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Forgetten Bonds (Glori)(Private)

Started by Blink, April 05, 2017, 08:26:57 PM

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After the encounter with her brother the young dragoness had all but completely spiraled out of control. Having made her way through Serendipity causing as much trouble as she could conjure. What was the point on doing anything else anyways? Her family was all but gone.. none of them could protect her from Emelia now when she found her. Kaida knew it was only a matter of time before her sister would find her and drag her back to the citadel. Aeizith had confirmed what the frilly pink dressed wench said in Zantaric, except he made it more real. No longer was Emelia trying to come back... she was already here and looking for Kaida.

Of course Kaida ran to the only sibling she believed she had left, Aeizith. All of which led to him being as cold and heartless to her as she had once been to him. But despite how she always acted towards him she thought she had made it up to him. Of course she was still herself, just as rude as ever, but what else could be expected from her. She thought he knew how much she truly cared for him... how much she truly cared for all of her siblings despite being labeled as a miniature version of her sick and twisted sister her entire life. That was why she was doing this... living up to the reputation her own family had labeled her with.

Finding herself on a pretty common road leading out of Arca she was simply strolling along, looking for something to do with her time. "Sooo bored" she thought to herself as her eyes scanned those walking past and towards her. One man in particular had caught her eye, one that carried the very essence of snarky on himself.

"Perfect" she muttered as her narrow crimson eyes singled him out.

Walking right up to him she crossed her arms over her chest as she normally did, embodying the very essence of someone who gave no care for the world. "I've decided you are my newest amusement. Resist and I will end your life in the slowest and most excruciating way." Then as if to show the man she meant business Kaida reached her hand out and grasped the mans arm causing her corruption to begin to take place on him, his skin turning dark from the poison escaping her own palm.

"Let's play a game shall we?"


To someone who had lived nearly nineteen thousand years, a simple twelvemonth was no time at all. To someone who had survived the life she had, it could so easily pass in the blink of an eye, the days and months falling like dust motes in sunshine: at one moment so immediate and there, and the other gone, whisked away on the winds of fate. But then, as much as she wished otherwise, most of her life had not contained the tumult that these past two had, and she hoped rather fervently that none of the others would follow such a path already laid.

In fact, if she could choose the way her life would be lived, she wanted it to mimic today: full of bright sunshine, but without the blistering force of summer; a gentle breeze, but without the whipping, tugging winds of storm; bright skies with no limit, and a road that was fringed with the bobbing heads of Queen Anne's Lace and buttercups, phlox and sweet alyssum thrusting up shaggy heads in a profusion of color. The sun had laid a particular layer of lazy gold over everything, kissing with delicate sweetness along the curve of her cheek as she turned it heavenward, gilding the edge of the cotton shift and the riot of honey-gold curls as they tumbled to her shoulders. She looked like an angel - albeit a slightly-grubby, barefoot angel - but she moved with all of the liquid grace of a lion, with the faint hint of perpetual awareness common to predators lingering in the deeps of her hazel eyes.

In fact, it was this constant state of awareness that led her to notice the slight disturbance up ahead. Dust-grimed feet carrying her away from Arca, she had set out on the road to Cerenis, there to track down a certain book that had eluded her for nearly half of a century. It was with a bubbling excitement that she had caught wind of the old tome, and her mood today could be described as nothing less than effervescent.

It would have been quicker to shift into her dragon form, but she still had a healthy aversion to the uncouth, wild nature that always begged for release in the draconian body. And anyways, she began to congratulate herself on just such hesitance, as it put her in the position to deal with the disturbance ahead. There were a few sharp cries of alarm or fear, the emotions indecipherable from this distance, and then a sudden eddying of bodies backward, as sticks caught in a whirlpool but freed into the current. Before long, bodies were pushing past the golden-haired girl, eyes bright with fear, feet stumbling on the path that took them away from the figures up ahead. Without the press on either side, she could see two still figures, and it took surprisingly little effort - no more than a touch on an arm or a shoulder - to work her way through the stream of people, like a salmon braving the current.

