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Silver Rose [Open for casual playing.]

Started by Anonymous, October 12, 2011, 12:38:09 PM

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[This thread is the home and business for my characters, as well as Moonie's character Ashlar. I will add blueprints of the layout of the building and property here soonish.

Also, there is likely to be adult themes in this roleplay. While they might only be occasional, there is still a decent chance of at least mentions of drug abuse, sexual situations, gore, alcoholism, instances of physical violence, and murder. While this thread will not center around these things, please recognize that these topics may be present. If you're uncomfortable with that, then this thread might not be for you.]

Their arrival in this world had been quite abrupt. Things were similar enough to be a little comforting, but many things were very different, only adding to the fears they had been forced to live with before arriving here. After several months of wandering, they came to fully realize that two of their group of seven would no longer be hunted in this world, as no one knew of them. This greatly eased their minds, and caused them to decide to settle down.

Once they came upon Ketra, the decision was made. There were plenty of people with darker colored skin, so Rage would not stand out quite so much and be discriminated against. The forests were so close that they could easily hunt and provide for themselves and possibly make a bit of profit off extra meat and the pelts of the animals they hunted.

They each had their own skills that they could contribute to support themselves. Having obtained a large amount of gold before they had been thrust into this new world, they had enough to buy a nice piece of land near the outskirts of the city and the supplies necessary to build on it. Together they built a large enough building to comfortably house themselves and to run a business out of. After much hard work, they were able to make their land fertile, and had bought a good amount of animals.

Mrai offered fortune telling, as well as some small spells. She was also talented at making makeup and creating small spells regarding all forms of physical beauty. Mira was skilled with metal work and small clockworks. There were also rumors of a magical compass the woman could make, but the price was obscenely high, and only someone who came with the full asking price would be told anything more about the device.

Bramley and Rosael were decent with tailor work, though there clothing was often more practical than elegant. However, they were capable of making very beautiful clothing upon request. They were also decent with cooking, and part of the building was set up a bit like a tavern so those waiting for items or spells to be made, or for their turn for commissioning the different tradesmen may eat and drink and converse with each other.

Judas' was of a more unique trade. 'thief for hire', as he so eloquently would put it. His skills involved retrieving stolen objects, picking a wide array of locks, collecting debts that were owed (without the debtor's awareness that the debt was being collected), and tracking down missing people, as well as spying and information gathering. He could also do delicate work by hand, though anything that required much strength was beyond his physical abilities. One thing he was decent with was making small decorations out of leather.

Isa and Rage didn't have many skills. Isa could work land very well, but that didn't feel like a lot to him. The two would allow people to hire them for hard manual labor, or other tasks. However, those paying for their services had to understand that they may have to teach them to do the tasks they were being hired for. They also were willing to offer their services in exchange for being taught new skills.

The group also offered healing services, though they were very vague as to what they had to offer until someone came to them in need. Once several people had been healed, they relied solely on word of mouth to assure others that they did indeed know what they were doing when it came to treating wounds and illnesses.

The house also had a good-sized stable, though they owned only four horses. They would house the horses of other people for small or long periods of time. Their customers that were only there to seek services would have their horses cared for without expecting payment. But those wishing to lodge their horses at the property without seeking other services (or wishing to lodge their horses there for long periods of time) would be charged for the services.

Only very ill clients in need of healing (and their closest loved ones, if they were close to death) were allowed to spend the night at their establishment.

The building was much larger than it looked. Having learned much of how to build downward, they had built two basement levels underneath the house. The bottommost basement level was much larger and extended underneath much of the property in a series of tunnels. No one was allowed to know of the second basement level, though sometimes very ill clients were housed in the first basement if they were light sensitive, or of a race that would be treated badly by others who might see them.

The building was made of strong wood and stone, and had been made very sturdy. This was a group that knew how to take care of themselves. From the outside in, it was clear that this was not only a place of business, but a home.

Above the heavy wooden front door was a wooden sign. The background of the sign had been stained silver, while the words had been stained a dusty rose color. The sign read Silver Rose.


During the trip to his new home from the market, Ashlar had remained relatively quiet. His mind was still processing all the new things he had to think about. For the first time in a long time, his thoughts and feelings seemed to matter. It was a little overwhelming, to be honest. When you had become so used to surpressing everything about yourself, well, to suddenly be told to be yourself was just a little mind-reeling. Of course, he would have answered any questions that Judas would have asked him, though his replies would have been short and slightly distracted.

He'd been sitting behind Judas, his arms wrapped gently around his master's waist. Sure, he didn't want to fall, but he also liked the contact. Sometimes with a master he got more contact than he even wanted and often enough that contact was brutal. Ashlar was a touchy-feely person by nature, and he liked to cuddle. Of course, this wasn't exactly cuddling, but it was close enough to give him some minor satisfaction and comfort.

The closer they came to the house, the wider Ashlar's eyes became. It was large, larger than he thought it would be. Of course, it wasn't just his master's house, there were six other people living there, and now him too. He hadn't thought about meeting these other people very much since learning about them, but all of a sudden he was a bit nervous.

"Does Master think they'll like Ashlar?"


"It may take time, but I'm sure they will. You're not like anything I've ever seen from our own home. Then again, I don't think any of us are like anything you've seen yourself. We haven't found any others like us here."

Judas dismounted once in front of the house, leading the horse to the stable, where he removed the animal's saddle, gave him a bit of affection and feed, then turned to go into the back of the building. He took the saddle with him; something he always did. Once his horse was to rest, he wasn't going to leave his saddle where prying eyes and hands might search it.

