refused, choosing instead the less pompous option of the Serendipity insignia cast in silver and worn on a silver chain around his neck. This was the only part of his attire that looked remotely royal.

"Off we go!" he told his small guard, consisting of a few trusted knights, and the Head Mage Chailyn whom he took everywhere, hoping that she'd stop being so uptight and let loose a little bit. Today she seemed more on edge than normal, but that was probably just because he hadn't given any notice to this ride through the main city; no time to prep herself.

Ah well, he'd have to worry about her another day. Right now he wanted to get out.

Mounting his white gelding -stallions were too unpredictable- they set off through the castle walls; the king ignoring the disapproving glares of his advisers.

The ride into the capitol was uneventful, and when they arrived, the usual hullabaloo broke out. Enough people recognized the king that even those who didn't know him quickly learned and vacated the streets before him, leaving a nice little hallway of bodies for his horse to pass through. He smiled warmly at them all and dismounted, handing his reigns to one of the guards while he perused through the market place, greeting people as he went.

"Gallin!" He cried seeing a man he had gotten to know quite well on his many excursions out of the nice comfy palace walls. "How are you, my friend? Your wife and children doing well I trust?" and off he went into a conversation with one of the common men in the city. It was refreshing. The man had once been apprehensive about talking to the king, but learned quickly that he was a personable man who really did his best to get to know people. He learned that Fenway actually cared and listened to him when he talked.

After exchanging pleasantries with Gallin, and promising to stop by to see his family, the King continued his walk around the market. While he had been discussing things with Gallin he had noticed a young girl hanging around one of the merchant's tables. She seemed to be gazing longingly at the sparklies that littered his stand. Not that jewels were the only thing he sold....he seemed to have quite a variety of fine quality merchandise.

Continuing around the area, he couldn't help but keep glancing over at the young girl. She was obviously not nearly well off enough to have much of anything in regards to coin...

Finally, he was unable to stand it anymore.

With a polite excuse to the group he was talking to, he made he way over to the merchant's stand. Upon reaching it, he squatted down next to the girl who looked at him with large, fearful eyes. He smiled as warmly as he could.

"Hello there. What's your name?"

"A...Alais...." she stuttered, dipping into a low curtsy. With a gentle shake of his head, he touched her shoulders and gently pulled her out of her respectful gesture.

"No need for that Alais. We're all the same here. Were you interested in those pretty things?" asked Fenway, nodding at the display. She nodded shyly, feet shifting awkwardly as if she half wanted to flee, but was rooted in position regardless.  With another smile, the king stood and approached the stand, gazing and the myriad of jewels and trinkets.  He needed something that a young girl would like...


"What is your favorite color, Alais?" he asked, gazing over his shoulder. She stared at him fearfully and instead of answering, pointed to his tunic. He let out a low chuckle, "Blue is it?"

She nodded.

"Sire..." one of his guards approached him from the side, "Sire...are you sure you wish to--"

"Of course I'm sure. You don't need to stay by me and be so intimidating Yuria, you'll scare everyone away." The guard sighed visibly, obviously in stark disagreement to Fenway's ideas to walk practically unguarded in a very open, very vulnerable area. Ignoring Yuria as she walked a few paces back, obviously too dubious of the people to retreat back to the horses, Fenway gazed at the baubles and trinkets again, looking for a deep blue stone....

Ahh!  Perfect. It was small, simple, but the stone was of the purest, Serendipity blue.

"The young lady will have this one, please." he told the merchant, pointing at the trinket he had chosen, looking back and winking at the girl. She smiled hesitantly up at him, slowly warming up to the idea that the King was addressing her as an equal.

He leaned forward towards the merchant, "If you could wrap it that would be best. I would hate for her to lose it on her way home."


That man was a little predictable wasn't he? All it took was a whole lot of planning. The King wasn't a bad man though, and in the very least, Damari had no plans for anything bad to happen to the king. This was the only way to get a sure fire conversation with the king. That is, without buying his way into the palace and looking like some sort of assassin. This way, he was just a merchant, Damari had no ties to anything that had happened over the past few weeks.

The young girl he hired was doing quite the job. There was a man that was talking to her, and he knew that was Fenway. He'd made sure to have the best charcoal sketch artists get pictures for him. This man was surely the spitting image of the pictures at least. It was perfect then. The little girl, oh...Alais that was her name, she was doing everything perfectly! Like clay in her hands, being molded into the right image. Someone who'd approach his table.

