Spirits of the Earth

Serendipity => Wester Highlands => Topic started by: Doc on January 24, 2013, 07:19:38 AM

Title: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on January 24, 2013, 07:19:38 AM
Booted feet made no sound as he made his way down the spiraled staircase and out of the archway. He had to step over two bodies, but he would never let such a thing stand in his way. In the early morning hours light filtered in through open windows and mingled with half-burned candles that flickered in the cool morning breeze. With a look of disgust Sylus pushed a body from where it lay propped up with its head in one hand, the other resting around a half-full mug. The body hit the ground with a slight groan, rolled over, and then drifted back to sleep.

Sylus leaned over the bar, knocking aside more than a few half-empty tankards and flagons. He had to lean up on his tip-toes but he was finally able to reach his prize. When he brought the bottle up to examine it Sylus noticed instantly that almost a quarter of it had been drank. Crystalline violet eyes darkened with murderous intent as he slowly scanned the large open room that had been converted into a makeshift tavern for the bandits. Several wooden tables with long beer benches dotted the area and were covered in some form or fashion in telling signs of the nights debauchery. Drunken cut-throats and thieves were passed out in various positions along with a good handful of illicit women. Some were still awake it seemed, intent on carrying the revelry on through the day. Pickings seemed to be a bit slim lately and even the dour elf had to admit that the Jackal had outdone himself in keeping the bandits entertained.

Picking his way across the room Sylus settled down at one of the tables with the bottle of his home brewed brandywine, a delicacy compared to the swill most of these villains drank. Picking up a small ceramic cup, Sylus began to poor himself a drink when the whole of the table shifted violently.

Wulfgar shifted his heavy weight back in the chair as he awoke with a start, his massive booted foot pushing the massive wooden table easily as he startled himself awake with his own snoring. The big man blinked a few times and smacked his mouth, working out the foul taste he had earned the night before. A big meaty hand engulfed one of the flagons and he finished off the contents with two quick gulps, making a rather displeased face. When he noticed Sylus, his lips curled into a broad grin and he held out the cup to his friend.

"Mornin' Sylus, mind toppin' me off somma that wine of yours?" His large voice boomed, much to the chagrin of someone passed out nearby who groaned in protest.

"I think not, oaf. You have neither the intelligence nor the pallet to enjoy such a thing.." Sylus hissed at the big man, guarding his bottle with a scowl, "Go whet your tongue with some of that piss you call ale.."

For his part Wulfgar seemed completely unfazed by Sylus' comment, he was used to the elfs mood and simply jiggled his cup, pounding it on the table like a child.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on January 25, 2013, 09:36:27 AM
Eliana, in spite of her nature as a woman, was a thief at heart -- and she loved nothing half as much as a good party.  She had kept up with most of her colleagues as the room descended into chaos -- up until she had decided that enough was enough.  After all, there was no one present she had wished to take to her bed -- or on the table or anywhere else -- and so she had simply gone to sleep and let the boys enjoy their whores and the rest of the ale.

She was surprised to find at least two souls awake already.  Actually, she was kind of surprised she was awake.  She momentarily considered rolling over and going back to sleep.  ...That is until someone started banging his mug on the table.  She flinched with each subsequent bang until, at last, she could take it no more.

Rising with an indignant huff, she stormed into the main chamber.  The door that had failed to provide her ears protection slammed against the wall to announce her presence, and the sound it made only pissed her off more.  "Why?" she demanded, glaring at the pair from the doorway, not quite able to form the words she wanted to utter.  "Why?"  Her anger quickly evaporated into a soft whine as she pressed a hand to her forehead.  "Can you just be a little quieter?  Just for four-five-six hours?"
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on January 25, 2013, 10:12:50 AM
Both Wulfgar and Sylus turned as the door banged open. Sylus turned a scowl on her, if only to be lumped in with part of the problem, but then just as quickly turned his scowl onto Wulfgar. The appearance of Eliana only seemed to have brightened the big mans mood.

"See what ya did Sylus?" Wulfgar gave the elf a chastising look, pointing at him with his empty mug, "Ya woke 'er up!"

"What!? Me!?" Sylus seemed incredulous at the idea and his typically flat tone spiked, which caused him to both blush and scowl even harder at the Adelan, "It is your damn childish banging tha-"

"Come drink with us!" Wulfgar cut off the elf, pounding his mug on the table again, "Sylus 'as his special brandywine an' enough for all of us!"

"Stop shouting you loaf, and quit offering my things!" Sylus was red now with boiling anger, red enough it looked as though steam might pour from his ears as he shot daggers at Wulfgar. The look was lost on the big man of course, who was too busy smiling at Eliana and beckoning her over with his mug.

"Come on..." Wulfgars deep voice easily carrying across the room as he gave Eliana his best example of puppy dog eyes. Despite the scars and bent nose, Wulfgar's childish nature allowed him to pull it off pretty well, "Come drink with us! Drink! Drink! Drink!" Wulfgar began chanting and smacking the mug on the table. Someone curled up on the ground near by shouted 'shut the fuck up!' and whipped an empty mug. It missed and did little to stop Wulfgars chanting.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on January 25, 2013, 10:48:33 AM
"If I come over, will you stop shouting?" she asked hopefully.  Still, more drink might be the cure...

Plucking a glass from the counter, she eyed it a moment.  Ick.  She dumped the contents out, then found someone's discarded shirt to wipe it out.  With the glass in reasonably better condition than how she had found it, she crossed the room to their table.

Even hung-over, there was a certain slink in her step, and her hair, which had been neatly pulled back the previous day, hung at the nape of her neck in a messy bun.  The few dark strands that framed her narrow face were curled gently and prettily about her face.

"I swear to every demon in the Great Book that I'm going to kill you as soon as I can see straight, Wulfgar.  But if you're quiet -- and I mean real quiet -- I might just forget and go back to sleep and let you live."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on January 25, 2013, 12:11:11 PM
"Ha-ha!" Wulfgar cheered as Eliana finally gave in and moved over to their table. Wulfgars smile grew and he leaned even closer to Sylus, pointing at her with a cup as he gave his friend a conspiratorial wink, "Ya see that Red? If ya want a pretty girl to drink with ya, you just have to ask!"

He pounded the table and laughed, loudly, as Eliana threatened him. It took a lot to dampen the spirits of the giant Adelan. He reached out for the bottle Sylus held, which was deftly maneuvered away from Wulfgars meaty paws.

"You could kill him.." Sylus offered rather blandly, still holding the bottle away from Wulfgars grasping hand as he looked upon the woman, "Slowly. No one would mind. I wouldn't even say a wor-Oh ALL RIGHT!" Sylus snapped at the man, slapping away his free hand before grabbing up the wrist of the hand holding Wulfgars cup. He filled it to the top, his lips curling up into a sneer as he gave a disgusted sigh, "There you damn fool! Drink until you rot!"

As Wulfgar happily brought the cup back to his lips and began to drink in earnest, Sylus turned cold violet eyes on the woman. He didn't know much about her, other than she was good. Good at getting people alone and good at getting peoples things. Both things Sylus could respect, if he were into the whole respecting others thing, "And I suppose you'll want some too?" With a heavy sigh he filled his own glass before sliding the bottle across the table to the woman.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on January 25, 2013, 01:12:11 PM
Eliana's fingers pressed against her head just above her eyebrow at Wulfgar's exclamation.  Why did he have to be so loud?  Couldn't he see she had a headache?

She did, however, accept the brandywine wordlessly, tilting the slender bottle until it had filled her cup -- but only about halfway before stopping.  She set it back down between herself and glowered mercilessly over the lip at the big brute.

Oh, how she hated him at the moment!  At least he was quiet, now that his cup was full!

Her sip of the brewed wine was delicate and ladylike, and she let herself savor it a moment before setting her mug down on the table with a smile.  "Very good," she murmured appreciatively.  "I can see why you don't want it to be shared."  She lifted her glass to him in a casual toast.  This was to be savored -- not guzzled.  She eyed Wulfgar again, almost pityingly, before turning her attention to Sylus.

"You deal in poisons, right?  Have any that aren't lethal that could provide us an iota of peace this morning?  Or are?  I don't care anymore."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on January 25, 2013, 01:32:56 PM
"Yes, well, that's why I don't share it.." Sylus said with a bit of an edge to his tone, "When I brew a wine, or even an ale, I take care in what I do. I measure my ingredients and I give it the proper attention it deserves.. And I don't do it so some half-witted ogre offspring can slurp it down like some common swill!" He shot Wulfgar a scathing look, though the man seemed to be pleasantly content in his own world humming out of tune to some song in his head as he drank.

Sylus pale violet eyes drifted back to Eliana. He liked that she understood the delicacy that he crafted, and that she didn't treat it as some tavern grog. It almost brought a smile to the elfs face, almost. Then she mentioned poisons and he gave a small frown, tilting his head toward Wulfgar while he spoke to her.

"I've tried," He intoned flatly, making it impossible to tell if he was kidding or not, "time and again. Worst I've seen happen is that he begins vomiting and defecating all over the place.." Sylus made a face at the memory, and had to force himself to keep his drink down. His eyes drifted closed as a shutter passed over him, "You have seen what that man eats... It was not pleasant.."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on January 25, 2013, 02:12:04 PM
Oh, yes, that was certainly something she didn't need to see this morning!  Her stomach lurched disconcertedly at the prospect, and she forced her thoughts away to things that were much more pleasant.

"I saw a man in a marketplace once who could eat anything you brought him -- nails, glass, bits of metal...  What he couldn't chew, he swallowed whole.  He devoured poisons and medicines.  It was actually rather impressive.  He couldn't be killed through his stomach."  Her smile widened -- an almost predatory look of delight, looking much like the cat who caught the mouse but not yet killed it -- as she lifted the glass to her lips for another sip.  From behind the glass, she added, "Until someone told him to eat honeycomb fresh from the hive.  Bees and all."

Oh, that had been quite a sight...  And, more to the point, it proved that everyone had a weakness!  A few angry bees in someone's throat should have been weakness enough for anyone!

More pleasantly, she inquired, "How long does it take you to produce such exquisite flavor?  I've never tasted anything quite like it."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on January 25, 2013, 02:29:25 PM
Now that story did bring a smile to Sylus' face. He even produced a small chuckle and, feeling charitable, raised his lass to her before taking a sip and enjoying the flavor. He poured a little more into his cup, topping it off, before offering the bottle back to Eliana. If she was going to actually enjoy the drink, maybe he could spare a little.

"Hmm, it comes from ingredients, as with any brew. They must be fresh, and so sometimes it means waiting for the right seasons.." He swirled his cup slowly, watching the red-gold liquid tumble about within, "But for this? I let this ferment for just under a season. It keeps the taste crisp and fresh, without burying it in the burn of alcohol.."

"You know what else is good?" Wulfgar piped up, apparently no longer content to hum to himself. He sat down his empty mug, pushing it toward Sylus as he spoke, "That red beer ya make, Red. When ya gonna make that? Did ya already make some?" His eyes widened and he leaned forward onto the heavy table, which creaked from his weight, "Can I have some?"

"What are you.." Sylus sighed heavily and defeated, shaking his head. He looked back to Eliana, giving her a flat look, "I don't suppose you have any honycomb on you?"

