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[moved] Here we are!

Started by Goldie, December 30, 2004, 04:53:46 PM

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Unregistered User
(8/5/03 12:37 pm)
Reply  Here we are!
 Aniketos paused on the border of the woods and looked behind him toward his companions with a smile. A half relieved smile. He hadn't really been 100% sure that they had been traveling in the right direction toward Serendipity Village, but had been confident that, even if he was incorrect in his guesswork, they'd reach a village eventually or settlement eventually, and could ask for directions there. hadn't all been guesswork! He'd passed by Serendipity once before, and had an inkling of its general location. Good thing that inkling had proved true.

"Well, here we are!" he announced cheerily, his look taking in mainly Tai and Rayne. Aysel...she was just...there. He still didn't know what to think of her, after all.
SotE RPGer ^_^
Posts: 7
(8/5/03 6:00 pm)
Reply   Smile
 Tai looked around, taking in everything that was the village of Serendipity, "Aye...and you say this is where he might be?"

(OOC: Sorry it's so short, it's late, and Im tired!)
Unregistered User
(8/6/03 10:55 am)
Reply   Yup!
 OOC: Whoops! Airlia's not with the group anymore! Heh! Ignore the part of his previous post that said she was! ^^;; Oh! And it's okay! Me'sa tired, too...

"Yup! Now we just gotta figure ot where. That's th' problem..."

He scratched the back of his neck thoughtfully, gazing around. "Guess we oughtta start at a tavern," he shrugged, and began to walk in a random direction. Taverns were easy to come by, so there had to be one close by!
SotE RPGer ^_^
Posts: 8
(8/7/03 8:23 pm)
Reply   I like this reminds me of how I'll look....
 *continuation* when I finally fall asleep tonight

Tai glanced around the village, holding his sister firmly in his arms. She was asleep for the moment, but he could feel her spirit rousing within her. He wanted her to stay asleep, that way the pain would not torment her as it did while she was awake.

"I thought I saw a wagon go that way." he told Aniketos, "I'm guessing that they'd be delivered to the tavern." He stopped and looked pointedly at their companion, "If you don't want to do this, just tell me. I know it must be difficult."
Unregistered User
(8/8/03 11:30 am)
Reply   It's alright!
 OOC: LOL! Reminds me of how I looked when I woke up yesterday morning.  

"Oh, no, it's fine...I want t'do this." Of course, Tai was would be difficult for him. But, he also knew he'd have to run into his brother eventually, whether he wanted to or not. His brother was hunting him, and eventually he'd have to stop running.

He just wished he'd had a bit more time. He wanted to help his brother; his behavior wasn't all his fault. He had been an entirely different person before J'aari claimed him, and...Aniketos just knew there had to be a way to cure him. If Aniketos had been able to hold on this long, there just had to be a way...somehow...

But, first things first. Nakaris was responsible for Rayne's condition, and curing her was of a higher priority.

"Alright then, let's go," he said with an encouraging smile, and started heading in the direction Tai had suggested.
SotE RPGer ^_^
Posts: 9
(8/8/03 12:10 pm)
 Tai followed closely beside Ani (so tired of typing out the whole name --_--() ) ignoring the sideways glances that many of the people shot towards him. He clutched Rayne to his chest, not meeting any of their eyes incase they attacked or something (paranoid! o.O)

They turned down quite a few allies before stopping before a small rundown building. A large wooden sign hung beside the door with a large mug painted on the front. "Well, I guess this is it." he said softly, nerves rising sharply within himself.
Unregistered User
(8/9/03 9:04 am)
Reply   *gulp*
 OOC: Kekeke! I did pick a long name, didn't I?  

"Yep, guess it is..." And, taking a deep, calming breath, Aniketos opened the door and walked inside and...

Saw that the tavern was mostly empty, save the bartender and a few drunks that most definitely were not Nakaris.

He sighed sharply in relief despite himself. "He's not here..." he told Tai, frowning slightly, both at his own reaction and at the fact that their query wasn't there. " feels like either he was around, or is nearby...I felt that since we came to this village." He looked uncertainly, and meekly, toward the barkeeper. "Erm...maybe we should talk to 'im?"

In reply to his own question, Aniketos headed over toward the bar. By 'we', he mostly meant that he'd do the talking...Tai was looking after Rayne, and a bar was no place for her! A bar was no place for anyone, in Aniketos' opinion. A vile place, filled with self destruction and...

A sharp curse made him jump, and he turned to find one of the resident drunks pointing at him. "Blimey! Ye'r one O' them!"

Taken aback, Aniketos opened his mouth to ask who they were, but was cut off with the answer.

"One O' th' bloody Dread Army!" the man, who Aniketos quickly recognized as a guard of sorts by his uniform, snarled, attempting to rise but only managing to sway drunkenly. "Ye cut 'n' colored yer hair, but don' think I don' recognize ye!"

"But...I'm not...Iâ€"" Aniketos tried to cut in to explain, backing away, but quickly gave up as the guard's raving quickly drew attention from the other drunks...some of which weren't all that drunk at all, and could walk. And quite quickly. With a curseâ€"something Aniketos very rarely didâ€"he rushed back to his companions and began pushing them out the door. "Let's go!"
Tai and Rayne
Unregistered User
(8/9/03 3:11 pm)
Reply   Uh oh!
 Tai was taken aback when Ani rushed out a few moments after he had entered the tavern. He seemed a bit frantic as he told them that they had to leave; he had been recognized.

Holding Rayne close to his chest, Tai followed him down the ally, and out into the main street, "Well...if you were recognized at least that means he's been here right?" He asked quietly as they stopped to rest against one of the houses, "Even if it's not too good that people will mistake you for him."

Rayne opened her eyes slowly and turned her head towards her brother, struggling to sit up in his arms, "I wish to walk..." she said tiredly, "'Tis bad enough with Aniketos being tortured, I would like to that thy burdon from thee for a moment." Tai looked a bit perplexed for a moment, before setting her gently onto the earth, supporting her with his arm.
Unregistered User
(8/11/03 10:09 am)
Reply   Dread Army...
 OOC: Sowwy for my late reply! Eheh...was very busy over the weekend. ^^;;

Aniketos kept his head down as they walked, and when they stopped, leaned wearily against the building by Tai. He hadn't quite expected to be recognized that quickly, but...oddly enough, it was a good sign. His assumption had proved true.

" definitely means he's been here. I could feel it before, but..." But Aniketos had grown so accustomed to trying not to pick up vibes from his brother, he sometimes overlooked them. "Y'see, I can't exactly pin-point where he is or anythin'. We're connected, but it doesn't work that way...But if I were t'go somewhere he'd been recently, I'd be able t'tell he'd been there, and he'd be able t'feel that, as well. He'd prob'ly now feelin' that I've crossed paths with 'im...he might come here lookin'. Or he might still be here, but I doubt the latter, as it seems he's made a...reputation of himself already." He tilted his head to one side thoughtfully, musing aloud. "And that guy said he was part of some army, apparently..."

