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an artful agglomeration of dubious quality XD

Started by Tally, April 13, 2005, 10:58:59 PM

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AWWW! Its Ash! *snugs poor babe* Nice, 'manda!

His poor scars..


Once again, I really like the way you did the hair. And yep, the robe looks very realistic.


Oookay, since I keep turning out these so-called "pictures" I'll just use this one thread for 'em all so I don't spam the board.

It's time for another sketchbook dump!

Now that I've got Rintrah back in the game, it's got me thinking a lot about Akki and how this'll affect him with the result being that I went on a little Akkiel drawing spree. Here's the first one:

It's your typical portraity sketches. I rilly, rilly like how the second one came out.

And this is just a cute little chibi thing with a Tuyen cameo. Hehe, I started this one by drawing that huge, silly grin Akki's got and it looked so funny I just had to throw Tuyen in the picture. But this'll never happen; it's just wishful thinking on Kirshna's part. ^^

And speaking of Tuyen...I'm just aching to post him. XD Guess I'll just have to give him his own thread. I was looking for one to toss him in, but now I'm thinking that wouldn't work since there's just no way in hell he'd get involved in someone else's business.

Alrighty, that's all for now. I'll inflict more spam art on y'all as I finish 'em. ^^


*snort* Oh gods... XDD

...I think I like Tuyens look, shocked, horrified, scared, and maybe even soon-to-be murderous.

I like the drawings. :)