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Where did you find SotE?

Started by Rhindeer, November 22, 2008, 11:32:15 PM

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Like most people, I found sote via RPG Directory...


I found it a couple different ways. This time it was RPG Directory. I lurk there like crazy.


RPG Directory (Can't remember why I'd wandered over there - I wasn't looking for RP's....). Saw a link to SotE on someone's sig, followed it and umm.... hai all.


Found it first via google or something akin to that, and then that jerkface EatAChinchilla linked me here again not long after he joined.

Know him from an LJ comm, and a couple RPs we've been in together.



As for me, I know Rhi-Rhi from an LJ comm, and her profile has a handy link to this place. So I decided to try it out!



I found a link to here on RPGD a while ago.


*shamelessly points to Lost Marbles*



Honestly, I first found this place through bad_rpers, a LJ comm.  

Then later, I found it again through google, and decided to join.


Found this site, like alot of you on RPG-dir

I was looking for a place to settle down on, and bang, boom, clicky here, and voila!


I was informed by my friend Larian that I need to check this site out. I did and here I am!


Me? I think it was the RPG directory... a looong loooooong time ago...!


Well I had a funny(read: strange) dream that the imps from the ZP series were going to rise up from the internet comic strip mines and overthrow humanity in an obscene and diabolical plot to perform their plan for 'moozical' genocide(forcing all cattle to listen to horrible pop/rap songs of this generation and causing them to spontaneously combust).

But it turns out that was actually just a dream and when I did log onto my computer I found that the RP site I usually frequented had gone belly up faster than a goldfish exiled to Davy Jone's salty boot at a Richard Simmons fitness-video filming, yo ho. So I went through nifty RPG-Directory and found this appetizing site.

I suppose I could'a just said "RPG-D" but wot fun is that, ay?


Yeah, Lost Marbles pretty much slung me over his shoulder and carried me here.


Well, I started out here about...2006 I believe. It feels like it's been...many, many years ago. Stayed for awhile got distracted, joined again, got distracted...and then I got obsessed with RotE and then came back here this time.

I believe I originally found it through searching random LJ roleplaying communities after I had been into rping on there and messengers for a little while.


I was googling something about anime... And then I found a board where people were discussing (read:bashing) plot pages, and there was a post about this site. I believe it was along the lines of:

Really? We've never had that problem on my site. Plot pages tend to be three posts: One asking to plot, another saying okay, and the third say to do the rest in PMs. ^.^ [[Link to this site]]

So, I came along and checked it out. :D


Wow...I didn't reply to this O_o weird.'s probably better that I didn't before because I honestly can't remember that well!!  It was back in good old 2002, I was looking for a new rpg because my friend's was a "wolf based" where everyone was required to use ridiculous words that even graduate students find difficult to understand because it was an "advanced RPG" (can you tell I'm not a fan? English major here! NORMAL PEOPLE DON'T WRITE LIKE THAT! Unless you're trying to sound pompous in a scholarly article!)

Anyways, I digress.

I found SotE in the advertisement on her site...I think....and clicked! I didn't join at first because it was unlike most RPGs that I'd used. (To be frank, I hated the layout of Ezboard and didn't want to write at first because of that >_> I always liked boards2go better xD oh old school!!!)

Eventually, I joined a was Rayne...she just sat there in the joining forum until the beginning of 2003 when I finally posted her first post and began the AMAZING thread "Here We Are" with Rhi!

*deep breath*

And that's what happened.


oooo. my turn!

I was 12 or something and I had been into RPing for two whole years (wow) It was at the time when the 'so-and-so would like to add you as a contact' on MSN looked like scary pop-up stuff so I always declined. I have no idea how I got to the site I did. It was some odd site about two castes and one was all rainbow-ie hair and the others were fair and prettyful.

Anyway, I found SotE and the 'we'd like to welcome: name, name, name, name.' to the site thing was what made me join. When you had to fill out a sheet thing and submit your character and Rhi did strange strange things with it before welcoming you on the main page.

It seemed lax, too, since at that point I only visited my dad once every two weeks for a weekend and he was the parent with the internet.

It was big and scary, I recall playing with someone named Bloodwolf (not here anymore, which is good ) i recall going " 8D Homg, I need to make so-and-so a girlfriend " to a few of Tally's characters, probably a few of Rhi's too. Then I poofed for a long while.

THen I found a picture I drew and went " HOMG D8 I FORGOT ABOUT SoTE" and I found it again 8D Amazingly, the exact same why I found it the first time, going through a maze of game advertisements.