He looked up quickly as Tai let Rayne down, and watched her cautiously. With him being recognized as his brother, and with them associating with him...he had to be more careful. He didn't want to endanger them...
SotE RPGer ^_^
Posts: 15
(8/11/03 11:40 am)
 Rayne stood , trembling noticeably from the force it took her, but she did not give up. She wanted to fight the curse that coursed through her, trying to rip her spirit away. She held on, and wanted to keep hanging until she fell from exertion. She took a small step and stumbled, being caught only just by Tai.

"You shouldn't." he told her, but she shook her head.

"Nay...if he should be here, I wish to prove that I have not given into his curse. I shall be strong until I shall fall and never rise again." She stumbled again, and gave in slightly, "Although, I shall need your arm." Tai was taken aback slightly. That was the longest sentences she had uttered since she had been sick, and he could tell they took out more than she wished to be discovered.

"Fine, but only for a little bit." He looked at Ani, "So...are we going to try and find him? Or will we wait here for him to find us?"
Unregistered User
(8/14/03 8:28 am)
Reply   Well...
 OOC: Sowwy it took so long, again! Was busy, and then my comp ate my niiiice, big post. ^^;; got spared that! You're lucky!  

And now, for a more condensed version...

Aniketos watched Rayne admiringly. He only wished that, when the time came, he could be as strong as she. The magic that had claimed Nakaris was always waging an inner battle for control with him, and if he wasn't careful, it could take him, too, like it had taken so many others. Though...all those others were long since killed, murdered at birth when the magic in them was discovered or hunted down if they managed to slip by. Aniketos shivered a little...that was another reason he had avoided villages. He doubted any "Hunters" would have come this far from his home, never knew.

All these reasons added up, which made him even more wary to be in a village with companions. People often had a tendency to adopt a "guilty by association" ideology...

He looked at Tai as his question snapped him from his thoughts, thankfully. "I'll have t'leave that decision t'you and Rayne. If we stay here, I may be putting ya at risk, if I'm sighted again. But then all we have t'do is wait, and I know he'll come. But...we dunno how long that will be. Or, we could find out where this army is and look fer him there. There're plenty of shady folk here, so I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem. But...going t'him would be just as dangerous as staying here...we dunno how many are in this 'army'...but it may be quicker, on th' flip side..."
SotE RPGer ^_^
Posts: 17
(8/14/03 1:52 pm)
Reply   Goosy Goosy gander....
 (ooc: lol, I was reading nursury rhymes today ^_^ I know, I'm so grown up, lol....mayhap I should act my age.)


Rayne could feel her knee's weakening quickly, trembling beneath the weight that they had long before forgotten how to carry. She fought the tears of dispare that entering her visage, but could tell that her distress was openly worn upon her face. Her heart ached as it never had before, a worse pain that had been eased by Aniketos and was now returning. She felt her breaths coming in shorter gasps until she could barely receive any air. Everything was spinning, faster than it ever had, and things were getting darker.

Tai could feel Rayne's distress, and nearly cried out in shock as she tumbled to the ground, just barely being caught. Laying her upon the dirt road, he pressed his face close to her mouth.

"My god..." he whispered trying not to panic, "She's not god...Aniketos! What can we do?" Though as much as he tried to fight it, he couldn't help thinking that she was slipping away faster than she ever had before. He felt tears stinging his eyes, but he fought them back. She wasn't dead yet, and if he panicked it wouldn't help.

(OOC: I thought it about time for more drama. *poses* lol, ok, i'll stop.)
Unregistered User
(8/15/03 3:10 pm)
Reply   O_O
 OOC: Eheh! It's okay! I still read my old nursery books and make a point of not acting my age, muahah! ^_~

Aniketos dropped to his knees beside Rayne and gently pushed Tai aside before first feeling Rayne's wrist and then the side of her neck for a pulse. Good. There was one, though it was weakening...he just had to be quick...

He gently tilted her head back and glanced apologetically at Tai. "Forgive me," he muttered before turning back to Rayne, holding her her nose closed, and breathing into her mouth. Still feeling no breath from her after that, he placed his hands flat in the center of her chest and began to compress her chest, then breathed again into her and checked her pulse before resuming the cycle again. He worked calmly, like one who had had to do this many times before, which he had. He'd faced and dealt with many emergencies in his life, some involving those he cared about, as now, but he had learned to stay calm and detatched as he worked. He had to; if he panicked, he would lose focus.

All the while, throughout it all, he chaneled delicate strands of J'aari into her, seeking out the thig that ailed her and finding it quickly. And as he found it, and surrounded it with his own magic. Now that he was more aware of who had cursed her, he also became aware of what made up her illness. J'aari. He had felt it before, when he had first tried to heal it, but had ignored it, thinking he was just feeling his own magic. But now that he knew who had cursed her with this sickness...he knew the J'aari he was feeling belonged to Nakaris.

And that was why he couldn't cure her! J'aari was a destructive magic, which Aniketos used to heal by destroying illnesses and Nakaris used just to destroy. Both magics, Nakaris' and Aniketos', were colliding against each other, both trying to destroy each otherâ€"though one was also trying to destroy Rayne. Indeed, there was nothing Aniketos could do, unless Nakaris withdrew his own magic. All Aniketos could do was try and contain it, if only a little...

Which was what Aniketos tried to do, surrounding Nakaris' magic with his own...

OOC: Bwahahah...I knew my CPR training would come to use one day!  
SotE RPGer ^_^
Posts: 20
(8/15/03 4:16 pm)
Reply   Mwahaha, good for you!
 Tai watched the cycle, fear creaping into him as he saw no response from his sister. Tears filled his eyes as he tried desperately not to panic. He had to be the strong hold for Rayne or all would be lost. She had said before that only he was her footing in the world else she would have died ages ago.

But now as he watched, he felt only dispare, not the hope that Rayne had wished upon him. She was dying for real this time, not just slowly from the sickness, but it was really almost over. His mind was on fire, burning with a pain that seemed to rip through him. It was like a red-hot knife were slicing open his bowls, tearing his heart to pieces. Clutching his chest he let out a howl of sadness as he felt the pain worsen.

He barely made it to the ground, and crawled desperately over to his sister. She couldn't be dead, not now, not yet when they were so close. But the paleness of her skin confirmed it, she had been lost, for good.

Even though the pain was horrible, his dispare was worse, and with a last effort of strength and will, he stretched out with his mind to his sisters spirit, rising quickly away from her. He called to it, begging it to return and used all the magic he could summon to pull it into him.