It took much more effort not to shout when she drew near enough to the pair on the road - but then, Eira had had centuries of practice in self-discipline. She did, however, jerk to an unceremonious halt, mouth parting in the faintest of gasps. With a deep breath, she forced her feet to move again, approaching rapidly, almost gliding over the hard-packed earth beneath her, eyes rapidly assessing the situation, taking in the creeping darkness that crawled over the skin of the larger man in front of the slender girl.

No. No way. It couldn't be her, could it? But of course it was - who else liked to hurt, and maim, and destroy? Eira could have tossed back her head and laughed with the bitterness that curled inside her stomach, but found it much more prudent to keep moving, a note of steel entering her eyes as she raised her left hand. With a flicking gesture of her fingers, she directed the overgrown thicket of vines on the side of the road. They shot to life immediately, growing in thickness and length, twisting and turning as they struggled towards the ash-blonde girl. The intention was to wrap around the offending arm, but Eira knew that her sister was fast; she couldn't be sure that the vines would catch her.

"Kaida!" Her voice was whip-like, with a sharp retort that shattered the dreamy perfection of the morning. She shouldn't be surprised, really, but she couldn't help feeling disappointed. The news of her eldest sister's death had reached her ears, through relief-filled roars over tankards of ale in even the classiest of taverns, and she had thought the disappearance of such an influence in Kaida's life would be nothing but good for her - stifling as she did the curious mixture of grief and fierce triumph that she had felt herself. "Kaida, unhand him now!" Never used to wearing the mantle of authority, she unleashed every ounce of her "older sister voice," determined to do what it took to save this poor man - save him like she hadn't been able to save the last one.


At first she thought she may have been imagining the voice ringing out from behind her, but then the vines wrapping around her wrist confirmed it. "Eira". Instead of focusing her venom on the man's arm she was now channeling it into the very vines that held her arm hostage and within a few seconds they turned black and fell off her skin like ash blown from a fire.

No longer did she care about the stranger she had picked out to play with... he wasn't important anymore. Turning around from him and allowing him to run off to god knows where Kaida raised a brow at her older sibling. "Come to tell me how disappointed you are?" This of course was how Kaida felt all of her siblings felt. She had at one point had some hope for Aeizith, the brother she thought truly cared for her, but then he let her down just like the others. In Kaida's eyes all of her siblings saw her as one thing and that was a monster... the spoiled little girl wrapped around Emelia's finger.

Kaida truly believed the words she spoke. When she was trying to make amends with her siblings she had searched for Eira for what seemed like ages. Yet, no matter where she went she came up short handed, never able to even find someone who had seen her. It was even safe to say that at one point Kaida would have taken a helping hand from Eira, fully prepared to try and live the very lifestyle she used to hate. But there would always be that one dividing factor between these two sisters. Kaida would never try to hide that she was a dragon.

Standing up straighter Kaida held her arms at her sides in a somewhat prideful stance. The last thing that she wanted was for Eira to see how far she had truly fallen. Over the course of the last few months the young dragoness had done everything but succeed at life. She had been bested by a mortal not once... but twice. Then the continuous stabs made at her from Aeizith only seemed to deepen the wounds. So what else could Eira do, the queen of insults and betrayal in Kaida's eyes. What more could be stacked against her?


Eira was momentarily distracted by the sudden, sharp burst of pain that shot through her - not so much physically as mentally. Though she wasn't connected to her vines in any literal sense of the word, the dark stain of corruption that burst upon the vibrant, woody stalks felt wrong to her, as though the rot had attacked not just the vines, but her magic itself. She jerked her mind from the connection with the earth; just as the vines that had actually touched Kaida crumbled and disappeared, those that hadn't been effected physically sagged without Eira's magic forcing them to grow.

"Come to tell me how disappointed you are?" It wasn't the voice that was annoying, Eira realized, merely the tone behind it. She barely noticed the flustered footsteps of the man that fled from them, focused instead on her littlest sister. Exasperation and frustration mingled clearly in her eyes, but with those words, Eira felt suddenly empty, like a taut sail flapping loosely after a wind that had been there only moments before. Well, of course she had been disappointed. But how could she saw that, when everything about the stiff-spined girl in front of her suggested the same sort of mistreatment she had seen in kicked-around puppies?