Damari just went about his business, selling his merchandise but keeping his supply of jewellery full. He could have laughed out loud at the whole thing. It was all coming together...perfectly.

There was an approach now, he almost despised the guard that was talking to the King. Oh that was not good. His eyes went narrow as he watched the exchanged, but once again returned to normal as the King waved the guard off. A grin was on Damari's face as he went back to his work.

"Ah...very good choice, my good man." It wasn't a mean tone of course, but Fenway seemed to want people to think that he was just another man. To Damari, then he would think that way. It was refreshing really, thinking that a King wanted his subjects to know that they were equals. Fenway was just doing his job, and it gave him power, but the power didn't corrupt him.

"We wouldn't want anything to happen to it, that'd be terrible." Damari said with a kind smile as he began to fetch a small bit of cloth. He carefully wrapped the little trinket up, and then tied it shut with a fancy piece of ribbon. The nice wrapped up present was placed upon the main table he worked behind, and he tried to figure his next words from here. Sure, he had a special gift he wanted Fenway to have, but it was so early in the day that it seemed...wrong to give it to him now. However, Damari had the king right here, right now, so there were many things that he had to think of doing.

"For you sir, that will be twenty five silver moons." Ah the money system of Serendipity. A rather creative, albeit confusing, system that really could do with an overhaul at some point in time. What to say now...could he really just say 'Oh, by the way, the Gilded Highway says thank you for being such a profitable country.' Would the King even know of the Gilded Highway, or would he just look on in confusion? There were a few questions that had to be asked then.

A bit more research was needed.

Sure, at this time the Gilded Highway wasn't a whole lot of anything. Mostly merchants from different countries who worked with spies and thieves. It wasn't a bad business relationship, spies and thieves could find out about market prices quite easily, and as long as you were part of the Highway people wouldn't go undercutting profit from each other. Of course, the Highway was all about secrecy, which meant people have to be invited into the...well, it was a Guild of sorts. For now it was more of an Information network really, but Damari had found it quite useful with shipping objects and transporting produce around. It gave him and his partners all sorts of ideas that they could use the Gilded Highway for.

It wouldn't just be for dealing in secrets, they'd be able to more efficiently ship trade items around, and getting a heavy amount of merchants involved, both travelling and stationary they'd have a great front. Some merchants would know about the deepest part of the Highway, while others would just enjoy the fact that prices would be in agreement, shipping would be cheaper, and that they could get word to various other merchants and have a discount. Perhaps a bit complex, but Damari did enjoy a nice complex plan.

Plans were in the works, and while they all knew it would stay somewhat secret (mainly for the fact they worked with thieves) it would become very useful for people who knew about it. They'd spread rumours and what not to the common folk, to people who would surely use it. However, Fenway would make for a good user of the Highway.

"Ah, King Fenway...sir...I would just like you to know, that on behalf of myself, and the people that I serve, we would like to thank you for having such an economically stable and prosperous nation." Damari bowed to the King. "They've made quite a bit of money off of your kingdom, and taxes on travelling merchants and caravans are a little light so...they would like to present you with a gift."

Hopefully this wasn't suspicious.

Like the fact that he knew he was the king. Then again, the armed guards and the amulet he wore did give him away somewhat. Just...somewhat. Still, Damari really didn't like the idea of being interrogated and what not, messy business, could end with him on the rack. He shuddered at the very thought of it.


The king stood by the stand, turning to wink at the young girl, flashing a grin when their eyes locked. She, too, grinned back. Her entire face lit up at the kindness he was showing her. It must have been thrilling to be noticed by someone of such a high rank, even if she wasn't aware the he was the King. She was very young after all and probably didn't know a lot about political matters.

Turning back, his eyebrows rose when he saw the merchant leaning forward as if to grab the attention of his customer. One hand behind his back, Fenway leaned forward, simultaneously moving the hidden hand in a series of patterns that only his guards would understand. Onlookers would just assume he was fiddling his fingers, or stretching. From his years as the Lord Knight Commander, he knew how to be discrete and how to keep things from others. There was no way the merchant would notice anything was amiss.

The soldiers barely blinked when they saw his signal, continuing to stand by but keeping this merchant under their radar more so than before. His hand movements had informed that that something fishy was happening and to standby. The moment his other hand itched his shoulder, they would be on him and any attempt the merchant might be planning would be decimated before it could even fly.

He was no fool.

