Spirits of the Earth

Joining and Plotting => Le'raanian Characters => Character Registration and Directory => Essyrn => Topic started by: Goldie on September 02, 2023, 09:49:45 AM

Title: Snarg
Post by: Goldie on September 02, 2023, 09:49:45 AM

__________________QUICK STATS
Sebastián Nathaniel Aristoph Reginald Gremwold III 

But he goes by Snarg






Wherever the money is

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Snarg is very strong. His muscles are big and great for smashing things. He is very tall. So tall. Like a mountain. Snarg has darker skin and black eyes. 

Snarg likes to smash things. A lot. If he can smash, he will do. Snarg is mad when someone is taller than him. Snarg doesn't like that. Snarg needs to be tallest and strongest and will prove it with his fists.

Ok 😂 can't keep this up.


None that he knows of, but he is stupidly strong which some think might stem from magic

Relationships are for the weak.

Sebastián Gremwold III is the first born from a wealthy merchant family. He was raised to take over the family business and was trained in arithmetic, writing, book keeping, and general lording over underlings.

He. Hated. It.

But he couldn't let his family down. So he learned his letters, practiced his numbers, and trained to protect cargo from bandits.

When he was in his mid-twenties, he was entrusted with transporting a very large, very important bit of trade across the continent. His two younger brothers came with him - it was that big of a deal!

On the road, they were attacked. Sebastián was beaten so badly he nearly lost his life, but survived. His brothers, however, would succumb to their wounds. His family blamed him for their deaths - how could some as large as him be bested!? Was it his intent to have his brothers killed to eliminate any competition?

Sebastián trained day and night, determined to be the best, to never be bested again. He stopped doing anything but training. He cut out everyone in his life. 

His family became scared of the strength he accumulated and disowned him. His sister inherited, and he left his home and his identity behind.

Snarg was born.

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