Eira remained frozen in place, face half-twisted in a stern grimace - then seemed to sag all at once, head ducking, mouth twisting to one side in a grimace of irritation. This was not what she'd been looking for today, but it was clearly what she was going to get. Struggling with a deep breath and the constant snarky feeling that she always seemed to feel around her family, the dragon forced the more volatile emotions down. Raising her chin a touch, she looked at the wraith-pale girl before her, the stance that suggested pride was all she had left.

"Well, I don't think I have to tell you whether or not I'm disappointed. You seem to know that what you're doing is wrong - or I would have no reason to be, hm?" She took a step forward, hand twitching at her side as though to reach for the younger woman. "Besides, that can wait for a while later, surely?" She tried to quirk her mouth in a half-smile, doing her best not to get on the other's nerves. Her interactions with Kaida had never been easy - at least, not since she'd first learned to fly, really. "How's the family?"

But maybe today could be?


The first eyeroll was brought on the moment her older sister began speaking. Of course she was disappointed in her... when wasn't she? However, she was thrown off by Eira's sudden change in topic. How was the family? Really? Surely she had heard of Emelia's fall.

Rolling her eyes once more Kaida took in a deep breath, breaking down a bit of her prideful stance. Afterall Eira had seen Kaida at her best and at her worst, it wasn't like she had to pretend to be anything other than herself in front of her. And honestly she felt as if Eira could really care less how Kaida carried herself.

"In shambles as I am sure you have heard."

Her shoulders slumped a bit as she thought of how pathetic the Black-Hearth name was at this point. Nothing had worked out the way it was supposed to, and now what was left of them was divided. "I don't think I need to tell you what happened to Emelia..." she shifted her eyes downwards for a moment as if to show the pure disappointment in herself for allowing such a person to control her for so long.

"Aeizith has shacked up with some elf mutt and her mini clone. I went to talk to him once and..." the pure agony in her voice was evident as she spoke of the brother who betrayed her far more than any of her other siblings. "... I deserved it I guess..." she brought an arm up to rest on her other elbow, furthering the insecurities she felt deep down inside.

"Electi has been missing for quite some time... I assume Emelia may have killed him before she fell from power but I don't know." Her eyes then glanced upwards at her sister, somehow feeling the need to share even more with her. "I did look for you... but I failed as I do with many things lately."

It was incredible how Kaida had gone from the young demon child who was just tormenting an innocent human to one who was laying it all out for her sister to see. In truth, she craved that family bond more than anything right now. Even if Eira had chosen to live a life ignoring her primal urges... at least she was happy it seemed.

Without Emelia whispering things in her ear Kaida was almost a completely different girl. She had tried the route of doing only good only to fail at it as she did with many things. She had also tried to revert back to her old ruthless self, only to fail at that too. She wasn't even quite sure who she was anymore. Then without any pushing Kaida did something she never did, something anyone who knew her thought impossible from the girl.

"Eira... I'm sorry" her apology was heartfelt and she meant it. Only now did Kaida see how important family bonds were, even if she didn't see eye to eye with any of her siblings at this point. Without them she was nothing more than a girl with large ambitions... ambitions she could never achieve on her own. She was willing to lock away any old grudges held against Eira but now she found herself just as vulnerable as she had been in front of Aeizith that day. She could only hope it wasn't too late like it was for Aeizith.


Eira felt her old irritation leap into her throat, half-choking her with frustration, at the first eye-roll of her younger sister's. It took nearly every ounce of the incredible self-discipline that she had honed not to smack sense into the prissy little head, and the second eye-roll quite nearly did her in for good. Her free hand twitched once with the desire to discipline her sibling in the way that Emilia and her parents never had, but she took a deep breath, nostrils pinched with white in frustration. A few moments later, she was fervently glad that she hadn't given in to her baser urge, simply because of the fact that Kaida seemed to loosen up.