"What? Honeycomb?" If Wulfgar's face could get any brighter, it did as he looked obliviously between the two, "I love honeycomb! And mead, which is made from honey! Isn't that right Red? Do you guys have honeycomb?"
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on January 25, 2013, 08:04:26 PM
"Sadly, no," Eliana answered them both as she delicately refilled her glass -- again, only partway.  "Perhaps you could go find some?"  Oh, but she hoped he would take on such a quest!  A fool's errand -- possibly dangerous -- into the woods to search for honey...

...And away from where she was trying to sleep off an ill-advised binge!  With the mood she was in, she didn't even care if he made it back or not!

"So, where is our fearless leader, hm?" she wondered, glancing around the bodies.  There was no sign of the Jackal -- but, then, she supposed he was better than the rest of this sorry lot.  Probably still asleep -- but the Gods knew how with all of Wulfgar's banging about like a bull in a china shop!

"I'm not sure I saw much of him last night."  It was all a rather comfortable blur, really.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on January 25, 2013, 10:52:19 PM
Wulfgar seemed to deflate somewhat when he was told there was no honeycomb, mumbling something about 'lying' and 'dashing hopes' as he settled back into his chair with a frown. Two arms like tree trunks crossed over his massive chest and the whole of the table they sat at jumped when his massive booted foot came down on it, propping up a powerfully built leg. Though he would deny it instantly, it was clear to see Wulfgar was pouting. Which wasn't good, as there wasn't much in the way of emotions between unrelenting optimistic happiness and berserker violence when it came to the large man.

Sylus joined Eliana with a casual look around the room violet eyes taking in the details and characteristics of every person, bandit, whore, bard or otherwise. He didn't see Jackal, but then, he hadn't really expected to. As his cold eyes returned to Eliana, narrow with disgust, all Sylus could do was give a small roll of his shoulders, the shrug causing his blood red cloak to shift open slightly revealing the gold trimmed black tunic he worse.

"Who knows where that lecher has run off too.." Sylus said with a soft sneer, taking a sip from his glass, "More than likely he has found some pretty little thing, or two, to share his bed with him." Another sip of the glass then, "Or, perhaps, he is out actually finding us some work..." It was no big secret that Sylus didn't much care for anybody, the Jackal included, but while Sylus may have been a cold and calculating bastard he also knew better than to turn his hand against the Jackal.

"I remember seeing him about, but not much else.." Sylus agreed with a small nod. While he had not intended to get too drunk, that didn't seem to have stopped him. Especially not when Wulfgar had decided it best to force feed half a bottle of potato liquor down Sylus' throat. The memory of which caused the elf to renew his scowling at the beast.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Paradox on January 26, 2013, 06:35:59 AM
Slumped in a seat on the far side of the room there was a kobold , his head angled down and jaws slightly ajar and drooling as he snored loudly. Visions of precious, shiny pretties danced in his head as he slumbered and in these wonderful dreams he imagined himself atop a mountain of silver with a big shiny crown and a tall , beautiful woman on each arm. Yes. It was such a wonderful dream. All of his subjects were the mean orcs that used to make him mine the pretties and not share them. They knelt before him, worshiping his awesomeness and...

He was so rudely awakened by the pounding of mighty fists and the stamping of large booted feet. Sekeolath'Zhin gave an anxious hiss, feeling the floorboards beneath him vibrate. His golden eyes snapped open and he sat up in his seat, draconian head whipping this way and that , frantically searching for the source of whatever had produced the quake. Then he saw the big silly loud one, Wulfgar, consuming enough ale to drink a Kings' Army under the table and then some and the grumpy elf...

There was also the pretty lady...

He heard them speaking of things that hardly interested him, but then he heard that they needed something they could not acquire and Sekeo, being the sort who loved to prove his usefulness and loved a good excuse to go procure something for the guild (as well as himself) , slipped out of his seat and quietly approached the trio. He moved silently and and subtly like a shadow without even trying and even the most alert soul might not have noticed his presence until the little creature was standing but an inch or two away.

"I can help," Sekeolath'Zhin volunteered in his usual sibilant and timid tone, "Sssstealing honey from beesss is hatchlingss's play, yesss. Yesss it isss."

ooc: Special post! x3
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on January 26, 2013, 07:11:11 AM
Sylus' was an elf and as such had exceptional senses. He could hear the breathing of his pray, smell the sweet stink of their fear. Not being caught unawares was what had allowed the assassin to survive for so long in his trade. So when the little kobold seemed to just appear next to him, Sylus was nearly startled out of his skin!

He hissed his displeasure, fixing a heated and dangerous glare on the sniveling little kobold. Personally he found the creature disgusting and refused to see why Jackal allowed the thing to stay around, despite the fact it had just snuck up on him.

Wulfgar took a much different opinion on the matter however. He loved the little kobold, as he did most things. In fact his face lighted up when he was startled by Sekeo's approach. "Shorty!" Wulfgars voice boomed with pleasure that his little friend had woken up and decided to join them! He twisted frantically in a search until he found what he was looking for.

"Gimmie that!" He grunted at a man passed out half-naked on the floor beneath the table, snatching away the mug he had curled himself around. For his part, the man only groaned, relinquishing the cup without ever opening his eyes. Wulfgar emptied the dregs left inside onto the floor and then quickly poured half of his cup into the new one, holding it out to his friend, "Shorty! Come, drink with us! Come on!" He shook the offered cup in the little kobolds face.

Sylus looked on in disgust, his lip curling with revulsion at the idea of sharing the table with Jackals little pet lizard, let alone a drink!
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on January 26, 2013, 08:39:35 AM
Eliana, too, had been caught off-guard by the kobold's sudden appearance -- but that, exactly, was why they kept the little guy around, wasn't it?  And all the locks in the world did not keep him out of her jewelry.  She had been so angry the first time that she might have murdered the fiendish little kleptomaniac; since then, she had accepted it -- sort of -- and could shake her belongings out of him with a mean look and minimal violence.

"Wulfgar!" she whimpered with a glare as his shouts of glee made her head spin.  "I thought we agreed that you were going to be quiet!"  Was he going to act this way every time someone woke up?  The thought made her long to be elsewhere -- unfortunately, there was that whole, absurdly bright sunshine to get around if she wanted to go outside.

It was a lose-lose situation.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Paradox on January 26, 2013, 09:35:43 AM
The grumpy elf gave him the usual look of disdain and Sekeolath'Zhin flinched under his murderous violet gaze. Sekeo would never comprehend what the pointy-ears's problem was with him. But he looked down upon the kobold in the same manner that those nasty orcs at the mine did. Like an inferior being. And for whatever reason, Sekeo wasn't offended by this. It only made him more determined to impress.  But for now, he would have to pretend not to notice the venomous looks Sylus was giving him. Jackal and many of the other bandits wouldn't let him come to harm because despite his oddities and cowardice, he was pretty darn useful!

He hastily moved to take a seat beside the mighty Wulfgar and struggled a bit to pull himself up into one of the chairs. Why were humans so tall? Why didn't they make kobold-sized chairs?  Once settled, he accepted the offered mug that was so eagerly shoved in his face. Sekeo wasn't one to drink much because he preferred a stronger dwarven ale or good old kobold firebrew...which was far too hot for most humans to handle. Even then, drinking always made the senses dull if one were to get carried away and Sekeo wasn't stupid enough to get intoxicated around thieves. They'd take his pretties while he was passed out and it would be a cold day in the Abyss before he let THAT happen!

Though since he'd come to join Southbound, it seemed that drinking with his fellows earned him more respect among the tougher male circles. And Sekeo , despite his size, could surprisingly hold his liquor better than most (at least as far as his size was concerned!) ....he'd NEVER be able to drink Wulfgar under the table but sometimes it was fun to try!
"Isss Wulfgar sssset new record today?" Sekeo'lath inquired, curious and to know and he wouldn't have been terribly surprised if the man did without even trying! "I ssssshould find ssssspecial brew of my people. Issssss very sssstrong. You like, I think. Isss called Dragon'sss Breath or Kobold Firebrew. Very good. Make mouth go boom! Hehe. Much better than sssmelly dwarf sssstuff. Knock full grown bugbearssss off their feet!  "   But he'd have to make a trip to the goblin lands for that and Jackal probably had something lined up for him. There was always work for his skilled little claws. There were just so many tricky locks to pick! Perhaps he needed to consider taking an apprentice ? But then he'd have to share preciouses with them and he didn't like the thought of that! No, no. He had to be here to steal the pretties for Jackal and himself...

When Eliana's tone grew sharp at Wulfgar he flinched and suddenly set his mug down on the table. He then turned out his pockets, spilling out a couple jewels on the table and looking guilty. SOMEONE had been in Eliana's things again! Though it had gotten to a point that ANY time the woman looked angry, he automatically assumed that she KNEW what he'd done and he usually surrendered everything without even being throttled. Mean looks were quite effective! "Hehe..." He looked sheepish, " Issss sssorry. I try...b-but I take less thissss time!" He cringed, expecting to be punished for his naughty behavior. Well, it was true! He was getting better at not taking from her...as much! He'd only pilfered several gems this time rather than dozens.  But it was sooo hard!

And the first time he'd stolen from her, she'd caught him! Few people ever did that because he was so little and tricky that the silly big folk never noticed! But not Eilana! How could he have known she'd be a light sleeper? Oh had she been angry (and possibly a little bit weirded out) to have his scaly hide leaning over her and trying to snatch a jeweled necklace from around her neck while she slept!  He had been SO sure that she'd kill him ! She might have done just that and he still wasn't sure why she changed her mind! Jackal probably wouldn't have objected. Maybe it had been because she felt sorry for him when he started blubbering pathetically like a baby?

And even as he apologized so pitifully, his eyes were roaming the room, catching all the pretties and his eyes glittering with yearning. Oh! But he promised Jackal to be good and not steal from the others! Only a few were as tolerant with him as the pretty lady with the pretty gems and if he weren't so quick on his feet and difficult to catch, he'd probably be a dead lizard.  "I make amendsss..." He turned out another pocket, spilling out silver buttons and some cufflinks. How all this junk managed to fit in the little guy's clothing was anyone's guess! Magical pockets, perhaps!? "Sssseee? Pretty sssssilversss for friendssss. "

Ooc: He probably has magic pockets that can hold about anything. Kinda like Marry Poppins's purse. >.>
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on January 26, 2013, 12:06:20 PM
Eliana's glare only sharpened as the kobold emptied out his pockets.  "You obnoxious little creature!" she exclaimed as she began plucking her things off the table.  "And I don't want any of your buttons!"

Really!  How was it he kept getting into her things like this?!  Why was it that the hardest thing about being a woman with this group was keeping your things away from the kobold?

"You have to stop taking my jewelry, Sekeo.  Do you understand?  Even if you take just one thing, it's wrong!"  You weren't supposed to steal from your allies -- unless they were all dead, that is -- and then it was okay!

"This isn't mine," she added with a small, indignant sniff as she passed a ring back across the table.  "The Gods know where you found it, but I've never seen it before."  It was quite an attractive ring, too, etched with runes and bearing a single black onyx in its center.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on January 27, 2013, 03:42:31 AM
"No..." Wulfgar said somewhat dejectedly. He frowned, hanging his head which allowed dark greasy hair to fall about his face. He took another, smaller sip of his cup as he looked at his little friend, "No one will drink with me.. And when they do, they won't let me drink as much because they say they want to drink too!" He didn't sound petulant about it, but he certainly didn't sound pleased.