"I'll...I'll carry you, Rayne..." he whispered through sobs of pain and anguish, and fell over, closing his eyes into a deep unconsiousness.


As he fell, a string of light dashed feebly into the air, scattering into millions of tiny threads, each end gathering a light and slowly bringing them together into an orb of stars, and slowly was taken into Tai's chest, disappearing with a final burst of light.

(OOC: Ok, I'll explain in my next post if you didn't get it ^.^)
Unregistered User
(8/15/03 7:40 pm)
Reply  Oh gods...
 OOC: Ehehe! I think I get it, but explain in your next posty, just in case! ^_~

Aniketos had felt her heart weakening, felt her pulse slow, but he forced himself to stay calm. He didn't stop trying to revive her, even when he knew she was dead and that his efforts weren't helping, until Tai collapsed.

That was when everything began to sink in.

Rayne was dead. He'd failed.

Rising unsteadily to his feet, he automatically moved over to Tai and checked him, making sure he was alright. Unconscious, but he was alive and, as far as he could see, well. Physically well.

He sat down heavily beside Tai, suddenly feeling ill, his stomach tied in a sick knot of fear and sorrow. Rayne really was dead...Aniketos...he'd never not been able to save someone...and she was so pure and kind...Tai and Rayne had placed their trust and hopes and very lives into his hands, and he...he hadn't been able to save her. He'd promised he would...but he'd failed.

Tears of frustration and anguish began to burn beneathe his closed eyelids, but he fought them back defiantly, though a few tears managed to escape before he could stop them. No...what he was feeling now was nothing compared to what Tai was. He had to stay strong for him, at least. He couldn't begin to imagine what hurt he was feeling...
SotE RPGer ^_^
Posts: 23
(8/16/03 8:32 am)
   Summons to the spirits mwahaha
 ooc: ok, well basically Rayne did die, but in a last effort of grief, Tai used all the magic he had to call her spirit back to him, and now she's basically inside of him. a way she's only partly dead ^^ we still have a quest~


The darkness was overwhelming. Tai felt as if he were being smoothered by the black shadows that hovered through his mind. Rayne was dead, she had been lost in the final attempt to save her! He hadn't been strong enough! Bitterness towards himself replaced the grief. How had he failed? How had he let her slip away?

Looking up, he saw a small beam of light shining through the shadows, chasing them away. A figure, transfigured in silver moonbeams was walking towards him. He nearly cried out for joy but could not find his voice. It was Rayne! She was here! Slowly her figure stopped, just before her fallen brother, a smile upon her shining features.

I am free, brother she said, yet her mouth never moved I no longer feel the pain that my body held, I have been freed! Tai nearly cried out with sorrow and joy. She was so happy, so wonderfully changed. You need to let me go, Tai. I no longer belong to this world. Let my spirit be free. Tai shook his head.

"I cant!" he cried out, "I won't let you go! You're the only reason I've become who I am! If you leave I'll have nothing worth fighting for!" Her face became sorrowful, but she did not argue for she remembered how hard she had held onto Tai while she was sick.


Tai woke with a start, the pain of Rayne's departure burning fearfully within his chest. He clutched his heart, closing his eyes as he tried to block out the pain. "Gods..." he whispered, wincing with each breath.
Unregistered User
(8/17/03 9:17 am)
Reply   .
 OOC: I thought so! Wheeee! ^_^


He shifted when Tai awakened, and quickly made sure his face was free of tears.

"I...I might be able t'help ya with th' pain..." he offered quietly, then sighed and averted his eyes. "Tai, I am so sorry...I...I tried t'save her, but...I just..." He trailed off miserably.
Unregistered User
(8/17/03 12:15 pm)
Reply   Here we go...........
 Tai shifted, gasping with each movement. His mind was on fire along with his heart. He shook his head when Ani offered help, he would deal with the pain, it was the only way he could ever remember the last few moments of Rayne's pain.

" did more than...than you could ever know." he said painfully, clutching his heart, "But it''s not over yet." he said with a slight but painful smile, "She's...not gone yet..."
Unregistered User
(8/17/03 12:32 pm)
Reply   Smile
 "She...she isn't?" he asked quietly, momentarily taken aback...but then he smiled softly and weakly, thinking he understood. " saw her? We can still save her?" he guessed hopefully.

Hope coursed through him, slowly replacing fear and anxiety. He didn't know this would workâ€"he'd never heard of or experienced anything ike this beforeâ€"but...anything was possible, he long as you didn't give up. Tai hadn't given up on he wouldn't, either.
Unregistered User
(8/17/03 2:01 pm)
Reply   Unsure
 Tai suddenly looked hopelessly lost as he heard Ani reply to his desperate words. Had he really seen her? Or had it all been a dream? Surely the latter, but he was so uncertain.

"I...I'm not sure could have been a dream but...but she was so happy, covered in couldn't have been a dream." he felt a soft warmth flow through his veins, and the pain abated, disappearing to a dull ache easilly ignored. "She's here." he said finally understanding, touching his heart, "I...somehow...our link allowed me to gather her spirit."
Unregistered User
(8/17/03 2:12 pm)
Reply  Whoa!
 Aniketos' eyes widened in amazement. Rayne was inside Tai? And...their link had allowed it?

He took a deep breath. It wasn't over, yet.

"There's still time, then? We can still save her?" he asked urgently. He didn't quite understand everything that was happening, but if there was still a chance...he'd take it.  

Author  Comment  
SotE RPGer ^_^
Posts: 26
(8/17/03 4:16 pm)
Reply   There's a catch...of course
 Tai felt another pang in his chest, but this one came not from his heart, but from his lungs, as if the small amount he had spoken had taken a large chunk out of his breath. He felt weaker, like his life were slowly draining away from him and even faster than when he had taken Rayne's illness.

"Somethings wrong..." he said, gasping for breath, "I dont...I can't....Two spirits inside of me are too much..."
Unregistered User
(8/17/03 4:40 pm)
Reply   Of course!
 He moved closer to Tai, a pang of panic striking him at Tai's words. Great! What was he supposed to do!? He'd never dealt with anything like this! He was a physical healer...he'd knew close to nothing when it came to spirits!

"Oh, gods, Tai," he murmered, trying hard to rein in his fear. If Tai died! He wouldn't think like that! But damn...he felt so helpless! And he wasn't used to feeling that way. "Please, Tai, what can I do? I...I've never dealt with anythin' like this before! Iâ€"" He took a calming breath. He was also used to keeping calm in the face of danger, but was too much.

