Spirits of the Earth

Serendipity => Coastal Serendipity => Seaside Town of Cerenis => Topic started by: Goldie on December 08, 2007, 10:41:32 PM

Title: All He Needed Was a Break...
Post by: Goldie on December 08, 2007, 10:41:32 PM
"Let's leave the horses here" a man told the woman riding next to him as they reached the outskirts of Cerenis.  Despite removing their decorative coverings and cutting the braids out of their manes, the horses were still much too fine to ride into the small town without drawing unwanted attention.  After all, that was the absolute last thing he wanted right now.  He needed to relax...to take a breather, and just exist.

"Fen--" the woman began before Fenway held up a hand to silence her.

"Not here, Chai.  If we parade around with our real names people will start bowing and then my cover will be blown."  It was true too.  If he wanted to do anything in secret, he had to go in a guise.  He didn't like deceiving his subjects, but sometimes he just wanted to be human for once.  A human male, age 25, with no worries other than where he could get his next drink and find honest work.  Not that ruling a country wasn't honest work, it was just tiresome, and he needed a welcome break.  A tavern would be the best bet.

He liked to called it, 'scoping out the subjects' to see if they were 'happy.'  And the last time he had said that aloud, Chailyn had threatened to take control of all of the water in his body to keep him from going.  She had told him that if he wanted to see if his subjects were happy he'd go right up without a disguise and ask them himself.

"Well, what would you have me call you then?" she asked, dismounting from her horse and wrapping the reigns around a nearby branch.  She handed a passing boy a gold coin to keep watch before turning back to her charge.  She strongly disagreed with his outings and saw them as dangerous endeavors.  If they were attacked, she herself would be able to do nothing.  Water magic or not, there was no way she felt comfortable enough to protect him indefinitely.

And she hated taverns.

Taverns were filled with men...slimy....hands reaching out to grab the nearest piece of flesh they could reach, hoping their groping sausages of fingers would linger on something any self-righteous woman would withhold.

It was disgusting.

It was low.

It still scared her.

"I don't know...make up a name, any will do." he replied, twining his reigns around the same limb and making sure it was secure enough that the horses wouldn't escape easily.  "I'll call you Lynn, it'll be easiest."

"I don't suppose I can call you out." she muttered, rolling up the sleeves of her lightweight tunic.  Her auburn hair gleamed like a garnet in the sunlight and she swiftly pushed the long curls behind her ears, tightening the knot that held it out of her face.  "How about Kevin."

Fenway made a face, but didn't object, "You're really not happy about this, are you?" he asked, going up and putting a hand on her shoulder.  It confirmed what he had been thinking.  She was wound as tight as spindle and there was a light shake beneath his fingers.  He knew that she didn't like going out to places like this, but he had made it his goal to try and get her to loosen up.  She had never told him what made her this uncomfortable being large crowds, but he could tell that the touch of most men turned her into a wild horse, skittish and unsure.  "Don't worry.  No one will touch you if I claim you're my sister."

"Lynn and Kevin." she mused and small smile pulling at the corners of her lips, "A dynamic duo."

She sighed.

"If you must, you must.  I still think it's pointless to put yourself in this situation.  Couldn't you have brought Sharron along?  He'd be able to protect you better than me."

Fenway stopped and turned to look at the woman he had appointed Head Mage.  She had been so reluctant to take that role, but he had insisted.  He knew that beneath her lack of self-esteem and obvious dark past, there was promise there and he would find a way to unlock it.  She had made quite a lot of progress in his book.  But even so, she didn't have the confidence in herself that he hoped.  She put on a good show, but at least she had been able to loosen up around him and they became, what he would consider, good friends.

"Don't say that.  You're more than qualified."  he winked at her, "And if you feel harried, just blow someone up."  She laughed, a clear laugh that so seldom left her lips, and Fenway took it as a good sign.  "C'mon, let's go before Obderon finds out I've left."  He took her arm and they began walking towards the tavern.

Once inside, he could feel Chailyn tense, her entire body coiled, like a cat ready to pounce and flee at the first sign of danger.  There were many men here, and of course, drunk.  The bawdy songs and roaring laughter lifted Fen's spirits while they made Chai want to curl into a hole.  They reached the counter and Fen dropped her arm to take his place at the bar.

"A pint of your finest." he told the bar tender before looking over at Chailyn and adding, "Make that two."

"I'll have tea." she corrected, shooting her companion a scathing look.  She would not put that foul stuff to her lips while she still had control over her body.