Eliana's chastising remark brought his attention back to her, and for the first time he didn't smile at her threat. Wulfgar, the brightness returning to his eyes, flicked up both hands at the wrist in surrender and then reached up to his lips, miming that he was tying them shut while meanwhile his little kobold friend began unloading his pockets. Now that his lips were tied shut, Wuflgar could only answer his tiny friends question about kobold beer by nodding his head.

Wulfgar watched in amazement as the little thief kept pulling things out. He loved seeing all the things Sekeo could gather up. Wulfgar liked shiny things as much as the next person, but if it couldn't kill, be eaten or be drank he really had no use for it. He was a simple man with simple, refined tastes. He knew that Sekeo's thievery often got the little kobold in trouble from some of the others, but Wulfgar never considered it could ever lead to violence against the kobold. And woe to anyone who would try to hurt Sekeo in the presence of Wulfgar. That being said, he watched in awe as Sekeo produced even more from his tiny never ending pockets, and couldn't help but laugh at how Eliana's yelling at him had produced this. She was very pretty, but even Wulfgar knew she could be very scary too! Which was why he had yet to open his mouth again.

Sylus watched with the same level of disgust as the little klepto-lizzard emptied it's pockets. Why Eliana tolerated such acts was beyond the elf. Much easier to simply drive a dagger through the creatures tiny heart and be done with it. Even as he was thinking about it Sylus hand slipped inside his cloak, spidery elven fingers playing over the smooth leather handle of one of his many daggers. A slow, dark smile spread across his lips as he played around with the thought. And then violet eyes spied the ring and it drew him back, the smile disappearing as he furrowed his brows.

When his hand came forward it wasn't his fingers that tapped the ring, but the tip of one of his daggers. He watched the ring curiously, his voice for once sounding more distracted than angry with the little dragon, "Sekeo, where did you come across this ring?"
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Paradox on January 27, 2013, 08:50:32 AM
She didn't want his buttons? He was surprised, but not offended. They were pretty! Ah well! All the more for him! He hastily reclaimed them and was preoccupied with admiring them when Eliana started chastising him for his naughty behavior. Hastily, he crammed the buttons into his pockets and lowered his head like a cowered dog. He nodded at her words. Oh yes, yes! Sekeo understood perfectly! It wasn't that he did any of these things on purpose! He did not want to steal from pretty lady, but every time he saw the jewels he couldn't control himself. No one seemed to understand this. Poor Sekeo, poor Sekeo.

"Isss sssorry. I give back though, I give back." Apparently, he thought that this made his behavior okay! He couldn't help it! He'd never been taught properly! Perhaps if someone had a club or knocked his head repeatedly against something he'd learn better! Or forget everything!

Now when the ring was mentioned, the little kobold blinked, his golden eyes widening with surprise. "Ohhh...that? " He had to think about where he'd found it and when it came to the procuring of possessions, he had a very good memory of who belonged to what! He plucked the ring from the table. He plucked it up delicately between his claws , " I take from other thief. Hehe..." Then, before he could be chastised for stealing from the guild he added, "Playsss game of sssshellssss with me. And loses. Hehe. He bet ring and lose. "

But the loser had not been happy. He'd thought the kobold slow and stupid, thought he'd win for sure! Little did he know how crafty and dishonest little Sekeo was where pretties were concerned! The thief had refused to give Sekeo the ring, rightfully accusing the kobold of cheating (though the accusation was made from his being a sore loser and not realizing how very right he was!) And , of course, Sekeo took it when his back was turned and his pockets weren't so guarded!

Sekeo knew he had a magic ring and that the man he'd taken it from had been too dull to notice this. Sekeo would have as well, but kobolds, being the sort to worship and slave away for their dragon god masters....they learned to distinguish the difference. Dragons adored pretty, magical things and kobolds did love to keep their dragon masters appeased!

But Sekeo had no master now. Jackal was a master of sorts but even Jackal couldn't quite control the kobold...though he didn't really need to! Sekeo was obedient ....he just had the occasional issue with raiding someone's shinnies!

"Isss look like elf-make. " The kolbold tapped a claw on the runes, " Isss belong to wizard maybe. Isss magic. I sssssmell. " He had no idea what it did because he had not the aptitude for such things. "Not know what for."

ooc: One ring to rule them all! (I'm sorry Ivory! Kidding, kidding!)

Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on January 27, 2013, 12:11:39 PM
Eliana had been admiring a bejeweled slave chain she'd nearly forgotten she owned, the ring already forgotten.  The word magic, however, caught her attention, and she glanced at Sylus.

He certainly seemed interested.  But, then, if it were Elvish, he could maybe read the scribbly writing written all over it.

"Do you recognize it?" she asked as she leaned forward to look at it a bit closer.  She certainly didn't touch it again, however; even if she had been interested in re-examining it, the elf's dagger was a convincing argument.  It simply wasn't the sort of ring she was interested in -- and it was too mannish for her dainty fingers, besides.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on January 27, 2013, 02:03:36 PM
"Well, it's certainly magic.." Sylus said calmly as he placed the dagger back in hiding beneath his cloak. His eyes focused onto Sekeo and the ring, but mostly the ring. He had paid no attention to the other things the little lizard had taken, the black rune covered ring was all that had his interest at the moment, "And it seems familiar, as though I should recognize it.." He frowned. It would be easier to read were the little shit not holding it, but Sylus knew well enough not to go touching magic rings without a damn good reason.

"Who cares about magic rings?" Wulfgar huffed, leaning forward so the could peer down at the little kobold and his stolen ring, "They don't ever do anything good anyways. It's not like they have one for refilling your mug, or makin' a girl wet.." He scoffed, shaking his head, "Just don't see the point in 'em. Like this one, what does it do?" He started to reach toward the ring but was cut off by Sylus' shout.

"STOP, fool! One does not simply put on magic rings to see what happens!" His words had become a growl, his hand curling into a fist on the table, "For all we know, if you put that on you could explode! Or become invisible! Or perhaps it'll just transmute you into something entirely!"

Wulfgar began to fearfully retreat his hand. He looked at Sylus, then back to the ring with a look mixed of doubt and fear, "Tans-whatever. Does that mean it could give me tits? Or take away my junk!?"
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Paradox on January 27, 2013, 03:24:35 PM
Sekeo's eyes were on Sylus who was very interested in his ring. If the elf wasn't so grumpy and mean, Sekeo would have trusted him to have a closer look.

He frowned when Wulfgar reached for it and his arm retracted before Slylus reprimanded the man. It was not that Sekeo didn't trust Wulfgar with his shinnies (because the big man really had no interest in such things!) but it was because Wulfgar was not magically competent. Niether was Sekeo but the kobold at least understood enough to treat magical artifacts with care because things could go very bad if one were so careless.

"Isss true, Wulfgar. Magic not valuable to you, sssso no touch. Magic issss tricky. Dangerousss. Even more than you." He grinned toothily. There were few things he considered in the world to be more dangerous than mighty Wulfgar! Not even dragons!

The ring did not belong here. He wasn't sure how he could tell this, but in his gut he felt something wasn't right.  He'd made up his mind about it last night. "I take it to my friend, Hubert. He issss mage. He might know." Of course, a visit with old Hubert would mean that Sekeo would have to bring something of value to the old codger. A rare book would do. The man was a collector of first editions and Sekeo knew where to get his scaly little hands on such things.

He shook his head, " I don't think it doessss any of thosssse thingssss, friend. If thisssss issss elvissssh. It wouldn't be that impractical. "  He thought only gnomes and human mages were that silly! The elves usually made things for a reason and such things tended to be the sort of magic that one shouldn't take lightly.  Then again, sometimes the elves made silly things too!
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on January 28, 2013, 11:00:46 AM
"You hardly need magic to make a girl wet," Eliana added from her end of the table.  She brushed a few errant strands of hair back from her face with a soft sniff of indignation.  "Even you could manage it.  If you didn't spend all of your money on your ale, that is."

On the subject of the magic ring, however, she said impatiently, "Do you know what it does or not, Sylus?  It won't work around Jackal anyway, will it?"  She wasn't a mage herself, of course, but she had been a part of this gang long enough to have heard about Jackal's unique ability when it came to magic.  She didn't particularly care how that nonsense all worked -- she was just glad she wouldn't have to worry about magic while around him!

"Didn't the man you took it from knew what it did, Sekeo?"  She paused.  "Though, I suppose you couldn't really ask him now, could you?"
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on January 28, 2013, 11:43:47 AM
Wulfgars mighty hand came down on the table with a loud and resounding smack that drew more than a few curses from still sleeping bandits. His lips had split into a bright, broad grin at Eliana's words, "Ha! You're damn right there, girl! Wulfgar needs no magic ring t' get a woman flowin'!!" He laughed pleasantly, at the idea. When she mentioned not spending so much money on ale, he only gave her a casual flip of his hand. Ale was the better investment. Whores were fun, but why pay when you could just take what you wanted? Besides, with a man of Wulfgars size and his friendly nature he always found women who wanted his company without coin. Usually.

Sylus jumped at the sound of the smack and shot a dangerous, murderous glare at Wulfgar. It was, as usual, ineffective. He turned his attention back to the ring, pondering Eliana's words before giving a small shake of his head, "I don't think know what it says, too old of a dialect.. And no, I don't know what it does." He frowned then and leaned back in his chair, pulling a short sip of his delicious brandywine as he thought.

"It should still work," He mumbled quietly, "I don't think Jackal can effect items, only people.." He waved his cup in a small gesture, though for what who knew. Sylus was just glad that Jackals abilities kept would be wizards from turning them to ash during any of their raids, "I, for obvious reasons, spend little time within Connolath.." Elves, he had heard, were not received well in their close-minded little nation.

"Because the men are dwarves who can't fight, and so are their women!?" Wulfgar boasted into another fit of laughing, this time his hand coming down on his little kobold friend Sekeo's shoulders. Sekeo's warning wasn't lost on Wulfgar though, and he made sure to keep away from the little ring. Even going so far as to scoot his chair aside to give the kobold, and his pretty, more room. This brought him to the side of the table closer to Eliana, who he then leaned toward with a broad smile. Wulfgar knew what she had really meant when she said he didn't need magic to make a woman wet. He did his best to raise an alluring eyebrow, though unfortunately he lacked that sort of dexterity and both eyebrows raised in peculiar fashion.

"Who is this Hubert, lizard?" Sylus attention shifted from the ring back to Sekeo and his eyes narrowed. It wasn't that he doubted the kobold, he just didn't trust it. He didn't trust anybody really, not even Jackal, "And when did you learn so much about magic objects?" The little creature had been right about the elvish. They seldom made things as nonsensical as what Wulfgar feared, not that he would have told the big man that.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Paradox on January 29, 2013, 12:52:42 AM
The talk of girls went well of Sekeo's head. It was irrelevant blather to him as far as he was concerned and so chose to ignore the banter between Eliana and Wulfgar. He kept his reptilian eyes locked on Sylus, studying the other closely. He could never read the man despite how he did try!

Sekeo shook his head at Elania's inquiry, but let the half-elf do the explaining. There was no need to repeat information. However, when she asked him about the other thief, Sekeolath'Zhin shrugged his narrow little shoulders, " I don't think sssssso, but maybe he wassss more foolissssh than I give him credit for. Hehe. " He wasn't about to go looking for that man either. Not without someone big and strong to keep that man from murdering him.

