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Ruby necklace. [Lion!]

Started by Anonymous, November 09, 2007, 09:47:07 PM

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Pleasure and love and joy -they were a confusing, intertwined tangle of emotions, feverish and delightful, veined by an undeniable pain and longing. Pleasure was taking life, feeling the very moment that the body and the soul were parted. Pleasure was indulging the cruelest parts of her nature, the most conflicted and unpredictable disposition of who and what she was. She took a satisfaction in every killing, in every loosened screw as the distance between her and humanity grew. By now, that gap spanned centuries -how many, she couldn't possibly recall. But love and joy, the purest, deepest emotions ran hot in that mix. Love was what she had for those people in vague, faded memories -she had took joy and pleasure in making her husband's heart race, that was for sure. And she had surely took joy when he returned the feeling -there were things about herself she couldn't understand, no matter how long she lived and no matter how long she was bereft of those tame and most human feelings.

But those feelings were something that made the body feel alive. But they were just as uncontrollable, and more complicated than Ziarre had the patience to fathom. Back then, she had resisted -resisting was her nature. Like Dietrich thought, love was stealthy. It came in unexpected shapes and forms and Ziarre hadn't the attention to peer constantly over her shoulder, jumping at shadows for something that may never come again. If someone told her she'd find love, she'd laugh in their face and repeat what had been told to her one dreary evening, 'Who could love a monster but another monster? But what are the chances that a monster could love?'

As Ziarre declined further, racing away from what had kept her even remotely tame and human she descended headlong into what made her infamous in her homeland. While the genetic rules of a Teleporter were very clear, they did not clearly define a half-blood. Half-bloods were unsound and never restricted as heavily as a normal Teleporter. A Teleporter was born for war and from hatred and suffering -they were bred from captured demons who were sent to do the biddings of others as imps and minions. As they evolved those demons for more efficient soldiers, the Teleporters came about. They bred and they rebelled and, as expected, they won. Under their hand they crushed opposition as they tore themselves apart, but soon came limits to themselves. Personality traits that they found hard to overcome.

They lived in relative peace with one another -but random wars and disputes were common. Feasts on your enemies were common -cannibalism was a delicacy after victory. And when love was involved -oh, how it made war all the more delightful! Then there was avengers and then there was more blood and death and hate and those feasts! The victorious feasts that Teleporters indulged in.

Ziarre had been unpredictable because, not only the fact she was a half-blood, but because she had lost her humanity so young in life and disregarded that loss completely. Because she was more Teleporter, but without those restrictions, she was a menace. For her, it became like turning off a switch -she did what she wanted and when she wanted, with simplicities and complications unheard of in her race. For that very reason she was both an asset and a disaster.

She was a hired hand, searching for nothing but the joys of death. And every once in awhile she'd ebb away from civilization entirely, recoiling into the most hazardous, desolate places of rural areas and turning wild. Ziarre could reduce herself to a completely primitive state of all animalistic wildness and instinct - a bundle of raw power. And yet, she could call back her conscious at will and return. It was as if there was no line of continuity, the discrepancies of what she did were so great it baffled everyone. She just.. simply did.

What had made her flee was a variety of things, but the major impetus to her leave was the major war and the part she had taken part in. The war had been grand, fantastic and glorious -a true liberation. Ziarre loved fighting with Teleporters, the battles so much more... bloodier than any human battle she had ever had the pleasure to take part in. They tore one another apart, and even when their own intestines were hanging out, even when they were carrying their own limbs they were still fighting! They were animals, beasts when they were caught in the throws of their most natural pleasures. Yet... those rules they imposed. Her father was all elegance and well-calculated action. Her mother had been pure human passion. The resulting child was Ziarre. It almost made sense.

A tyrant of a ruler was what they were rebelling -something of that nature. But Ziarre couldn't quite remember. Her grasp of the actual situation was very weak, but she knew her role very well. Her orders were to kill as many of the enemy as possible in whatever way she could conceive of. She followed her instructions to a T, their motives and ideas aligned. But as she helped them create a new future, she found herself quickly displaced. They wanted a world where they could be 'happy'. But what was happy to them? Despite their sharing of blood, she found the distance between their thoughts unconquerable. But she knew one thing for certain. They turned on her very quickly. It didn't upset her or upset her or even move her. She understood it. She had no loyalties, really. She was easily bought and that was a threat as they continued to crush the loyalists to the previous ruler. Understandable. Ziarre would've eventually been sucked into a rebellion and she would've known some secrets [even she could learn some interesting little facts about them that could be their downfall]. They became very active in the search of her.

So she disappeared, as was so commonplace for her. Once that world settled and this world became a disappointment she'd return.

She paused in thought, considering the information about the House of Anarak. She mulled it over and her smile was almost complacent. How medieval! She rolled her shoulders and briefly stopped to crack her back, touching the wound in the center to gauge how it was healing. She wasn't quite liking how her body was slowing down. In thought, she rubbed the ruby around her neck, hanging cold and aged, one of the only belongings she dared to carry with her throughout her life, besides her spear.

"All creatures have the capability to be foolish. Humans just receive the brunt because that particular fault in them seems very grand," she remarked casually, thinking about the various other species she'd met along the way. Humans, vampires, werewolves, shape shifters, trolls, ghouls, demons, angels, morrigans, grim reapers, devils, giants, etc.

They all seemed capable of great folly to her.

Her eyes narrowed on the silhouette of the castle, the moonlight its backdrop. She was reminded of some the greatest cliches in Earth's history that were mostly gone with the retrogression of it all. They were merely vague impressions in her memory now, but still those fragmented, disjointed memories and ideas lingered somewhere inside her.

"A wonderful vampire cliche," she remarked.

It's existence could almost be deemed something subtle, what with its similarity to the surroundings around it. The tall spires mimicked the peaks of mountains, the keep rising steadfast. It was elegant and dark and as they approached it she consumed the sight with a pleasant eye.

