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An unfortunate circumstance

Started by Anonymous, October 06, 2009, 06:43:18 PM

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It wasn't every day Perish came across a person like Ode, upbeat and full of life, she had met too few people that would actually talk and listen to her, because quite frankly she was intimidating in the armour, and anyone who knew what she was, was utterly creeped out by her.
So it wasn't all that easy to make friends, especially when Perish is usually a rather depressing person to be around with all her thoughts endlessly focused on sorrow and mourning.  It was like that soul-binding she undertook had taken basically everything from her that wouldn't help her achieve her goal of revenge.
Like she still had her memories of Elias to spur her on, and still had her training to let her fight, and then provided her with a failsafe way of inevitably achieving her goal: an unliving state of makeshift immortality.

She wondered what Ode's reasons were for hanging around or letting her follow him, there had been very few interesting people who hadn't screamed 'get away from me' when she attempted to follow them.  It sure did pique her curiousity, she was unfamiliar with kindness.
"Being a shape shifter sounds so much better..." Perish said a little gloomily.

Perish didn't quite understand the logic of breaking this logic circle of his, she did wear the armour to be protected, she wanted to be protected in case anyone may attack her and so far it's usually worked unless they carried particularly heavy weapons like axes.  She'd feel strangely vulnerable without the armour, it suddenly felt like a lot more than an unexplainable compulsion or habit to wear it, she really did desire its protection in the end.  For what reason would be hard to say, generally speaking she can survive and regenerate almost anything.
"But... if I don't wear armour and get attacked, wouldn't that seem... stupid?" Perish inquired, not really making sense of it, to her wearing the armour and getting attacked twice as much seemed better than not wearing it and getting attacked half as much.
She looked at Ode a little curiously when he suddenly pushed her hands away from the clasps, raising an eyebrow and tilting her head slightly, he wasn't making much sense again...
"But... you just said I should take it off... It's a bad idea, but it can be good...? I'm confused," Perish said a little hopelessly, a little sadly since she might not be understanding Ode as well as she thought.  To her it made sense, he'd suggested the armour was a bad thing, so she should take it off right?  Except now he was stopping her from doing so.

Things just got more and more complicated and confusing as he talked, while making a little sense in some areas, mostly Perish was just totally lost, looking at Ode a little blankly.  Though things never had to make sense for Perish to obey them, so these 'ground rules' must be something she adhere to.  At least until she forgets or stops caring about it, which are the general cases that get her out of stupid situations most of the time.
Kind of like obedience with an expiry date, quite convenient for Perish's sake.
The rules gave her quite a lot of questions, she was a little too confused to stop herself from asking them, she'd adjusted to Ode enough to lose a bit of the anxiety.

"Why should I have to be careful with what I say?  And why do I have to care about what's appropriate?  Those rules don't make much sense, I've watched a lot of people but they don't make much sense either," Perish said, having a little difficulty with it all, looking a little sad again in her confusion.  At least one thing made sense, to ask Ode if she was unsure, that'd keep him happy right?  But she was unsure about a lot of things, and that might bother him eventually...

She did pause for a moment in contemplation at Ode's 'serious' question, change was something she was very unfamiliar with, almost to the point she didn't know the meaning of the word any more.  That question was something she had asked herself a few times, once upon a time she had wanted to change, but she ran out of what little hope she had back then after failing miserably.
"I... I don't think I can change... it's what I am I guess.  I mean look at me, it's been at least 30 years, I haven't been actively training or eating, I have had countless injuries, and I haven't changed, a tiny, little, bit, since the day I became this," Perish said, looking at her gauntlets again in search of something she couldn't find, "I don't like people being afraid of me... I can deal with being hurt, it's very uncomfortable but I can deal with it."
There was nothing left for her in this world, she had achieved what she wanted and now her life was finished and complete.  Except it wasn't, far from it actually.
She did know what her purpose was, even after achieving her own goal her existence still had use much in the same way as a tool, its purpose was always there but never its reason to exist.  It was a bit of a dilemma of a purpose though...

"I... kind of do still have a purpose, I've been crafted into some engine of vengeance, it's my purpose really.  But stupidly enough, I don't care about anything enough to want to avenge anything," Perish said, looking at the ground and letting her hands fall by her side again.  It was a cruel twist of fate, a cunning deception for the unwitting that Perish would be no longer able to achieve her purpose after she had achieved her goal, crafted into a tool for vengeance but there was and only will be one thing she truly wanted to avenge.


"What? Oh no, being an actual person is a whole lot better. I have no actual identity. Sure, people can recognize me by this form, but I don't feel like this person. Like I'm never what I should be, and I'm only wearing masks. It's fun to be a bird or be a cat yes, but when you have identity problems then everything is wrong." Ode told her, his shoulders shrugging slightly as he shook his head. It was hilarious that way really.  He had identity problems, a crisis of who or what he was. He would never know, he was sure of that, and so he just tried to accept what he was, if barely. Still he hoped that one day he'd find that shape that was him, that was perfect.

