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Of Wings and Things

Started by miss_sanguine, November 29, 2011, 02:16:41 PM

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"I tried to tell you to stop," he said, flustered. Words never came easy when he was flooding with both his own emotions and those of his cat's. He couldn't remember what he'd said, but he was quite certain whatever it was had been along the lines of making her cease. Even if he hadn't exactly wanted her to. "And I have money, if you're really so upset about it," he added a little vindictively, reaching into his pant pocket for his coin pouch.

Paying her for petting his cat? Ridiculous! But he couldn't stand around and let a beautiful woman think he was some kind of pervert that got his kicks indirectly through his cat.


That made Liadan's eyes narrow and the last of her patience snapped. When his hand reached for his pocket, she hurled the basket right at his head.


No woman had ever thrown anything at him before. The shock of it was like a bomb going off in his face, and he didn't even move out of the way despite his reflexes. All he could do was stare at the basket that now lay at his feet, feeling the sting from its impact on his cheek. There was the feeling of being burned, of being dirty and foul.

Not only had he creeped this woman out, he'd also offended her. That was not allowed in his books. Ever. To her he was a moral-lacking degenerate. The opposite of what he ever wanted to be to the opposite sex.

He took a slow step back, hand on his cheek where the basket had hit him, eyes moving back up to the winged woman. He didn't know what to do, what to say. This had never happened to him before. He didn't like it.

"Madam, I--I'm terribly sorry to have distressed you." His voice was calmer than he felt. Maneki, sensing his disorder of thought, peeked her head out from the pile of wood she'd climbed into. "I don't--how can I make it up to you?"


The apology helped. It also helped that Liadan was aware she was being ridiculous. She took a steadying breath, her hands shaking a little as she smoothed her dress down, "I...I think we should start over. And so something with those scratches."


Start over? He'd never had to start over before. His actions with women were flawless.

Except this time.

At the mention of his scratches, he blinked, looking at his hand which was coated in blood from having touched his face. He became aware that blood was still dripping slowly off his chin and his arm stung as well.

He was used to injuries from Maneki. She was a finicky and spoiled cat. But these were deeper than usual, surprising him. Had he really offended her so badly? Or maybe his own distress had seeped in through her mental link and caused her anxiety.

"I'll be fine," he said. The marring of his body was nothing compared to the betrayal he felt for having upset this stranger. "And I don't think I ever told you my name. It's Monnayage. Monnayage Mint."


"It's-" Liadan paused, a pleasure to meet you wasn't really true, but she wasn't sure what else to say, "Nice meeting you. I'm Liadan."

She still didn't really trust the man. She pet his cat and he purred? That was...not normal, "You are bleeding quite a bit..."


He gave a wry smile, nodding at her. "Liadan." A pretty name. There was no point in her lying to him, but he appreciated the sentiment just the same. If she really wanted to start over, then he could try, though he doubted he would be as enthusiastic. Now knowing how she really felt about him.

There was the desire to lick his scratches, completely instinctual and hard to hold back on; nevertheless, he did not. He didn't want to freak Liadan out further. "It'll stop soon," he said. It always did.


"Um. Alright then. I guess I will...leave you to your cat then." Liadan glanced over at where the basket lay. She was going to have to move closer to get it and she really wasn't sure she wanted too. But it was Iris's basket, so she needed it back.


Monnayage followed Liadan's gaze down to the basket. Realizing what she wanted, he stooped down, picked it up off the ground, and held it out to her. "I believe this is yours," he said. His words felt formal now, stilted. A rock had settled somewhere in the pit of his stomach.

With a loud meow, Maneki was out of her hiding place and down by his feet in seconds, weaving around his legs with her tail held high. Then she was by Liadan's feet, doing that same thing. <A bad day,> she was saying. <A very bad day. She threw a basket at you.>


Liadan had started to reach down to pet the cat, then stopped, hands pulling back. She was not doing that again. She felt awkward and stupid, but it was still just weird. She took a careful step around the cat, taking the basket.

"I'm...not entirely sorry I threw the basket. But I am sorry a little for it." He had been rather insulting.


He didn't know what to say to this, and so remained quiet, shrugging as if the idea of the basket being thrown at him was no big deal. He'd deserved it, he guess, for not grabbing Maneki before the whole incident had occurred.

There was no denying it had felt good, though. Through Maneki's pleasure, he knew this girl was a professional at petting animals.

One other thing that bothered him was that he'd learned so little about her wings. That had been his main interest before any of this had started. Now bringing it up would simply be uncomfortable.

"Would you like an escort to wherever you were going?" he asked.


Liadan's eyes narrowed again, lips pursed into a thin line. But guilt made her nod. It was strange, part of her brain felt very justified at throwing the basket at the creep. He was being just weird and trying to blame it on the cat.

But he just looked so pathetic, it was hard to stay angry, "I'm going to the market, for some supplies."


For one who wanted to start over, she wasn't putting in much of an effort for it. He couldn't blame her. Her edginess was founded on the assumption that he was a creeper, a man that blamed his perversion on his cat.

How on earth was he supposed to prove to her that he wasn't any of those things? A pervert at times, yes, but he hadn't meant to be this time around.