"Fine, a tea and a pint of your finest."

The bartender nodded and headed into the back to fill the orders.  Fenway found himself in pleasant conversation with a man sitting next to him, enjoying every minute of his escapade out of the castle.  It was wonderful to be free and not have to worry about people judging his actions and seeing him only as a king and not as a person.  It was glorious!  He would take every minute he had and make the best of it.  If he needed, he would get boisterously drunk and sing the entire way back to the castle.  It was nice to just be himself.  How long had it been since he actually had been able to travel?  At one point he had been a traveling knight, now he was the king of a large kingdom...it was daunting and he missed the travel sometimes.  Besides, it was better to get a buzz outside the palace where no one recognized you.

Chailyn on the other hand, was not enjoying herself at all.  She sipped her tea and kept her eyes on the men surrounding her.  One of them would strike...she just knew it.  They were all the same...one of them would come on to her...they would try to touch her just like he had so many years ago...

She shook her head, trying to block out those images from her childhood.

Why had Fenway insisted she come?  He knew how uncomfortable this made her.  She hated being in crowds.  She hated being at the mercy of so many men.  Yes, she had learned how to use her magic, she had been taught how to use a dagger fairly well...but she still felt like an ant that could be crushed at any minute.  It was different pitting herself against someone she could never imagine beating....

"Well ain't ye a pretty 'lass!" a drunk man proclaimed, fulfilling her worst nightmares as he walked over and put his arm around her shoulders.

In a panic, she called to her magic and called to every cell of water in his body, forcing him away from her.  Her sea-green eyes were wild with panic, and at that moment anyone watching wouldn't be able to tell who was more scared.  The man who just had his body forced backwards, or the woman whom he had touched.

"Chai..." she felt Fenway's hands on her shoulders and she immediately released the man who slumped to the floor in a dead faint.  Fenway's voice was soft, but there was a command behind her name.  She was making things difficult for him.  He needed a break, not the need to watch over her as if she were a child.

"I'll wait outside." she murmured, her heart racing in her chest.

Without waiting for his reply, and ignoring his reply to the men around him that the poor man seemed to have passed out from too much drink, Chailyn rushed to the door and stood outside.  Leaning against the side of the building, she pressed the heals of her hands against her eyes and took a deep breath.

She had come so close to giving him away....so close to blowing their cover.

"I knew he should have brought Sharron..." she muttered to herself, gazing up at the sky.
Title: Re: All He Needed Was a Break...
Post by: Rhindeer on May 12, 2008, 10:32:54 PM
[Pardon the suck and boringness. I have been so stuck on this. o.o And apologies for the wait!]

Nakaris yawned, absently swirling what was left of his ale around in the mug. It had gone warm and gross since he'd drank it slow for once, so he had no intention of finishing it now. Nah. Another time and he'd be totally up for tossing back some drinks and getting completely shitfaced, maybe wake up next to a woman he didn't know that probably looked good the night before, but...no way. This was just to relax him. He'd be getting on a ship within the hour (give or take, these captains rarely left on time), and there was no way in hell he wanted to help the inevitable sea sickness along. Besides, he was pretty tired. It had been a long few days gathering supplies and information.

Now, if only he was tired enough to pass out the duration of the voyage back to Necromantia. That would be awesome.

He listened idly to the chatter all around him, mentally weeding out all the drunken nonsense so he could listen for the important bits, like news both local and national. It was a good way to pass the time, and it served a purpose, too! Biting back another yawn, Nakaris eyed the remainder of his drink, shrugged, and tossed down the rest of it, even if it was warm and nasty. He shoved the mug away and rested his elbows on the bar counter, swivelling boredly back and forth on his stool, and he was about to turn to his companion (who was chatting it up with some women, the freaky womanizer; no offense to Nage, of course, but the thought of the bug-man having a sex life always sort of freaked him the fuck out) and see if he didn't want to start heading for the docks when a lot of things happened at once.

Some drunk man loudly proclaimed some lass to be pretty and Nakaris glanced over his shoulder and smirked, deciding it could wait a little longer so he could watch the clumsy attempt at flirting. Gods above he hoped he didn't look like that when he was feeling inebriated and amorous. He chuckled to himself; poor girl looked panicked.

And suddenly the man did, too, as he was forced backwards as though shoved, even though he hadn't been touched.