"The people you work for?" He asked in a low voice, eyes narrowed as he remained a good distance from the merchant. He would not be caught off guard. The sword at his belt had been loosened from its hilt for quick draw, the dagger on his belt was only a flick away. He might be reckless, but he wasn't stupid, and years of military training were instilled his his movements like clockwork.

It would take a lot to get by him.


This was the moment that could be very bad, or perhaps very good depending on how the situation went. If he was careful, he'd survive, if he wasn't...well he'd probably end up a dungeon trying to explain himself. The idea of the dungeon wasn't fetching, so it was time to walk very carefully, and to talk very carefully. He knew how suspicious it sounded too.

The people he worked for.

"Yes m'lord, that's right." Damari told him, carefully eyeing the king. He hadn't seen the hand signals, but he knew when a sword was loosened in the hilt. This was the dangerous part, that he needed to be careful with. "A group of men and women who are dedicated to uniting merchants. Forming a coalition of sorts to allow them to ship messages and packages, as well as keep steady prices in the countries to stop from there being an increase in market prices and to keep a stable global economy." Someone had to think of the world on a whole after all, stopping there from being price gouges and ruining the economy. It was a simple matter really, he was surprised no one had honestly thought of it before.

"Oh, lock your sword back into place Fenway, that...probably was not the best choice of words." The merchant told the king as he regarded him carefully. "I really do mean that they want to give you an actual gift, a present sire." Damari told him as he took a step back, putting his hands up defensively. "If you would allow me, I have the gift in my wagon." Damari retreated to the wago and carefully pulled away the side of the wagon so he could get better access to his wares. He made sure to stay off to the side so that the King could clearly see what he was doing.

Damari finally found the small box and took it out. It wasn't big enough to hold any weapon, at least nothing conventional at least. It was very ornate too, made from a deep mahogany coloured wood. He carefully lifted the lid up, showing the contents of the box to the king. It was a very strange object, a six pointed star made of clay. The entire thing looked like it had been created by something with claws instead of fingers. There were several very roughly cut gems affixed into the spikes of the stars, as well as a rough diamond in the centre of the star. It was attached by a silver chain that, like everything else was roughly made.

Damari placed it on the table in front of the king, smiling all the while. "This is what they want you to have King Fenway. It's called the Draconis Light Giver, or the Dragon's Star. The people I serve acquired it a while ago from another merchant, and they thought it was quite an interesting little item. It doesn't hold much material value, though the gems are probably worth something. It isn't strictly religious, but as far as anyone can tell...Dragons might have created this long ago, and it might hold some special value for them. They naturally thought that you might be someone who could use such a thing." Damari explained to the King as he removed the amulet carefully from the box to show the king properly. "You could wear it, display it, use it in some negotiations with dragons or even with other countries if you so please." Damari went on, shrugging his shoulders as he placed it back into the box.

"So they want you to have this, because of the country that you run. I've never walked out of this country without having made a nice tidy profit, and so have the people that I work with. They just wanted you to know that they greatly appreciate your reign sir, and that if you need anything, the Gilded Highway is at your of charge."


The King listened skeptically to the Merchant's words, working carefully to keep his face from showing any form of emotion that could possibly give away the workings of his mind. He was extremely wary of this man, and made no move to come closer to him as he spoke. It was intriguing, to be sure, but something else was nagging him in the back of his mind. In all of his years in Serendipity he had never once gotten wind of any sort of "merchant organization" and, if his expression wasn't being held in its stoic, diplomatic state, his eyes would have narrowed. It sounded more like a secret organization, and secret organizations led to spies. Of course...spies were not always bad, he himself used them on more than one occasion to keep track of the noble households as well as making sure that treasonous activities were not among dinner conversations. He didn't like doing it, but then...

He was King.

Not everyone would be happy with him, and he was determined to know who was and wasn't loyal to him. He would never be able to act without sure facts, but knowing those prone to treasonous talk helped him keep an eye on those certain individuals.

However...this did not mean he wasn't wary of any type of spy network. Especially one that seemed so keen to keep the economy going. If this group was as prominent as this man seemed to be portraying, it would not do well for the King to insult him. He might use his resources to force Serendipity's trade routes down the drain.

No no...that would not do...

But neither would allying himself with an organization without further research. It would be one of the first things he did once back at the palace. Any additional information his own networks could dig up on some sort of merchant spy group or what not.