For a castle, she wondered if it was a little small, but it had a certain bearing and taste in all its own. Up close, it was distinct with its own sharp character, elegant and poised carefully for protection with its walls and the looming keep and from what she saw -three towers? She wondered about what it had been used for, it seeming so formidable but well protected by the mountains around it. Who'd ever built it laid every brick with care, probably keeping in mind of the landscape around it. It was tasteful, she suppose, nothing exaggerated that seemed laughable.

"Is this your taste?" She asked him, her tone a little flat with a brow lifted and the tilt of her lips signifying her amusement. She inclined her head to the castle and shook her head very lightly. Castles! She hadn't been one for, well, awhile. It was all very nostalgic.

"So, about vampires," she abruptly asked, remembering all those legends and myths. "What's fact and what's fiction? I've only met a few vampires before but I've never worked with one," she asked him, deciding to learn a little bit about him and his kind so there would be fewer surprises. They were nice and all, but she'd like to know what her associate was capable of. "And what kind of abilities do vampires have?"

Just in case he had the audacity to turn on her. He could always be lying, true, but she supposed that was the chance with anyone. It never hurt to at least ask.

[ooc: Sorry about not being very good about castle descriptions. I tried to get an idea of it and I was looking at pictures but. They're surprisingly hard to describe.]


[The castle description was actually pretty well done.  Compared with some of the other descriptions I've read in books and with something that I could do, it's actually better.]

A vampire's most well guarded secret was the fact that they were a vampire.  You never could tell who you could trust and who was going to impale you right in the back once the undead kitty bounded it's bleeding way out of the body bag.  A vampire's  human lover may not know the guise, and when the veil is lifted they run, either from the sheer fear that they were screwing with a reanimated corpse all along or for their very lives, to the nearest hunter house that they could find.  Perhaps that was why the majority of vampires tended to choose lovers of their own kind or of another demonic race, or at least transform their human mates so that there were be fewer problems than before.

However, of course, this did not mean that a vampire wasn't prone to lose their heart to a human.  These relationships hardly were stable enough to survive in either one's society, unless they were kept hidden well away.  They were frowned upon in vampiric society for the demon, who may not be willing to endanger their partner's life by making them immortal, would never be able to share their affinity out in the open.  To them, a vampire who loved a human was a traitor to their kind, had no self-respect or honor, and were destined to be eternally ill-fated.  Eventually, as all life does, the human would die and the vampire would be induced to misery for the rest of their existence because they would not have their love with them.  Such happenings potentially caused a vampire to go mad and long for things that would never return.  Memory became an eternal plague to those where time was no longer an enemy but a kind and comforting ally.

Dietrich never had loved after one before.  Lusted, yes, but never ventured far enough to love.  There would be those few women who caught his eye, come to the ever fateful conclusion of pursuing them, every time never allowing his precious secret manumission.  Besides he was perpetually cretinous of ever seeing a reason to do so.  Now ardor was as faraway an emotion as it had ever been.  The more his age progressed there lessened the chances of him ever loving again.  Not that he was convinced he needed it.  And with age flowed the conviction of loving only himself or respecting those that shared his newfound disposition of the cardinal hunger for violence, death, destruction, and blood.

Within the centuries of his existence, Dietrich had evoked more bloodshed and devastation as a newborn than any other vampire had accomplished in his coven.  He was second only to Pendragon Cronus, who had fought countless hunters, fellow vampires, and mindlessly slaughtered humans, devils, necromancers, sorcerers, and other supernatural beings/deviants in establishing his coven, making it last as long as it did and becoming a successfully distinguished coven house within his realm.  In doing this, he created his code which banned asinine killing without just cause, and especially the shedding of the blood of another coven member.  Dietrich never could interpret Cronus' reasons for mooring such insolent laws that restricted a vampire from becoming who they truly were.  But was not death only a natural part of life?

He knew, that after slaying his mentor, that he would need a place to occupy on his own.  Having chanced much of the greater world without much of lady luck on his behalf, he knew he might as well choose anything from the nearest cave to a tomb lying underneath some village churchyard.  Though finally fortune smiled a silver grin upon him and his years journey had finally come to a startling halt.

"Hell, I doubt I would have the patience to build such a structure as this,"  Dietrich commended, pulling the final knife from his back that he had neglected to pull out back at the bar.  It didn't matter really if he waited for someone else to pull them out for him seeing as his wounds would begin their regeneration rather quickly, reabsorbing what blood it could that didn't already soak his tattered coat.  "I had found this castle already abandoned and decided to occupy for it suited my needs rather than calling a cave home.

"It was once built for a great lady, Lady Agatha Beniste, by her husband Lord Gannon Beniste.  Everything, from its size to the towers to the area it was built in, the mountains, was done out his adoration for her.  And when he had died, it was said that she told all of her servants to shelter themselves on the lowest floor wherein Lady Agatha climbed to southernmost tower, which is the tallest one, and killed herself.  She told all of the servants to move downward so that they may not hear her scream when she plunged the knife into her heart.  She had said that her soul would be unable to attain rest if a servant had heard her painful scream.  However, one or two had because she still haunts the castle walls.

"I'm quite sure she doesn't mind my presence in her home.  We've had a very tender agreement that made things civil between us for a while, " he concluded without much adieu.  His spine immediately straightened, despite the poignant pain from this healing wounds, when Ziarre had asked about vampires.  Once confirmed in his mind that it was acceptable to continue with an answer, he offered a makeshift answer, managing a mocking smirk to all the hogwash that managed to find its way into vampiric legend and myth.  "Vampires are a living demon, reanimated corpses, capable of some humanly functions like being born or giving birth, that feed off of the blood of other creatures by fangs.  Mostly humans but some will hunt animals.