Nakaris' eyes narrowed and he turned a little in his seat just as the man fainted and thudded to the floor. Chai? Had he heard correctly? He looked to the man she was with, then back to her, and suddenly it felt as though he had been plunged into an icy river. Oh fuck. Was that...was that seriously...? Realizing he was staring, he quickly averted his eyes and faced the bar again, eyes wide and heart hammering in his chest. Chailyn. How the hell did he know that name? Auburn hair, sea green eyes, the smell of smoke and decay all around.  In the back of his mind he heard a woman screaming. Stop it! Can't you see it's wrong? It's all wrong! Can't you see--

Nakaris clenched his eyes shut and shook his head hard to clear his mind and shake the random snippets of vision and sound away, one hand massaging his left temple. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes again. That happened sometimes, too often for comfort, and most of the time he didn't even know what it meant except that J'aari perhaps was trying to tell him something. This time it didn't matter; he didn't care about the significance of that little trip. All that mattered was that he recognized her.

Recognized them.

And he couldn't fucking believe their luck...fucking Fenway. It was surprising enough seeing the little bastard again, but he'd learned through the grapevine that he was now king. Gods. A lot happened in just a few years, and damned if this didn't make the job so ridiculously easy. You'd think a former knight woul have better sense than this.

When Chailyn went outside, Nakaris turned toward Nage and elbowed him in the ribs. Once he got his attention, he leaned in close. "King fuckin' Fenway's 'ere," he whispered in his ear, tossing his head in Fenway's direction before running a hand through his messy red-gold hair to cover up the action. "Once in a lifetime chance. We're takin' this. Don' do jus' anythin' yet, though. Jus' wait a few minutes after me, then come out. Got an idea."

He waited a minute or two before he paid the barkeep, slipped off his stool, and strolled casually outside. He wasn't really worried about Fenway recognizing him because hey, it had been a few years and criminals were forgettable, right? Not like they'd actually fought face to face, anyway. Even if they had, he'd changed a lot himself. He no longer wore the gaudy, flashy clothes he used to when he was younger, now opting to wear a more low key style--a simple tunic and breeches, nothing any other peasant didn't wear, and instead of the dozens of flashy, shiny jewelry pieces he used to wear he only wore a single necklace and pair of earrings. His hair fell to his shoulders, currently not tied back as usual.

And, of course, it helped that he was actually clean and not, you know, covered in blood and junk as he had been when he'd last seen Chailyn and Fenway both.

He found Chailyn leaning against a wall outside with her hands pressed against her eyes, and he advanced upon her quickly. His hand slapped loudly against the wall by the side of her head as he leaned in toward her, half pinning her there even if he wasn't touching her. Instead, he simply used his size and closeness to put a scare into her; he distinctly remembered her fear of men. "Hullo, Chailyn," he greeted softly, grinning, eyes on hers.

And then he summoned J'aari, channeling the magic into her and letting it seize every nerve in every muscle, not actually damaging any tissue though he was sure as hell using it to hurt her. He did it quickly, hoping the attack came fast and strong enough that she wouldn't have a chance to scream, that the pain would overwhelm her and knock her right out clean as a punch--only without the messy bruises and evidence and stuff. He wasn't even worried about anyone seeing him do this.

J'aari was invisible, and if she slumped it would only look like she'd fainted. Judging by her behavior in the tavern, it wouldn't be the oddest thing to see.
Title: Re: All He Needed Was a Break...
Post by: Goldie on May 22, 2008, 08:50:58 PM
ooc:  YAAAY!  I would have posted sooner but I was away for the week without an internet access!  But now that has been rectified!  

Fenway watched her leave out of the corner of his eye as he boasted the man's lack of tolerance to his alcohol.  He didn't know what else to do but play it off as the fool's own mistake in order to draw attention from the woman who freaked out.  It was common knowledge that the head mage had power to stop people in their tracks with much pain to their own selves.  Few knew how she did it, but the knowledge that she could turn a man to dust with a well concentrated blink of her sea green eyes had spread far and wide after the siege many years ago.

Best to let her settle down a bit out in the fresh air before going out and picking up their things to move to a different location.  Maybe something more secluded...he didn't know what at the moment but they'd figure it out.  They always did.

Damn it really was terrible timing though.  They had just arrived and no more than 10 minutes later they had to leave because she was skittish.  He wished she would tell him what had happened that, to this day, caused her constant anxiety and fear.  He wasn't about to pry, but every time she freaked his curiosity would spike and he'd wonder once more about her past.  Something had really scarred her; that much was evident.

She'd be fine outside by herself for a bit.  At least long enough to finish his ale.  After all, she was the head mage and could handle herself well in the tiff.