"I've heard a bit." Her words were guarded, her expression even more so as she searched her sister's face for some sort of clue as to what was coming. Well, moreso than the words suggested, that was. She listened silently to the litany of woes that spilled into the air between them, the tales of death, destruction, and desolation leaving a faint, slimy tint on the vividness of the morning.

She let the younger child speak until no more words came forth, hovering for a moment, painfully aware of the fact that she had never been particularly close with any of her family. She had loved them, certainly, and had even begun to grow a sort of fondness for Aeizith, last time she'd gone home, but she had also simultaneously distanced herself from a family that she couldn't understand. To hear of everyone's misfortunes - well, at least Aeizith seemed to be doing alright - caused an odd combination of grief and something far less definable in the pit of her stomach. Either way, she could clearly see how upset Kaida was, and it had never been in Eira to be cruel for the sake of cruelty.

She stepped forward, one arm reaching out in an attempt to snag the smaller, waif-like girl to her chest in a hug designed to crush the breath from her. Provided that Kaida didn't sidestep or draw away, she would rest her head on the cornsilk strands, eyes closing briefly in a prayer for help from - someone. At this point, anyone.

"Kaida." Her voice was a little gruff, throat roughened from emotion but still honey-sweet. "You don't have to apologize for anything... but I'm glad you did." She paused, taking a half-step back and looking down into the crimson-eyed face. "I'm sorry, too. For leaving you all when I did. I didn't do it to hurt you, but I did, and that wasn't fair." She'd always been the best at talking about her feelings.

"Come on, let's find somewhere to sit." She turned, stepping off of the road and striking into the thick growth at the side, flicking her hands in front of her and causing the bushes to part like an ocean of green. The small bag slung around her shoulder bumped against her hip as she shuffled deeper into the surrounding forest, stumbling neatly into a small clearing presided over by a half-buried rock furred with green lichen. Forsaking the rock in favor of sitting on the ground, she swung the bag in an arc and deposited it neatly on her lap, removing a stone bottle and uncorking it neatly. "Tell me what happened to Emilia. I've only heard that she'd died. Is that true?" She drank deeply of the bottle, a glittering drop of red wine trickling from her mouth and running down her throat, glowing like blood and rubies in the diffuse light. Swallowing, she offered the bottle to her sister, eyebrow raised in invitation.


Kaida was relieved to hear her sister take her apology as she did. It was far better than Aeizith who turned a cold cheek towards her. And then Eira apologized to her and the young dragon was overjoyed by it. A smile crept upon her lips as her sister explained herself, almost in disbelief by the words being uttered before her.

Nodding at her sisters invitation to find somewhere to sit Kaida followed her off of the road. She watched on as her sister caused the bushes to part before her with nothing more than a slight movement in her hand creating a path into the forest. Once they arrived at their destination Kaida opted to sit on a stone protruding from the earth. Eira then asked what really happened to Emelia, a question she should have been prepared to answer. Before Kaida could answer Eira then offered her a bottle of crimson liquid. Happily accepting it she mimicked her sister and tilted the bottle to her lips, taking a long drink before removing the bottle from her lips.

"Emelia didn't die, but moreso was drug into her own void. Apparently, she wasn't in control of it the way we had all thought." The way Kaida spoke was as if she were retelling a story, except this story was one she had actually lived. Before continuing she handed the bottle back off to her sister and rested her hands in her lap, running her palms back and forth over her legs in a nervous gesture.

"After that I went and stayed with Aeizith for a while, but quickly grew tired of his pretending to be something he was not." Her eyes jolted to her sister for a second, as if a horrible remark had crossed her mind... but she withheld. "I then began wondering on my own and after a few different events that took place I found myself sitting face to face with Hildegarde Von Musel in Zantaric." Kaida shuttered at even saying the name of the awful girl. "If you ever thought I was horrible, you should meet her."

