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Letters, letters, letters

Started by Anonymous, November 25, 2008, 04:30:32 AM

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On a crisp autumn day, with clear skies but the smell of ice on the air, most of the inhabitants of Yancy town would hie themselves to the hot springs as soon as they could and conduct as much of their remaining business for the day in or around them.  Most of them, save the staff of the Frolicking Dragon (who had work), the mayor (who was up to his eyeballs in letters) and the ex-paladin (who wouldn't be caught dead near the hot springs if anyone else could happen upon him).  All found themselves in the Frolicking Dragon, and since only one of them had any proper work the others hovered around him like hyenas waiting for a lion to finish with a carcass.

Sacriphant didn't become the Mayor of Yancy Town by breaking his neck under the yoke while others watched.  The barmaids could be sent to fetch snacks, drink and paper and practice their reading by reading the letters out loud to him.  Pironne, the mistress of the Frolicking Dragon, well... it was hazardous to one's head to presume to order her to do anything so Sacriphant let her be.  Kolitra, the ex-paladin, could check the replies he wrote for spelling errors (not that there were many, it would just be one less thing for Sacriphant to do.) and re-write them if he deemed Sacriphant's handwriting too abysmal.  It was, so Kolitra would need fresh paper of his own to rewrite Sacriphant's scrawled horror of a letter into his copperplate handwriting.  Pironne would sweep by their table every now and then to listen to her barmaids reading, and once all the letters were read, to see how they were faring on snacks and to coo over Kolitra's handwriting and drag one of her barmaids to see.

She had one girl hovering with her over Kolitra's shoulder now.  A tall, pretty thing with a cloud of brown curls and big green eyes who was steadily growing less and less fascinated as she realized Pironne intended for her to learn how to write like that.  Kolitra bore their hovering with grace, copying the letter without a hint of annoyance.  Sacriphant stopped writing his current letter, propping his chin on the back of one hand.  Watching them while pretending to think.

It was funny, a little.  How Pironne, a middle-aged human woman whose mousy hair was going grey, ample with years of snacking and always wearing dresses with hems down to her ankles, was such a force to be reckoned with.  Every now and again Sacriphant wondered if she had a husband or fiancĂ© or father or some man that was cruel to her before she found the Syndicate.  She had a short temper with men and seemed determined to make sure any woman or girl that found herself in Yancy Town was taken care of, at the very least by a man that wouldn't hurt her.  The sudden interest in Kolitra's handwriting probably wasn't to let the girl, Sacriphant thought her name was Kern, see how dainty and lovely handwriting could be.  Pironne was probably scheming to have Kolitra at the alter by this time next year.  Sacriphant would have to warn him, but not now, not with Pironne so close.  For now he pretended to think and watched.

Kolitra snuck a glance over at Sacriphant as he finished another letter, once he dotted the last period and wrote in the salutation he nudged it back across the table for him to sign.  It wouldn't be right to write in Sacriphant's signature, it looked like a person came up from behind him and shook him while he was trying to write it and it was probably distinctive to the letter's recipient.  Sacriphant took the letter and had a look at it again, his bi-coloured eyes (the right was brown, the left powder blue with a stripe of green cutting it in half) sweeping through it quickly before he scribbled in his signature.  Sacriphant claimed to be descended from many different races and Kolitra would be damned again if he was the only one that looked at Sacriphant without trying to guess which ones.  His pale brown skin was no help.  He wasn't abnormally tall or short for most of the humanoid races of Le'raana.  The little tusks in the corner of his mouth were probably orcish.  The long fingers with an extra joint in them probably goblin.  The fur on the back of his hands from some race Kolitra didn't know.  That nose was definitely human... or maybe fey, a harsher, darker sort of fey.  Fey was the only way to describe his short hair, which changed colour with the season (now it was red, with splotches of orange, yellow and tan).  For the rest of him, Sacriphant wore too many layers to really see much else.  Kolitra could still guess though, to keep himself from paying too much attention to Pironne and her girl.

"Go bring them more rondir Kern," Pironne suggested to the girl at her side, who was biting her bottom lip and clearly dreading learning any handwriting beyond clearly legible.  Kern was heading toward the bar before Pironne could finish her name and Pironne seated herself at the table, across from Sacriphant and next to Kolitra.  "Pass me a leaf of paper Koli," she asked, pulling a quill from the inside of a sleeve and dipping it in the inkwell by Kolitra.

Watching Sacriphant writing and Kolitra re-writing letters all morning made Pironne remember that she needed to write to Darklis again.  Once Kolitra handed her a sheet of paper she tapped the feathered top of her quill against the paper a few times, her eyes wandering first to Sacriphant who was writing again and then to Kolitra.  She hadn't seen many elves that she believed to be proper swordsmen, but Kolitra didn't look like he would break in half trying to swing his greatsword (currently at his room in town).  He reminded her a little of Celendir, personality-wise.  The two couldn't have looked any different, it was almost hard to believe they were both elves.  Kolitra was very pale, with bright silver eyes and hair as soft and white as dandelion puffs.  She would, of course, have to figure out why he was an ex-paladin, but, overall, she thought him a good possibility for Kern.  The girl wouldn't amount to much working for the Syndicate.  Too squeamish.