He'd leave after the pint was drained.


It hadn't taken long to get her heart rate under control again, but her mind was still racing with images from her past.  She knew that not all men were like him...but she still could not erase the memory of his body pressed against her, invading all that was sacred and good while reminding her that she was useless.  A piece of trash that would be thrown away and was not needed for anything other than a man's singular desire.

She was only an object to be used...

Gods, she knew that he had been wrong.  Every day she reminded herself that she did nothing wrong and that it had been he who was truly at fault.  She had only been a 14 year old girl raised in a family that hated and despised her for her gifts, but had taken her into their household out of the goodness of their hearts.  That entire family had been seriously fucked.  She knew that now, she understood that...but she still couldn't wipe the memory of her foster father from her mind.  The very bones in her body quaked at the thought that another man might come forward and start the abuse all over again.  Would she be able to stand up to them this time?  Would she be able to say no, tell them that they were wrong and that she did not consent to their advances?  

Gods...Gods....she was terrified that someone would come again and the cycle would begin once more.


Her inability to stay calm in notably normal situations was causing the king more grief than she had intended.  Actually, she hadn't intended anything, but merely expressed her dislike of accompanying him on his little outings.  She hated them, he knew it, but he still wouldn't have anyone else.

He should have known better than to trust her with his life.  She would only fail.  She always failed.  When it came to something important, she would never be able to step up and take command.  But Fenway, damn him, still liked to believe that she would be able to unlock her "full potential" or some crap like that.  She wished that he would stop trying.  But hey, at least they had a persistent king.  That had to be a good thing, right?


Until it costs him his life for constantly trying to fix her.

Lost in her own dizzying thoughts, Chailyn didn't even see the man approach.  In fact, she would have continued not noticing him all together until his hand pounded against the wall just above her head.  In a second her mind snapped back and her heart jumped into her throat.  One thought surfaced in her head: He knew her.  But she barely had time to think on it before her entire body was sent into an instant wave of panic upon looking up.  Her eyes met his, and before she could speak pain flared through her entire body.  

Uncontrolled, unadulterated pain.

His features changed into colors and indiscernible objects before she could focus on who this man was.  His red-gold hair blazed in a dazzle of sunlight, while tan skin melded into blurs.  She did not know anymore if she looked at a face or at a dazzling rainbow of colors.  Her first instinct was to fold into herself.  She couldn't possibly stand up to this man...she couldn't possibly fight a man who had the ability to send pain shooting through her limbs with nothing more than a glance.

But she had been trained again and again in the art of putting those fears aside, and for the moment she had before darkness clouded the brilliant colors, she reached out with her magic and called to the water in his body to jerk him away from her, hoping that breaking his concentration would free her from the agonizing pain that exploded through her.  It was only a split second before she crumpled from the pain, spots dancing before her vision before they faded into the solitary color of darkness.  She pitched forward, unable to remain conscious as the pain destroyed all attempts of freedom.

She was lost.

And she hadn't even had time to scream.
Title: Re: All He Needed Was a Break...
Post by: Anonymous on May 25, 2008, 05:42:09 AM
"...and so I says to him, 'No you go wash the donkey, I'll take care of the girls!'"

The two girlies giggled, making the one sitting on his lap jiggle pleasantly. Nage took a long drink fro his metal stein, his other hand wrapped around the lass, going up her shirt and enjoying her bosom. She one sitting on the next barstool along wasn't quite smitten enough with him yet to go so far, especially in the middle of a crowded bar, but he had time.

To looks at he was a frightening man, much less pretty than Nakaris. This form, his chosen human form, gave off a strong, manly allure than certain women, such as the two he was chatting up – or feeling up, as it were – found appealing. He was bald, with blade like tattoos running up his back and over his head, to finish at the top of his brow. A pair of green eyes that achieved an intense colour not humanly possible rested above a defined nose and solid chin. He looked muscular, but not brutish. Not that the size of his apparent muscles mattered anyway. He could take the form of the thinnest old woman you'd ever seen and still punch through a mans skull. Being a demigod helped in a rumble.

That 'demi' still bothered him. Once a god, now no more, the story of his immortal life.

