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King of Hearts (Rhi)

Started by xxshayde, May 14, 2012, 02:16:56 PM

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"And that's what you'd call a winning hand, gentlemen. Now let's see those coins again." At his grin, there was a chorus of groans and discontent mumblings of how they were sure that Khai was cheating somehow. Really, what's the probability that he could win five games of poker in a row? It didn't come as much of a surprise to him that after he was reluctantly tossed his prize, there was a sore scrape of chairs against the floor. Apparently good sports in Reajh were few and far between but that didn't dampen his spirits. The thing about testosterone was that it didn't exactly encourage rational thought. A man would rather bet away everything that they owned than turn down a challenge, Khai included, and that's how he knew just how to prey on that. The more money he could con out of these fine patrons, the more ale he could keep coming to his table. The more ale, the more time he got to chat up the pretty little barmaid that was on duty.

Sure, she tripped over her tongue every time she talked to him and she blushed more than women he usually dealt with, but by the end of the night, he was sure she'd come around. The naivety simply radiated off her, which could only mean one thing: she was a virgin. He supposed if he wasn't so downright "despicable", he'd be concerned that she'd certainly be taken advantage of in a place like this. However virgins were fun, if not quite as flexible as his more seasoned candidates. Unless of course, there was a reason for that virginity - having angry fiancés at his heels wasn't exactly a pleasant experience. Not that they should be all that surprised to begin with, given that he was better in any and every conceivable way.

("Ever so modest, aren't you?") Khai's thoughts were interrupted by dripping sarcasm. Even when she wasn't around, she still had to criticize. "I thought you were off doing whatever it is that dragons do when not actively being disappointed with their riders. Which must be nothing." It wasn't enough that Roxanna got  to verbally (and occasionally physically) abuse him when she was present, but courtesy of their mindlink, any time was go time for her. He wouldn't lie, it became fairly awkward at times, being so closely connected although she did her best to him during such recreational activities as a whole. Something about too traumatizing or whatever her reasoning had been at the time. Khai had forgotten and was certainly not about to get engaged in that conversation again.

 ("It becomes extremely hard to ignore your jumble of ridiculous thoughts. You're disrupting my downtime, so keep them to yourself.") The concept of sharing his head with another person was bizarre and hard to get used to, especially the whole private and public thoughts thing and the mental barriers. Trying to take all of that into consideration before thinking wasn't exactly easy to remember. "Alright, alright, calm down." The near empty mug resulted in a frown and a gesture for a refill before the evening rush of people who'd just finished work for the day started and he had to wait to be served. No, that would not do at all.


It had been a long and boring day--she'd been put on patrol this week--and Beatrid had been about ready to keel over in boredom by the time her shift ended and her replacement arrived. It had felt good to get home and strip the armor off down to her tunic and breeches, and after she'd taken care of some minor obligations and given her tracker, Red, some much needed attention, she'd headed back out into the chill wind.

One of the perks of being a Mordecai--or at least, a Mordecai that was well-known around these parts--was that no one really questioned her more mannish style of dress: a vest worn over a loose shirt and lacking the under-bust typical of women's wear. There was no need; she bound her breasts and besides, she was a Mordecai. Even the women were hardly regarded as women--well, excepting the Knights.

Another perk of that was she could get away with going to bawdy taverns without anyone side-eying her. Which was good, because they were her favorite and there was always someone to impress.

Stepping into the tavern, she waved at some of the regulars, looked around for a place to sit--and then watched, curiously, as nearly an entire table vacated with groans of disappointment, leaving behind a young man with a pile of coin before him.

That piqued her interest.

Pushing past a cute barmaid and through the throng of people, she slid a chair out across from the guy and plopped down into it, resting her elbows on the table.

"Hey, whatcha playing at?"
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


To be honest, Khai had certainly not been expecting another challenger so soon after he more or less blew the last group out of the water, hence his name followed by a string of crude expletives once they had turned their back. Did he get riled up by that? Absolutely not. He was sure that it was a terrible feeling, having all your hard earned coin disappear just like that.

Of course Khai wouldn't know because he hadn't been the one to lose it - he just preyed on the sorry lot. In his own defense, had they been more cautious and far less arrogant, they would have left the tavern with pretty close to the same amount of money they had arrived with - after all, you couldn't just sit around without having a drink or two.

Speaking of drinks though, that's exactly what he had been waiting for, yet his mug was still nearly empty and the lovely girl he was going to make a pass on was nowhere to be found. Well damn, that sure put a damper on things.

