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Fire dancer.

Started by Rhindeer, September 02, 2006, 04:54:23 PM

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The night was cool if slightly humid from the thunder clouds some monsoon of the coast pushed inland, but it was still a welcome change from the dry, scorching heat of the day, even if Aidan had lived his whole life in it. Heh. Aidan. Judging by his name and looks, it was hard to believe that he'd been born and raised in the desert community of Hasrak, but truth be told, he had. It was his parents who weren't native--according to his adoptive parents, while his father had never been around, his mother had been an explorer from Serendipity, a strong woman who hadn't even let her pregnancy get in the way of her passion, but she had been bitten by a venomous snake during her visit and left him behind. Kind of an anti-climatic way to go out, but things happened, and he had been adopted by some friends of hers after the incident. They were all the family he knew or needed.

Even if he didn't look it. His jaw-length hair was red, his eyes were blue, and his skin was naturally pretty light, though the desert sun had long since darkened him. He wasn't the only person of foreign heritage among them, though. He was one of the few that did fire dancing, though, an artform he'd been training in ever since it was discovered that he had a natural ability to conjure fire.

As if it somehow made the dance any easier. Heh. He'd been doing it since he was seventeen and he still sometimes screwed up, though he had yet to catch an audience member on fire. That, luckily, had been reserved for himself. He was in no way perfect, he had his off days, but he liked to think he was pretty damned decent if he'd managed to work his way up to performing in the palace with the others, even if he was still considered a newbie by his superiors.

Eventually he'd work his way up. It was what he loved to do, and he was dedicated.

Like all nights in which no performances were scheduled, Aidan left the city and came out into the desert to practice on his own. With the city behind him and miles and miles of sand and shrubs spreading out ahead of him, he staked out a nice, open space free of any nearby bushes to practice. Stripping off his loose, thin shirt and setting it down on the sand--still, of course, wearing light breeches that went down a little past his knees--he checked his sandals to make sure they were firmly laced up his shins and then collected the instruments he used for the dance. They were two long chains, one for each hand, from which a ball dangled at the end, and he grasped the chains loosely in his fingers, arms at his sides, and took a deep breath, clearing his mind of other distractions and running a routine through his head.

Then he lifted the chains, conjured a bit of fire to ignite each sphere, and began the dance, twirling the chains rapidly about him, the fire at the end creating the illusion that he was surrounded by flame as it arced through the air, occassionally licking at his bare skin, though it was moving far too fast to harm him. He fell easily into each form, running through all the simple ones first before gradually increasing the difficulty, throwing in a few twists, more footwork, and backbends--the backbends were his nemesis--as he worked the chains, circling them around his body, crossing them before ad behind him, and working them into various aesthetical patterns, including one that gave the illusion of flaming butterfly wings. So far, so good...

Eventually, he would work his way up, throw more fire into the mix once he was properly warmed up. That was one of the things he was currently working on--other more experienced dancers would create showers of sparks around them, or conjure up a wall of fire about them that would rise and fall as they danced, and other such things. That took a lot of concentration and coordination, though, and Aidan was still a long way from mastering that. So, for now, he just focused on his warm ups, sweat beginning to bead along his skin from both the heat of the fire and the heat of the desert air.

[The things he's using are called "poi", but...I didn't wanna call 'em that because...they're <strike>Hawaiian I believe </strike> Maori and it didn't sound very deserty. XDDD Ah! I love fire dancing. Best friend's sister is doing it, and it's so fun. XD]
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A small snuff here, and small snuff there. Large, 7 inch tall ears swiveled. The tightness in his belly told him of its hunger, and he had better find something to put in it.
There! A rustling...
Quiet now, satelite ears trained forward...
A mouse, the rustling was the tell tale sign!
He stalked forward on stilt-like legs, his body the reddish hue of a fox, though by his size he obviously was not one. Black ran along his back, and there was a white patch on his chest, as well as at the end of his tail.
Blackened paws carried him, and then batted the grass, the mouse darting out with Kizzy close behind it.

Of course, the mouse darted and swerved, trying to escape death, and darted behind a clump of bushes, Kizzy in hot persuit. The only thing that gave his Maned Wolf guise away, was the braid of fur behind his left ear. That didn't happen with normal, wilde Maned Wolves!
In any case, with his honey-brown eyes trained on the mouse, he didn't realize what he was running toward.
Until the flashes of fire caught his attention, and all the fur along his back stood on edge.
"GAH!!" The lanky creature skidded to a hault, ending up on his rump, both huge ears tilted back as he stared at all that moving fire. His natural instinct was to fear it, to run away, though his human mind knew what it was. He just...didn't know what that guy was doing with it.