"Or," he narrowed his eyebrows as he offered Ziarre a gazed that read of amusement, "like me, my own kind."  Dietrich paused, pulling off the drenched hat and allowed the rain to patter against his auburn hair.  It felt as if he was the earth, absorbing the rainwater without hesitancy and relishing it is very feel.  "Most of the legends of the vampire are in truth while others are simply ridiculous.  We are not allergic to garlic for one thing and we do have reflections.  Holy relics do not mix well with us, as neither does sunlight for the greater majority.  We aren't prone to disease or illness of the physical variety and we have enhanced physical strength, heightened senses, and speed without much impediment.

"All the strengths differ between every vampire.  All have the norms yet none are the same, depending on what ability a singular vampire tends to focus on.  Some may choose to be pure psychics capable of mind control and incredible insight.  Others can teleport, as you've done, by using night transformation called dark metamorphosis.  It's a very dangerous skill however much it is useful; though every vampire is capable of this, some are just better at it than others.  I prefer to shapeshift, altering my form into those that I've killed.  I can change into pretty much anyone as long as they have two arms and two legs."

"Every of my kind has the opportunity to become stronger as they age, both physically and mentally.  Mentally, by continuously learning knowledge.  As their bodily vessels bolster so do their true forms, the figure by which they are at their strongest and most powerful, assuming their demonic appearance.  Vampires near and far differ in true form though still have the same characteristics.  A vampire does most of his work in his human form, slaying with his hands or any weapon of his choice.  Most are capable of emotion, choosing rather to remain stoic than reveal their vulnerabilities.  With this proficiency, they are very sensual creatures and can become in tune with another's emotions quite accurately," Dietrich said with finality.  There was too much complication within the realm of vampirism to be entirely accurate, but at least he managed to develop a well-rounded explanation of his species.

They began to approach the castle gates, the muddied mountain path uninterrupted by a moat or silly drawbridge.  Was this castle not made out of love and not malice or war?  With Ziarre revealing her curiosities, Dietrich, being much the opportunist, to it upon himself to relieve his mind from his own wonderments.  Her own ability to teleport had mysteriously found a way to entrance him so that he couldn't help but ask, "And what of you, Ziarre?  You're not human, or at least not as it may seem.  What are you?"

[Wow that explanation was longer than I thought it would be.  Hope it was alright.]

Like to kill mages?  Join the Order!
The Order of St. Agratha

Help Rebuild Connlaoth from the ashes of war!
The Red Legion

Jump in the water's fine!
Desert Valley Nights
Wrong Turn

"Go into battle determined to die and you will survive.  Go into battle hoping to live and surely you shall not." -Bushido proverb
"Life is a series of dogs." -George Carlin
"We must view with profound respect the infinite capacity of the human mind to resist the introduction of useful knowledge." -Thomas R. Lounsbury
"If a cosmic tree falls in the universal forest and nobody is evolved enough to hear it, does it make a sound?" -Unknown


[No worries! That description was great.]

Ziarre snorted her disapproval. "Weak," she muttered, already feeling a certain superiority over Lady Agatha. The lady had killed herself because her husband was no longer around? She rolled her shoulders, the corner of her mouth twitching. But she couldn't help that very small, quiet voice that asked her if dear Lady Agatha loved her husband more than Ziarre did? Ziarre had continued to live, and live she did. Her jaws set as her line of thought took a rather drastic turn, already mildly irritated. Commit suicide? The thought was despicable. It was almost impossible for her to end her own life. The revulsion she felt at the idea was enough to warn her from even attempting it.

"That's great," she mumbled, her eyes rolling as he talked of a civil agreement between him and a ghost. How touching. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously at the castle -if he really wasn't kidding and there really was a ghost she hoped to hell it hadn't heard her now. How the hell did you fight something that was practically smoke? She touched her jaw, rubbing its length as she thought about Lady Agatha. Hopefully the old wretch wouldn't bother her.

She glanced at him with some interest, her head tilting as he mentioned that vampires could give birth. She'd certainly never heard that much -she lifted a shoulder as a physical sign to not contemplate it too much. But what soon followed after and his amused eyes she gave him a devious grin. They were considerably alike, although she had been trying not to give into her cannibalistic urges. Not for any particular reason, its just she wasn't sure she liked the idea of eating humans. They didn't look very appetizing and she felt that most animals kept better hygiene than some humans. Still, her body disagreed wholeheartedly with her. Humans were delicious.

The rest of what he said seemed to her more or less common knowledge as she nodded her head in understanding. Vampires certainly didn't seem to have it so bad. They had some rather nice abilities, although the sunlight sounded like an impediment that could be rather troublesome. Ziarre had a preference towards the night, but that allotted time frame for doing things seemed so... well, irritating.

Her grip changed idly on the staff, twisting it in a slow spin. Psychics, dark metamorphosis, shapeshifting all the way up to demonic and human appearances. She had never really considered just how gifted vampires were, a rather ponderous look writ over her face. She nodded her understanding, continuing to contemplate them. How very intriguing! She had heard all the generic stuff, but he had a great deal of information that she had never heard before. It was a good thing she asked, she decided.

"I'm half human, half Teleporter," she answered him without hesitation on the matter. "Teleporter is a pretty generic term for my other half but they were bred from demons and crossed from other species. Teleporters as a whole are violent, sadistic, lazy, cannibalistic and prone to being very passionate with their emotions. They're not compassionate at all nor are they remorseful. They love war and blood and death. However, they have a few restrictions. They can't really hurt anything that hasn't hurt them first, the exception being for jobs. They hate wasting energy and... They're might be a third one but I can't remember it," she paused her, tilting her head while she thought more sincerely on the subject.