They had to find his brother! Soon. Things were just starting to snowball so fast...
SotE RPGer ^_^
Posts: 27
(8/17/03 4:51 pm)
Reply  Deciding time
 Tai stood slowly, taking deep breaths to try and steady his mind. There was no way he would be able to carry Rayne's body, and until it was healed he could not put her spirit back into it.

"We need to find him." he choked out, trying to conserve his energy, "Rayne depends on it."
Unregistered User
(8/17/03 5:06 pm)
Reply  Yes...
 "Yes, we do," he agreed and, standing, stooped to pick up Raynes lifeless body. His heart ached as he held her, but...he fought back his emotions, and turned his focus back on Tai. He offered his hand to Tai, to help him to his feet.

"But...I...I dunno where he is, or how t'find him, or even if he's felt that I've crossed a place he's been," he began miserably, and took another deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He had to stay calm. If he didn't, he wouldn't be able to think straight, and then he'd be useless!

He racked his brain, trying to think of what to do...and as he did, he once again became aware of Nakaris' emotions in the back of his mind. Hmm...they were connected, each feeling the other's pain, and sometimes their emotions. The strong emotions were the ones that came clearest...maybe...maybe he could play upon that connection...he had learned to bend J'aari to heal rather than to destroy. Maybe he could learn to bend their connection to transmit thoughts like it did emotions...

Mentally, desperately, he called out to Nakaris, not knowing if it would work, but hoping it would...
SotE RPGer ^_^
Posts: 28
(8/17/03 5:15 pm)
Reply  Hmm....
 Tai accepted Aniketos' outstretched hand, and leaned heavily upon the side of a house. He could see the other's face screwed up in consentration, and did not dare to interfere. If he could contact his brother....

Hold on Tai! an urgent voice sounded in his head, causing him to catch his breath in shock. It had been so light that he was not sure if it were really there, but there was no doubting his sisters voice.
Aniketos and Nakaris
Unregistered User
(8/18/03 8:47 am)
Reply  Dun dun DUN!!!
 Suddenly, Aniketos broke concentration, and took a deep breath, opening his eyes to look at Tai. "He heard me," he said wonderingly. It had taken a while, but finally he had felt a startled jolt in the back of his mind, where he felt Nakaris' emotions, and then something like calm resignation. "He'll be here soon." It was an opportunity he knew Nakaris couldn't pass up.

He shifted Rayne gently in his arms and looked to the alleyway enterance expectantly. It wouldn't take long.


Nakaris walked casually through the streets, so as not to draw any attention to himself...though, that was asking a bit much. His hair was red-gold in color and reached just a ways past his shoulders, gathered loosely in the back at the nape of his neck with a leather cord. The rest of his hair hung free. His eyes were a startling blue in color, though they hadn't always been that way. Once, they had been honey-brown, but that was before J'aari had claimed him.

An assortment of necklances, earrings, and bracelets decorated his person, and he bore many old scars beneath his clothes from previous scuffles. The only visible one was on the left side of his faceâ€"a thin scar that stood out darker on his already tan skin, starting almost at his temple and stretching out almost to his chin.

Ah well. Colorful appearance or not, the only people he really had to worry about that would recognize him were Serendipity guards and, of course, his brother. But the latter he didn't really have to worry about...he was so evasive an unconfrontational.

He glanced carefully by the allyways he passed by as he moved farther and farther into Serendipity. What a good boy Aniketos was! Wherever he was, he certainly hadn't picked a meeting place that would be in plain sight.

Glancing down an alleyway to his left, he gave a start as his sharp eyes caught sight of Aniketos...and two others that he didn't pay attention to. He waited at his leisure for a few minutes, biding his time, waiting for the streets to clear more as day began to end, before crossing over.

He entered the alleyway just as casually, and leaned against the side of a building with his arms crossed. He smiled pleasantly as he watched his almost mirror image jump in surprise.

"You called?"

((A piccy of Naka... ))
SotE RPGer ^_^
Posts: 29
(8/18/03 10:24 am)
Reply   ooooo....nice piccy!
 Tai would have jumped had his strength been at its fullest, but all he managed was a near collapse. *Gods this is hard* he thought to himself, and realized how weak he was becoming in the past few minutes. He had only housed Rayne's spirit for nearly five minutes and already his body was rejecting it faster than any sickness could have caused. He could feel Rayne within him, strong with each passion second, and when the man at the other side of the ally announced his presence it seemed to diminish in a type of fear. Hold fast Tai he heard her soft voice in his head There's still time

Using her words as strength, he stood away from the wall, his dark blonde hair catching what little sunlight entered the ally, his blue eyes, so similar to his sisters. Although the dance in them seemed to be fading quickly, there was a fire rising in them as he recognized Aniketos' twin.
Aniketos and Nakaris
Unregistered User
(8/18/03 10:57 am)
Reply  (Teehee, thankies! ^_^)
 As Tai moved away from the wall, Nakaris swept his eyes over him, then smiled wryly at Aniketos and the girl he was holding. "Heh. Some allies ya've got there, bro," he said amusedly. "A chick that looks dead an' a kid that can't hardly stand. Nice."

With a flick of his wrist, he drew a dagger from its sheath in his sleeveâ€"one of the many he carried on himâ€"and twirled it thoughtfully in his fingers. "Not t'worry. I don' care 'bout 'em, an' I may leave 'em unharmed if ya come peacefully. That was whatcha were callin' me 'bout, wasn't it? Tired of runnin'?"

Aniketos darted a look from Tai back to Nakaris, then swallowed. He was horrible when it came to confrontations, and felt completely at a loss. And fearful and sorrowful. He had been so afraid of seeing Nakaris again...not because he feared for himself, but because he feared for what his brother had become. He was so much worse than when he had last seen different...

Finally, he found his voice, and shifted Rayne in his arms. "Does...does she look familiar t'you?"

Nakaris paused in twirling his dagger for a moment and followed Aniketos' gaze...and his eyes widened an increment. He looked quickly toward Tai, then back at Rayne, studying her more closely. Slowly, a cruel smile spread across his face, and he gave a soft laugh. "Well, it sure took 'er long enough," he replied callously.

Aniketos stiffened as anger began to work its way through him, replacing fear. He took a deep breath, once more reaching for calm, but Nakaris' words had struck a chord in him. How could he be so cold, so uncaring? So casual? He had killed her, betrayed her trust, and she didn't do a thing to her. And now she was dead. And he displayed not one inch of remorse. In fact, he seemed happy about it...
SotE RPGer ^_^
Posts: 30
(8/18/03 11:14 am)
Reply   Anger!!! GGRRRRGG
 Tai felt anger billowing inside of him. This man had killed his sister and...and he did not care!? How could anyone be so cruel, so heartless? Rayne had trusted this man? Just from looking upon his face Tai could not trust him. It was a completely different feeling than that which he had felt from Aniketos. Even from the first encounter Tai knew he was a person to could this heartless fiend be his brother? When there was no likenesses between them at all?