He again ignored Wulfgar's and Elania's antics , his attention fully on the half-elf who sharply demanded to know who Hubert was. The kobold cringed at Sylus's tone and , had he more backbone to him, would have told the half-elf that it was none of his damned business, but alas...Sekeo being Sekeo surrendered the information with little resistance.

And one had to wonder if he'd squeal on the Southroad Bandits if a rival were ever to catch him. After all, a thief's loyalty only went so far!

"Hubert isssss friend. I met him after I esssscape mineesssss. He gave me a job. I fetch hissss ingredientssss for him and he take care of me. I learned lotssss from being assissstant. Hubert issss wizard. Old, powerful, but he did not like how I came by hissss ingredientsss and fired me. Sssssent me away. Sssstill friendsss. I bring him pressssents. Yesss. Rare bookssss. He collectssss and we make tradessss. He will know what to do, or he will know who to ssssspeak too. Hubert issss very wissssse. Yessss." He missed working for the dotty old codger sometimes. Hubert didn't tolerate theft though and Sekeo couldn't exactly do much to stop his kleptomaniac habits.

ooc: Apologies for the minor delay. Bad day yesterday!

Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on January 29, 2013, 11:46:18 AM
"Better to be rid of the thing if you don't know its properties, then," Eliana surmised.  Terrible tales were told of thieves coming across cursed treasures, only to fall to ruin because of a curse.  She wasn't familiar enough with magic to know if such tales were true or only the stuff of legends and tavern gossip.  Especially if Jackal's innate power couldn't protect them from it...

She glanced sideways at Wulfgar as he scooted nearer to her, then slowly rotated her face to stare at him.  "What do you want?" she asked flatly, apparently both uncharmed and unable to determine what, exactly, that face was meant to represent.  "If you're going to be sick, it won't be in my lap," she added sharply.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on January 30, 2013, 12:05:23 AM
"Magic items I thought would be quite the boon in the thievery world?" Sylus asked in quiet question to Eliana's willingness to be done with the thing. Sylus couldn't say that he blamed her however, he had no want or need for the thing and the idea of the little lizard having it and it falling into the wrong hands certainly made him uncomfortable. Sylus had never much cared for thievery, at least not unless the person was dead. His violet eyes studied the kobold for a long, quiet moment as he considered just what the little cretin had said.

"Sekeo," His voice was quiet and dangerously calm, "with the way you give up information, some people must wonder as to where your loyalty truly lies.."

Wulfgar, who had until this point had been continuing to try and woo Eliana with a series of charming stares, too no effect it seemed, blinked and looked back at Sylus. The normally overly cheerful giant of a man had certainly never been considered too smart, but even he knew the tone in which Sylus was speaking was much too serious of one, even for the dour half-elf. He leaned back toward Sekeo and once again put a massive hand down on the little kobolds shoulder, giving him a reassuring squeeze as he settled Sylus with a look that held no trace of Wulfgars usual good nature.

"Sekeo is a friend, Red," It was hard not to mistake the warning in the big mans words as he looked then from Sylus, to Eliana and back again. Then his attention turned down to the kobold and just as quickly dark, serious Wulfgar was replaced with the lighthearted and smiling man of before, "Ain't that right, Shorty? You wouldn't ever do nothin' bad for us.. What kinda books does your friend read? I gots some books, and they gots the best pictures!"

Sylus let out a calm breath as Wulfgar began joking with Sekeo again. He eyed the pair darkly, but said nothing. He took a long sip of his brandywine and then, finding the bottle was almost empty, stood and moved back behind the makeshift bar to ferret out another from his secret stash.

He knew his words were true. The little kobold gave up almost anything if someone asked with enough anger in their voice. What if the little shit got himself caught? Sure, Sylus had no doubt he could get away and didn't much care for anyone else, but they had a good thing here and he would hate to see that ruined.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on January 30, 2013, 12:32:57 PM
"For some, perhaps," Eliana answered the elf willingly.  "I prefer gold and jewels.  I know their worth.  But I know nothing of magic and its value, except that those who own it would rather die than surrender it."  A thought struck her as amusing, then, and she added with a smirk.  "Much easier to convince a man to give up his money."

The conversation turned, momentarily, dangerous then.  Outwardly, she seemed unconcerned by the veiled threats as she studied the pattern of the brandywine left in the bottom of her cup.  Privately, however, she was planning a quick exit should violence erupt between the pair -- violence, which, frankly, she had nothing to do with.

But, Sylus had raised a fair point.

Gathering up the pair of glasses -- her own and the one from which Sylus had been drinking -- she left the kobold and Wulfgar to their conversation.  While Sylus was busy rooting around behind the bar, she set the pair of glasses down beside him and scooted herself backwards up onto the bar to await his attentions.  Once he had straightened, she said softly, pitched so that her voice would not carry far, "You aren't the first to ask that question.  The truth is, he might be spineless, but he's too useful to simply kill.  Perhaps, if you're truly worried, you might ask to accompany him to this wizard's lair."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on January 30, 2013, 01:14:43 PM
Sylus didn't look up as Eliana approached, though he tracked her movements with pointed ears that, ever so often, gave a small twitch. When he found what he wanted, another bottle of brandywine which he had hidden away from the riffraff of the group, he stood from his crouch and proceeded to pry out the cork. With his attention seemingly on the brandywine, of which he poured two cups, Sylus spoke in a quiet tone where neither Wulfgar or Sekeo could hear, "I have yet to meet the soul who was so valuable death would not take them.."

He topped off their cups and then corked the bottle once more. Not that they wouldn't have more, Sylus placed the bottle on the ledge below the counter Eliana now perched upon, but more so that Wulfgar didn't notice and drink up even more of his wine.

"But, I do catch your meaning," Sylus spoke before taking a sip and enjoying the smooth, hot berry flavor. He took a moment to enjoy that flavor, savoring it, before setting down his cup and returning his violet gaze to Eliana, "and perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea. I would only like to know for certain that Jackals little pets loose tongue does not bring a militia upon me while I sleep.. But what of you? A band of cutthroats and bandits seems hardly the place for a woman of your particular," Sylus gave her an appraising eye, and though what he saw was impressive the look was far from lecherous and more to make a point, "talents and grace.."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on January 30, 2013, 03:01:35 PM
Eliana's smile was somewhat cool as she lifted the fresh glass to her lips for another of those delicate sips.  "He's useful.  In spite of his flaws, I suppose, in a strange way, I even rather like him on his better days.  Usually the days he's bringing in word of a fresh mark."  It was a little more than that, but, of course, Eliana neither could nor would explain such vague and fuzzy feelings to the assassin.

As if to emphasize his point about her talents, she leaned forward enough to put an elbow on her thigh and to rest her chin in her hand.  Although her top wasn't indecent on its own, the pose certainly tempted men interested in such things to risk a peek.

Laughing quietly, she said, "On the contrary, Sylus.  I feel quite at home here.  An esteemed company of gentlemen such as yourselves can improve a woman's reputation.  And a talented woman can improve that of the company.  It's a comfortable arrangement."  Her eyes sparkled slightly as she regarded him.  "And, what of yourself?  I would not have expected to find a man of refined tastes in a place like this."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on January 30, 2013, 03:44:44 PM
Her assessment of the kobold earned her a quiet snort. Sylus did not understand everyones odd fascination with the creature. Well, except for Wulfgar who he was pretty sure could find interesting conversation with a rock! The others though all seemed to harbor some kind of, well, he had no idea how to explain it. It was as if Sekeo was a stray dog that everyone carped about being around, but would then feed when they thought no one was looking.

Though Sylus often seemed aloof to most temptations, even the half elf couldn't resist a 'peek' at such a beautiful view. Especially one so readily offered. He was, of course, brief about it however. While not necessarily a gentleman, Sylus was one for respecting at least some good graces. As such, he also gave Eliana an appreciative smile as well as a curt, approving nod.

He sipped lightly on his drink as she explained to him her reasons, which he could accept even if he didn't full heartedly believe. Again a small smile played on his lips and Sylus considered just how much he had drank to be so free with such affections. He was much more used to scowling.

"True, and it was not my first choice for success.." Sylus sighed heavily as that familiar dour look returned which he cast about the gathered brigands, cutthroats and thieves in various stages of stupor, to include Wulfgar who was giving the assassin a wide grin and winking excessively at him in between looks at Eliana. Sylus released a displeased sigh and returned his attention to the thief, his lips curling into a flat humorless smile, "but were I more successful, perhaps I wouldn't be here? The unfortunate truth is I was too brash in my youth and brought too much attention to myself. I moved to Zantaric and made fair coin selling my blades as well as my poisons, but not the sort of fortune I seek.. So, now I am here. The cuts are fair enough, when there is work, though I still entertain the idea of doing some work on my own.. I havent, not recently, but I think I may again.."

He eyed her quietly a moment, even taking in another much appreciated view of the womans beauty with a long drink of his wine. She was much like a sunrise, or a famous painting, something one could stare at for hours if only to relax, "And why, my dear, did you turn to thievery might I ask? I know we all have our woeful tales, but would you mind indulging me?"
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on January 30, 2013, 04:03:34 PM
"Ah," Eliana replied with a knowing smile.  "The woes of the successful thief.  To live in anonymity is to live without recognition -- and, therefore, perhaps without work.  Yet, to leave your mark, you sentence yourself to persecution."  How well she knew that litany!  If she was aware of his attention, she seemed not to mind.  It would be impossible, however, to think she hadn't; she was watching him as they spoke, lips curling upwards further, it seemed, whenever his gaze would wander her way.

"As for independent work, I'll never be able to give up that particular vice.  It's much too thrilling -- and more challenging.  Independently, I have only my brains and what lies beneath my cloak to earn my gold."

She regarded him in curious silence a moment as he asked about her motives.  She supposed her tale wasn't much different than the next person's, really.  They usually ran the same, typically involving misfortune or abuse.  My, but they were a dull bunch!

"I didn't like the idea of someone else controlling my life.  So, I stole everything I could carry, and I left.  And when that money ran out, I stole again.  I suppose," she mused, "It became a sort of pattern after that.  And you?  What was the reason you committed your first crime against great society?"  The way she said it made it clear that she was being a bit sarcastic. 
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on January 31, 2013, 12:42:16 AM
Sylus nodded his agreement with her theory on the independent contract. While Sylus hadn't taken any in some time, he couldn't argue that he missed the thrill of it to some extent. For him though, it was the profit he missed even more. Sylus took a small sip of his drink, giving the girl a small nod of his head.

"I do see your point. Brains and ones own particular set of skills can be refreshing, but I feel it would be the profit that would be most refreshing." He sighed, perhaps a bit longingly as he gave a wistful look up at nothing, "I miss the singing of the blade. The soft sound of skin and meat parting in otherwise silence. The twitch of the body and the panicked, fearful look of surprise in a victims eyes as they struggle to contemplate what had just happened to them before their life-blood runs out.."