"Well, in any case, half-bloods aren't really restricted to those rules. Half-bloods are unstable. But don't worry, not unstable in the typical light, I suppose. I can very well control myself, although most Teleporters seem to be able to exact more control than half-bloods," her shoulders lifted in a sharp, 'I don't really fucking care' shrug. "Teleporters have the capability to be extremely physically strong. It's whether or not that Teleporter decides to work on it. They also heal pretty fast, and I've never heard of a Teleporter dying of a disease or illness. They live for a very long time. Because of the dominate nature of Teleporter blood, that all pertains to me as well," the corner of her mouth lifted in a smirk, looking vaguely amused. "Teleporters also have heightened senses. Sort of like a wolf's, or something. But I wouldn't rely on my sense of smell," she added it more as an after thought -she'd never had to explain what the hell a Teleporter was and she wasn't looking forward to doing it again. Just dredging up the details was boring enough, but reiterating them?

Entering the castle walls her gaze flickered around her, examining everything with eyes that seemed to see as well as if it were daytime. She left nothing unobserved, taking in everything with an extreme care. If there were any attempts on his life she should really get acquainted with the castle. She already made plans to take a look at the castle during the day time.

"Right. Do you sleep in a coffin?" She asked him suddenly, remembering that he had to do something during the day. "Or how does that all work out?" Her brow lifted, an amused light touching her eyes as she studied him briefly.

Ziarre touched her staff to her shoulder, tapping herself lightly as she considered the castle. All in all, it wasn't as bad as sleeping in a cave. She'd slept in enough caves -more than she probably wanted to admit- to know they were drafty, damp, and always had some creature that wanted to kill you while you slept.

"It'll take some getting used too," she commented vaguely on the entire situation, but a grin began to readily appear at the corners of her mouth.


Cronus' fists clenched, experiencing the pain, inner turmoil, acerbity, and hatred that he had held underneath his skin for five hundred years.  His fingernails were clamped down with such incredible pressure that his nails pierced through the palms causing droplets of blood to spurt from his aged hands.  As he alleviated the pressure, more blood began to flow freely, an inconspicuous grin sprouting on the phantom's ethereal face as it smelled the crimson liquid.  A few droplets plopped causally to the marble floor concurrently with the rest of his blood slowly crawling back up into Cronus' healing palms.

In all of his years, Cronus never had dealt with such a problematic vampire as Dietrich.  Continuously brushing off all reproach from his actions like dusting off a coat, Cronus would have been willing to grant Dietrich as many chances as he ever wanted for he considered Dietrich like his own son, and had loved him as one.  But he never reciprocated after all he had done for him.  Taking him in with Bellona's tenacious pleas and begs, not casting him out after killing Thaniel, sparing Dietrich from his wrath after discovering Bellona's infidelity, and desiring to award him second chances if only he would want them.  Cronus could not longer afford to be merciful.

He had created his laws so that none of his children, his mate, or any of the vampires of his coven would have to suffer and fight as he had.  To run mad or wage war on one another that was so common between vampires who had no place to call home or anyone to call Brother.  Cronus had wanted to take care of his family, blood-related or otherwise, and make them robust.  But Dietrich has refused his aid, refused his laws, as well as everything else given to him.  There was no end to his treachery and with this Cronus hadn't a choice but to come to the conclusion that Dietrich was now a threat to the entire coven that must be blotted out immediately...

Cronus had summoned the phantasm before him to perform this very task.  Known only as the Wraith, the apparition had once been a warrior cursed to lose its bodily vessel and wander the earth forever as a lost soul and ghostly assassin.  The wraith's tall complete form was a flowing obsidian flame; lapped in atramentous outlandish armor, its entire figure was, in a word, a shadow, as dark as ghostly smoke could be and just as solid as one.  The only brightness came from the vivid green eyes that glowed like two star-light candles.

Cronus repeated himself, "Dietrich will be no more...  I've enough of his insurgence.  If you can do this for me, phantom, I will award you most graciously.  Name your bounty..."

The wraith's retort came as an eerie whisper, a voice straining for audible speech but only capable of impassive echoes, "Lift...the...curse..."

"Your wish shall be granted.  Now, arroint with you."  There was a flash of green eyes and the phantom faded away into the night.

~Beniste castle~
Dietrich couldn't recall any moment having come into contact with a race called Teleporter, other than now that is.  Whatever they were, sadistic, cannibalistic, cross-bred, demonic killers, they were certainly well gifted in that respect.  Dietrich had evaluated Ziarre's progressive motion of slaying and allowed her deep impression to motion him to offer her the job in the first place.  Now that he knew a little more about what she was, not necessarily caring who, Dietrich was strangely even more comforted by her presence than he was previously.  Having a Teleporter around might help me out more than I thought.

"As useful as it is at times, control can be so overly stressed it sickens me," Dietrich uttered.  He had tired greatly from having to restrain himself, having to hold back on the power he knew he had deep within him just to execute a perfect kill when hunting prey, forced to follow the examples of pure-blood and their definitions of perfect kills: 'Quick, silent, and free of unnecessary savage bloodshed.'  On his own volition, he eventually learned to consummate a satisfying kill while still unleashing his full potential.  It came as a great relief to him when he become the black sheep and no longer had to follow rules that never made sense to him anyhow.  Learning that she could enact some control pushed things into an easier light.  At least, he thought, I won't have to worry about her slaughtering off my servants.  Though most of them were dead already, he would have one hell of a time trying to gather up all the remains and have Remilius re-summon them to their former state.

Ziarre's question unavoidably caught him off guard.  It was that random.  It was not often that anyone, let alone a woman, ask him in what he had slept in.  Seeing it as a perfectly harmless question, he replied casually, "I've tried sleeping in one once or twice, but they were so horribly uncomfortable, I had to move to sleeping in one of the guest bedrooms.  I actually prefer it, there is much more room on the bed, and the view is fantastic by night."  Dietrich cracked his knuckles, the snapping sound bringing about fond memories, as they approached the doors.  But a person beat them to the punch.  