The girl, Kern laid two glasses nearly full to the top with ice and a bubbly reddish-brown liquid on the table, stepped back a few paces and looked nervously toward the door.  At the rate he was writing, Mayor Sacriphant would be finished with that letter soon and Mrs. Pironne would be dragging her over to see that elf's impossibly pretty handwriting.  How could she be compared to an elf?  Kern watched the door, hoping someone would happen in.  If anything, it would make up for them not being free to lounge around in the springs.


Time, mages were taught at an early age, was not something to trifle with. In almost all of the academies, universities and libraries devoted to magical learning anything on time manipulation was either burned or banned. Still, Ciro never had been one for rules.

The Master had told him to go somewhere very specific to do something completely unknown, but time was like that.

"What are we looking at?" Ciro enquired, appearing out of no where next to Kern and peering at the door. He grinned, revelling in the natural shock of having someone suddenly next to you. Further pressing his advantage, a hand swept over to her, landing on the small of her back and swiftly sliding southwards to squeeze her bottom.

Another sly grin and he was gone, appearing on the other side of the room, behind the others.

Now, the Ciro that had died, or was supposed to have died, some ten years ago was very different from the man that appeared before them. Temporal magic had turned his once black hair pure white, though it was still cut relatively short and messily flopping about. Purple energies ran along crack like patterns, spider webbing his skin, as if the magic was threatening to burst out. His irises glowed a faint purple as well, and if you looked into them too much you could see the vortex of time itself, or at least something similar.

He wore royal blue robes with the hood down, a silver hourglass emblazoned on the breast. They were the robes of his order, a collection of time mages. Normally he would have found period accurate clothing before travelling to a new period, but he wanted to impress these people with his new position. Well, new to them, several hundreds of years old for him.

And with all that time and wisdom, Ciro had certainly matured, grown more delicate and caring.

"Gee Pirri, that you? You sure got fat and old, maybe I should have come back a few years sooner eh? Not that I could have mind, but that's how it goes." The words were fast, spoken by a man who never seemed to have enough time through a face that simply beamed as if he hadn't just offended a very scary woman.


Usually it took awhile for Kern to regret her bored wishes for life to become interesting.  This had to be the fastest any of them turned out to be more than she wanted.  She whirled when she heard the voice, but not before whoever it was had a handful of her arse and...

Was gone.

Her lungs were already full of air, ready to squeal and bring the wrath of Pironne crashing down on anyone that dared catch a grope in her domain.  There was no need for that, the sound of the newcomer's voice made all three of the operatives at the table look up.  

Kern whimpered, pointing when the newcomer appeared behind their table as Kolitra's head jerked to his new location.

Pirrone's expression didn't change when she was insulted, though Kolitra's eyes widened and Sacriphant's eyebrows crinkled in thought.  Anyone not familiar with her would think that she let the insults wash over her.

Anyone familiar with her knew that this was the calm before the storm.  Pirrone may have attacked hardest when her girls were the subject of such jests, but she couldn't let any of her girls see her own self just let some man talk down to her like that.  She snapped her fingers and the black iron ring on one of those fingers - a recent gift from one of her fosterlings who had a talent for magic - became a frying pan.  Pironne stood, turning and sweeping the pan around, aiming for the area Kolitra's eyes had been focused on.


....And time came to a standstill. Well, not quite, the universe was still creeping along at a rate where light travelled fast enough for Ciro to be able to see without relying on temporal imprints, which were very vague compared to eyesight.

A smirk touched his lips as he looked at her, Pironne, whom he had feared as much as anyone prone to sneaking a feel of any young piece of ass that walked by should. She was so powerless compared to him now, and it made him giddy.

He touched a fingertip to the pan, sending an invisible pulse of tachyon particles through it and sending the cookware forward in time. Not that far, only a few months, but he didn't bind it in space as he normally would have so it went as if the earth had rotated around the sun, following its most likely course without intelligent intervention, thus appearing somewhere in space, ready to burn up entering the atmosphere in a few months time when the planet caught up. It was called sticky time principal, where something would follow its basic path if pushed slightly out of proper sync with the continuum.

Letting his hand drop again, Ciro brought time back to its normal speed, looking at Pironne with a bemused expression.


Hadn't there just been a pan in Pironne's hand?  The tips of Kolitra's ears tipped downward in frustration over the sudden weirdness, but Sacriphant looked from Pironne's empty hand to the amused face of the newcomer and was getting a decent idea of what happened.