He started again, his voice a low rumble, "Alright, now 'ave I told you the one about the frustrated carrot farmer's wife? No? Well, there was a carrot farmer, who spent all of 'is days in 'is field. Now 'is wife, a pretty young thing, started to get a tad jealous that these carrots are apparently more attractive than she is. She tries everything to get 'im into the mood, but nothing works, until one day 'e's out with 'is carrots, with all 'is workers out there wit' 'im, and lo and behold, out strides 'is wife wearing nothing but a pair of boots! The workers are naturally a sight more pleased than the husband, who goes up to 'er and says, 'What in gods name are you doing woman?' To which she replies...eh?"

He cut off in mid-joke as Naka nudged him in the ribs. King Fenwey? Here? Bloody good luck indeed! Right, plan, wait for a few. Easy enough.

A couple of minutes after Nakaris left, Nage stood up, setting the girl back on the stool and withdrawing his hand from her shirt, lifting it up considerably in the process. Might as well give these other poor sods a bit of a show.

"Barkeep," he barked, clicking his fingers, "A round on the house."

He tossed a fat gold coin to the fat sweaty man, who looked at it suspiciously before starting to serve everyone drinks. A cheer went up from the men who realised what was going on. That should keep the good king in there for a bit longer. Lastly, as little beetle dripped from one of his fingers, crawling under the bar top to watch Fenwey.

Slipping outside, Nage paused, searching for Nakaris. He found him, surprise surprise, over the limp form of some woman.

Walking over, he began to chide him, "Now, are ye really sure now is the best time for..."

He trailed off, suddenly recognising her as the girl Fenwey had come in with. He smiled, now understanding the plan.

Nage's body began to melt, the human disappearing and his true form emerging, a swarm of tiny black beetles massing together in a humanoid shape. The swarm began to melt and blend, growing smaller until there were two Chailyn's, one slumped against a wall, the other wearing Nage's clothes.

He stretched, feeling out the new form. Not bad, she was pretty. He groped himself. Yep, nice firm ass, good pair of tits. Not bad at all.

"Well, are yah gunna undress her or do I have to do it?" he said, stripping off his own clothes so that there was now one unconscious and one naked Chailyn. It wouldn't work if he walked in there wearing his clothing.

"Unless of course you want me to go in like this?"
Title: Re: All He Needed Was a Break...
Post by: Rhindeer on July 11, 2008, 10:46:21 AM
Nakaris caught Chailyn as she slumped and eased her gently to the ground, crouching down beside her so he could hold her sort of half-cradled in his lap. He brushed some red-gold hair back off her forehead and let his hand trail down to her pulse point just under her jaw, pressing his fingers there for a moment just to be sure. Alright, she was okay. J'aari couldn't really kill directly save over a prolonged period of time, but some of the things it induced in people could kill. The panic that resulted could kill. People had had heart attacks before, or injured themselves thrashing in agony. Sometimes they forgot to breathe. But that had been satisfyingly clean and quick and he'd done it all none too soon.

He'd felt something pull at his insides shortly before she'd fainted and he could distinctly remember someone exploding...his memories were all disjointed, but some instinct told him she'd been responsible.

Nage came out and Nakaris looked up at him, one corner of his mouth twitched up into a knowing smirk. "Always got yer mind in th' gutter," he mumbled, and he was glad he didn't have to lay out the obvious for the guy, too. He seemed to catch on, thank gods, and Nakaris watched as his shape began to melt away and transform.

Always fascinating to watch, even if it was insanely gross. Beetles.

All the more reason to just not think about and not question the man's sex life. That was a major do not want.

When it was done, though, and Nage-Chailyn had stripped off his clothes so there was a Chailyn standing there naked, Nakaris found himself torn between three very different thoughts and emotions: one, that was pretty damned hot, he wasn't gonna lie. Two, holy shit he probably really did have moths in his vagina. And three, the most important one...

"Th' fuck ya doin'?!" he hissed, looking around the area quickly, eyes wide. Naked twin standing right there and they were right outside the fuckin' tavern! Anyone could walk out and see! Or be on their way in and see. "Couldn't ya wait until we got out back?! Shit, man! Hold on a sec!"

Damage was already done, though, so he scrambled to get the real Chailyn undressed. Another time and this might have been erotic, considering he was undressing a cute woman, but he felt only a bit of panic as he roughly shucked her out of her clothes, right down to her undergarments, and tossed the garments to Nage. He didn't need to wear her underwear. Then he snatched up Nage's discarded clothes and threw them onto Chailyn. The only thing he really bothered to put on her was the shirt, and it was easier getting it off her than it was to get it on her, having to pull her limp arms through the sleeves and all that. He didn't bother with the pants. That would be just an added hassle that could be dealt with later, and the shirt was long enough on her to cover everything that would be offensive to public eyes.