"You don't care at all?" He cried outraged, clenching his fists at his side. "You killed her and you don't even care that she was innocent?! What did she ever do to you but put her trust in you!?" He could feel Rayne become concerned from her encasement in his own soul.

Do not do something you shall regret! she cried, and he could feel sorrow in her voice, Stay calm! Tai forgot that they could not hear his sister's voice.

"I won't, Rayne." he shouted into the air, "And I will." he answered the second statement along with the first, finding strength from his anger. He was sure that Nakaris thought he was insane, even if Aniketos possibly knew he was not talking to no one. But you shall, Tai, I can feel it. Please, don't!! she begged him, but for the first time in his life he did not listen to her words and continued to stare angrilly at Aniketos' twin, blue eyes flashing with fury.
Nakaris and Aniketos
Unregistered User
(8/18/03 11:31 am)
Reply   Nuuupe.
 He looked at Tai and smiled, quirking an eyebrow at his display, and smirked at Aniketos. "And insane, t'boot," he commented beneath his breath.

Taking a few steps towards the group, he returned his focus to Tai, and nodded. "Why should I care?" he asked simply, and shrugged. "She was expendable, no emotions attached, just some temporary entertainment. We had our fun, she was interestin' fer th' time being...then I had t'move on. People were lookin' fer me. I couldn't leave 'er free t'go blabbin' once she found that out, now could I?"

Aniketos shook his head. "I can't believe you..." he muttered angrily, feeling his own hands starting to clench before he remembered he still held Rayne. "How can you be like this?"

"Same way y'can be like ya are, bro," Nakaris answered, and paused within twenty feet of them. "Now, back t'business. Y'gonna die quietly or not?"
Unregistered User
(8/18/03 11:42 am)
Reply   Speaking of death.....
 Tai clenched his fists, his anger burning with a suddenly flame that he could not quench. Even with his strength failing he would not see this other kill Aniketos. He nearly lost his sister, he would not loose his friend as well.

"Do you know what it feels like, to loose someone you're attatched to?" He paused, waiting for Nakaris to change his gaze once more, "Not just an emotional attachment, but mind, a very similar connect between you and your brother. Aye, Rayne and I had one very like it even though we were four years apart and not twins of any sort. When someone with that connection is ripped suddenly away, you will wish yourself dead. It's a hot blade that slices through your innards, tearing you apart from the inside out. And it does not go away...the only reason I can stand it right now is because Rayne is not wholy gone but I can still feel the dull ache. If you were to kill your brother, there would be nothing that would stop the pain it would reap through you. My father had the same attachement to his brother, and when my uncle died he could do nothing but sit in a corner balled up crying for the pain that ripped through him. And my father never cried, even when he lost his hand in a duel he did not cry...but this's not something that can be stopped. Eventually he died, in too much pain to eat, sleep, or even find peace. Is this was you want, Nakaris?"
SotE RPGer ^_^
Posts: 31
(8/18/03 11:46 am)
Reply   oops
 ooc: oops...Tai never learned Ani's brothers name did he? lol, my bad.
Nakaris and Aniketos
Unregistered User
(8/18/03 12:06 pm)
Reply   Bah.
 He chuckled, listening to Tai's story with only half interest. Only when Tai was finished did he speak again.

"Touching, but that's not quite how this works. I hold no love for Ani over there." He smiled knowingly. "Speaking of which...has dear Ani ever told ya 'bout J'aari?"

Aniketos looked sharply over at Nakaris, dread suddenly painting his features. He never had told them...he had always been afraid to...

Nakaris raised his eyebrows slightly at Aniketos' reaction. "No? Fer shame. Well, allow me t'explain. J'aari is a very powerful, deadly magic, capable of wreaking vast amounts of destruction. It's a magic native to our birthplace, an' only twins are born with it. Not all twins, but th' 'lucky' ones...which are usually killed off. But some slip by, like us.

"Over time, it begins t'eat away at the carrier, corruptin' matter how they fight it, it's only a matter of time 'fore they can't take in any longer and give in. Ani's done a good job so far...but I wonder how long he'll last? Heh, most that manage t'escape th' hunters don' last long.

"However, though gifted with J'aari, it's not really of much use, 'cause it's split among th' twins.' connection is a bit different on us. If one kills th' other, J'aari becomes whole within th' victor. It's when one twin is killed by someone other than th' other twin that th' connection is painfully cut."

He smiled at Tai. "I wouldn't worry 'bout Ani an' me. He'll become a monster when J'aari takes 'im. It's best for him t'die now before he can suffer it."
Unregistered User
(8/18/03 12:13 pm)
Reply   reverse psycology
 Tai clenched his teeth, fighting the urge just to spring onto Nakaris during his little explaination about the J'aari. Frankly, he did not care, but when the twin finished, he could not help but have a small triumphant smile creep up on his lips.

"Well...I'm surprised you haven't noticed, but that makes Aniketos the stronger twin. It's harder to fight the darkness than to let it consume you and I'm sure if you let Rayne have one last chance, you would realize that as well. But..." he smiled again, "I guess you're too weak to heal her now aren't you? Sure, you can place curses on people all you want, but it's a whole different game when you try lifting one." He waited to see his reaction. Tai needed to get Rayne's body healed as soon as he could otherwise they would both be lost and Aniketos would be on his own. "Besides, wouldn't it make you stronger to take back what magic you used on her? She's already dead." at least in your eyes. he thought savagly.
Nakaris and Aniketos
Unregistered User
(8/18/03 12:25 pm)
Reply   Kekeke!
 Aniketos kept his eyes averted onto Nakaris and kept quiet. He knew what Tai was doing, and didn't want to say or do anything that would draw the focus from he and Rayne. If it worked...

Nakaris glowered at Tai, and half wanted to leave the magic within the dead girl's body just to spite the brat! But, unfortunately, he did have a point, Nakaris admitted grudgingly...the magic had served it's purpose, and would just go to rot with her if it stayed in her.

He looked at Tai suspiciously, searching his words for a trick of some sortâ€"why would he care if leaving magic inside her weakened him? But after finding none, reached out into Rayne and pulled the fragments of J'aari he had placed into her back into him. "Happy? It's just as easy to lift a curse as t'cast it, if yer th' one castin' it. Though much good it'll do. Y'can't bring a dead broad back t'life."
Unregistered User
(8/18/03 12:34 pm)
Reply   You loose!
 He could not help the triumphant smile that crept into his face as Nakaris pulled out the curse. He had fallen right into the trap that Tai had set for him, things were going perfectly...not only was Rayne healed now, but there would soon be three to help Aniketos defend himself against his insane brother.