A dark elf stood waiting with the midst of the large maple doors.  His aquiline nose, pointed ears, narrow eyes, high cheekbones and other features were wrapped in his aqua-blue skin that read of years of service.  Remilius stood, hands held neatly behind his back, with a great sense of pride and honor that were uncommon in his specific species.  Most of his kind were built for wreaking devastation on other races, but when his mother had been killed by beasts, Remilius searched for a different culture to stand by.  He had stumbled upon Dietrich castle accidentally but was more than grateful when the vampire was willing to take him in under the condition that he become his servant.  He didn't mind at all as long as it got him away from the savagery that was his family bloodline.  The dark elf formed a strong sense of pride in his vocation as the valet and took it very seriously, without him the rest of the castle would be unable to function alone.

"Master, what kept you?  'Tis three hours to the mark of dawn at this moment." Remilius inquired, not taking his hands from behind his back.  He moved as they entered into the main hallway.  He gave a curious gaze to Ziarre, not one that read of contempt or impudence but simply a sheer interest as to her presence with Dietrich.

"A drunken skirmish, Remilius," he laughed.  "It was an unlucky evening for a few Anarak slaves.  With the help of my associate of course, Ziarre," he said referring to her briefly.  "She is a guest here and you will grant her whatever she asks.  Now show her to a guest room on my floor."  Dietrich strode from his place at Ziarre's side, nodding to her before bounding up the grand, red carpeted staircase to the the third floor.

Remilius was mysteriously unsure as to what he should do, something that never happened with his job.  He continued to look at Ziarre, scanning her clothing and, by the look of her ragtag appearance he wasn't sure which he should do first: offer her a bath and a fresh set of clothes or show her to a room.  He decided it was best to follow Dietrich's instructions than risk incurring his wrath.  As much as Dietrich treated him with an apathetic respect, not even that could save him from his anger.  In his mannerly way, the elf offered Ziarre, "Would you please do to follow me.  I'll show you to your room where you may rest and bathe if it pleases you.  As a guest, I, as my master's servant, am your servant as well."

Remilius led the way to the third floor, veering a right instead of the left that Dietrich took to his own room.  The outside of the castle was perhaps the only trait that bore a feminine outlook in contrast to the interior that was distinctly masculine.  It was not a masculinity of the emblematic kind, but a masculinity that held its own elegance and elaboration that was Dietrich's tastes.  He had worked painstakingly hard at removing the loving feel that had inhabited the walls, draping over it with his own hardened heart.  Though he couldn't do much to the outside, he lessened the harsh contrast by blending and gently leading the detail from the outside in; a strange combination of feminine and masculine power.

Like to kill mages?  Join the Order!
The Order of St. Agratha

Help Rebuild Connlaoth from the ashes of war!
The Red Legion

Jump in the water's fine!
Desert Valley Nights
Wrong Turn

"Go into battle determined to die and you will survive.  Go into battle hoping to live and surely you shall not." -Bushido proverb
"Life is a series of dogs." -George Carlin
"We must view with profound respect the infinite capacity of the human mind to resist the introduction of useful knowledge." -Thomas R. Lounsbury
"If a cosmic tree falls in the universal forest and nobody is evolved enough to hear it, does it make a sound?" -Unknown


She considered what he said, relating his comment to her own  past record and the conversations between her and Shane. While Dietrich seemed to be all eloquence and poise she was, well, not. Ziarre had a habit -whether bad or not she couldn't say- was that she often didn't put her beliefs in words until the occasion arose. Most of what she did was action oriented and she was never so unfortunate to be cursed with pointless thinking. You had to understand a few things about her -she avoided thinking. If only for the reason because it'd inspire the voices in her head [as laughable as it sounds, its very true] to riot. And they could inflict the most painful headaches. And it's not like she can go get aspirin now could she? It was very possible that she was more emotion and action than she'd had ever realized, more instinct and heart than thought. It never bothered her considering how she lived most of her life. Thought hadn't gotten her anywhere. Anyway, she was much too direct for thought to really prove useful. Lies and deceit and all that backwards trickery did little for her. Except give her migraines.

Nonetheless, it didn't take her long for her brain to run through what past she could dredge up within seconds. She bobbed her head in agreement. Although it seemed like an awful lot of work, there wasn't a hitch in her response time -it was a proven fact that Ziarre's mind could work quickly. At least, if she wanted it too.

"Really? That's another dead myth, then," she laughed slightly, a grin crossing her lips. Well, at least she knew she wouldn't have to be guarding any coffins. Not that she had really thought she would be, it was more to satisfy her own curiosity. She'd always been around those lovely myths that all vampires slept in coffins. While coffins did seem a little uncomfortable she'd never been as willing as you might think to try one out.

Maybe it was Ziarre's own distaste for authority that made her feel that servants were strange, but nonetheless, she detected that subordinate air that made her brow shoot up quizzically and disdainfully. It made her skin crawl. She made sure to pause outside the hall, spitting her distaste outside. God forbid she let herself get the inside dirty -it was enough that the castle made her feel marginally uncomfortable. Although she was prepared for something completely different, as she paused inside to examine the interior she felt a wave of relief at the subtle masculinity. She'd always had things against that mimicked femininity -either it reminded her of something she lacked or of the frailty that was associated with it. Whatever it was, she had never found herself very comfortable with it.

Ziarre had seen quite a few elves in her day -none like the Santa Claus kind, she thought offhandedly. Hell, her one [adopted] son had been an elf. It had taken her a long time to recognize there were actually different kinds. Hell if she knew what kind the kid had been. But she knew well enough he had looked nothing like Dietrich's servant. That'd probably explain why she'd been staring at him, her brows raised over dark eyes. While there was a subtle, constant line of defiance along her jaw, only enhanced by the tilt of her chin, her eyes were flat, settling on him with a deadpan gaze. Her head inclined slightly before a glint of amusement flickered in her eyes.