Speaking of, with a Maned Wolf suddenly screaming and coming to a hault not three feet away, the man was probably bound to take notice. Just...hopefully he didn't like...accidently catch anything on fire because of his scream!


As focused as he was, everything around him had ceased to exist and soon enough the movements began to come to him with a practiced, natural ease until he didn't even have to think about what he was doing. Gah! Wait, no, that was bad. In other artforms it was perhaps a good thing to get "in the zone", but in dancing, as he'd been instructed, it was <I>bad. No zoning out, no getting mesmerized by his own fire! His instructors were always hassling him about that. Right, right. Okay. He began to shift his focus again, focusing more on <I>feeling what he was doing and translating that into motions rather than simply going through the motions.

He didn't get very far into the exercise, though. A sudden loud scream from somewhere right beside made him give a violent jerk, stumbling out of one of his forms, and the chains sloppily swung around as he stopped abruptly in his alarm. Which, of course, was a very stupid and painful mistake to make. One chain managed to get all tightly wrapped around his forearm and one of the fiery spheres, the one held in his right hand, somehow swung up and smacked him in the shoulder, luckily bouncing off quickly, the contact too brief to burn, but fast as that thing was going it still hurt and would leave a nice bruise. Aidan cursed loudly and quickly worked his power over the fire, extinguishing it, and dropped the right chain to the ground so he could work on disentangling his left arm before the chain cut off his circulation.

This wasn't the first time he'd screwed up royally like this. And it hurt every time.

His eyes were scanning the desert around him as he unwrapped the chain, though, heart thudding in his chest and eyes wide. Who...who had done that? And why? There were strange creatures out in the desert--he hadn't seen any yet for he'd been fortunate, but he'd certainly heard the stories!--demons that came out at night, beasts that lived beneath the sand, following the vibrations of the creatures that lived above ground, stalking them until they could open up a chasm beneath them and swallow them up. It sounded like it had been close, too...

Indeed, it had.

Because Aidan didn't have to look far at all.

Not three feet away, a Maned Wolf stood, staring at him with what he imagined to be the same intensity as he now stared at it. Nothing else was around. Just that one lone canine.

And, alone and spooked as he was, Aidan's mind immedietely leaped. It was the only thing around. There had been a scream. A scream right next to him. This creature was right next to him. A maned wolf. Maned wolves did not make those kinds of sounds...

Perhaps it was all rather silly, but instantly the tales of demonic animals popped into his head, of shapeshifting spirits and demons that possessed other living creatures that visited the lone, unsuspecting victim in he middle of the desert at night. Sometimes they were benevolent. But in most of the stories Aidan had heard, they were malicious, liking to use mortals for their own purposes and entertainment. Aidan swallowed, freezing. No...those were just myths. Stupid stories meant to scare children and entertain adults. They...weren't actually real...right? had made a human sound...and it was staring. Shouldn't it have run off by now? They were normally scared of humans!

He took a slow step backwards. "...You...aren't a normal maned wolf...are you?" he couldn't help but ask, feeling like an idiot beneath all the uneasyness for talking to an animal like that.

Even if it would make him feel better if the thing didn't talk back and he did wind up feeling stupid. Feeling stupid would be better than, well...encountering some demon possessed desert animal.
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Aw crap! He'd made the fire...swinging...guy loose concentration! And he'd hit himself in the shoulder with a flaming ball!! That on its own made Kizzy jump to his feet, ears swiveling forward to make sure the guy wouldn't like...catch on fire or...something!
It was all rather dumb, since the ball just bounced off of him...but...still!
That was scary!

Strangely enough, the man looked about as startled as Kizzy did. But that startled look quickly turned to fear. Uh...that was new. As far as Kizzy knew, his form was probably one of the least intimdating animals ever.
It was just so...cute.
A fox on stilts.
So why did this guy look like he was about to bolt...?

Then he asked his question, and Kizzy imediately knew why. And even as it clicked, he made the same stupid mistake again.
"Aw, crap, I talked! I mean...agh!"
The Maned Wolf squinted his eyes cutely, his ears flipping back, the braid shifting with the movement. He was supposed to keep quiet when pretending to be a normal Maned Wolf!
Slowly, Kizzy hung his head and stared sheepishly up at the man.
"" He snorted. "S-sorry for making yourself..."
Bah, this was so awkward! Snorting again (pretty much his equivalent of clearing his throat), Kizzy stood up straight, all of 3 ft tall at the shoulder.
"I'm Kizzy! Ah...nice to meet you...?"
He couldn't think of anything else to do! Wouldn't it be rude to off...?


Oh my Gods.


If Aidan had been shocked before, he was horrified now and he took another step backwards in alarm, quite ready to turn right around and bolt when he got himself together enough to do so. was a spirit. It was some possessed animal or...or...animal demon or something! But, wait. Chill out, Aidan, hold on a second. seemed as startled as he was that it had talked. So, maybe that meant it was a good spirit thing? Er...