He blinked, coming away from his moment of sharing and looked back to Eliana with a small, chagrined look, "But so far here I have been relegated to simply brewing poisons, just in case, and relying more on my skill with a bow than anything more close. More intimate.." He gave a small, disgruntled sigh and waved a hand at Wulfgar. The big man, afraid his more subtle gestures were not getting through to his half-elf friend, had taken to directly pointing between the two and making vulgar hip thrusts in hopes that Sylus would catch on, "But it seems that this life favors the like of brutes such as.. Gods be damned man!! Stop your foolishness!" He smacked his hand on the table, leveling Wulfgar with a murderous glare as he smacked his hand down on the table top. Wulfgar exploded into laughter, so much so that he fell back out of his chair which only brought more deep rolling laughs from the giant.

"How he has not drowned himself in the rain.." Sylus grumbled darkly to himself, shaking his head and then looking back to Eliana with a small shake of his head. He sighed heavily, a defeated and reluctant thing, and then continued, "I would apologize for his actions, but there is no excuse grand enough.. In any case, I suppose my tale is no different than yours. I was the bastard son of a whore.. If ever I wanted to make my way out of life in the slums, it would only be accomplished through thievery I thought.. Though, when I was younger I found that people were much more likely to pay for death than they were for the stolen baubles I was able to procure..."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on January 31, 2013, 01:47:37 PM
That was a...detailed...description, Eliana thought as she listened to the half-elf's wistful daydream.  She had developed a distaste for murder, but it was sometimes necessary.  Even so, she had never heard it described in quite that fashion before.  She laughed softly when he was done, and her shoulders rolled slightly in a shrug.  "Well, it's obvious you enjoy your work."  No judgment.  She didn't care for killing -- but there were many thieves who didn't care for what she did either.  It was what it was!

"Yes, the shares are better," she agreed with a soft sigh.  "But nowhere near enough.  I should have won some noble's heart when I was younger and settled for a life of pleasant distraction, generously funded by my husband, of course."  She was too old for that now.  And she knew, too, that there was a ticking clock on her looks.  She had, perhaps, five years of left...and then she would have to change her skill-set to survive.  It made her reach for the brandywine again.

Her eye caught Wulfgar's rather emphatic gestures, and she laughed out loud.  It wasn't an entirely merry laugh; there was something darker lurking beneath the merriment.  "I'm sincerely surprised no one has killed that man yet."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on January 31, 2013, 03:16:58 PM
Sylus gave a small half shrug of his shoulder and flashed a quick smile, "Well, one must enjoy their work if they ever want to find fulfillment in life.." He chuckled softly, darkly, at his own little joke and then took a sip of his own wine.

"Ah yes, the sycophant wife.." He said with a small, flat look, "I do not believe such a job to suit you, my dear. I could only imagine you would grow too bored of such a life too quickly, and then only find yourself right back where you are.. Though then you would be lamenting the riches you lost, not hoping for the ones you will someday have..."

Another long sip of his wine drew his attention with her laughter back at the bumbling oaf that was Wulfgar. Sylus made a small agreeable noise, shaking his head ever so slightly as he watched the big man try to right his chair and get back into it, "A pity, really. Were the Jackal not so opposed to the idea, I would have done so my self nearly as soon as I met the fool. He breaks everything he touches, constantly drinks all of my wine, or mead, or anything I brew really..." Sylus gave a short, disgusted huff, "And his annoying infatuation with the idea that everyone he meets is his friend grates my nerve to no end!"

He looked from the giant and back to her, offering her an almost sympathetic look, were Sylus truly capable of sympathy, "I am only glad I am not of the fairer sex,  nor share my ancestries penchant for appearing so feminine.. I have seen him, with the women. He has a rather inflated ego of his own worth, I should think.."

Though in reality, Sylus couldn't think of anyone who complained. Well, at least not anyone willing.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on January 31, 2013, 07:54:49 PM
"Oh, I don't know," Eliana replied with a longing sigh.  "I'm certain I could find plenty to keep me entertained in a man's pockets," she answered smoothly as she crossed one long leg over the other.  She planted both palms against the back of the bar and leaned back, looking divinely cozy.

"I'll bet that's not all that inflates," she answered with a cool lift of her eyebrows.  "A big man like him has to have a big twig and berries."  With a soft chuckle, she amended, "More like the entire branch, really."

Her eyes slid back to the half-elf, and she added, "Not to worry, Sylus.  He has but to open his mouth to quell my curiosity on that subject."  Were she shallower or more desperate -- or matching his intellect -- she certainly would have already investigated the matter for herself.  Of course, if she were that person, she would have been content to remain a whore.  Life was funny like that.  At the thought, she swallowed the rest of her drink down with a contented sigh.

"I wonder if we should be so near to drunk again so early in the morning," she mused aloud.  Probably not.  But it wasn't as if they had anything to stay awake for, did they?  "I think your brandywine sneaks up on a person, doesn't it?"  It probably didn't help she was probably not entirely sober when Wulfgar had awakened her.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on February 01, 2013, 03:29:13 AM
Even Sylus let out a soft chuckle to her little statement. With a lovely woman like her, a noble man would probably simply pay just fro the privilege to have her steal from his pocket. As he sipped his wine, and possibly because he'd had too much already, he briefly entertained the idea and yes, were he a noble man, he would have let her search around for something worth taking.

Her words brought her out of his little fantasy, which caused Sylus to blink repeatedly and look down at his drink. Perhaps he had made this batch too strong? He wasn't one for flights of fantasy or even that good at using his imagination. He gave his cup a small sniff while listening to her conversation.

"Maybe," Sylus said with a dubious tone as he turned to watch the cretin, "It wouldn't surprise me. And if you ask him, he will certainly tell you as much.. Or if you don't ask him, and just give him time, he will tell you.."

A small smirk curled his lips then and Sylus turned his head at an odd angle, peering up at Eliana, "Oh really? No interest in our resident ogre? Hmm, I'm sure you'll break his heart.." And then a wicked smile grew and he looked back to Wulfgar, adding in a too-delighted tone, "You should go tell him.."

When she questioned his drinking however, and the drink its self, Sylus gave a small nod and a sigh. He lifted the bottle of brandywine, pouring a bit more into his cup before setting it near the thief, "I suppose you may be right, and while I'm sure there are many better things that could deserve my attention.." He shrugged and lifted his cup, "Here I am, with this.." And with that he took a long, slow, smooth sip before setting the cup down with a sigh, "And yes, you are quite right. This particular blend will creep up on you, bring you down when you least expect it... Poetic, yes? It's how I crafted it..
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on February 01, 2013, 04:26:17 PM
"I'm not entirely sure words would be sufficient to get it through his thick skull," Eliana replied with a bit of a face.  "He seems to think he's a nice guy.  And he seems to think of you as a friend."  Of course, the same thing could be said about anyone in the room.  "So you must know.  Tell me, would he attempt to win the affections of another man's woman?"

Helping herself to the brandywine, she topped off her glass carefully.  She was fortunate, then, that she had been sipping it slowly and helping herself to only half a glass (or so) at a helping.  Even so, she knew it would catch up to her -- and sooner rather than later.  "Is that so?" she responded, sounding amused by the prospect.  "Perhaps, then, with enough, it might even drown out Wulfgar..."  What a pleasant thought!  Though her headache was nowhere near as bad now...  "Ah, but I wouldn't want to pass out on the bar like a common harlot.  It would take me days of hot baths and massages to rub out the hardness."  She rubbed the back of her neck in anticipation.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on February 01, 2013, 04:42:13 PM
Sylus made a rude sound when Eliana mentioned Wulfgars ceaseless reminder of how they were 'best friends'. Then again he considered everyone his best friend, but for whatever odd reason Sylus always seemed to be near the big brute. He shook his head, lip curling with disgust as though he had just tasted something foul, "Do not remind me. He does enough of that, though I can only be glad that he has as of now found someone else with whom to bother."

As to her question, Sylus gave her a slow, humorless smile, "I would imagine, my dear, that that ignorant savage would pursue any woman were she to give him even the slightest hint she may have interest in him.." He shot Wulfgar a bland look, speaking casually then with maybe a hint of jealousy, "Though I am loath to admit, a man would have to truly want his woman to stand against such a man. And even then," He gave a small shake of his head, "I do not think it would slow him much.."

He returned his attention to his cup, taking a small sip. Sylus was a man with refined tastes and as such, was not much for drunken frivolities. Or sober ones. Or, really, frivolities in general. He crafted his drinks strong, for the enjoyment of the warm sensation that now permeated his system and for the fact that were it weaker like the piss most of these brigands drink, it would take ages for him to become drunk.

"I have tried many times," He said with no small amount of resentment, taking another sip before setting aside his still mostly full cup and lifting the bottle. He held it, studied it, as though it were some unknown potion. After a moment he sat it back to the bar, turning his head to look up at Eliana once again, "and have now, in fact, dedicated a good portion of my time to drying to find something that would put that fool under. I have seen him drink down three bottles of this, and though quite drunk, it only resulted in him urinating in some poor mans wardrobe.." Again he shook his head, sighing, "But rest assured, I plan to find some cure for our Wulfgar problem.."

Again Sylus showed a rather rare, genuine smile. He counted it toward the warm buzz flowing through him, and allowed it to stay as he spoke, "Oh yes, we wouldn't want that. I fear to think of what would happen to one so lovely as you, were you to succumb to such a thing out in the open!" His eyes pried across those still passed out in various states of dress and position. He looked rather, unimpressed, before turning his violet eyes back toward Eliana, "Though I'm sure there is not a man here foolish enough to make a mistake such as that.."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on February 01, 2013, 05:27:00 PM
"Pity," Eliana murmured with a small shake of her head, as if to denote that it was, indeed, the most terrible thing she had heard to date.  Her eyes, however, were sparkling with mischief.  "I suppose I won't be able to use that excuse, then..."

"I'll be interested to know what finally overcomes even his stomach.  And his stamina."  Eliana watched the man curiously for a moment.  Really, how could a man enjoy his drink so much if it had so little effect on him?

Eliana's eyes, too, swept over the men (and women) gathered before them.  She looked equally unimpressed -- but not surprised.  They were thieves, after all, who had been given all they could drink and plenty of women to tire themselves out with...  It was only natural they devolve to their current state.

"Men who have had too much drink tend to forget the value of their lives at the urging of what hangs between their thighs," she answered with a soft but lovely laugh.  "And women..."  She flashed him a grin.  "We're much the same."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on February 01, 2013, 05:53:37 PM
"He's a simpleton.." Sylus scoffed, "I think that you have little to fear. Jingle something shiny in front of him, or just engage him in a conversation that doesn't revolve around sex, drinking or violence and I'm sure you'll be able to confound him to the point of forgetting.."

He gave her a small grunt, an agreement on his own part with her skepticism. Though he was currently brewing up a special batch of strong drink just for Wulfgar, even he doubted his claims that it would put the man to the floor. Typically he wouldn't do anything that could be considered so 'nice', but in this feelings were irrelevant. It was more for morbid curiosity that he see just what it would take to put the man under.

"That, my dear, is too true.." He answered somewhat distractedly, still thinking about his brew, but turned his attention back to the woman and matter at hand, "And so often men find themselves too drunk to be sure just what should be done with said object of thought. Though I imagine as a women, it may seem quite funny." He paused for a moment, lip curling to a slight frown in thought, "Or perhaps not. Were one so looking forward to such simple base pleasure, were a man unable to perform I imagine it would be rather disappointing.."

He shrugged it away casually, lifting his cup once more to take another small sip. It really was very good, though he hardly needed to praise himself. Sylus knew how good he was and it often showed in his nature. While some would refer to it as simple confidence, Sylus was not one for falsehoods and knew at times he crossed the boarder into arrogance, but then could he really be blamed? After all, how could he be at fault for being so good at so many things?