"Nice ears, Remilius. I had a son with ears just like that," she said, trying to obliterate the crawling sensation along her flesh with her informality. Remilius just gave her that creepy, 'I'm your servant' feel of subordination. You'd almost think that someone like her would be more comfortable in that type of atmosphere -but Ziarre was hardly used to being respected or honored, or even have people pretend that. She was used to an open-faced honesty that declared their hatred, or their disapproval of her right there. Never had she been... served. Let alone by someone with the same ears as a son she could only vaguely recall in memories.

"But he didn't have skin like that," she commented again in her offhanded, 'Oh, weird skin. Nice.' kind of way that was completely inoffensive [although she wouldn't have cared if he did take offense].

She followed him in her long, easy strides, shifting the soft clothes on her shoulder and the staff in her other hand, her brow slightly pinched at the thoughts of her son. He'd been her first try at motherhood, and surprisingly enough, completely disregarding her lack of femininity and general affection, she had done well. She'd be lying to say she hadn't loved him. He had been her son. But she'd be lying to say that not even that had stopped her for losing complete track. It seemed rather easy to lose the ones you love. But there began a whisper in her head, a throb in the back of her skull, a pulsating beneath the skull and she closed her eyes.

Words she couldn't place, an incoherent storm of chattering, of noise, of incessant screaming rose inside. It was violent, tearing at the soft walls of her thoughts and memories, roaring as they chided or praised her. She opened her eyes which narrowed to slits. The world swam away for a moment, the only thing she saw were out of focused shapes and the heard only the voices shouting in her head. She thrust the end of her staff into the wound between her two last ribs, pulling her lips into a thin line at the sharp pain that raced from the wound. Despite the pain it brought the physical world back to her with an electrifying jolt, taking measured steps before her gait picked up, settling herself back into it.

And the mantra she'd performed ever since she was a little girl came floating back into her head with startling ease. It was repetitive but demanding. Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, and that's how her thoughts went. She either slept, she was either arguing in her mind, fighting or she was working. There was no time to think and she thanked herself for that.

"A bath," she did all but snarl in that feral way of hers, dropped her things on the floor [with the exception of gently setting her staff on the floor] as she studied the room. She rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck and popped her fingers and back, the pain from all three of her wounds twisting throughout in an aggravating way that grounded her from the growing fracas in her head. It was why, a voice explained, softer and clearer than the rest, why halfbloods were looked down on -because they were so unstable.

That was fine. Ziarre had no problem with being unstable in any which way, as long as she functioned how she wanted to function. That was all that mattered to her. She ran a hand through her hair. She pressed the cloth to her nose, inhaling deeply a few times before chuckling to herself.

"Yeah, I need one," she muttered, turning to set her dark eyes on Remilius, observant and inquisitive. "How many elves are there?" She asked lightly, working hard to ignore her own head. And let her tell you, it was not so easy as some might be inclined to believe.


Remilius spoke no further than what was necessary, he knew his place and was neither ashamed of it nor boastful. To him, because he was the only living and breathing servant in the whole of the castle, other than half-demented cooks that is, that in itself was enough for him to hold a sense of self-worth far greater than he had ever experienced. He had spent much of his early life accustomed to abuse, exploitation, and humiliation, constantly thrown out of taverns, taken up with a traveling circus (where he learned much of his necromancer abilities), and arrested for crimes he never committed. Out of everything, becoming a valet, the head of a household bringing enormous responsibility for everyone and everything in it, was the best thing that ever happened to him by far. Even if he did serve under a bloodthirsty vampire, witnessing many a ruthless slaughtering, several beheadings, and a few disembodiments here and there. There wasn't much here that went on at Beniste Castle that he didn't know about. Except this moment.

Despite his solemn character, who often kept his emotions and thoughts to himself as his job description required, Remilius' couldn't help but succumb to his curiosity at times. He supposed it was innate in his elven blood and that his own species frequently suffered because of it. After all, one can never really escape the things that they are born with. Whenever he wanted to know a certain aspect of something, the first thing he would do was confront Dietrich about it. He would always be open to give a satisfying answer to all of the harmless questions. Dietrich never saw anything to hide from Remilius, except the trysts with Bellona and some other aspects of his past. When that never sufficed, he resorted to snooping of his own. He would look through old documents, performed dark incantations in his dormitory, and even spy a little bit when he could learn nothing from the other two methods.

Now more than ever did he feel the return of his nagging curiosity. Remilius wondered why his master had brought home a woman. Of course, it was really none of his business, what Dietrich by his own volition was his own; sub-consciously, however, as the hub of the household, he did feel he had a right to now. It had been at least a century and half since he had last returned home with a member of the fairer sex, in all incidents they never returned to their homes because they ended up in the castle crypt. Dietrich actually wasn't as lusty as vampires were often reputed to be. True, a vampire's sex drive often went unmatched, he was no exception to that when the mood set him. But because he kept himself busy with so many other things; attending meetings with the coven, dealing with hunters, pissing Cronus off among other things, he was too absorbed with himself and tasks his own to think about such things.

Remilius could see instantaneously that there was nothing light or fair about this woman. Around her, he received the air of ferocity that he hadn't experienced at all in his life, except once in the circus when the ringmaster (who was a woman) had whipped him relentlessly for stealing a piece of bread from her private food storage. Her remark about his skin and ears did not offend him for his type of elf was rare, it was something he heard often. The ferocity did not frighten him, or even intimidate as he figured that was what such attitude did to most people, but instead made him suspicious as to her doings here. Whatever it was, he decided, he would ask Dietrich when he awoke the following evening? For now he would keep the professional distance he was so accustomed to, obey and command.