"Supplies for what?" he asked, trying to sound casual as he made his way toward her, making sure to keep a comfortable distance in case she felt like abusing him with her basket again. Maneki trailed at his feet, meowing, her guilt at having hurt him coming through loud and clear. Of course she was too prideful to actually voice her apology, but the attempt made him feel a bit better.


"Dinner mostly. I'm part of a traveling troupe." Liadan glanced over at him, making sure he kept his distance. He seemed like he was going too, but she still didn't really trust him, "What do you do when you aren't purring at strange women?"


Her distrust burned as bright as the sun through storm clouds after a heavy rain. Like it or not, he could see her eying him from the corner of his eyes, though he tried to act like he didn't notice, feigning interest in what she said.

Then her final statement hit home, razzled him. Were he a cat, his fur might have stood up on end in offense. The feelings went through to Maneki, whose fur did rise.

"I wasn't purring at you!" he cried, rounding on her, arms up in the air in exasperation. Why did people not understand? Noticing his rise in temperament, he tried to calm himself just as quickly as the outburst, lowering his arms. He gave a loud sigh of frustration and gestured at Maneki. "She was purring at you. Not me. I got the brunt end of it."

He ran his hand through his hair, other hand on his hip. "Maneki and I share thoughts, feelings, senses. What she feels, I feel. Most of the time. Sometimes I can shut it out, but she jumped in too quickly, like I said earlier. I didn't have time." Babbling. He was babbling. He just didn't want her to think of him like . . . like that. "And you're not strange. You're beautiful."

<And she has nice hands,> Maneki said, peering up at him with an unreadable expression, almost like mischief. All traces of guilt were gone. <It's what you're thinking. I thought it, too.

While he loved Maneki, he definitely wanted to strangle her right now.

"What was the question again?"


Liadan flinched when he raised his voice, shying away from him. She was not sure she did want to keep walking around with him after all. Her heart was pounding and she wanted to get distance between her and the man.

She kept remembering the winged demon, his switching from kindness to anger and the fear. She just shook her head, "It's nothing. It doesn't matter."


Something was wrong here. Terribly wrong. There was no reason for a woman to be this jumpy, even if he had come off as what she deemed "a pervert" earlier.

Blessed Kia, had she been mistreated by someone? The thought brought an angry splotch of red to his face. That would certainly explain why she jumped around like a frightened mouse. The idea that someone would do such a thing to someone so lovely made his blood boil.

But there was nothing he could do about that now. Except . . .

"Liadan," he said, voice more sincere than it had been thus far, passion burning now that he thought he knew what was wrong. "Forgive me." He put his hand over his heart. "I've been discourteous to you, and that was never my intention when I came to speak to you." Hand back at his side, he stared her straight in the eye, making sure to blink so that he didn't come off domineering. "I can see that you're uncomfortable. I will force myself on your company no longer."

He bowed then, short, then looked up and flashed one of his winning smiles. "But I hope that when we meet again, it might be under better circumstances."

At that, he lifted Maneki from the ground, cradling her on his arm. This time she did not protest to being carried. <Let's go find some salve for these ugly wounds you've given me,> he said to her, noticing the dried blood streaks on his arm from where he'd not wiped them away.


Liadan felt awful, but she felt better when the man had gone. He had been weird, yes, but the yelling and then the kindness and just him being male had frightened her. She had to take several long, deep calming breaths, her entire body trembling before she could keep going. She was not going to live her life like this, she wasn't!


It had been a long day and Liadan was worn out. She was back to work, telling fortunes and reading palms. It was all silly and the art of telling people what they wanted to hear, but she was good at it. The exotic looks helped as well, wings and glowing eyes and all that.

She wanted nothing more than to sit with her feet in warm water and chat with Iris, but the circus was in a great mood, having done a huge amount of buisness, so she was stuck in a crowded tavern. It wasn't all bad, she was having a good time, savoring the cider she had gotten earlier. She had a mug already and was starting to get into the mood.

Tapping her foot to the music, she watched as some people started dancing. She wanted to join in, but it was far too crowded for her wingspan and kept to her seat, back to the wall so her wings wouldn't get in the way.


The wings were what gave her away. Monnayage could never forget such a beautiful sight. But neither could he forget his first encounter with—what was it? Liadan?—and how she'd been absolutely terrified of him. It was an experience he did not wish to relive.

So, when he walked over to her table, Monnayage made sure that Maneki stayed out of sight—something she agreed to only because he blackmailed her for having hurt him so badly the last time. Would Liadan even remember him? It had been a while.

He was a much better sight, too. Clothed, a nice, off-white shirt adorning his usually bare chest. His hair was brushed. This was a place that required its patrons to not look like they'd just come off the streets.

"Good evening," he said to her over the music, standing next to the empty chair across from where she sat. "Mind if I join you?"

It was worth a shot, and he was more than ready to bow and depart if she declined.


Liadan had started to say yes, turning to look at the new arrival when she froze, cheeks flushing when she realized who it was. She hadn't really handled that encounter very well and while she wasn't really over the trauma of her kidnapping, she was aware that she had over reacted.

She gave a small nod, her body tense, "Of course. It's uh, been a while. Your cuts seem to have healed well."