"Aye, you can't bring the dead back to life...when they're truely dead." He closed his eyes and called to Rayne's spirit, holding his hands out before his chest as if cupping water. Slowly light filtered from his chest into his hands, glowing brightly in the ally. When her spirit was firmly within his hands, he felt the same beam of light extended towards Rayne, carrying her spirit back to its rightful place.

Opening his eyes, Tai watched as the last of the light disappeared into Rayne's still form, her chest suddenly moving with sharp gasps as she sucked in the air that her body had been without for the last few minutes. The soft rose returned to her cheeks along with the silver sheen in her hair as her eyes fluttered opened. She seemed dissoriented, dazed for a few moments. It was the first time she had been without the torture of the curse for years.

"Sorry, Nakaris." Tai said maliciously, "But she wasn't fully dead."
Nakaris and Aniketos
Unregistered User
(8/18/03 12:54 pm)
Reply   No way! O_O
 "What th' hell!?" Nakaris blurted, looking completely horrified for a few moments as Tai returned Rayne's spirit to her body, reviving her. "She"

Aniketos shared in Tai's triumph as he felt Rayne's cold body turn warm, felt her take in air. She was alive! Gods, Tai was brilliant...Rayne was healed!

But...he had a distinct feeling things were soon gonna get a bit ugly, if he knew his brother well enough...

Gently, carefully, he sat Rayne down on the ground, setting her up against the side of the building to let her recouperate. He then stepped up next to Tai, and smiled. "She was th' reason I summoned you, bro. Thanks fer helpin' us out."

Recovering himself and regaining his composure, Nakaris smiled callously at the two, and absently drew a second dagger from his other sleeve. "So, I made a mistake. She wasn't dead. But mistakes can be corrected. Y'wanna defend Ani? Fine, then. I'll take y'all." And no sooner had the words left his mouth that he launched himself at them...
Tai and Rayne
Unregistered User
(8/18/03 1:05 pm)
Reply   Woohoo!!! I don't know why this is so exciting ^_^
 Tai dodged Nakaris' first attack, trying to find some way he could help Aniketos, who seemed rather reluctant to fight back. (I know that's technially powerplaying, but it's true right?) And then there was Rayne, who was still regaining her strength against the side of the building. With each glance he passed her way he could see the color returning to her skin quickly. He had half a mind to tell her to stay where she was, but knew she would fight just as she had for the years of her sickness.

Jumping aside, he consentrated, pulling his magic into his hand, trying to make a semblance of a sword, but he had never been good at forming raw magic, that had been Rayne's specialty. Finally giving up, he simply threw the ball of magic towards Nakaris, hoping his aim would not go astray and hit some poor passersby.


Rayne stood against the wall, watching the battle commence, she had obviously been forgotten for the moment. which is good she thought, it would give her more time to formulate a plan. It was obvious that magic would not win this battle, for Nakaris was stronger than all of them, excepting Aniketos, but Rayne was not sure he would want to fight.

Without hesitation, she turned and bolted down the ally, running as fast as her new-found strength would give her. She dashed past the battle as was sure she was noticed, but she didn't care. All she needed was some kind of weapon, and she remembered seeing that drunken guard wearing one and the tavern was not that far, she just hoped he had a few more drinks in him.
Nakaris and Aniketos
Unregistered User
(8/18/03 1:23 pm)
Reply   Eheheh! I don't know either, but it is! ^_^
 OOC: ehehe, and it's okay! You know Aniketos too well! ^_~

Aniketos also dodged Nakaris' attack, and through it all, kept shooting worried glances at Tai. Nakaris was skilledâ€"in their village before J'aari had caused them problems, he had been among the best when it came to knife-fighting...and Aniketos knew good and well he could fight without the weapons, as well. He just prayed he wouldn't use J'aari...he knew he couldn't outright kill with itâ€"until J'aari became whole, he could only cause pain or kill over time, as he had nearly done with Rayneâ€"but thankfully he could not outright kill with it yet.

And using J'aari while it was split required lots of concentration. Fighting against so many at once, he hoped he wouldn't have the time to use it...

Nakaris focused more on Tai than on Aniketos. He knew about his brother's vow of non-violence, and knew he wouldn't fight. Once he got this guy out of the way...Ani would be his.

He deftly managed to get around the ball of magic, and lashed out at Tai with a dagger. "Nice aim," he jeered...and suddenly yelped in pain, stumbling in his lunge and nearly toppling over.

Catching himself, and breathing heavily as he regained his composure, he gave a curse as he looked for the source of that pain...and cursed again. "You bloody idiot!!"

The magic had missed him, but it hadn't missed Aniketos. He had purposefully dodged out in front of it, taking the blow himself, knowing full well Nakaris would feel the same pain he felt. Aniketos smiled weakly, straightening shakily. His vow had never included violence against himself...
Tai and Rayne
Unregistered User
(8/18/03 1:42 pm)
Reply   hehehe...i think it's funny we're on at the same time ^_^
 Tai gaped openly as Aniketos took the full blow, wondering what he was thinking, when Nakaris stummbled, having felt the same blow. But Tai would not risk doing it again. He did not want Aniketos to be killed by his own hand, he would rather die first.

Everything was so topsy-turvy that during the lull, Tai noticed Rayne was no longer where she had been a moment before. "Aniketos!" He called, "Where did Rayne go?" but he did not have much time to talk, when he resumed his dodging tactics. He had never been a good fighter, but had learned over time that he could run through a field of pouring arrows and come out without a scratch. He just hoped he hadn't lost his touch.


Rayne stopped at the tavern entrance, placing her hand upon the wall as she tried to gather her breath. Her sliver-brown hair was flying in her face, but she didn't care if she looked completely wind-blown. She needed that sword and she needed it fast. Standing up straight, she entered, her nostrils immediately filling with the smell of stale liquor. She crinkled her nose, trying to resist the urge to put her hand over her face.

There were quite a few jeers in her direction as she entered the 'mans' domain, but she ignored them as best she could even if her cheeks flushed with embarassment. She spotted her target and headed towards him, seeing his eyes glazed over from the drink, but her path was suddenly barred by a large man, his breath stinking of ale.

"You're brave 'irl" he said, words slurred from drunkenness, "but ifn you's lookin' fer entertainment..." a large grin appeared on his face as he reach out for her shoulders, pulling her closer. She retched from the smell of his breath, but quickly ducked from underhim, placing a well aimed punch to his gut. Free from his grasp, she hurried to the guard, the sword hilt in a possition that she could grab easily. She heard a roar from behind her, and turned to see the drunken man who had hit on her before running towards her.