He was starting to remember that face too.  

Pironne was aware that something happened to her pan and now her empty hand was flying out at the newcomer.  No need to waste that momentum, Pironne clenched her empty hand into a fist and shifted just so - to let her fist pick up where the pan failed.


Yet again Ciro fell back on his trump card and time slowed. This time the fist coming at him moved at a noticeable rate, allowing him to wait until it almost made contact before teleporting out of the way.

He appeared behind Sacriphant, arms draped over his shoulders and chin resting on one arm. "Come on big guy, don't cha remember me?"


Pironne's eyes narrowed as the newcomer disappeared before her eyes and her fist swung through the empty air.  She squared her shoulders and looked over at Kern, jerking her head toward the kitchen.  Kern wasted no time racing toward the kitchen, nearly knocking over a woman with long pale hair and dragging her in the back with her.

Kolitra was completely at a loss.  Just because Pironne attacked someone didn't mean they were a threat to the town at large.  Sacriphant wasn't acting like the person was a threat, but Sacriphant wasn't the type to attack first.  He was the planning type.  While Pironne danced around trying to get a hit on the guy, Sacriphant was watching him.  Figuring him out.

Apparently figuring who he was as well.  If the man's words when he appeared behind Sacriphant were any indication.  

Sacriphant had a name to go with the face that was bouncing around the Frolicking Dragon's common room.  But that face died several years ago and couldn't do what this one was doing currently.  Sacriphant grinned and tilted his head towards the newcomer.  "Maybe mah memory's gone a little.  Years can't stay kind ta me forevah eh dahlin'?  Now, I seem ta remembah a Dragon Boy that looked like ya and talked kinda like ya.  If I'm remeberin' it propah, that Dragon Boy wasn't a mastah of any magic.  There's anotha 'lil detail innair too.  Littlest lil detail, but real important if yer who ya say ya are.

"That Dragon Boy's dead.  You'll be nice enough ta tell me if I'm talkin' to a corpse eh dahlin'?"


"Not dead," Ciro smirked, standing up again to rest his palms on Sacriphant's shoulders, "not quite anyway."

He appeared on the other side of the table, facing the hybrid mayor and fully ready to freeze time again if Pironne wasn't entirely done with attempting to exact her vengeance. Bringing his hands to the front of his waist Ciro drew back his robe, revealing black pants and a light blue tunic, folded over him and bound with a belt. The buckle was interesting, if one was into that sort of thing, made of solid silver and crafted into the twisting shape of a dragon covered in cracks, much like the ones on Ciro's skin, inlaid with amethyst. With a sigh he slipped the robe off and tossed it onto the table and then tugged the tunic open to slide it off his shoulders.

Pulling his cream undershirt up, Ciro rapped his knuckles on the metal disc attached to his chest, right over where his heart should have been. It looked like simple copper, etched with the same dragon design as the belt but without the inlays. The lines that patterned his skin all seemed to merge on the disc, never crossing each other just flowing into greater channels, or spreading outwards, depending on your point of view. Much like a river system.

A river system, or veins.

"There see? Still alive, just got a new heart. Better than the old one, gives all sorts of fancy powers." He grinned, letting the undershirt fall. "Any more questions, or can I get dressed again?"

With a wink and a grin at Pironne he added, "Or undressed, if you'd like."


Four eyes watched as the newcomer appeared at the other end of the table.  Two having decided they wanted nothing more to do with him, and after gathering the letter they were working on before the whole amazing teleporting freak show started, moved to another table and continued to work on it.

Sacriphant had a mild interest in dragons and slightly less interest in seeing any that weren't alive.  He took no notice of the belt buckle and kept watching in silence.  Kolitra was a little more interested in his belt buckle, but would only remain so provided it stayed snugly fastened on its belt.  That Ciro was answering Sacriphant's question by stripping alarmed him enough.  The more clothing he shrugged off, the more Kolitra had to struggle to keep from looking offended.  Even seeing the metal plate didn't shake Kolitra's displeasure.

While the design on the plate did nothing for him, Sacriphant was interested in the flow of lines leading out from it.  If he were asked, he'd say it was a goblin experiment.  It sounded like the sort of thing they would do.  Get a dead body and try to bring it back to life with their gadgets.  Only, the goblins wouldn't give any fancy powers along with a new ticker.  This was something else.  Something Sacriphant didn't understand.  

If anything delighted Sacripahnt, it was a new puzzle to figure out.

If anything delighted Kolitra, it was a person offering to don clothing.

If anything, Kolitra's delight beat out Sacriphant's.  As Sacriphant opened his mouth to reply, Kolitra grumbled.  "Get dressed and then answer them."

Sacriphant's eyes crinkled with contained laughter.  "Purty fancy way ta cheat death there Ciro-dahlin'.  You get yerself inta trouble?  That why ya came crawlin' back here?"