"She informed me that rumours were circulating of Emelia trying to return to our world. We made an agreement to keep each other informed." The recounting of the event made Kaida realize that perhaps she should write a letter to Hildegarde to tell her what she had uncovered so far. "I immediately went to Aeizith to tell him about Emelia's latest plan only to find out that Emelia was already back in mortal form and that she had visited him..." her voice then trailed off as she recounted everything else that had transpired in that awful conversation. "... he didn't seem to care that I made the effort to try and keep him informed, even if it was old news to him. And now I am here, avoiding Emelia to the best of my abilities. I know if she finds me that she will either kill me or suck me back into her web of lies."

The young dragoness's face twisted at the thought of going back to living how she was. Kaida had not yet figured out what she was going to do with her life... what path she was going to take... but she did know she did not want it to be like it was. "If Em finds me... I-I don't know what I would do." And that was it... Kaida's version of the story that had transpired since Emelia's 'death'. It was all she knew and to some if may not have been enough, but hopefully for her only other sister in this world it would be.

(Sorry for the choppy post. Was half asleep while typing it lol. If you have any issues let me know and I can change whatever it is you need in it)


Eira had started out with the intention to sit back quietly and listen to the full story, letting each word drop into the bucket of history between them. Often times, she gained much more from not speaking than she would have otherwise, and she had the deep-seated feeling that Kaida simply needed to talk. After just a few words, though, Eira found herself unable to stay silent.

"Well, anyone could see at that point that she was going mad," she pointed out. And it really wasn't all that surprising to see that Eira's earlier guesses had been correct. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The fact that it was an actual ability as well as the mental concept of strength hadn't changed anything; toying with forces that were directly in opposition to everything that stood for life - and far stronger than their wielder, to boot - could only have ever had the one consequence. Eira would admit that Emilia had been terribly strong, but she hadn't ever really thought that she was strong enough to conquer an entire other realm.

She accepted the stone jug back, cradling it in her palms briefly before lifting it to her mouth once more. She let the comment about false pretenses slide, burying it in the gentle sound of wine sliding down her throat. She was quite determined not to get in an argument today, she had much better things to do- With a muffled snort and a choke, she dragged the mouth of the bottle away, choking back a laugh at Kaida's words. Eyes watering as she gasped for breath, she reached out a hand in an attempt to pat her younger sister's knee. "Well, you are horrible. We still like you, though." Her voice was roughened with the coughing, but she softened the words with a grin, trying to take any sting from the teasing.

However, the smile died quickly from her eyes as the wraith-pale youth continued. The grin on her mouth twitched into a grimace, contemplating a world with Emilia back in it. While she had felt the customary twinge of grief for a family member lost, it would have been a fool that thought the world was anything but better off without such a creature in it. She dropped her eyes to the bottle in her hands, twisting it back and forth as her mind crawled over the possibilities, but jerked her chin back up.

"Don't you worry about her, Kaida. She only has power over you if you let her." She cracked an unenthusiastic smile. "I mean, she couldn't make me do what she wanted, could she? And you're even more stubborn than I am, I think." Words once more meant as a joke, Eira scooted forward, leaning her shoulder against the slender leg beside her. "Just be careful. You don't want her to use her powers against you, so I think you're smart to stay away, at least for now." While Kaida had mentioned that Emilia had come back in her mortal form, Eira hadn't connected such thoughts with powerless. The thought of an Emilia without magic was simply inconceivable. "I'd offer to let you come with me, but I think my lifestyle might... ah, bore you a bit." She paused, then shrugged. "You're welcome to travel with me, though. As long as you don't eat anyone I'm trying to study," she added, wagging a finger in mock reproval toward the youngest Black-Hearth family member. Her tone was joking; her intent was not. She loved Kaida as a sister, and thought that they might even one day be friends, but she wouldn't tolerate the sort of practices that Kaida had once indulged in.


Despite Eira's innocent jabs at Kaida's personality she managed to keep herself from reverting to her own sarcastic self. "Your lifestyle is too different from mine to ever stay with you long term." She paused to think of how far she had come since Emelia's disappearance. Whether anyone realized it or not Kaida had taken large strides on the path to redemption. She of course was still her witty, sarcastic and hateful self.. but better?

