Spirits of the Earth

Serendipity => Wester Highlands => Topic started by: Vincent on February 15, 2013, 08:26:54 AM

Title: Ringing Revelations (Open to Southroad Bandits) *A mature themed thread*
Post by: Vincent on February 15, 2013, 08:26:54 AM
This takes place sometime after The Hangover and Sylus's and Eliana's sexcapades.

Don't ask me about the title because I'm tired and I don't know either!


The breeze whispered to the night, the hushed allure of its words softly teasing the trees and gently coaxing their leaves to rustle...perhaps jealous of the night and the secrets that the wind confided in it. Standing beneath one of those envious trees there stood two figures shrouded in cloth that was as dark as the night mistress herself silhouetted against the bright white luminescence of the moon's light.

"Are you sure that you want to become involved in this? " The taller figure inquired, " It might be more trouble than it's worth. " The figure's inflection revealed the speaker to be male, and spoke in a voice that was deep and smooth , perhaps sounding as alluring as the whispering winds.

The other figure was much shorter than the man, hardly reaching over five feet tall and was much thinner and less muscularly toned than their companion by comparison, " Trouble is precisely the very reason why I'm sure that I want to do this, "  The voice that spoke was undeniably female, almost melodic and silvery like one of the fae folk. The inflection bore an air of sophistication , the diction of an educated lady. The woman held out her hand to the man and looked up at him expectantly, " I trust that you have it, then. Give it to me. It's safer in my hands than anyone else's."

"Yeah. It wasn't very difficult obtaining it but-, "the male reached into his pant pocket and held out a ring in his palm which the woman claimed from him swiftly.

"Excellent work. I didn't expect you to be successful. I'm impressed. But don't let that go to your head, rookie, " The woman was quick to knock his ego back down to ground level, " You want in ? Well, I'm going to make you work for it. So hard til you bleed and cry for your mommy like a frightened little girl. If on the extremely unlikely circumstance that you manage to survive the hell I put you through, then maybe you'll see Jackal himself."

"My name is Jassir-"

"I don't care if your name is Shirley , rookie. To me, you're the rookie. You don't matter. Not yet, anyway. Not until I'm sure that you can be useful to us and that you can be trusted. From this point on, you piss where I tell you to and scratch your balls only when I say so. Your ass is mine, are we clear? "

The man nodded,  "As crystal , M'lady. But, M'lady there is something else that you should probably know. "

"What might the be? " the woman slipped the ring into her vest pocket and eyed her newest recruit critically.

"His door wasn't locked. In fact, it was left wide open and , I don't know the little guy's cleaning habits, but the room was in a complete state of chaos. It looked like the place had been ransacked."

The woman released and irritated sigh, " No sign of the lizard?"

The man shrugged, " I haven't seen him since he left the elf's bar. I tried asking around , but the only eyewitnesses were either drunk or , uh, busy. " The man frowned, " You don't think he had something to do with the incident?"

"You mean the attack? " She shook her head , " I don't think so..."

"Seems like an awful coincidence. "

She chuckled, "This is not the first time we've had trouble with the law before , but you're right. The timing of this is a bit suspicious. I suppose this matter would require further looking into. While I study this artifact, I want you to sniff around. Ask questions, find the kobold if you can but be discreet. Do not discuss the reasons with anyone. The last thing we need is a bunch of oafish thugs fighting over a power they don't have the aptitude to respect. I'm hoping our search doesn't have to extend beyond the Towers. Sekeo should still be around. I was hoping he'd be able to identify the bandit he'd won this ring from. Anyway, report back to me with your findings tomorrow evening an hour after the sun sets. We'll meet in this spot. "

"Am I training to be a bandit or a spy?" Jassir grinned.

The woman ignored his humor. "Remember to meet here tomorrow after sunset. Don't be late." She left him standing there, proceeding her way down the road alone. There was no doubt in his mind whether or not she would be safe. Lady Leolin was rather resourceful, after all.