"Now hurry th' hell up," he told Nage, scooping the unconscious Chailyn up into his arms and carrying her around to the back of the tavern. Which is where they should have done all this to begin with. Fool.
Title: Re: All He Needed Was a Break...
Post by: Anonymous on July 22, 2008, 04:59:00 PM
Nakaris didn't seem nearly as happy as Nage would have liked at seeing his little friend in the buff. It was weird, Nage had no real gender, but he'd always associated with being male. But being a girl made him feel pretty.

He shrugged, or rather, she shrugged. The semantics of Nage's gender could be debated for hours. "What?" He looked around, seeing nothing but deserted streets. Everyone was either getting drunk or asleep. "No one is 'ere. If anyone see's, I'll kill 'em" he made a slitting gesture with this thumb across his throat, his face forming expressions that he'd use as a male that looked strange with Chailyn's delicate features.

He snatched the clothes from the air and scowled at them. Getting into a woman's clothes always seemed more difficult than getting a woman out of them. He struggled with them, spitting, "Ah shaddup!" at Nakaris when the mad hurried him. Damn things were annoying.

Still, when they were on he found some enjoyment in adjusting his bosom to sit properly. It was her chest after all, not his, mimicked perfectly in both feel and look. His magic even captured the marks on her body he hadn't seen.

Closing his eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath, Nage assumed the character of a shy girl, not really knowing anything about this Chailyn. He glided into the tavern with surprising grace for someone who was a hulking man minutes before, instantly locking onto the good king and sweeping up behind him. "Fenwey," he cooed softly, hands resting lightly on his shoulders, "Can we leave please? Go to another tavern? I really don't like this one." Big, fake tears welled up in his eyes, adding to the incredibly cute expression he had plastered all over the stolen face. Acting was a talent most shape shifters mastered, and Nage was a god. Well, had been a god anyway. "P-please," he asked again softly, drawing in a little closer to the king. It would take a man of pure stone to resist that face. Or one made out of thousands of tiny beetles.
Title: Re: All He Needed Was a Break...
Post by: Goldie on July 26, 2008, 12:18:43 PM
Although he still vowed to have a good time, Fen was silently worried about Chailyn.  This was not at all how he wanted their little excursion to turn out, but then had he really expected anything less?  The moment that something spooked her, she was like a cat trying to be put in water.  He had hoped that she would have stayed a little longer, tried out her resistances a bit more, but...he couldn't really control her comfort zone, no matter how hard he tried.

He gave an inward sigh.  Things were never easy.

But hey...he would at least finish his drink and then go out and join her.  After that they would make their way back to the castle, or someone else.  He didn't really care, he just wanted her to feel comfortable while still being able to relax.  Hell, when she lost control like that it made him tense up in fear for the people around her.  Ever since that battle years ago, Chailyn had not used her powers in the same way.  No one else was turned into dust by her pulling the water from their very being...it was almost as if she were scared of herself sometimes.  When asked to test out her powers afterwards, she had flatly refused. Nothing could make her feel comfortable with what she had done.  Fenway always wondered if she would do it again if the situation called for it?  Or had she vowed never to use her power in the same destructive manner?  Yes, she still used it to stop people like that man earlier, but he wondered if she'd ever feel comfortable killing again.

Probably not.  Something about the way her eyes shown with fear sometimes...like right after she had stopped that man...she was scared of herself just as much as she was scared of him.  Before, she had only needed to be scared of them, but now that she had honed her skills...she was probably just as scared that she might hurt an innocent civilian in some way if she lost control...

Or she really was just that skittish around large groups.

Who knew.  She was a grade A basket case that he was having difficulty unraveling.  She was getting better though, that he had to admit.

Downing the dregs of his ale, Fenway stood to leave and turned right into Chailyn, almost hitting her.  Thankfully he caught himself before touching her at all.  If she was in her skittish moods, who could say what she'd do even if it was him who bumped her.

He blinked at her words, uncertainty easing its way into his mind.  Something about her...something was...off.  The way she laid her hands on his shoulders...the way her words almost held a sort of sensual appeal...something...this....what was going on?  Her words themselves seemed Chailyn enough, if a little forward, but the way they were spoken...the way that the fierceness in her eyes had been replaced with the look of a forlorn school girl.



For the amount of years that Fen had known her, he had never once seen her cry.  He had asked her once why that was and she had merely shrugged and replied, Most things don't deserve tears.

This...something was desperately wrong.