When the merchant mentioned his sword, Fenway let his stoic expression break into a small smile that did not reach his eyes. "Ah..but that would simply be silly of me." He replied making no move to lock his sword in its hilt. "You see, you may not be a threat but that does not mean I won't have to use it in this crowd on the off chance a dissenter is present. You understand, of course." A very diplomatic answer. Since he seemed to keen on speaking with the King of Serendipity, he would have to deal with it or leave empty handed.

He watched, face back to its diplomatic blank, as the merchant placed the amulet onto the table before him, looking over its strange design and paying attention to his description, yet making no attempt to take it. With another swift hand signal, one of the guards appeared beside him, the others flanking the king as the signaled guard waited for Fenway's instructions.

"I thank you for this gift, and I am glad that you are able to remain so profitable in my country. It would please me to speak with you further about this Gilded Highway at a later date if you feel so inclined." He nodded to the guard who reached forward and took the crest. If any curse or magical attack had been placed on it, the guard would receive the brunt of it, not the king. Of course, the armor they wore helped to negate magical qualities of objects so they would not be injured....hopefully.


He wondered how surprised the King would be if he found out that Damari was really in disguise, and that the merchant guild that was currently being created had a lot more ties to Serendipity than he could imagine. Like the fact that it helped when your biological father was actually a High Lord of Serendipity and controlled a rather trade-heavy province. That's something that always tickled him, when he found out who his father really was. Granted he already had started to build his empire by then, but when you could throw around the name here and there, it definitely helped.

Still, he didn't want the King to get suspicious, or for the King to start spreading his description around. Granted, his visage seemed to change in every country, as did his name and his venue of wares. Sometimes it was hard to be him.

"You? Use your sword as punishment for an unhappy person? Now that's not the Fenway I've gotten reports about." He could have just said heard about, he could have just said read about, but the subject of books with Fenway were slim, however...reports. Reports meant that you knew someone through other means. Reports put doubt into people's mind and made them wonder who was a friend, and who could possibly be a spy.

Reports was a good word.

He did give the king credit, the face never changed. Everything about the king was being as diplomatic as possible. It was really quite interesting, because he himself put on full emotion. He showed every bit of excitement, every bit of sadness or happiness, which was the customary way of Damari. Damari was a very emotional person at times, but his face was honest and when a man's expressions played on his face, you tended to think that you could get the better of him. After all, you could see the reaction, the surprise, the hurt, you could see it all.

"Sire I'd talk to you about from dawn till dusk if you would allow me." The King was smart for sure. However it wasn't magical, there was no curse, no blessing, it was simply old and it created obviously by some creatures that had to use claws and teeth. It even had a very slight smell of dragons still. That no doubt would be in there forever. Damari watched, a pleased smile on his face as nothing happened to the guard when he took the crest. "You should give that guard of yours a medal of some sort Fenway. No hesitation, no fear, willing to forgo his own safety. That is the mark of a true loyalist. I would tip my hat to you, friend Guard, if only I had one." Damari was actually being sincere, the tone of his voice and his fluid gestures backed that particular statement up. He really was impressed by the Guard's willingness. That amulet had been an unknown, it could have done anything, and yet he took it up without any care as to what would happen to him.

You had to admire that in the people that guarded you.

"I will tell you what your majesty. Around here is a nice little tavern, quaint little place run by a delightful older gentleman. I believe it's called the Purple Grape if I remember correctly. If you want to see me in private within the next week while I finish selling my wares, go there and ask the man behind the counter 'Where you can find a nice Inn with a cold fireplace.' Then, if you want to meet somewhere, leave an address, if you want to wait, I'll be there within an hour or so." Setting up locations for the Gilded Highway were not always easy. The gentleman who ran the place however, had been a merchant, and he could see the benefits of a merchant guild, as well as using merchants and what not as an information network. The only thing was to get the merchant guild out there first. Have the cover story working fully for them.

"I would like you to know King, that there is no reason we can't be friends you know. You are a powerful man who has brought many good fortunes upon me, and my fellow Merchants. You keep a fair tax on local and foreign affairs, and that's absolutely wonderful. If you ever need anything of me, know that you have the full support of myself and the higher ups of the Merchant Guild, the Gilded Highway." It was surprising no organized Guild had been created for such a thing yet. Perhaps no one really saw in the grand scheme of things like he did. He wanted a fleet of merchants within every land, to have fair market prices all over the land. Plus, he really did want to have an information and...he wouldn't call it smuggling per se, but if something needed to move quietly, it could happen. much to do, and still, so little time left.