"I must say I have never heard of the same happening to a woman," He added then to their conversation, once more returning his drink to the counter. Violet eyes joining hers to glitter with something other than murder, which could in its self be considered mirth, "It has been my experience a woman only becomes more craven to her desires the more she drinks. Well, until she becomes too drunk to be of use to anyone, but then that is how it is with all mortal beings I should say.."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on February 02, 2013, 09:59:58 AM
Eliana laughed out loud at the advice.  "Yes, I'll have to try that...  Perhaps the artwork of Arca?  That seems a sufficiently intellectual topic..."  Yes, boring and confounding, she imagined! 

Sex was one of Eliana's favorite topics.  While she had not enjoyed the life of a whore, her dislike of the profession had had little to do with the physical act of sex and more to do with her lack of freedom.  Almost immediately, the girl had realized that sex, when utilized correctly, could be a powerful weapon...and, occasionally, satisfying besides.

"Should that happen, a woman should take what she feels she is owed, being generous with her own worth, of course, and let the drunkard assume he lost the coin," the woman answered with a smirk.  "And if the man is not drunk but merely incompetent, then she should teach him to use his hands and his mouth to satisfy her."

She took a sip of her drink, allowing herself a moment to savor it before going on.

"As for women..."  She lowered her voice, and it had a near musical quality as she went on.  This was a subject she was all too familiar with!  Setting her drink down on the counter, she leaned forward once again, as though she meant to impart secrets that were not for the general crowd below.  One arm wrapped itself casually across her stomach, which had the dual effect of shifting her top down a bit lower and emphasizing the curve of her breasts.  The other hand rested on her thigh, fingers making an idle pattern on the inside of her leg.  "If a woman has had too much to drink, her pleasure is entirely at the will of a man.  Oh, I'm certain Wulfgar's size is impressive enough to satisfy a woman, but I like more from a man than a few brutish thrusts.  Like anything else, my dear Sylus, pleasure is an art."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on February 02, 2013, 11:36:50 AM
Sylus watched the woman with a certain sense of distant appreciation. His lips curling at the ends up into an almost smile that bordered more on the lines of a smirk than anything more wholesome or evident of pleasure. It wasn't to say he did not enjoy the conversation, or Eliana's delightful charms as she leaned forward and exposed more of her self to him. He most certainly made no effort to hide his enjoyment at the very pleasing view.

"I can see my dear, where such an idea would bring forward such a pleasurable thought," He mentioned idly, his body shifting to lean his hip against the lower counter while his elbow rested upon the upper one, propping up his head as he allowed his eyes to roam Eliana's form, "And to take from a man who is in such discord could not in the least be considered wrong, though it may prove to be of a danger once the man has his senses about him. After all, pleasure is one of those few fickle things that comes to each of us in different form. While for some of us," He placed his free hand gently upon his own breast, "the art of giving pleasure can be as enjoyable as taking it, so often I have found that most men see little else beyond their own base desire.."

It was then that a certain twinkle came to the half-elfs eye as he took note not just of her prominently displayed breasts, but then of her hand and the slow tracings it made on her inner thigh. He didn't let his eyes linger long however, they returned once more to lock with Elianas as the conversation continued, "Ahh, but like any art form there are many different artists to apply it. I find that, when faced with a woman who is in need of true pleasure, the best way to bring such a thing about is through denial. A woman does not know how badly she needs something until it is denied to her for so long that it positively drives her mad.. Only at this point," Sylus' lip finally curled into a true smirk, "might a woman find true and earth shattering pleasure.."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on February 02, 2013, 02:42:47 PM
Eliana's grin very nearly matched his.  She was enjoying this sparring a good deal, delighting in the way he was responding.  Yes, they were going to get along famously, if this exchange was any indication.

"That's an interesting view on pleasure," she answered, looking positively wicked now as she continued.  "But women are fickle creatures who may want one thing one day and quite a different thing on another.  How do you keep such creatures interested?  And do you turn them away after such pleasure has been obtained?  After all, with after such a...big...rise...in expectation, only a true master in his art could hope to repeat his performance."

There was something to what he said...  But, too, there was something to what she said as well.  She truly was a fickle creature, and her desires changed as often as the winds...
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on February 02, 2013, 07:41:26 PM
"Ah, but you confuse a womans typical day to day wants for that of a womans needs.." He corrected with a raised finger, his smirk now fully in place. It had been a long while since he had any stimulating conversation, in the slightest, about any topic sexual or otherwise. While he wasn't prone to having high opinions of anyone really, the woman had certainly elevated herself among those to be considered 'peers' within the bandits, "In their wants a woman can be fickle to no end, and it is at this the mans prerogative to either indulge her for the sake of continued enjoyable company, or discard her for a creature of less peculiar needs.." With this he took another sip of his wine, savoring the flavor for a good moment before continuing.   

"A womans needs are forever the same, to simply be left too weak to rise from the bed, am I not correct?" Sylus challenged with a small raise of his brow as he looked upon Eliana. It added only another layer of arrogant confidence to his demeanor, "So if that is what you bring to her, whether it be raw brutish thrusts, or more elaborate means to last for hours of delightful torture and play, the results are what matters. Now, this does not mean that repetition does not become boring," He waved a hand, graciously acquiescing to her point, "but in that I find that it becomes dependent upon the woman. An adventurous woman may provide fun for weeks or months even, but a less exciting partner should surely be, as you said, turned away.."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on February 03, 2013, 12:21:43 PM
Eliana chuckled.  "Touche," she allowed graciously.  "However, I think you overestimate the ability of your gender as a whole to leave a woman in that condition.  Most men are only concerned with their own needs," she said, emphasizing the word the way he had.  "And a woman is lucky to feel any satisfaction at all in the ten or so minutes she shares with a man.  There are a rare few who make a woman's pleasure a priority, and, of that noble minority, even fewer indeed possess the talent to thoroughly sate a woman.  Most only whet our appetites."

With another wicked grin, the thief added with a soft laugh, "Or, perhaps, that's just me."

She sipped her wine, noting with some disappointment her latest glass was already nearing the bottom...  How time flew!  She would be lucky to find her own bed -- or to rise before sunset!  She slid to the edge of the counter and gracefully lowered herself to the floor before him, then picked up her glass and resumed their conversation.  "I'll be interested to see the results of your...technique," she murmured with a slow, appreciative glance.  "And if you are able to incorporate your words into your masterpiece."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on February 03, 2013, 01:22:39 PM
"That is where you are wrong, my dear.." Sylus spoke with a small twinkle of mirth in his eye, "I think wholly the opposite of my gender. That is to say, you are most correct in your observations. A man, most men, see little past their own needs and would put a womans need to the wayside.." His smirk grew then, "And as for those pitiable fools who last only for such a short amount of time, it is not just question of stamina or will, but knowledge. As you said, there is plenty that can be done with hand and tongue to keep a woman so enthralled as to give any man time to recover.."

When she slid down from the counter Sylus took a gracious step back, if only to politely give her room to stand. He made no effort to catch her in case she fell or even steady her if the drink was catching up. No, instead he simply watched with his bemused smirk as she came lightly to her feet. He sipped at his wine, letting the smooth liquid trickle down his throat. His cup too, was nearing it's end and though he loathed to leave an open bottle unattended, her next words saw his smirk grow and one brow arch.

"Oh is that so? And do you offer yourself to be the canvas upon which I practice my art?" He asked with quiet curiosity, noticing her glances but making no move to show it. Instead he simply placed his cup upon the upper counter and stepped forward, closer to Eliana as his violet eyes then began to burn with something other than mirth or contempt, "Because, my dear, I would hate to start something only to find you lack such stamina or adventurous spirit.." His eyes roamed her body once more, unashamed at the open appraisal, before focusing steadily into a gaze locked with brilliant sapphire blue. After a moment of judgment however, his smirk spread into a more gracious smile, "Though I do not think this would be the case.."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on February 03, 2013, 04:04:57 PM
Eliana was rather looking forward to this...  She didn't often associate so freely with her fellow bandits, afraid it would give them particular ideas.  Besides, she wasn't interested in bonding of developing feelings with these people!  But Sylus could, in the very least, talk the talk -- and she was interested in seeing if her expectations would live up to the reality.

"Is your brush ready?" she asked coyly, almost purring.  She closed the distance between them, a mere inch away now.  "Or will it require some attention first?"

Wulfgar and Sekeo aside, it seemed few others were awake to witness this little tryst -- more's the better, she thought.  Let the fools sleep well into the afternoon!

There was a low scrape against one of the walls that, normally, Eliana would have paid little mind -- particularly because her mind, currently, was on the fun that awaited them upstairs.  Even so, some instinct for survival was screaming at her to pay attention in the back of her mind...

...But her mind couldn't quite seem to grasp what it was that had suddenly set her on edge.  "Sylus," she murmured, glancing back to the half-elf.  Her voice was still pitched low, but the breathy edge it had adopted was now gone.  "Remind me again.  What, exactly, were we celebrating last night?"
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on February 03, 2013, 04:30:51 PM
Sylus, too, was looking forward to this little escapade. While he was certainly not one taken to fits of sexuality or need, dismissing whores and the affections of any of the other women of the bandits who sought his company, in Eliana he thought he saw a familiar trait. There would be no emotion in this, no complicated bond formed. This was simply for the act of pleasure and to that Sylus could get behind.

"Ah, I believe you will find my brush is always ready.." He said with a smooth tone, one born of true confidence and not mere bravado. One of the many things his elven heritage had bestowed upon him was great endurance, and he looked forward to putting it to the test.

The soft sound of scraping on the wall drifted to the half-elfs pointed ears, one of which twitched with indifference, but the sound drew his mind. Where Eliana had not turned to look, the subtle change in her tone told Sylus she too had heard it. It was that little bit that put the assassin on edge and caused his violet eyes flicker to the cut stone which made for the window.

"I never thought to question.." He answered in a low hiss, as disgusted with himself as the others. He had entertained thoughts that being with these bandits might have been the death of him, though he hadn't thought it would have come so soon, "I was under assumption it was simple drunken revelry.."

If Wulfgar had heard the sound, which he had not, it did not show. The big man was busy making his own concoction of special drinks. Moving quieter than a man of his size should, and with more agility, he swept the room gathering up cups that still yet held wine, mead, beer or ale, and returned them to the table. There he began to mix the drinks together into one tall metal flagon, pleasantly humming to himself about the tasty drink that would soon follow.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on February 04, 2013, 09:19:54 PM
Eliana nodded slightly; the assassin's response had affirmed her suspicions.  They still had yet to take form fully, but her thoughts were beginning to slowly gather, moving from suspicion into speculation.

A crowded tavern was no place to use a bow, unfortunately.  And her whip wouldn't fare much better, but, at least, with most of the room unconscious, it left them with a good amount of space to work.

Her eyes swept back over the quiet room, taking in the number of people still asleep.  At least Wulfgar was awake...and, she supposed, if this was really happening, she supposed she owed the man a silent thanks for waking her up in the first place.  But how was it the noise had failed to rouse so many people?

