Spirits of the Earth

Community => General Discussion => Art => Topic started by: Anonymous on August 26, 2009, 07:25:34 PM

Question: What do you think?
Option 1: okay votes: 0
Option 2: weird votes: 1
Option 3: creepy votes: 0
Option 4: cool votes: 0
Option 5: dark votes: 0
Option 6: touching votes: 0
Option 7: makes me think votes: 0
Option 8: sucks votes: 0
Option 9: really good votes: 0
Option 10: wow votes: 0
Option 11: ... votes: 1
Title: Just some old poerty
Post by: Anonymous on August 26, 2009, 07:25:34 PM
Title: Joy of a Darkened Heart

Darkness is what you see,
Darkness is what you feel,
Love you hate,
Pain you love.
Death is what you want to bring,
Pain is what you want to see.
And death you shall see,
And pain you shall bring.
The joy you will feel,
From the pain will bring,
And the death you will see.
Title: Taste of Death

Dark scary night
Sharp shinny knives
Stab and slash
In and out of your body
Slowly, painfully
You die, your lose of blood
Your eyes roll back
Your last breath squeezed from your chest
Your blood still gushes from you dead
You lay dead in a pool of your own blood
Cold limp
Your last memories of pain, Is what
You'll meet your maker with.
Title: Army of Death
As you walk, the devil and his
Army watch
They wait in silence.
You know then are there,
But you don't know where.
Their hands on you,
You try to scream, but the fear is
To much.
The cold metal ripping at your flesh,
Over and over again. Till you can't
Move. Now you see his army, now
You feel his wrath, now you feel
Nothing at all.
Title: Nightmare

At night I lay awake,
Hoping with all the hope that's
Left in my life.
That there is someone
In my dark world
That will shine a light onto me.
To hide me
From the pain
And the sorrow
That I feel at night.
Title: Abuse

Mother's use to care,
Now they drink in sorrow.
Father's use to hug,
Now they rape those they love.
Children use to run and play,
Now they run with fear .
Teens use to go out at dark,
Now they shake with anger and hate.
When will the people stop the abuse?
When will kids stand up to the abuse?
Title: Suicide is Painless
I lay awake,
Thinking of what,
I have to live for,
Then I realize that I have...
Nothing to live for.
I now know that suicide,
Is the only way out,
Of my life that is filled...
with pain.
For suicide is painless,
For the one who fells pain the most,
Is the one, who is bullied by others,
Who has no one to live for,
For all Hate them!!!
Title: Change

The world was green,
Now the world is black,
Grass grew wild,
Now it grows in pots,
The rivers were clean,
Now they are poisoned,
Animals ran free,
Now we keep them in cages,
We lived in peace,
Now we live in fear,
Have we changed?
For the better,
Or for the worse,
We ask ourselves this,
But cannot find the answers.

Title: Dark love
It is a night of ethereal pain, a song of sorrow,
wolves vent their loneliness. The dark one
Curling, icy wisps of death shrouds her pale form,
an everlasting agony.
Her inky black hair cascades over
translucent ivory shoulders, and her
full deeply crimson lips part slightly, to taste the
life streaming from the
pale flesh beneath
Now a night of new life,
I remember her.
Title: Alone in Darkness
The night falls as if slain by the sun, soulless are we.
The understanding for which you sacrifice yourself
flares once, then dies,
swallowed by the all-encompassing dark.
All hope must surely perish.

Your soul thrives no more.
How could you abandon me?
Shadows surround us, crying,
we have lost our way.


All by me ^_^