Jassir turned away from the road and looked back over his shoulder at the Deadfall Towers, his new and temporary home. He started up the rocky incline and when he made it to the Towers he paused to speak with one of the bandits standing sentry,the man had no useful information for him so he went inside and moved on.

He moved through the tower, inquiring time and time again about Sekeo's whereabouts but no one seemed to know where he was. Finally, one man, a large robust brute of a fellow who might have been a bugbear jabbed Jassir in the rib cage with his claw roughly but not so much to puncture flesh, "Rookie, " he grunted, "wot yer want? That witch woman sent ya, didn't she? If this is about me ownin' her yer kin tell 'er that she'll be gettin' 'er bloody money when I'm damn good 'n ready t' pay-"

"Actually, " Jassir interjected, "I'm just looking for a kobold. Sekeolath'zhin? You haven't seen him by any chance, have you Havik?" Though he was new, he made it a point of remembering names. At least as many as he could.

Havik scratched his furry chin, "Yer mean th' lil lizard guy? Yeah. I've seen him , " He gave a snort that sounded comparable to that of a boar, " Wot yer want 'im fer, eh? He stealin' from yer too?"

Jassir almost said no, but then he quickly realized that such an excuse would be a good , believable reason to be searching for the tricky little creature, "Yes, actually. How did you know that?"

Havik grinned, " Cos he does it all the time. Personally, I'd kill the scaly little runt m'self were it up to me, but Jackal sees somethin' valuable enough in 'im. Damn good thief, that 'un, but too much trouble. Heh. "

Shrugging Jassir politely stirred the conversation in his direction of interest, "So you were telling me about where I might find him?"

"I'd ask Wulfgar or ye kin try seein' that saucy lil minx. He's always pokin' around in her room, takin' sommat. "

"Saucy little...minx?" Jassir looked at Havik, curiously. There were quite a number of those running around the place! "You'll have to be a little more specific than that. You mean one of the ,uh, whores?"

Havik shook his head, "Naw. Not one of those second-rate trashy bitches. I'm talkin' 'bout Eliana. Heh heh. "

"Eliana? " He inquired, feigning his ignorance perfectly. As far as the bandits were concerned, he'd never met the woman and knew nothing about her. He'd been here at the Towers for a couple days shy of a week now. However, he'd been briefed by his associate and he knew about her. Though he had yet to see her. All he had to go off of was his associate's desciption of her.

Havik smirked at him, "You'll know when ya see her. "

"Really? Hrm. I don't suppose you could tell me where I might find her?" This was a piece of information that his associate had failed to find. "

"I've seen her at Sylus's joint. And uh...well, she might be at her personal quarters. Though I'd try the bar first. Yer likely to find ole Wulfgar there."

Jassir smiled and nodded, "Thanks,"

Havik grinned, "No problem, kid. Say hi to Eliana for me."

Without further ado, Jassir made his way to the bar hoping to find either Wulfgar, Eliana or someone else who might know where the kobold had run off to.

ooc: I am perfectly fine with him not finding who he's looking for!
Title: Re: Ringing Revelations (Open to Southroad Bandits) *A mature themed thread*
Post by: Ivory on February 15, 2013, 12:49:01 PM
OOC: I like the title!  There are so many R's!

Eliana, as it happened, was at the bar, along with a number of other bandits.  She was, after all, a social creature, and, as destestable as she found the company of some, she never relished the thought of spending a great deal of time alone.

Besides, she was as big a fan of liquor and cards as anyone.

Coins littered the tabletop around the five poker players.  Three of the players -- Eliana among them -- looked to be about tied.  The other two were losing terribly.  The thief had little sympathy for the losers; after all, if they weren't good at poker, they shouldn't be playing!

She looked to be in her element.  In spite of the company, she was dressed like she was out on the town and on the arm of a nobleman.  Her dark hair was braided back in a complicated series of knots and secured in a large bun at the base of her skull on the right side.  A white and pink lily had been woven into the bun and braids on that side, and it was pinned prettily just above her ear.  The long, white open-back dress she wore emphasized her curves, while, simultaneously, leaving enough to the imagination to be intriguing.  A pair of diamonds decorated her ears, and a matching bracelet clung to one forearm.