"However, I do not eat people. I never really enjoyed it to begin with." Fiddling with her fingers in her lap a strand of her hair fell over her shoulder. "I did enjoy the game in it, I don't think that will ever change. I am trying to be better though, it's just that sometimes I get so bored or I feel like they deserve it." She wasn't about to put on some charade for her sister. She couldn't pretend that she didn't find a kind of joy in tormenting people, and even if she did anyone who knew her wouldn't believe it.

In an attempt to change the subject to something less gruesome Kaida took it upon herself to do a bit of prying. "Speaking of your studies, how are those going?" It almost hurt her internally to express interest in what Eira was doing. She never supported her in her venture to study humans nor would she ever understand. To Kaida anything that needed to be known about them was already common knowledge, a knowledge she herself had brushed up on in the once expansive library of the citadel.

But what Eira probably didn't know was that Kaida had taken an interest of her own in humans. Not specifically the boring ones, but the rare ones. Just as Kaida saw her and her family as rare and beautiful she also saw that same quality in very few humans. Throughout everything this young dragoness had been through she had learned that even something as basic as a human could be unique.


Eira was simultaneously relieved and disappointed by Kaida's admission. She had known that fact well enough, and though she'd mostly only offered out of politeness, part of her had truly meant it, too. She didn't know if she would have been able to get on well with Kaida, either way - but she felt like there was someone new in her sister, someone she wouldn't mind knowing, now that the poisonous influence of their power-hungry sister had been lessened, if not cleansed away entirely.

"I thought as much. But I thought I'd offer, anyways." There was no guile nor shame in her smile; it was a simple one, half-tinged with regret that they had lived lives so separate as to be unable to continue on together. But perhaps all families went through just that - at least, the ones that weren't spent in back-breaking labor, toiling on the family farm to eke out a meager living. As much as Eira wished to be human herself, she was infinitely grateful for the lot she'd pulled in life - at least, compared to that existence.

"And I'm glad to hear that you've changed your diet. You already know my views on hunting humans." She shrugged, her face shuttering slightly at the topic. That had been such a constant spot of contention with her relations over the years; while she wasn't sure of Aeizith's own preferences, it was heartening to know that someone who had once been so thoroughly a fan of sentient prey was lessening in that respect. "And while I can't - and have no desire - to control your life, I do wish you'd be pickier with your, ah, choices in entertainment." She paused a moment, not wanting Kaida to think that she was being nit-picky or nagging too much, but if the opportunity to steer her sister from boundless cruelty was available, she was compelled to take it.

"If you are still going to, ah, prey on humans, at least do it to the ones who really do deserve it. There are criminals out there, Kaida, and I'm not such a human-lover as to think that their idea of law is fully functional. If you're going to prey on people, do it to those who hurt other people." She took a deep breath, biting her lower lip, then continued, "I know that you must feel some sort of guilt for what you did in the past. You have to, or you wouldn't have changed now. We may never be able to atone for our past wrongs, and you may not particularly like people at all. But I think that in taking steps to protect them from the evil ones in their midst... I think that will help, somehow. Lessen the guilt maybe, or try to make up for your past sins.." She frowned intensely at the grass beneath her legs, then looked up again. "I'm not judging you. Not anymore. But I think it would be better if you acted that way, instead of taking good lives simply for the sake of boredom." Another shrug, a moment of silence. "But I don't want to control you. I can only tell you what I think. I won't ever compel you to follow my ideals." Not like Emilia. The words hung unspoken on the air, but palpable, shimmering like a ghost between them.

Relieved to step back from the dangerous precipice of morals, Eira latched onto the new subject with alacrity. "Oh, quite well. You wouldn't think that there'd be much more to learn about humans - after all, I've been among them for.. what, nearly ten thousand years now?" She paused for a moment, delight softening the expression on her face, so that she looked even more warm and inviting than she normally did. "But I've come across a new book that I've been dying to get my hands on for what feels like centuries. That's what I was doing; I've heard rumors that it's in Cerenis." She tactfully neglected to mention any of the events that had transpired on the road, giving Kaida time to either gather her self-possession or let the memory fade to dust.