Discreetly he checked his sword, making it look as if he was just checking to make sure he had everything before nodding and pulling away from her as 'she' pulled closer.  In reality, he was loosening the blade in order to draw it quickly if needed.  Something was wrong.  He hadn't had nearly enough to drink to think otherwise.  He had been the Master of Arms for many years before assuming the thrown after Dawn.  Reckless he may be, but he was far from an idiot.

"Let's go" he told her, laying a few coins on the counter to pay for the ale and before steering 'Chailyn' out of the bar, keeping his arm around her in order to keep dibs on whoever, or whatever this new person was.  He wasn't about to walk blindly into an ambush, and having a hostage of his own was bound to turn things around.  Already his mind was weighing the possibilities and none were looking good.  Something was wrong...


He just wished he knew what was going on!

Upon leaving the bar, he steered his charge around the corner of the building before twisting his hold and slamming 'her' into the wall while pulling his sword from its sheath and pressing it against 'her' neck.  His eyes blazed with vexation.

"Who the hell are you?" he spat, bringing his face within inches of 'hers'  "And where is she?"
Title: Re: All He Needed Was a Break...
Post by: Rhindeer on January 03, 2009, 01:43:46 PM
[You can beat me now. I swear, if it ever takes this long again...call me and harass me. |: Sorry this bites, I had the biggest brain fart on this for some ungodly reason BUT IT'S OUT OF THE WAY NOW. xD Yesss!]

Behind the tavern, Nakaris set Chailyn down and unceremoniously propped her up against the building. Still unconscious. Good. As he was tugging her shirt--or rather Nage's shirt--down so it covered her properly, since it was long enough to reach down to mid-thigh, a thought struck him and he drew her toward him and pulled her shirt up in the back a little. When he'd been undressing and dressing her, he'd felt something kind of...odd, like ridges in her skin, but he'd put it off for later since right then he'd had no time to ogle unconscious, naked women. But now, while he waited on Nage, he had time enough to lift her shirt and stare wide-eyed at the mess of scars that crisscrossed her lower back and vanished beneath her undergarments. It was obvious they continued even there.

Thin lines, like what a knife would make. Thick, puffy, corded scars like what a whip would leave. Whip? He blinked several times and pulled her shirt higher, then finally smoothed it back down over her and lifted her hair up off her neck, morbidly curious as to how far up the marks went. They ended at the back of her neck.

Curiosity sated, Nakaris set her back up against the building and frowned at her. This...was the country's Head Mage? Those were no battle scars--those were the scars of, well...

A slave. Former slave, obviously. Interesting. He wondered if she was a runaway or if maybe Fenway had freed her--but none of that mattered.

It was just something to muse over to pass the time, he thought, and shoved back a random twinge of sympathy. Weird. Something about her had already struck a chord in him, something familiar, and the whip marks only added to that. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and refocus, cursing his dicey memory. It would help if there weren't random, gaping holes in it.

After checking over Chailyn one last time to make sure she was out for the long run, Nakaris stood and crept over to the edge of the building, back pressed against it as he listened in. Nage should be coming out soon, hopefully with the king--he still couldn't believe it was this easy, it was ridiculous--and he worked on prepping his attack and summoning his magic just in case Nage ended up in a situation where he couldn't act. If magic failed him--and it often did--then he'd just have to do it the old fashioned blunt way. He peeked around the corner, impatient, but it was then that the clamor from inside seemed to grow louder, spilling outside.

Which meant the front door had opened. Nakaris tensed and pulled back, listening--and finally he heard what he'd been waiting for.

Kind of. He hadn't been expecting to hear the sound of someone thudding against the wall, the hiss of steel, or Fenway's voice demanding to know where 'she' was.

Nakaris closed his eyes and resisted the urge to facepalm. Good job, Nage, whatever the fuck you just did.

Whatever. Nage was lucky, because it seemed today his magic was in one of its agreeable moods, though it was weaker now and he could feel it. It might not be able to knock the good king out like it had with Chailyn, but it was nothing they couldn't finish.

Peeking around the corner, needing to see his victim for it to work, he released his hold on the summoned magic and channeled it into Fenway. It wouldn't be as effective and he knew it but it would still hurt, it would still seize his muscles, and if all went well it would be enough to distract him so Nage could finish the job. At the very least, he probably wouldn't be able to hold that sword or properly cry out, and either way he was still in the bag.