"You did say you wanted to kill some people, didn't you?" Eliana asked curiously, fingers already playing over the whip at her side.  She looked a lot calmer than she felt.  If this was a raid, they were already at a disadvantage...  Ten minutes more, and she and the half-elf would have been caught in nothing but the beauty granted to them by the Gods...
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on February 06, 2013, 07:14:14 AM
"Always.." Sylus hissed with a small humorless smile. He was woefully unprepared for a fight if this indeed was about to turn into one. He was without his armor or his swords or even his bow, and though he still had a clutch of daggers and knives on him, if it was the city guard and any of them wore metal armor his thrown blades would be nearly useless. Not to mention he was dressed in simple dark leather pants and a gold lined dark leather vest, with his cloak of course, but still his armor sat nestled safely away in his room along with other things.

He placed a gentle hand on Eliana's back and stepped around her, his eyes locked on the window when the soft clank of metal began to echo up from stairs near the door. It was then that Wulfgar began to notice the noise, his head coming up from his own concoction as he turned with a broad smile, "Oh good, more people come to drink!"
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on February 06, 2013, 09:59:04 AM
Eliana was in much the same boat as Sylus.  A whip did little against armor...  Fortunately, most of the town guard preferred to walk around without their helmets...at least, while in town.  She had yet to be present for a raid like this.

Of course, the guard usually didn't get this far, as she understood it.

If she had had the time, she could have pretended to be a whore -- and, perhaps, let go.  However, that would require some preparation, as the guards probably knew who they were looking for...

"I don't think they're here to drink, Wulfgar," she put in, a bit sourly.  "I think they're probably here to fight."  The giant liked fighting, didn't he?

There weren't many of them awake -- even fewer in any condition to hold a weapon.  And they were probably vastly outnumbered.  Lowering her voice again, speaking directly to Sylus from over his shoulder, she said, "We need to limit the number who get inside."  If they found themselves facing the entirety of the guard, they would be overwhelmed in short order...  "How flammable is that alcohol of yours?"
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on February 06, 2013, 01:46:58 PM
"Quite.." Sylus admitted with a slight frown. While he knew where she was leading to with that question, and understood the need, he didn't much like the idea of wasting his wine on firebombs. Of course, he disliked the idea of being caught and hung by the guard even more.

Sylus dropped down behind their makeshift bar and began pulling away a few of the floor panels revealing a small crate with at least four more bottles of his wine. And also the extent he was willing to go to hide said wine from the likes of Wulfgar and the others.

"Huh?" Wulfgar shot Eliana a confused look, though when he saw just how...serious the two of them looked things began to click for Wulfgar. He too was drawn then to the noise coming from the steps as if just hearing it for the first time. Instead of a look of fear or nervousness, Wulfgars eyes widened somewhat and that broad grin began to grow, "Ahh! Good! A good fight after a night o' drinkin' is just what you need to get your day started!!"

The big man reached against one of the support beams holding up the ceiling and lifted his axe. It was a massive thing and Wulfgars only real possession for which he cared. Not that it had any significance to him aside from being the only weapon he owned which he hadn't broken yet. The next thing he grabbed was the table they had been sitting at. Their were other tables, some closer to the door and some lighter, but Wulfgar grabbed the massive rough hewn oak table and began walking it toward the door. Any bodies in the way were either kicked aside or dragged along as the table legs groaned across the wooden floor.

"So much for surprise.." Sylus muttered as he sat the last two of his bottles on the counter with a quick frown in direction of the noise Wulfgar was making. He set about pulling the corks free on all the bottles before looking back at Eliana with dangerous violet eyes, "Think you can manage some wicks?"
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on February 06, 2013, 04:52:11 PM
"What the hell is he doing with that table?" she wondered, watching the big man as he progressed through the room.  Sylus's question drew her attention back to the matter at hand, and she nodded.  "Should be easy," she answered with a quick nod.

There was just the matter of material...

It took her about three seconds to spot the discarded rag from earlier, and she picked it up with a curious eye.  It was light -- but, she thought, it would burn well enough for their purposes.  She returned to the bar with her prize.  After a few quick flicks of her wrist and with the help of a knife, she soon had the wicks in place.

"It's a shame," she lamented as she placed the last on the counter.  There wasn't much time to grieve, however; the sounds outside the door had paused.  They were, doubtless, about to charge in.

"Try not to die," she murmured with a grin to the half-elf over the impromptu explosives.  "I'll be disappointed if I have no one to work off all of this excitement with."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on February 06, 2013, 05:56:06 PM
"Who knows.." Sylus grumbled as he pulled free the last cork on the wine. When Eliana returned with the strips of cloth he began tucking them down into the bottles, spilling a little and letting it soak into the cloth each in turn to ensure it would burn. Smiling at the idea of burning those who would dare set against them alive, Sylus looked around for a candle or torch to light them with. Luckily, and perhaps a bit dangerous, there happened to be a candle burning at the edge of the bar, nestled in a wrought iron holder with a few sticks next to it for lighting pipes.

"Well, at least their ignorance is proving useful for one.." He griped as he carefully moved the candle from where it sat next to spilled liquor and beer and moved it over closer to where he and Eliana stood. While maybe not much safer of an area on the bar, Sylus much preferred his own idea of where to place it than that of any the drunken idiots who may have placed it first. Elianas comment drew his attention and he turned his head, eyeing her with a wry grin, "Yes, it would be a shame to leave all that energy wasted.."

As if in answer to her question earlier, Wulfgar stopped moving the giant table. With one hand and a loud grunt he flipped the thing on its side, creating a barrier just far enough back that the door could still open. Throwing his axe up on his shoulder he turned to the woman and the half-elf who were eyeing each up behind the bar like they planned to ditch the fight in favor for a roll in the hay.

"Hate to salt your game, Red," Wulfgar said with a broad grin, "an' steal your woman, but if you two would kindly like to join me for this fight?" He gestured with a tilt of his head to the makeshift bunker he had created, "I would appreciate it. And this way, you don't burn down the whole tower throwin' them things in here!"

He laughed at the somewhat stunned look Sylus had that he hadn't considered the danger the fire might represent after. The stairs up the tower were stone as well as the close quarters of the area, making the circular stairwell a good place for the ambush. Something apparently Wulfgar had already considered. Sylus eyes narrowed darkly at the man as Wulfgar walked to the window.

Looking out he saw a man on a ladder no more than a few feet away. Without a word he stepped back and readied his axe, waiting for the mans head to come into view of the window.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on February 06, 2013, 08:44:32 PM
Eliana stared at Wulfgar like he'd grown a third eyeball!  "Well, well," she breathed once the giant had turned away.  "I suppose something useful had to sink into that thick skull."  Preserving their lives did, indeed, seem rather useful, now that he had pointed it out!

She was half-tempted to leave the fight in his hands.  He seemed to know what he was about, suddenly, although he looked no less eager for the combat to begin.  He was certainly a lot more eager than either herself or Sylus...

"I suppose it's for the best," she murmured as she unwound the length of her whip.  She didn't crack it yet; there would be plenty of that, she thought, in a moment.  "I throw like a girl anyway."  Built for defense, one person with enough firepower could hold the door on his own; Wulfgar would probably need help with the windows.  He couldn't be everywhere at once, after all.

"Needless to say," she added as she delicately sashayed around the bodies, strewn chairs, and tables towards the window opposite Wulfgar.  "Try to save a bottle, if you can get away with it."  She reached it in time to plant the butt end of her whip handle in a man's nose.  In spite of the nose guard, it burst into a red mess.  The second blow, aimed at an unprotected cheek, cracked reassuringly, and the guard plummeted back downwards.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on February 07, 2013, 07:22:07 AM
The half-elf managed to carry the six bottles of wine and the candle through the room, around passed out bandits an whores and the toppled mess of chairs, tables and everything else with a certain sense of grace and poise. Once safely behind the overturned table he sat the candle aside and hefted up his first bottle. Sylus gave Eliana a wry look and a quick nod, "Oh believe me, I shall be the model of restraint.."

Before he could continue, the door bulged as men pressed against it. Sylus dipped the wick to the candle, watching as the tattered strip of rag came alight, and then prepared to throw. There was quiet mumbling and time seemed to stand still for a moment before the door burst open as men in simple chain mail and leather moved in to breach.

They were met with the first bottle that shattered against the simple shield of the first man spraying liquid fire over him and the other man beside him. Both men panicked causing the door way to jam up as people behind tried to move forward and they moved back. Sylus launched a second bottle that hit the helmet of a man in the middle of the crowd, covering more people in burning wine. Panic and screams set in and the discipline of the guards began to break down as a few stumbled inward flailing and trying to put themselves out. Sylus pulled free a fat, wickedly carved knife and hopped over the table, striking the men at their unprotected necks and thighs.

Wulfgar raised his axe in silent cheer when Eliana dropped the first man in the window. The second men to come up barely had time to see the woman, his eyes wide with the surprise of being caught only to go blank as Wulfgars axe came down on his head splitting easily through the helmet. He too went tumbling back off the ladder. Wulfgar hefted the mighty axe back and then spun around, striking a burning guard in the chest before he was driven into the stone wall with enough force that the axe clanked off the stone behind him, cleaving him from just below the shoulders and up.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on February 07, 2013, 09:48:03 PM
She made a bit of a face as Wulfgar swiftly dispatched of two guards in short order.  It was impressive that such a large man could move with such speed, and Eliana made a mental note not to underestimate him.

Sylus, too, seemed to be faring well in the doorway.  At least, he seemed to be containing the guards...

Another guard appeared, quite suddenly dropping from a window on the other side of the room...and not far from Sylus.  The thief ducked past the giant, leaving him to handle that side of the room, as she hurried to the rescue of the half-elf.

With a flick of her wrist, her whip shot out to coil neatly around the undefended throat of the guardsman.  It was a technique that rarely worked -- but the man's attention had been on Sylus and not on the woman.  He made a strangled sound of surprise, followed by a choked cry as she yanked back on the weapon, bringing him toppling backwards onto the floorboards less than three feet away.  Her dagger re-appeared, quick as lightning in her hand, and she ended his suffering with a swift blow to his throat.

By the time she had untangled the whip from the dead man's throat, a second guard had dropped down through the window...and this one was not about to make the same mistake as the first.  Sword drawn, he began to move cautiously towards the whip-wielding woman.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on February 08, 2013, 05:34:21 AM
If the other two were struggling or  worried, Wulfgar seemed to be having the time of his life. His loud boisterous laughter carried over the din of the pitched battle as he practically jumped back and forth from the window to the door. His big axe hacking large chunks and dismembering body parts on some and sending others crashing around the room. Sylus, if he was displeased by Wulfgars help, didn't show it.

He did however flash a pointed look at Eliana when she took down a man who had tried to sneak up behind the half-elf. Sylus was dancing from person to person, knife in one hand and a dagger in the other, wounding and hampering men with cuts to exposed areas. Each wound mortal in its own right, or at the least physically disabling, though maybe not the staggering killing blows of Wulfgar.

When Eliana found herself at the end of another guards blade, Sylus moved quickly. He ducked low and slashed across the insides of a mans unprotected legs eliciting a scream as the man crumbled before turning away and pushing off on the balls of his feet. He nimbly jumped to the top of the bar delivering a heavy heel of very expensive black leather boots to another guards face that sent the man tumbling back into Wulfgars axe. Sylus completed the maneuver by launching himself once again and coming down beside Eliana a few feet away. The guard with the sword was forced to turn his attention between the two of them.