Without thinking, she grabbed the sword from its sheath and held it out infront of her, poised for action. Unfortunately, the guard was not too drunk not to notice it being stolen. She dodged under the mans arms and made a mad dash for the door, nearly half the tavern becoming roused as they tried to stop her dash. She had the sword, now she just had to get back to Tai.  

Author  Comment  
Aniketos and Nakaris
Unregistered User
(8/18/03 8:34 pm)
Reply   Hee, me too!
 OOC: But sowwy for vanishing on you! Heh, had to get m'car washed!  

Still catching his breath, skin stinging in the aftermath of the blow, Aniketos called back worriedly, "I-I dunno! I didn't see her leave!" Shoot! He should have been watching her! Where had she gone!?

But...he had been too busy watching Tai and Nakaris, racking his brain to try and think of something he could do to aid Tai! Taking the blow that had missed Nakaris had been the only thing he could think to do. It had been stupid, he admitted. Very stupid. But it had saved Tai from getting slashed by Nakaris' dagger, and that was what mattered. And it had weakened him, if only a little.

Nakaris shook himself, still slightly disoriented, but as Tai called out to Aniketos, he took advantage of that momentary distraction. He twirled a dagger in his fingers quickly to take it by the tip and, aiming quickly but expertly, threw it at Tai...
Tai and Rayne
Unregistered User
(8/19/03 5:22 am)
Reply   Uh-oh
 ooc: thats otay! I had to do an essay for school anyway ^_~


Tai looked left and right, keeping half and eye on Nakaris as he recovered from the magic Aniketos had been hit by. Where could she have gone? Tai thought frantically I'm glad she's not here, but...

He gasped aloud in pain as the dagger Nakaris had thrown sunk deeply into his shoulder. He staggard and leaned heavily on the wall looking at the hilt that protruded from his shoulder. If he had not movied to the side it would have taken off his head! Gasping, he grabbed the hilt and wrenched it from his arm, watching as blood escaped from the wound. His arm burned with every movement and he could feel his own fluids flowing down his back as well, the blade had been just long enough to piece the back as well!

Tai cursed, a thing he rarely did, and held the bloodied dagger in his hand pointed at Nakaris. He would not give up until the last of his blood littered the ground.


Rayne nearly fell over as a sharp pain dashed through her arm where Tai had been injured, and her stummble gave the guard enough time to catch her feet, just outside the door. Without delay she tumbled to the ground, her nose smashing against the stone streets sending a seering pain through her face.

She clutched the sword tightly in her hand, knowing that they could do nothing if her grasp covered the hilt completely. Turning onto her back, she kicked with her feet, blinded by the blood that ran freely from her nose. Her attempts brought the feel of soft flesh under her feet and a grunt from the guard. Feeling his grasp loosen, she ran, wiping her eyes with her sleave as she ran, rounding the bend where Tai, Aniketos, and Nakaris were fighting.
Aniketos and Nakaris
Unregistered User
(8/19/03 8:26 am)
Reply   Muahah!
 Aniketos cursed as well, watching in horror as Tai pulled the dagger from his shoulder. He hadn't seen Nakaris throw it! His focus had been on Tai, then...if he had seen, he could have done something! He didn't know what, but...

He cursed again, but this time he cursed his oath.

Suddenly, Rayne was running around the bend, and Aniketos gasped as he sighted her bloodied face, and hurried to meet her. "Gods, Rayne, what happened? Where were ya?" he asked worriedly, diverting his attention back and forth between Tai, Rayne and Nakaris.

Nakaris smiled ruefully. "Damn. Y'moved. Ah well. Now we're even, eh?" he stated, advancing once again on Tai, though a little more cautiously than before.
Tai and Rayne
Unregistered User
(8/19/03 8:44 am)
Reply   Dagger....sword...which is better?
 Rayne shook her head, gasping for breath as she held the sword in her hand, "I fell.." she said softly, wincing slightly at the twang her speech had caused her nose. She couldn't help but smile at the sound of her nasilly voice, "I guess a broaken nose should make thee sound odd..." Then remembering her purpose, glanced up at Tai, and nearly cried out in alarm when she saw the large slice in his left shoulder. Without thinking, She heflted the blade up in her hands, "Tai!!" she yelled, throwing the blade with all her might, watching it spin through the air in his direction.

For a moment, Tai stood frozen as he watched the sword fly, horrified that she would think to throw a sword but his shock lasted only a split second, as he watched the pattern that it spun, readying his hand to catch the hilt. Taking a step back, he caught it deftly, but nearly dropped it from the pain in his shoulder.

Looking at the bloody dagger in his hand, he tossed it at one of the houses, watching the blade sink easily into the wooden planks. He did not need it, and now Nakaris would have some trouble retreaving it.

"Aye, now we are even."
Nakaris and Aniketos
Unregistered User
(8/19/03 9:00 am)
Reply   Aw, dang!
 Aniketos grimaced, both at Tai and Rayne. He himself was the only one that wasn't wounded in some way! But, with Tai handling a sword and Nakaris with a dagger...he felt more confident. And as long as Nakaris was kept busy, he'd have no time to use J'aari. J'aari could be a very fickle magic, and it became even more difficult to weild where there was no time for concentration. Besides, if Aniketos remembered anything of Nakaris, it was that he loved a good challenge, and had always been more of a physical fighter.

He frowned thoughtfully at the sword, then at the dagger protruding from the wallâ€"this was his best knife set! Hopefully he'd be able to reclaim it later, though it looked in pretty deep...â€"then drew another dagger from his belt. "Right y'are, mate. But can ya weild it? It looks too heavy fer ya," he teased, and darted at Tai again.

Annoyingly to Nakaris, Tai was, and had been, blocking his path to Aniketos and Rayne during this whole battle, and so he planned his attacks in such a way as to attempt to get around him. So far, he'd managed to block him, if he hadn't done much else. The kid wasn't bad...
Tai and Rayne
Unregistered User
(8/19/03 9:15 am)
Reply   Rayne takes more action dun dun duuun
 Rayne watched as Tai caught the sword, hoping that his injured arm would be able to hold it, but he seemed to be doing a good job despite the wound. She watched as Tai flung the dagger into the house and a thought struck her. Turning to Aniketos, she ignored the blood that was slowly beginning to cake onto her upper lip and possibly other places on her face.

"I have an idea." she said quickly, grabbing his arm and pulling him down the ally where she pulled herself onto a wide window ledge. "He's trying to get past Tai..." she said, looking up, trying to locate a good hand hold, and finding it. Jumping up, she grabbed the edge of the roof, an very ungracefully swung herself onto it, thankful that she was in breeches and not a dress. "We can still help if we can get that dagger." she waited to see if Ani would follow her, ready to lend a hand if he needed it.