"And it's not all just about humans. I'm trying to learn more about magic. My affinity for earth - I don't think that can necessarily be learned. Earth magic can, but obviously I was born with it, like you were born with all of your, ah, tricks." For a moment, a look of avarice glittered in her eyes; Kaida's abilities were quite unique from most of the magic she'd learned about, and she wanted desperately to understand it better, to know if it was something that could be learned, or only gifted through that freak chance of nature that had created her. Dismissing the thought, she shrugged. "There's still so much more to learn about magic. I think I've got humans mostly understood - well, that's a lie," Her laughter was bright and infectious, as buttery and golden as the sunshine itself. "Sometimes I think I'll never understand them. They have such odd ways. And I really don't understand why they constantly kill each other, and for things like gold, or ideals." She shook her head, a rueful smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. For all of the deficiencies she had found in her own kind, at least they left each other relatively well enough alone. Wars amongst dragons were so rare as to be nothing but legends now, and from what she knew, even murder for reasons beyond self defense were exceedingly uncommon.

"But I know you're not much interested in my studies, little Kaida." She tilted the stone jug back to her mouth, hazel-gold eyes bright on her paler younger sister. "Why are you in Cerenis? And besides losing one of the great terrors of our world, what have you been doing recently?"


Absorbing as much wisdom from her older sister as she could manage Kaida listened tentatively. She didn't pipe in with rude remarks when Eira said something she disagreed on, nor did she even twist her face into something resembling a person who just ate something awful. Kaida was being genuine for once in her life.

Eira did have a point, that perhaps it would be better for humanities sake that she saved her torture for humans who actually deserved it. If only she was stronger she could probably even manage to rid the world of more evil, something she should have started trying to do long ago. Just as Eira left Emelia's name unspoken so did Kaida, only a name trapped in her mind for all eternity.

That sister, the one that at some point she loved more than anything on this plane, had hurt her far more than anyone else ever could. Only now did Kaida see the torture she was submitted to without even knowing it. It made her sick to her stomach to think that Emelia used to push humans towards her to eat, not because she cared for Kaida's personal health... but for some other sick and twisted amusement. Not only did she do that but she also caused Kaida to create a divide with all of her siblings that could most likely never be filled.

No matter how hard she tried, even if for thousands of years, she could never erase her wrongdoings towards her siblings. The only reason Kaida could even think of being for why Emelia did it other than for amusement, was so that Kaida would be all hers. It was the perfect plan really, manipulating Kaida into pushing them all away like that.

Kaida only pretended to listen as Eira went on about humans and how fascinating they were, but at least she was trying to make it seem like she cared. However, one point did catch the young dragons attention causing her to perk up a bit. "Kind of how they could never understand why dragons latch on to things? Like how you are obsessed with humans, Emelia was obsessed with power, and I obsessed with uniqueness?"

She left out the bit of Aeizith being obsessed with not being a dragon... how he was pretty much doing whatever he could to sabotage the sacred bloodline he was born with.

And then the topic was changed again, Eira now asking what Kaida was doing in Cerenis and her activities as of late. Taking in a deep breath Kaida tried to think of where to start, he life having been a full on mess lately.

"Well I am here because any farther south and I would be too close to someone I would very much like to kill and any farther north and I would be tempted to ruin Aeizith's day one way or another. I am just trying to stay out of the way for the time being, and stay out of Emelia's radar. If I don't cause any trouble then it will make it harder for her to find me."

Kaida's eyes then it up a bit as she thought of her other 'project'.. one she had pushed off to the side for the time being. "There is this boy though! He is so interesting and he doesn't even know it! I mean he is still just a miserable human... but I am keeping an eye on him. He has serious potential and I feel would be a great ally in the future should I ever need one. He is a healer of sorts... or so he thinks. I call him Cranberry... he is my latest project!"