Her blue eyes were alight with laughter as Jassir walked in, the sound of her mirth all-but lost among the guffaws and belly-laughs of the men around her.  She certainly had no reason to take note of Jassir's entrance, except that it happened to coincide with the moment she realized her glass was empty.

"I'll fold," she announced after eyeballing the man directly across the table from her.  "You look too happy to be holding anything so small!  And I need a refill, anyway!"  Laughter met her proclamation and followed her as she made her way towards the makeshift bar in search of a refill.
Title: Re: Ringing Revelations (Open to Southroad Bandits) *A mature themed thread*
Post by: Vincent on February 15, 2013, 03:51:30 PM
Jassir was not young nor was he one of the more pretty looking men, but he did stand out. He was one of the few Essyrni present in the bar and being one of the few possessing a darker complexion, he wasn't difficult to pinpoint in the crowd. Even if he'd been of a fairer complexion, there were other peculiarities about the man that set him apart. There were other men with piercings and tattoos, but Jassir was decorated with them in a manner that was admirably artistic. His attire, on the other hand, were quite simple  and plain, far less ostentatious than some of the garments that some of the thriving bandits did favor, yet not so uncomplimentary to a man of his roguish allure. His clothing fit him just right and matched the cleanliness of his person.

Upon entering the bar, his eyes swept over the room and took in every little detail. He wasn't quite sure what Havik meant by "you'll know when you see her" , but he figured that if he asked around enough, then someone might be able to point the woman out in the crowd.
There were a lot of people here and he wasn't sure where to start. Who better to ask than the person who ran this establishment? He approached the bar and it was only when he turned his head that he noticed a woman who seemed overdressed for a place like this. He stared at her, blinking a couple times. If he had been drinking, he would have assumed that he must have been drunk. The presence of such a lovely woman amidst so much ugliness struck him as rather offbeat and, dare he entertain the thought, a little intriguing.

He shook his head looked away for a moment as if to clear it and then it did occur to him that he might have found the person he was really looking for. He glanced over his shoulder at her, dark eyes drinking in her figure nonchalantly and indirectly as he recalled his associate's description of her. She seemed to match his more than flattering description, perhaps exceed it even.

Jassir now pretended to notice Eliana near him. His act was almost impeccable though he wasn't trying too hard and one might have picked up on his subtle interest in the woman.  His gaze now fully focused on her was appreciative, but hardly lascivious.

"So what's the special occasion? Have a date with Prince Charming?" He grinned, his nearly perfect white teeth contrasting well against his dark skin. He turned his head away from her and pretended to scan the throng, "Hm. I don't think I see him."  His tone was cheery, and could have certainly been perceived as flirtatious. His intentions, however , were merely to engage in friendly conversation and work up to inquiring about the kobold while leaving a , hopefully, positive impression upon her. Or , at least, not a negative one. As soon as he had impressed Leolin and Jackal, he could work on his real target.

Ooc: Hm. *adds "corny" to list of Jassir's personality traits*  Silly thing!
Title: Re: Ringing Revelations (Open to Southroad Bandits) *A mature themed thread*
Post by: Ivory on February 16, 2013, 06:43:08 PM
Eliana had only just set her mug down when a voice caught her ear.  It wasn't a voice she was familiar with, and, glancing sideways, she realized why.  The speaker was clearly a newcomer.  Her eyes swept over him, taking in every details with a playful, almost admiring smirk.

"What's wrong with a man simply telling a woman that she looks beautiful?" she asked coyly, seeming more amused by his comment than offended.  She turned to face him fully and took a small step towards him so that she wasn't quite pressed against him -- but she was certainly in his personal space.  It was partly for effect and partly so that he might be able to hear her over the rest of the clamor when she lowered her voice to add, "Would you rather I wore a burlap sack?  Or, perhaps, nothing at all?"