When Ziarre tossed her belongings to the floor, he instinctively gathered them up and placed them on a nearby chair. As a necromancer he sensed a disturbance in the mental position of Ziarre (he wasn't a psychic, but the macabre hidden deep within people's minds called out to him like an ave's wild whoop). It alarmed him, if only vaguely, seeing clearly that she was trying hard to ignore it. Remilius placed it in the back of his mind for later, it might be one of those interesting facts he could share with the master of the house later. It was the little things like these that Remilius felt Dietrich ought to know.

He had been standing still, eying the weaponry and baggage she carried, until he realized she bade him a request for a bath. Well, it was more of a barking command, but he jumped to the start all the same. As he moved to the washroom, drawing the bath in the porcelain tub, he answered, "I'm the only elf here. There are various other undead servants, zombie and skeletal, that do the cleaning. And, of course the cooks, a few half-crazed witches that seem to be more than obsessed with their positions." The water finished pouring into the tub as he finished, "I doubt there have been any other elven servants before me since I have been working here for at least four hundred years." Remilius stood and walked back into the room, asking, "Will you be needing anything else?"


Dietrich, locking himself in his room as was his custom, and drawing the heavy curtains over the thick glass windows overlooking a terrace, had removed all of his wet clothes and slipped into his sleeping wardrobe. The chances of the rain continuing on through to morning were high and it gave the room its usual cold feeling, he was not distracted from letting his tired mind receive the rest it so deserved, his body would concur too. The wounds, though no longer open, were still a little sore as the mattress yielded to his weight, causing him to wince slightly. He sighed graciously as he let his stalwart body fall to rest.

The next part was easy enough: Sleep. With himself as tired as he was, Dietrich allowed himself to become Slumber's silent victim. Images of the evening and Ziarre flashed beneath his closed eyes, watching his mind's movies until he felt himself drift off into perpetual darkness. "No," a voice said in the back of his mind beneath the layers of sleep, "Not again...."

Dietrich was watching himself, seeing what he was seeing all over again. A mirror of a dream.

He had run away when his mentor was not looking, trying to go back, wanting that nostalgia that had driven him so far. It was twenty-six years later from the date of his death on Cecile's wedding day. Dietrich knew that she had wed Travin and had children of her own now, completely forgotten about him, but he did not forget her. He would keep the promise that he had made to Cecile.

Dietrich was observing through the cabin window at Cecile, now a woman in her forties. He watched with a growing anger, hate, and slim chance of regret, her kiss her husband and embrace her now eighteen-year old daughter... He had wanted to break into there, make her bleed, make her feel all the pain she had caused him. But that would only have hurt her physically. Physical pain only lasted so long... If he attacked her heart to make her see... Yes, then she would truly see... He continued to look at the happy moment with empty jealousy, taking note of everything, storing it way into the back of his mind; until he spotted the sparkle from her daughter's finger. An engagement ring? It must be... Then a boy appeared, about the same age as the girl, with the same kind of ring on his own finger. Yes it was an engagement ring... Then the plan came to him: The key to Cecile's heart was through the daughter...

He knelt low, watching the fiancé suddenly leave the room to another room in a dark corner of the cabin. Now was his chance. Moving from his spot beneath the window, Dietrich slipped around the corner and into a darkened room where the boy had entered. In quick kill, he silently snapped the boy's neck and dragged him outside through the window and into the bushes. Then he felt his body change, his built arms to the boy's lanky limbs, his hardened torso to a thinned trunk, Dietrich's face exactly into the boy's. Shape shifting was now his prime gift, feeling his outside alter physically was stirring mentally.

Sneaking back into the window, he readjusted the ring on the bony finger and smiled maliciously to himself. It was a perfect plan...nothing could go wrong. He hid behind the corner that led to the family room, where girl had been waiting by herself after Cecile and Travin walked upstairs momentarily. After searching though his victim's memory, he finally found her name. "Elycia," he whispered harshly, showing his face ever so slightly.

Smiling, Elycia walked towards him, "Bastil, what are you doing back there? What's taking you so long to get the wine?"

"Come here." She approached him in the darkness and assumed a loving gaze and held her as a fiancé should. He kissed her a few times, doing playful gestures. She merely returned the actions, lipping at his neck and questioning what he was doing. It was only when he changed back did she become alarmed. Before she could scream, Dietrich was on her and apprehended her quickly, then slipping out of the window once again.

The vision was blurred as Dietrich tossed in a fitful sleep. Beclouded until...

He was carrying Elycia up the stairs to his room at the castle as she struggled against him. But he was too strong for her... She could only feel a dangerous stranger holding her in a way that she could not fight him... She succumbed to his will...

Dietrich felt the rage that scurried through him fade away as he realized what he had done. "No!" cried out that last wrinkle of humanity left in him, but he no longer could give a damn. What was done was done... But as a final act of mercy, not to Cecile but to Elycia, he grabbed the dagger beneath his pillow and thrust it into her heart, killing her instantly...

"No..." Dietrich mumbled in his sleep. His hands thrashed from one side of the bed to the other, gripping one pillow with agitation.

Disguising himself as a villager he returned her lifeless body to Cecile's home, grinning maliciously inside at the horror that filled her face. When she looked back at the villager's face, there was a familiar glow that made her heart leap into her throat. But before she knew it, he was gone...

It was his final act of revenge and his final act of mercy... It was all over now, there was no going back...