"I would be remiss," Sylus informed her with a small bow of his head, "if I did not return the favor.." And then he lunged for the man, He couldn't get close, not with him so well prepared, but he could at least distract him for her.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on February 08, 2013, 07:20:11 AM
Eliana breathed a soft sigh of relief at the intervention, moving backwards to put space enough to use the whip between herself and the attacker.  A whip was not the most effective melee weapon; it was better for crowd control and intimidation...and the sword had a longer reach than her dagger or blackjack in close combat.  It was, she reflected, a good thing she wasn't fighting this battle alone.  (Of course, if she were, she would have gone about things a different way...)

"My hero," she answered the assassin in a purr.  She lashed out with the weapon again, this time wrapping its length deftly around the man's wrist while Sylus held his attention.  It forced his arm back, buying Sylus the precious seconds he would need to strike at his suddenly exposed front as the man struggled to free his arm.

Once the half-elf had struck, Eliana let the whip go slack.  It coiled off the man's arm neatly, and she immediately brought it back up and around with a resounding crack to catch a guardsman across the face as he stepped through the door.  The red welt split open a microsecond later, leaving a bleeding cut across the man's face with the tip narrowly missing his eye.  He ducked and stumbled backwards into an ally as he nursed his wound, giving the second man a reason to hesitate in his charge.  He was just slightly too far away for the whip to reach, but Eliana cracked it in his direction anyway, chuckling out loud when he flinched.

The next man through the door, however, would not be so easily stopped.  Their leader had made an appearance at last.  His hard gaze took in the carnage with a sneer of displeasure, and he started to bark out orders in an attempt to rally his scattered and wounded troops.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on February 08, 2013, 07:46:17 AM
Sylus' blades dripped with blood as he jumped back in time to watch the guardsman snatch helplessly at his tumbling intestines. Spinning his dagger deftly in his left hand for a moment, it only took the distraction caused by Elianas whip to give him the space he needed. His arm jutted forward slightly at the elbow, wrist locking at the last second to send his dagger hurtling through the air. It landed with a solid thunk in the throat of the man behind the fellow with the bleeding face.

Wulfgar, for his part, was having a grand time and it showed. He played with one man keeping him at bay with one handed thrusts of his axe while his other hand crushed down around the throat of a man he was holding off the ground. As though the leather wrapped guard weighed nothing, Wulfgar used him as a shield blocking a few glancing blows from a guard before finally striking him down with his axe.

When the orders began being barked, Sylus cursed softly while his violet eyes narrowed on the man. He snatched another dagger from his belt, considering throwing it. The man was two animated though, moving this way and that directing men in combat. Wounded men began to respond, rising to their feet and leaning against walls. Their injuries temporarily forgotten as they struggled through the pain to follow their commanders orders.

"This may be a problem.." Sylus hissed to Eliana as he backed up to create a little space. The bottles were too far away to get to without great risk, and another guard coming in through the back window cut off the idea of retreat through the other upward stairwell. Sylus turned to Eliana with a curious look, "I would be open to suggestions.. Maybe we could escape through the win-"

The half-elf assassin was cut off with a look of surprise when a guards body went flying through the air toward the commander. Followed loudly by a roar of laughter from Wulfgar that was both heartfelt and unholy blood freezing..
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on February 08, 2013, 10:17:56 AM
Eliana had only time to nod to Sylus before Wulfgar launched his own assault.  She caught herself staring -- just as most of the guards who were still standing were staring.  She had the instincts of a con artist, however, and she knew she could use this to her advantage.

Their commander had rallied his troops, but their morale was still low...and seeing their own so abused, surely, wouldn't help.

Her blue eyes were hard and shone with malice as she stepped forward, the movement alone earning her the attention of the soldiers.  With her head held high and shoulders back, she radiated confidence.  She looked disheveled -- and dangerous.  The messy bun that had been holding her hair back had slipped to allow the strands framing her face to pull free, and she unconsciously struck a pose that highlighted her very feminine curves.  A few drops of blood darkened one cream sleeve, her hand, and her skirt, and a lock of hair was caught in a smudge on her cheek, but it was all too clear that she had yet to be wounded in the encounter.  Her dagger was red with blood, and her whip was coiled menacingly beside her.  She looked like a goddess of war, as beautiful as she was deadly.

"The next man goes out the window.  Alive."  Her voice was soft, yet pitched so the room could hear.  It came out sounding like a promise rather than a mere threat.  "Go home to your wives and children.  Or you'll be killed.  To a man."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on February 08, 2013, 11:41:08 AM
Sylus hid the smile that wanted to creep onto his face as Eliana stepped forward and took charge of the situation. Unlike most, Sylus had no illusions about 'a womans place' and was more than willing to let her take the lead if it kept him alive. He did straiten himself up however, squaring off his shoulders and standing behind her as he swept the group with menacing violet eyes, vacant of mercy. If he looked hungry to continue killing, it was only because he was. His wickedly inward curved knife dripped with blood and gore as his other dagger, yet to be used, shone bright and deadly. He positioned himself to be the wind of death that Eliana could cast at her command.

It was all very intimidating and was working quite well until a gargled cry drew everyones attention from them. All eyes snapped to Wulfgar in time to see him hurl an unsuspecting man out the window, as she had promised. His screams lingered only for a moment before being forever silenced with a soft thud. Wulfgar looked around the room, obviously pleased with himself until his eyes caught that of Sylus and Eliana. His smile faded away and all he could do was offer a small shrug. So he had misunderstood her, so what?

The guard commanders eye twitched with anger, but the sound of the screaming man had done the trick. He could tell by the looks in the eyes of his men that they were scared. This ambush had been planned well, but poorly executed it seemed. Even he cast a nervous eye toward Wulfgar before pointing his sword at Eliana.

"Don't think this is over, whore!" He bellowed with anger, even as he backed toward the door. A nod of his head toward his men was all they needed to begin gathering up their comrades and backing out as well. The guard commander cast another snarling remark at the bitch in charge, "We'll be back! And then we'll see just what that whip'll get you!"

With that he grabbed one man under the arm and began helping him down the stairs with the help of another man. Wulfgar frowned, well pouted really, throwing his axe on his shoulder as he watched the men leave and with them the hope for more fighting.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on February 08, 2013, 01:04:18 PM
Eliana blinked once at Wulfgar, but she lost nothing of her cool confidence as she watched the commander for a decision.  It was not until the commander announced their retreat that her stony gaze shifted, lightened by a beautiful smile.  Even smiling, she held herself ready to defend herself if it became necessary.

"Until then," she answered warmly, sounding more like a woman bidding her lover good night than a desperate, cornered thief or a proud, blood-thirsty warrior.  She held herself like that, poised, until the men had gone -- and even then, until after their footsteps had faded from the stairs outside.  Only then did she allow herself a soft sigh as she relaxed.

And to think the room had been in shambles before!

"I'm glad you both are on my side," she murmured as she turned away from the doorway.  "You are indeed a frightening man, Wulfgar."  Her blue eyes slid from the human back to the half-elf, and her smirk widened.  "And I hope to learn more about your talents very soon."

Her eyes dropped down to a man at her feet -- a thief sprawled out over the top of a whore, looking very much look they had fallen asleep in the middle of their business.  She nudged the man with her foot, earning a snort and mutter from the man.  In fact, most of the room was, somehow, still asleep; the few who had awakened were looking around in groggy confusion but without the sense of alarm awakening to a bloodbath should have instilled in them.  "How in the Gods' names are these people still asleep?"
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on February 08, 2013, 02:40:43 PM
"Frightening?" Wulfgar gave Eliana a curious look, his frown disappearing in a broad smile as he boasted, "You don't need to fear Wulfgar! Only virgins and the weak should fear me!" His boisterous laughter shook the big man as he gave a nearby cutthroat a stiff kick in the ribs. The man cussed groggily, curling around his side before falling asleep. Wulfgar laughed at this too for a moment, before frowning down at the man, "This is why no one beats me in a drinking contest.." He muttered, somewhat dejectedly.

"Charming.." Sylus muttered at Wulfgars comment about his prowess, though his attention soon returned to Eliana. A somewhat wry grin spread across his face as he tipped his head in her direction. Sylus moved around the sleeping and the fallen to retrieve his unused bottles of wine. Removing the wicks he frowned with a heavy sigh, eyeing the bottles, "Now the balance will be all off. And they're opened, which means they'll need to be drunk..."

With a heavy, heartfelt sigh he looked at Wulfgar and then sat down all but one bottle of the wine. He nodded toward them, unwilling to actually speak giving them to the man, but it mattered little to Wulfgar who lit up like a child.

Keeping one bottle Sylus sauntered over to Eliana, that wry grin returning as he held up the bulbous bottle of brandywine, "I believe we had some business you wish to finish?" He cast a cursory glance at the man she nudged and then shrugged, unconcerned and unimpressed, "Who knows what they put in there? None of them look dead, which is good I suppose.." Though he didn't sound either pleased or disappointed at the idea.
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on February 08, 2013, 11:23:01 PM
She was trying, forlornly, to scrub that image from her mind's eye.  The thought of Wulfgar and virgin girls was, indeed, a frightening one.

Sylus's interruption was, therefore, a most welcome one!

"Your room or mine?" she wondered, smoothly lifting up both eyebrows in inquiry.  "I believe I have some clean glasses in my room."  There were a few amenities as well -- little things that she had collected over the years that brought her some comfort...not that they were going to use many of those, although, eventually, a hot bath might be in order...

Between the combat and what was about to happen, she imagined she might need a nice, long soak sooner or later...
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Doc on February 09, 2013, 06:31:45 AM
"You're leaving..?" The big mans face fell as he looked between the two, a bottle of wine in each big hand, "But, who'm I gonna drink with?" It was only after a moment of looking between the two did Wulfgar figure out just what they were leaving to do. His brows went up as he let out a quick sharp breath, and then a wicked wry grin spread across his lips. While he was human and man and therefore a bit jealous of his friend, he was also smart enough to know that not everyone could handle him. Some women were scared of what he could do, and Wulfgar was okay with that as he flipped over the heavy table of before with one hand and a foot and then sat down to enjoy his drinking.

"Yours will do nicely.." Sylus said quietly as he moved to the door, opening it for the woman as they so often enjoyed having done. Sylus' room was well stocked and looked more at home in a castle than in these crumbling towers. Fine silk sheets and curtains and while he lacked in amenities he was in no short supply of comfort items. Not to mention his bed, which was one of his most prized possession. It had not just one, but two layers of downy feathers wrapped in cotton then wrapped in silk.

He did not much relish the idea of their hot sweaty bodies, nor the juices and run off of their carnal acts, staining or soaking into his bed or sheets. No, he was more than willing to go back to her place. His words were smooth as he watched her pass with that same wry, silently amused, grin, "Please, allow me the pleasure to follow after you.."
Title: Re: The Hangover! (Open)
Post by: Ivory on February 10, 2013, 10:54:26 PM
Eliana was truly grateful Wulfgar seemed to come to accept their departure.  She laughed softly, musically, at his comment and inclined her head in a slight bow.

"I expect the pleasure to be mutually beneficial," she answered cheerfully, leading him the short distance from the makeshift tavern to her room.

OOC: Eliana and Sylus are continuing here (http://www.spiritsoftheearth.net/smf/index.php?topic=14212.new#new).  This thread remains open to anyone else wishing to join it!