Before opening the door and stepping into the house, Judas turned to look at Ashlar. "Mrai most likely won't be happy. She's very protective of us. Stand behind me, and when in the house together, please stay close. Isa and Rage may be spooked by you."

With that, Judas pushed open the heavy door and led Ashlar inside.

A figure with very long, snow-white hair looked up from in front of the fire. His hair was pulled back in a rough braid to keep it from getting singed. His pointed ears pulled back, and he appeared only a little upset as Judas entered with someone who was obviously not a client.

"Mrai is going to have your head," he said calmly, before turning back to the fire to tend to the thick stew being made. "What is his name? I hope you have a good reason for bringing him here."

"His name is Ashlar," Judas replied, stepping fully into the house and dropping the saddle heavily onto the sturdy table. "He was caged up. I saw him and felt there was something we could provide him that no one else can."

"Get that filthy thing off my table," Bramley growled, though he didn't turn to look. Apparently Judas did this often enough that he knew exactly what that sound was.

Judas smirked but obeyed, taking the saddle back into his arms. "Ashlar, this is Bramley. He's...the smart one."


Ashlar was becoming more nervous by the moment. Yes, he had said he would try very hard to get along with these people, and he would, he liked making friends. Still, the idea of them hating him gnawed away at him as he followed Judas like a lost puppy into the stable. As Judas groomed the animal, he fidgeted slightly, wishing that he could be of some help. At least if he were doing something it might take his mind off the fact that he was about to walk into a house full of strangers that would be judging him. Possibly harshly.

As he was given his instructions to stand behind his master and to stay close, Ashlar could only nod his head eagerly. Yes, he would definitely be happy to stay as close to his master as he could. Entering a world of strange new people, Judas was the most familiar and he already knew that his master was very kind and that at least he had one person in this giant house that wanted him there.

They entered the house and Ashlar shrank back slightly as they were almost immediately greeted by someone declaring that someone else was going to want his master's head. His little hands moved to grip the hem of Judas' cloak, almost trying to hide behind his master. Well this wasn't going so well, was it? At least his master spared him from having to introduce himself.

Ashlar looked up at Judas uncertainly, his ears drooping and tail curling about himself. "Master gets a warm welcome home? Ashlar does not want to get Master in trouble."


"He gets himself into trouble all on his own," Bramley replied with a soft laugh.

"It's fine, Ashlar," Judas chuckled, setting the saddle on the floor momentarily so he could remove his hood. "Bramley's a bit grumpy. It's normal." Bramley snorted a bit at this, though he didn't reply. Apparently he seemed well aware of how cross he came off as, and didn't seem to mind others being truthful about it.

"Is Judas home?" came a young female adolescent voice. A head of mossy-gray hair and a dark-colored face with much gold peeked into the kitchen. She smiled when she saw that he was in fact, home, and she hurried forward. Her hazel eyes widened when she caught sight of Ashlar, and she peeked around Judas to get a better look at him. "Who is he?" she asked, glancing up at Judas and tugging at his cloak.

Judas smiled a bit, happy that Rage didn't seem too afraid of Ashlar to show curiosity. "His name is Ashlar. He's part of our family now."

"He looks like a wicked wolf!" she said excitedly, eying the boy's ears and tail.

"They're called foxes, Rage. I think he is one, in a way," Judas told her. He crouched back down to the saddle to remove the two wrapped items for Rage, handing them to her. "Tell Isa he's a friend, alright?" he asked, handing her the gifts.

Rage's eyes widened when he handed her the items, though she didn't unwrap them before hugging him. "I will. Thank you!" she said, before darting off to look at her treasures and show them to her friend.

Judas shook his head a little in amusement, standing and lifting the saddle once again. "I'm not going to deal with Mrai right now. I'm very tired. I have a job tonight. Pray I make it home before dawn."

Bramley half-turned his head to look at Judas, before nodding silently and returning to his cooking.

With that, Judas lead Ashlar towards the stairs to show him where he'd be staying.


Ashlar's tail uncurled a little as the two men began laughing. Well, laughter was a good sign. They seemed to have a rapport between each other, at least. Hopefully the others would be calm too, he could handle calm, he could even handle excited, but anger was tough. The kitsune hated anger that was directed at him, too many times that was followed with the bite of a whip.

Of course, he was just starting to feel good about his introduction to Bramley, when another voice came to his ears, which twitched at the young female voice. When she peeked into the kitchen he was peeking curiously around Judas, looking at her. When she approached he found himself shrinking back once again. As bouncy and bubbly as he could be, he still got shy around new people, especially people he was expected to become friendly with. Strangers that would stay strangers were much easier to deal with.

His ears and tails flicked when she said he looked like a wicked wolf. He might have commented, but Judas beat him to it and explained that he was a fox, well, sort of. Suddenly Judas was crouched down and not the shield that Ashlar had been using him for. His heterochromic eyes widened as they gazed at her uncertainly for a moment. She seemed friendly enough, this was the young mage, then? She must be, Judas had called her Rage.

After another few moments she was gone. He looked up at Judas with a worried frown as he told Bramley that he was tired and had to work. They walked together towards the stairs, Ashlar staying close to his master, as he was told.

"Does Master wish for Ashlar to carry the saddle? Ashlar does not mind. Master should save his strength. Oh, please be careful Master, is your work tonight dangerous?" His shy feelings were now shoved aside with worry for his master.


Bramley smiled a little, shaking his head just a bit as he continued with the cooking.

"Ah, if you want," Judas replied with a light, tired laugh, offering the saddle to Ashlar. "It's kind of heavy for me." After Ashlar had taken the saddle, Judas continued leading him to the room.

"My work is usually kind of dangerous. I guess you could call me a 'thief for hire'," he answered, opening the last door on the right at the end of the hall.