("Maybe you're too creepy for her tastes. I know if someone was watching me constantly, I'd--")
"You'd eat someone, I know. I think we actually had this conversation when we met and you, y'know, tried to kill me."
("You interrupted my sleep and probably cheated your way into the Bond.")
"Hey, you're the dragon here. I thought you were supposed to pick."

So involved in the conversation with Roxanna that was taking place in his mind, Khai didn't notice his new company until he heard a dull thud in the chair across from him. At first glance, her style of dress truly did pull off the appearance of a young man - well, a young man who cherished his hair enough to let it grow to such a length.

But a second glance and despite the men's clothing, the femininity that he guessed she was trying to conceal became more apparent. Well, that was certainly interesting - now he was curious. At her question, Khai offered a charming smile. "Well, I was just helping those fine gentlemen lighten their pockets a little with a friendly game of cards. I don't suppose you'd wager a game too?"


"Ya supposed right. Sure, lay it on me."

Reaching into her coin purse, Beatrid flipped a coin onto the table. Why not? She had nothing better to do and it had been ages since she'd gambled; usually she was too busy for it. But she did enjoy a good game of cards even when real money wasn't involved and they were just sitting around wagering food or favors or dares. Those were the best games, though, in her opinion, especially the dares.

However, those weren't exactly proper for even tavern company. That was more shit you pulled out on the field when you were bored senseless and needed entertainment.

The young barmaid came by then with a fresh tankard of ale for the man, and Beatrid waved the girl over so she could order one of her own. That done, she turned back to the stranger, flipped her braid over her shoulder, and propped her chin up on a hand. "So, what's your name, kid?"
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa


Well, well. If the last wanted to play, he certainly didn't have any qualms with it. Khai favored female company over testosterone any day anyway, but you didn't see too many single ladies come strolling into taverns. 

Mostly because taverns were usually unruly and rowdy places with drinking and fighting and swearing. Not exactly the most appropriate place. "The name's Khai. Pleasure to meet you." Thoughtfully, he eyed the coin she pulled out of her purse before speaking up, a mischievous tone to his voice. 

"You know, I have gold from the previous batch of misfortunate challengers. Why don't we play for something more interesting?" He straightened from his former and somewhat arrogant posture to a more attentive one. 

"You look like someone who can certainly handle herself with more interesting arrangements. With Khai, it was always interesting. Interesting or bust, that was his motto. He had a short attention span with things that weren't risky or exciting. 

"Being the gentleman that I am, I'll even let you have first pick on what you want if you win, miss...? Oh, I didn't catch your name..."


Beatrid snorted a laugh at Khai's observation. Handle herself she could, alright. She was pretty sure she could take anything after one particularly brainless night when she was younger; she'd lost that dare and had found herself naked in a frozen lake. Yeah, that had been stupid. After that, it had felt like she could never get warm again and she'd come down fiercely sick a day later.

Was it a dare he wanted, then?

She took back her coin and rolled it thoughtfully along her knuckles. "Pffft. I think I'm too old to be a 'miss', makes me sound like some milkmaid. Beatrid'll do," she said, then shrugged and pocketed the coin. "Ya thinking a dare or something? 'Cause if so..."

Beatrid flicked a quick glance over him, considering, trying to decide. He looked a classic prettyboy and she was more used to dealing with other soldiers who tended to be more adventurous. Besides, that tended to take place out on the field where you didn't really have to worry about social norms and public indecency, so you could get away with a lot of really idiotic (and potentially dangerous!) tomfoolery.

May as well ease him in gentle.

"Oh, I dunno." Her eyes flicked to the barmaid. The girl had seemed a little extra giggly when she'd brought Khai his ale, had blushed a little too much. "If I win, why don'tcha kiss that girl that's been makin' eyes at you this whole time?"
Adamaris // Aderyn // Aki // Alexander // Angel // Axieva // Beatrid // Briar // Cadmus // Corryn // Einin/Owl // Emery // Fang // Faolán // Faris // Frost // Hayate // Ife // Jayari // Jirou // Juniper // Katxiel // Khaiya // Kota // Kyran // Liam // Makani // Max // Maya // Mei // Nakato // Naovi // Nasrin // Niaaki // Niamh // Noor // Pepper // Qiana // Qismat // Quinn // Raxta // Riyarin // Rook // Sachi // Sahar // Siobhan // Simonea // Sita // Song // Summer // Valor // Yasmin // Yiroa