[ I think I put too much action in one post.  Might use the blood scene for later though. *makes note to self*]

Like to kill mages?  Join the Order!
The Order of St. Agratha

Help Rebuild Connlaoth from the ashes of war!
The Red Legion

Jump in the water's fine!
Desert Valley Nights
Wrong Turn

"Go into battle determined to die and you will survive.  Go into battle hoping to live and surely you shall not." -Bushido proverb
"Life is a series of dogs." -George Carlin
"We must view with profound respect the infinite capacity of the human mind to resist the introduction of useful knowledge." -Thomas R. Lounsbury
"If a cosmic tree falls in the universal forest and nobody is evolved enough to hear it, does it make a sound?" -Unknown


She began the tedious task of 'correcting' her mind. She set to work, carefully disabling the distortion and noise, putting aside voices in a manner so methodical in execution it was completely unlike her -but she had needed to adapt, to quickly learn how to defend herself from the onslaught from inside her very mind. Outwardly, she looked very much the same as she usually did, although she wore a scowl and began to shed her layers, first working at the knotted strings of her boots, yanking and tugging in the midst of her stupor. It got her about as far as she could go, pulling off her boots and yanking off her socks, pausing as the furrow between her eyebrows deepened.

Her jaws clenched, eyes narrowing as they focused on something that was nonexistent. Ziarre bent an arm behind her back, digging fingers into the wound, working to reopen it to the best of her ability as her other hand sought the wound between her ribs, nearly closed. She tore her flesh apart, digging fingers and ripping, a rattling growl starting in the back of her throat and rising to a feral call of anger, pain, and a certain amount of hatred.

But she persisted, out of her own unwillingness to lose, even to herself, she stood there, expanding the wounds, breaking her own tissue apart mercilessly. Ziarre had long ago stopped trying to make sense of herself or even her species -she had long ago stopped trying to negotiate and make compromises with herself. Her desire was a defiant, stubborn one. And she stood there, her eyes focused on a certain nothingness, her mind becoming less and less concerned with the voices and more and more concerned with her pain. It was taking routes, detours, any which way to avoid the pain. It took a sharp left and wound up, somehow, on memory lane.

The last time she'd been stabbed in the back -well, perhaps not the last, but the only time she could really, truly remember- was a long time ago. He'd stabbed her, figuratively, thousands of times in the back. Who'd knew that one day he'd ever find the courage to really attempt it? It was both delightful and horrifying. In that same breath, of shock and hatred, she'd slaughtered him. A simple decapitation. But that had been one thread that had been cut to her past, a certain thing that carried much emotion and history... But she couldn't say that's when her humanity had gone. Because, frankly, she couldn't remember.

Maybe it was that time, way back when she'd been issued an order. To kill a family. That was all -and she'd followed orders. She'd killed a mother, her 3 month old, her 7 year old, and the 18 year old. There was no remorse, no pain, no sadness. Although, back then, her weapon of choice had been a gun. A bullet to the temple. Although, if memory served her correctly, she'd snapped the baby's neck. She wasn't quite certain. But later, in an ironic coincidence, she found out that family was her real father's new family. So, in a twist of fate she'd killed her half-siblings. But that didn't bother her, either. Although it did bother her father. She wondered if the bastard was still alive. Who knew?

She gasped, her eyes stinging as she pulled back her hands, looking at the entirety of her hands. She was covered in blood. Nothing really knew, she supposed. Ziarre straightened her shoulders, mechanically fixed the twitch of her lips and released the tight muscles in her face. The riot in her head had ceased. They were so damned rowdy. And so terribly loud.

They were worse than children.

She licked at her hands idly, sucking on a finger and tasting her blood with a boredom. Her eyes drifted up to Remilius. She shook her head. Although now that she thought about it, she was a little hungry. She took a lick along her palm and then flicked her tongue across the other. Fuck. Her blood tasted delicious. Why was that? What made blood and tissue and muscle and flesh so great to eat? On occasion, she had indulged in cannibalism. Usually it was when she was weaponless and 'reverted'. It was nice to be animalistic. It was fun.

"Yeah, I'm good," she finished cleaning up her hands and snatched her spear before striding into the washroom, pinching her eyebrows together stubbornly. Ignore it. Ignore it. Ignore it. That was what she taught herself. A skill as useful as breathing. If you can ignore it, you can do anything.

She tugged at her clothes, pulling them off along with the various sheaths strapped to her body. She bent with methodical slowness, pulling her clothes. She didn't care about privacy or space or anything of that nature. What did it really matter? She snorted to herself, touching various scars in an almost sentimental gesture.

They marred her entire body, although many faded with time. There was one dragged across her chest, one glanced off her shoulder, stab wound scars across her stomach. They all varied in size, width, texture and complexion. They were her only trophies and she prided herself in each and every one.

Ziarre ended her it quickly, reminding herself she shouldn't waste time as she sank into the water, setting to work to clean herself, even when her wounds she deliberately opened aggravated her. She cursed herself momentarily. They had almost been healed. What would she have to wait this time for them to close? She groaned in her throat, washing herself as thoroughly as possible, remembering what it felt like to be absolutely clean. It was a marvelous feeling.

So scrubbed through every inch, washed her hair and made she was clean as she could get herself, her spear kept near for safety and habit's sake. On occasion she'd reach out to touch it before she pulled herself from the tub, drying and retrieving her other clothes and tugging them on. And then she really had no idea what to do.

She was clean. Had on new clothes. Oh, wait... and now she had her spear. Well, this was strange. Nothing to do? She scratched her scalp, relishing the feel of clean hair. She glanced down at her wound on her front. It had stopped bleeding. She didn't really expect it to stay that way though. She wasn't about to watch herself and take care to what she did simply because of it. That did, however, mean she'd be bleeding all over her only decent pair of clothes. They were really only newer and [much] cleaner than her former clothes.

Ziarre immediately went back to her old clothing, ripping them to shreds and winding them around her wounds to try to at least avoid having them bleed everyone. That sticky, crusty feeling did get annoying. She'd probably have to go get new clothes anyway. Go figure.

[v_V sorry about the long wait. school was a pain. then my allergies wouldn't leave me alone so i didn't feel good. but now! AHAH. post. xD]