Spirits of the Earth

Flashback Threads => Flashback Threads => Everywhere Else => Topic started by: Anonymous on April 08, 2009, 03:57:16 PM

Title: Bits of the Past
Post by: Anonymous on April 08, 2009, 03:57:16 PM
Screams filled the air and the smell of smoke seeped through the cracks of the ship. 'What in the name of Anaisyn is going on?' Miakoda thought to herself as she exited her below deck cabin. She was heading to a small island in the middle of the Tuor Ocean, there she was going to do some healing for the native and perhaps get a few converts out of it. So far it had been a relatively peaceful trip, but Miakoda always knew to keep her eyes open. The followers of Dyscadeus were always after them and in the last year or so they had managed to kill off all but a handful of Anaisyn's followers.

Miakoda went top side to see what was going on. What she saw she did not expect. The top of the ship was on fire and most of the crew was scrambling to get buckets of water or was just throwing themselves over board. The captain was trying to get everyone organized but in the heat of panic no one was listening. Quickly she looked for what was the source of the chaos. She did not expect to see Adamarcus, one of Dyscadeus' most powerful servants and her personal enemy.

"Ah. There you are my pet. I was wondering when you would come out and play with me." Adamarcus purred as he held his hand aloft. From his hand a large fire ball shot forth to catch one of the masts on fire.

"Adamarcus. When will you learn that you'll never be able to kill all of us. Even if you kill me the name of Anaisyn will still continue." Miakoda said fiercely, pulling her rapier from it's scabbard.

"Oh, but you are wrong, my dear. So very wrong." He said teasingly. His body then started to blur, his skin turned a very dark shade of red and scales became very prominent on him. Large wings sprouted from his back and his face elongated to that of a dragons. In mere moments the man that was Adamarcus was now a huge red dragon with the powers of the abyss behind him. "You see, my naive girl, you are the last follower of your precious Anaisyn. The others were all massacred today as they met for worship. You are the only who escaped it. And now you will follow after them and DIE!" As he finished saying this, he opened wide his mouth and a huge stream of hot fire rushed at her.

Miakoda quickly dodged aside, but not without getting a bit scorched. What he told her stunned her. Surely she could not be the last one. She sought for the link to Anaisyn and felt only...sadness. Then it was true. She was the last. This couldn't be...how could it be... she didn't understand. She did know though that if she died, Anaisyn would die with her. She couldn't let that happen. Thankfully she knew that Adamarcus could not swim. She hated leaving the ship's crew to a horrible fate, but Anaisyn would forgive her this once. She dove off the side of the ship and into the water, praying Anaisyn would keep her safe. As she was sinking below the surface, she heard a blood cuddling scream as Adamarcus realized he had lost her to the water.