Aidan just stared at the maned wolf, now taking in more of its features, including the little braid in its fur, the way it moved, its all too human body language. And he continued to stare as it apologized, and then as it introduced itself.

As Kizzy.


Big, bad demon animal things didn't apologize. Or have names like Kizzy. Slowly, Aidan began to relax a little now that he was fairly certain it wasn't going to try and steal his soul or drink his blood, but he still didn't move any closer.

Wow. This was awkward.

"Er...uh...hi, Kizzy..." he said slowly, feeling oddly ridiculous talking to an animal like this. Even if it was an intelligent one! "Nice to meet you too?" Remember your manners, Aidan. It was especially good to be respectful to a spirit! He gave a weak wave. "I'm Aidan. Uh..." What the hell was he supposed to say or do now? He couldn't just stand there gaping like an idiot! Augh! So he quickly settled for bowing respectfully, bending at the waist with his arms at his sides. "I'm sorry for my rudeness.'s just...I've never met a, ah, spirit before..."

Man he felt stupid. He wasn't sure if it was because he just felt insane, like he might just be hallucinating--maybe he'd had heat stroke?--or because of how he was acting.

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Kizzy shrunk alittle bit more as the man took yet another step back. Wow, why was this guy so scared...?
It had to be because he was talking. Nobody was afraid of Maned Wolves! Yeah, the talking must be it...
His sharp honey-brown eyes caught his slight relaxation then, and Kizzy perked up a bit, his large ears swiveling forward.
Ok, there was hope!

His tail wagged alittle behind his lanky body.
"Yeah, hi."
Oo, Aidan, that was a cool name!
"Oh, Aidan. I like your name. My real name is Keziah...but I like Kizzy better." He rambled off, though stopped when he caught Aidan's bow.
Um...was he supposed to bow back...??

Unsure, Kizzy bent his slender body down a bit in his own bow. Was this just a custom for this guy or what...?
Then he blinked, his head snapping up.
He repeated, blinking yet again. He then sat down and chuckled, his eyes closed, and his maw twisted into what could be considered a grin.
"I'm not a spirit Aidan. I think it's called a changling...I can turn into a maned wolf when I concentrate really hard. It works best during a full moon though."
Wow...a spirit.
That was a new one!


Aidan blinked rapidly when Kizzy went ahead and actually bowed back--or, at least, that's what he was assuming he was doing! Uh...was he making fun of him? Was he supposed to bow or not? Gah! It had seemed like the right thing to do! Maybe he'd offended him? Oh crap. Aidan quickly straightened and ran a hand awkwardly through his messy red hair and passed that hand over his face briefly to swipe off the thin sheen of sweat. Mostly it was from the heat, but he had to admit that a little was from nerves. Even benign spirits could be aggitated...

Kizzy...he still couldn't get over the name, though. Heh. Kizzy...even if his real name was Keziah.

Ahem. Right. No laughing at a bloody spirit!

That was when Kizzy's head suddenly snapped up, and Aidan jumped at the sudden movement, and blinked again as Kizzy started to chuckle and sat down.

Then he said it.

Not a spirit. He was a changeling. The full moon...

The full moon...

Aidan gave a sudden shiver and shifted his feet uncomfortably, those three words not really helping the situation much. He...didn't like the full moon. Granted, he had never actually seen it, but he didn't plan on it, ever. The legends had it that if you looked directly at it you would die, and even being outside, even if you didn't look at it, was horribly dangerous. Evil spirits were more active, waiting to prey on anyone they found outside when they weren't supposed to be; if you got caught, you'd never be seen again--nothing would be left behind, not even the smallest hair, and it was said that, once devoured, the victim became one of them. It was the one night, once a month, when such demons were truly free...the one night when not even the Gods could keep them locked up.

You weren't supposed to even talk about it, because words were powerful and speaking of it was bad luck. Aidan never had mentioned it, not once.

To hear this creature talk so freely of it...Aidan had the strongest urge to grab Kizzy by the muzzle to close his jaws! But, instead, he merely cringed.

"Can you...not mention that?" he said quietly, then shook his head quickly. "The...uh...moon part I mean. Sorry. Anyway..." He cleared his throat and shrugged his shoulders. "Ah...what do you mean changeling? What are you normally?"

Not a spirit, eh? Then what the heck was he?
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Kizzy wasn't sure why his words made the man so uneasy. Maybe he'd had bad experiences with changlings before?
Well, he hoped he hadn't hit a nerve!
Then things were clarified for him, yet not. Ok, so it was the moon part...riiight...
"Well, ok...can I ask why though...?"
For him, the full moon was just slightly annoying, because it was nearly impossible for him to not transform during it. That, and it made his instincts far, far stronger and harder to repress.
Oh well, he was hardly dangerous, even then.