And all this without having to leave many, if any, marks.
Title: Re: All He Needed Was a Break...
Post by: Anonymous on February 22, 2009, 04:57:30 AM
Well that was easy. Surprisingly easy actually, almost too easy. Oh well, the ruse was only for convenience, the king could be taken by force easily enough.

He, or she rather in the current form, trailed along happily with Fenway.  The arm around her was oddly comforting, despite him being an enemy. He was an attractive man, enemy or not. Perhaps later...

But she was losing focus.

Nage let out a little gasp as she was pulled around a corner, not at all going in the right direction. Maybe the king was more drunk than he looked and intended to take some pleasure in his little companion.

The sword pressed to her neck dissuaded any thoughts of sex and caused a malicious grin to bloom on Chailyn's stolen face. "I wouldn't press any harder, unless you want to damage the body," she said, Chailyn's voice taking on a seductive purr. Give him pause, make him question. "My name is Gar'zul, and I have taken the body of this little whore of yours as my own. I was going to be kind enough to let you have her one last time before I left, but now...well I'm afraid you can either kill the body or let me go. Your choice."

She smiled, cocksure till the last, and that's when Nakaris struck. For a moment she just enjoyed it, watching his pain, drinking it in like it was pure honey.

When it became boring she struck, rising up in a rush and throwing her head forward. The sword cut into her neck, slicing a good half way through before she head butted him hard enough to knock the man cold, if not fracture his skull. Were she capable of bleeding it would have been spectacular, however Nage's wound merely resulted in the illusion being broken, the area around the cut becoming a mass of beetles once more with the sword lodged among them.

"Too easy."
Title: Re: All He Needed Was a Break...
Post by: Goldie on February 23, 2009, 11:04:53 AM
ooc: if you two continue this thread with your anti-post nonsense, I will come and take all of your future children and bake a children's stew and then tie you down and feed it to you! O:<  you will rue the day!!!!


The king could see the change in her expression as the blade pressed against her neck.  On the surface, it was a complete clone of Chailyn, from her brilliantly red hair to the slight point in her ears.  He felt odd pressing his blade against her throat, but he knew that it wasn't her, no matter what the creature said.


Oh Gods....the things response set his fears in motion that this was not a clone, but Chailyn possessed by one thing or another.  Of course...could he really trust her word?  For all Fenway knew, every word that came out of this creatures mouth was a lie.  But at the same time...what if she was telling the truth?  And of all people, why pick Chailyn?

That sent the next horrific possibility raging through her head.  Not many people would recognize Chailyn, unless they had paid a specific visit to the castle and sat in on one of the council meetings.  She kept to herself and rarely went outside of the castle walls.  At least, if she did it was to get away from people, not to go mingle among them!  But he on the other hand...disguised as a common man or not, people knew his face.  They might check themselves and decide that this man was just a look-a-like...but someone....what if someone knew who he really was?  That would put Chailyn in his company and a perfect ruse to get him on his own.  Any other attacker would have just abducted Chailyn and leave...but this one....he had specifically come back into the tavern to him...

Ugh, he had been stupid!  So stupid!  This was not some tussle that could be handled with force and a little bit of fear!

His eyes widened as it all clicked in his head.

"Ambush" he gaped the moment before he felt fire flare through his veins.  This was no magic of Chailyn's, he found that he could still move which would have been impossible had this fiend tapped into her powers.  The sudden onset of magic made his head jerk back the moment that his prisoners head lurched forward.  If he had remained in the same place, the blow probably would have fractured his skull.  As it were, his jerk backwards had created enough distance that the defending crack that echoed through the alleyway was merely the sound of his nose snapping as Gar'zul's stolen skull came crashing into his face.

The king staggered, his vision fading in and out of blackness.  It didn't help that when he could focus, his sight was blurred by tears.  He felt blood cascading down his face and onto his linen shirt from his now severely broken nose.  He had been a soldier for far too long to let his guard down now.  Weakened and dizzy as he was, he would stand and fight even if it was futile.

He blinked, keeping his hand firmly on his sword and swiveled his head around to see where Gar'zul had gone.  He saw her, and couldn't tear his eyes away from the severed neck where she had ripped through his blade.  Her neck was hanging onto her head by what looked to be only skin...yet there was no blood.  Nothing to denote that this thing had been injured.

Shocked, he made his fatal mistake; he paused.

ooc2: Just so you know, whatever you do to knock him out it works! ^_^  Nakaris could just come up from behind and "whomp" him on the back of the head with a brick and he'll crumple, what with the j'aari making his weaker, and his head is severely rattled.  I give you free range Rhi!