She was still smirking, her eyes shining with laughter.  For most men, her approach would have been enough to make them hesitate; to her, it was like a cat batting around a mouse, and it amused her every bit as much.

"I've been told about you," she went on cheerfully as she turned away from him, lifting her glass to signal the bartender to refill her drink.  The thief was watching him closely out of the corner of her eye, however, as she continued.  "Tall, dark, and handsome.  You're the rookie, aren't you?"
Title: Re: Ringing Revelations (Open to Southroad Bandits) *A mature themed thread*
Post by: Vincent on February 17, 2013, 04:42:01 AM
"Nothing wrong with that at all," Jassir conceded with smile, "but given your state of dress, I figured that my humor was entirely apt, no? What can I say ? I couldn't resist, " he chuckled lightly , only raising a brow at her curiously when she drew near him.

Her inquiry brought a broader grin spreading across roguish face, " Do you have a burlap bag available within your wardrobe for such an occasion?" He inquired his odd comicality ever present. It seemed like an absurd idea, but knowing what this woman had done for a living and having an understanding of whores , he wouldn't have been surprised to learn that she ,in fact ,did. "Nudity is an enticing option, though it takes away from some of the mystery of contemplating what's underneath." Not that he didn't have a fairly good guess!

A saucy minx she was, indeed!  He wasn't intimidated though. His approach had no sexual intentions behind it and even if it did, he'd allowed himself to be toyed with before and sometimes the occasion called for him to be the tease. It was all just a game, but he need not play such a game right now. He was here on different business, though a little casual exchange of verbal flirtation could do no harm.   

"Hopefully, everything you've been hearing has been flattering, " though he doubted that. Most of the bandits relished giving the man a hard time. They seemed quite determined to make him breakdown and quit. Some held out hope that he'd cry. They had no idea that he'd gone through a much harsher initiation program before than this.He grinned at her, " They think I'm handsome? That's quite a step up from what they usually call me. " 

He shook his head at her calling him rookie. "Yes, that would be me. My name is Jassir Uuka, as soon as Leolin decides that I'm worthy of claiming an identity, " he chuckled. One would have thought it would bother him, but Leolin was a kinder master than his own. He wouldn't have minded serving her if he'd been born to more generous circumstances.

He did not miss that she was watching him for his eyes had followed her.
Title: Re: Ringing Revelations (Open to Southroad Bandits) *A mature themed thread*
Post by: Ivory on February 20, 2013, 08:07:32 PM
"Then I shall call you Jassir," the thief responded pointedly.  "As I happen to disagree with your lady's methods."  It was the nature of the business where women were not often welcome members of a gang.  Eliana respected Lady Leolin for a great many of her traits and abilities, but there was always -- and would always be -- a degree of competition between the two.  In this instance, Eliana felt the need to distinguish herself from the other woman...

Besides, Eliana felt rather strongly about slavery and servitude.  No man or woman should, in her mind, have the right to define someone else's identity.

"But, Jassir, let me warn you that a woman's state of dress is her own affair and is not something to be taken lightly or to view as a joke.  She's liable to take it as an insult."  She glanced at him, then, still smiling that same smile and practically purring.  "A woman of class chooses her style deliberately to emphasize her legs, or her hips, or her breasts."  To underline her point, her hand pressed against the inside of her thigh, travelling upwards to pause on her hip, then rising even further to brush enticingly against her breast.  "If you don't appreciate the view, I'm sure I could find someone here to cut out your eyes and spare you the trouble."  Her chuckle was soft and low as she lifted her glass from the counter and held it up in a mock toast.  "Jassir."  Throwing her head back, she swallowed down the bitter shot, then set the glass down on the bar for another refill.

With her warning spoken, she considering that unpleasantness quite past -- unless he chose to bring it up again and forced her to make good on her threat.  She supposed Lady Leolin would not be happy if she blinded her new toy...  Well, hopefully he wasn't that stupid.

"Are you looking for a drink or just a bit of fun?" she asked smugly, as pleasantly as you please.