Tai had difficulty keeping up with Nakaris's attacks, finding his dead arm more of a burdon than help. He was just glade it was his left arm and not his right, otherwise he was sure that Nakaris would have already struck him down.

"I'm still no impressed." he said blocking another thrust, "Where are the fireworks?"
Nakaris and Aniketos
Unregistered User
(8/19/03 9:41 am)
Reply   Bad move. O_O;
 Aniketos followed Rayne's lead, and managed to haul himself up after Rayne with less difficulty. After all, he had always been out in nature, and one of his favorite things to do had been to relax in trees. He held out an arm to Rayne, to support her if she needed it; rooftops could be slippery and unstable.


Nakaris smirked. "Oh, ya want fireworks?" he asked and, instead of aiming a blow at Tai like he normally did, struck hard at the sword at a downwards angle, to briefly knock it out of line and hopefully distract Tai, and retreated a few quick paces. Concentrating, he reached for J'aari, and hoped the fickle magic would answer. He couldn't kill with it, but he knew he could cause enough pain with it to weaken a victim until he could kill them himself...


Aniketos, who had been watching the battle as they went across the roof, gasped, and only just stopped himself from cursing a third time because Rayne was there. "He's gonna use J'aari," he whispered to Rayne, but dropped down to his knees as he sighted the dagger. Reaching over the edge of the roof, he grasped the hilt and gave a futile tug. "Tai threw it in deep enough to make Nakaris proud," he muttered, teeth gritted as he tried to work it out...and nearly fell backwards when it suddenly pulled free. He quickly handed it to Rayne.


Gratefully, J'aari answered this time, and no sooner had it begun to course through him that he released it, sending out tendrils of the vile magic toward Tai, ready to sink into him and wreak their damage...
SotE RPGer ^_^
Posts: 32
(8/19/03 9:52 am)
 Rayne took the dagger in her hands, wiping the blood that was still on it on her tunic, watching the battle, and dropping down beside Ani.

"Gods.." she whispered as she heard that Nakaris was using his magic. "Is there anyway he can dodge it?" she asked, catching her breath, praying that Tai would be alright. She looked at the dagger in her hands, fingers trembling slightly at what she was thinking about doing.


Tai, lost control of the sword as Nakaris changed his tactics and knocked it away, but he just barely was able to hold onto it. When he turned back he could see the smirk rising on his advesaries face, and too late did he sense the magic coming towards him. All of his nerves were on fire, and it was all he could do to stop from crying out. He could barely hold onto the sword, and felt his grip loosening.


Seeing Tai's pained expression, Rayne did not wait another second. Keeling high enough that she could see Nakaris she threw that dagger with all her strength, hardly noticing that she did not feel the pain that Tai was feeling, as she watched the deadly blade race towards the enemy.
Small Wonder
Bishounen Hunter
Posts: 350
(8/19/03 10:10 am)
Reply   Oucheee!
 As soon as the dagger left Rayne's fingers, Aniketos closed his eyes and braced himself...and then it happened.

With a cry that was only muted because he was prepared for it, he clutched at his side just beneath his ribs and sat down heavily as red hot pain seared through him. He half expected to feel blood seeping through his fingers! Clenching his jaw shut, he looked up at Rayne, and forced a semblance of a smile through his pain. "It's alright..." he gasped, closing his eyes and bearing it. He had felt far worse coming from Nakaris' end before...


Nakaris collapsed to his knees, his connection with J'aari snapping, at the exact moment Aniketos fell, gasping in pain as the blade was driven into the exact spot where a sword had been only weeks ago during the seige on Serendipity. But then, they had had healers among them, so the wound had been quickly patched, otherwise he would have died. Thankfully, though, this was a dagger and not a sword, otherwise he'd be in the same situation again.

Grimacing and biting back against the pain, he cursed horribly as he wrenched the dagger free, allowing the blood to flow freely, staining his clothes and blossoming on the ground. "Whoever did dead..." he coughed, struggling weakly to stand.


"I owe my peace of mind to sleep deprivation and...chocolate soy milk. Mmmm..."

Spirits of the Earth || Purple Haze

Tai and Rayne
Unregistered User
(8/19/03 10:22 am)
Reply   Amazement
 Rayne turned and looked at Aniketos, realizing what she had just done. She was horrified with herself, and the fact that she had not thought before she had thrown it. Kneeling beside Ani, she fought back tears. "I...I am so sorry!" she cried, not sure what to do, "I didn't think...I shouldn't have..." her words were cut short as she heard Nakaris cry out that whoever had done that was dead. She winced, but wasn't scared.

She knew that she could be seen from her perch on the roof, but she did not want to seem like she was hiding, so she stood up, looking down at the battle scene, seeing the wound on his side, a triumphant smile curling on her lips.

"Don't like becoming injured?" she asked mockingly.


The pain immediately stopped, and Tai regripped his blade, looking to see what had happened to cause the magic to cease. Immediately he looked at the blood seeping from Nakaris's side, and heard Rayne's voice from the roof. Tai was horrified.

"What are you doing!?" he cried up to her, knowing that Nakaris was not going to be happy with her, "You dolt!" she had basically just signed her death wish, again.
Nakaris and Aniketos
Unregistered User
(8/19/03 10:33 am)
Reply   Thought so.
 Aniketos shook his head at Rayne. "It's alright...I've felt worse from him...don't worry 'bout me. I can handle it." He winced again, the breath catching in his throat for a moment as Nakaris wrenched the blade free. Gods, how could he stand that!? "Y'had t'do it...don't worry..."

When she stood up and called to Nakaris, Aniketos gave a surprised yelp, and quickly grabbed her by the arm and pulled her down beside him...even though it was too late.


Finally getting to his feet, though he staggered a little, Nakaris glared up at the roof stop. "I...thought so...that eager...t'taste J'aari again, huh?" he breathed and, fighting defiantly against the pain, summoned J'aari again, and released it, though this time his target was Rayne.
SotE RPGer ^_^
Posts: 33
(8/19/03 10:45 am)
  Wrench Free
 Rayne fell back heavily onto the rooftop, Ani having pulled her down, but she quickly restled free. "I'm not scared of him anymore, Ani..." she said softly, "And by hiding away I shall never prove it." Standing, she stood too quickly, and lost her footing. With a cry, she slid down the thatch, trying desperately to stop her fall, managing to grab the gutter, hanging precariously over the ally. She tried desperately to keep her hands from slipping, but they were sweaty from the fear of falling down into the fray and would not hold. (well, lucky timing, considering she missed the j'aari shot at her ^_^)


Tai let out a gasp as Rayne slid down the roof, barely grabbing the side to keep herself from falling completely. He was frozen in place, simply watching not being able to do anything to help. Her falling had caused Nakari