"Oh! Usually I'm a, maybe I should switch forms for you. Uh, wait here, I gotta go get my clothes."
With that he stood and bolted off on long legs, back around the dune, and out into the desert. Besides, with as awkward feeling as transforming was for him, he was sure it wasn't very fun to watch.
That and...he didn't want to be naked in front of a stranger if he could help it.
With concentration (and alot of practice) his transformation took no longer than 10 minutes. Digging up the bag that held his clothes, he dusted it free of sand, then pulled out his shirt, throwing it on over his slender body. It was a light cream color, with wide short sleeves, and a neck that was a bit too big, so it immediately slid off one shoulder. The reddish brown pants came next, held in place with a thick brown belt. He was barefoot, and the sand felt good between his toes.
His hair was the same color as his fur as a maned wolf, and was short, his bangs falling across his forehead. That braid was still there, hanging behind his ear. At 5'7", he was just as lanky as he was as a Maned Wolf.

Dashing back to where Aidan was, he bounced around the dune and came to a stop, pulling his shirt over his shoulder as he grinned sheepishly and waved.
"Hello again."


"Um..." Aidan shifted again. "I'd...rather not actually say it," he said, glancing down at the sand beneath his feet. It made him uncomfortable to talk about it, to even allude to it, and the fact that Kizzy's changing abilities were apparently stronger during the full moon...what dod that mean? It didn't sound good. It sounded dangerous. Maybe Kizzy wasn't from around here, didn't know their culture...maybe where he came from, things didn't work the same way, the influence of spirits not as strong? Or perhaps, even if he wasn't a spirit, he had some link with that world?

There were a lot of possibilities.

Aidan decided to try and explain as best as he could. "'s okay. It's not a problem. I can tell you."

Luckily, Kizzy went on to explain that he was usually a human, and Aidan blinked a few times. But then Kizzy was off to get his clothes and change, and Aidan couldn't help but be relieved. It was a bit odd to be talking to a maned wolf and have it talk to you, and part of him was still waiting to wake up from passing out on the sand. Oh well...if Kizzy didn't come back, he could just assume it had all been a strange hallucination and carry on, head back to the city and take a long, cold bath and have an equally long sleep. If Kizzy did return...he guessed he was either sane or really, really crazy.

Either way, he was saved (at least temporarily) a very awkward explanation. He...just really didn't want to talk about that out here in the desert at night! Gah.

Settling down on the sand, legs crossed, he reached for his shirt and shook the sand off it, then slipped it back on over his torso. There he waited patiently, glancing up at the starry sky through patches in the clouds above. Hopefully it would rain soon; they needed it...

That was when a figure came bounding into view, a distinctly human one. Kizzy? Aidan blinked and straightened a little as the boy came to a stop and waved at him, grinning sheepishly. Aidan waved back slowly, looking him over; he was lanky and had that very same braid he'd seen the "wolf" wearing, and his voice was, well, distinctly Kizzy's!

It all still seemed so bizarre...

He guessed he was just sheltered or something...

"Welcome back...Kizzy?" he greeted, a little uncertainly, then shook his head and grinned a little. Oi. He was just being dumb. There were a lot of different races and species out in the world, after all, right? And Kizzy was nice. Stop acting so skittish already! He shook his head. "That took you a while...couldn't find your clothes?" he asked.
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Kizzy smiled brighter and nodded vigorously, holding his hands behind his back as he stood there.
"Yep, it's me!" He confirmed cheerfully, swaying back and forth with excess energy. Aidan didn't know it yet, but he had possibly just met the nicest, most energetic and cuddly guy on earth!
A laugh, slightly childish in its pitch, escaped him and he shook his head at Aidan's question. Dashing over to him, Kizzy slid and sat on his knees in the sand, right in front of Aidan.
"No, it just takes me a little bit to change back. Like I said, I have to concentrate."

He couldn't keep the grin off of his face, futily shifting the cloth of his shirt back onto his shoulder, though the other side simply slipped down as soon as he did. He then held his arms out, almost as if he was about to give Aidan a hug.
"So, what do you think? Does my human form not make you as nervous?"
His honey brown eyes, large in his face, sparkled with energy and warmth.
"I don't want to scare you off, after all. You're the first person I've seen out here! I was starting to get lonely."
His arms fell back into his lap with a soft thud, the loose cream fabric of his shirt fluttering.
"So then, is there a village around here that you're from? I like to make and sell my jewelry in human towns, but I haven't been able to find one out here. This desert is so huge!"

Yep, he was energetic all right. But with his cute grin and childish mannerisms, Kizzy was most definately cute!