One day.

"You wouldn't get attacked if you didn't wear armour and stayed to the south. People would have no reason to attack you unless you attacked them." That's all she had to do. Not wear armour, and not attack people. If she could keep that in mind, she'd be fine! She could pass for an almost normal citizen. People might...think she were a little odd with her manner of speech and her slightly clueless personality. Still Ode like it actually, he found it adorable that she was out of water. Yes, that's what she was. An armoured fish out of water.

"Yes yes, you should, but not now. We're still in a dangerous area, so you should keep it on. You SHOULD take it off AFTER we leave Connlaoth. I'll let you know when you need to take it off." Ode look slightly puzzled for a moment by his own words. He was going in circles again. This had to have been confusing for poor Perish, and he was trying his best not to confuse her but...what could he do really? He had to figure out the best way to go about this whole thing.

"This is going to be confusing...but you should know that even I'm a bit confused by this whole thing." Things needed to be simple, and he wasn't even sure that either of them would really understand. Sometimes he just had a habit of talking too much, but he was working on that. Hah hah, like he was working on his love of alcohol and a good romantic tryst.

Hah hah, sure.

"It's one of those things that society dictates. You have to act a certain way in public. Questions about taking off clothing, or killing people, hurting people...that's frowned upon. Stripping off armour and clothes in front of men in public is also frowned upon. It's all about...tact." She had been a farmer's wife, she hadn't really any experience with town or city life he assumed, and now she was even more detached from the general public.

"We'll have to go public watching in a town or city so you can see how people interact. Oh this'll be fun!" Ode clapped his hands together excitedly. This was going to be amazing, he would actually get to teach someone about how in a way. This really was an exciting idea.

Ode listened to her as she spoke, and she didn't really seem to understand what he was offering. That was okay though, he would help her to understand what he meant. "No...see I think I understand your life in a way. You were turned into an instrument of vengeance, and you avenged what had been taken from you. That's over, you are now an instrument of vengeance without the proper vengeance. You killed the creature who took your husband from you. You no longer have to be part of that world anymore." He told as he turned to walk in front of her, facing her and walking backwards now so she could see his face, and if need be, his hand gestures.

"You can change, you just have to want it bad enough. You need to have the desire to change. It's just like me. If I want to change into another form, I have to desire it, I have to want to change into a bird." She was the same way, she had to want to change, she had to have the desire to transform herself into something more, to cast off being a monster in some people's eyes, in being a creature of death.

"The moment we get out of Connlaoth, you're taking off that armour. If I have to make you clothes, so be it I shall, but today is gonna be the first day that you start your change, even if it's just one small tiny step. You already show that you want to change, and that you can change. If you can change into this creation, into this instrument of vengeance, then you can change into more." Ode told her as he spun about to go back to walking beside her.

"Just you wait Perish. You'll shed the bonds of vengeance, and peace shall return to your soul and your mind, and you shall no longer have to fight, you shall no longer need to kill. You shall become greater than you are now." Ode was very excited obviously by this idea. Perhaps it was just he mood he was in, which was a bit odder than he expected it to be. Still, it must have been something about this nation, about this valley even.

Ode's thoughts suddenly changed as he saw the river not far away, his eyes lighting up and his face brightening with a grin as he saw the sparkling clear waters. "There it is! The river! Ah hah hah hah!" Ode took off running toward the river, his lute being placed on the grass first before his steps were quick toward the water. Everything was being discarded as he ran toward it, his shirt being tossed off, his boots kicked from his feet, and despite one being problematic, which caused him to trip and fall, he was soon up again, his belt with various satchels attached to it discarded near a boot. Ode was now hopping on one foot to another to get his pants off. Soon he was in nothing but his birthday suit, but it was only a quick glimpse of his backside before he splashed into the water.

He was under the water for a few seconds before he surfaced with a loud gasp and a pleasant chuckle. Oh that was just...absolutely fantastic.

"If you care to join me, can't keep the armour on. We don't want you sinking to the bottom." Though, she said she didn't need to breathe, but he was sure it would be a mess of trouble trying to get her free from the armour and back up to the surface.

That is until he remembered he was a shape shifter, and could simply turn himself into an ogre or a giant and just pull her up. Sometimes he wondered how he remembered anything at all.


Being an actual person would be better, but it seemed in that respect both Perish and Ode were right out of luck, both seeming to have an identity crisis, though Ode's was probably worse, Perish actually had memories of being normal once upon a time.
It was really those memories of normality that were keeping Perish going most of the time, she had a taste of what it was like to be alive and she continued in light of maybe having more of an experience, more feelings of being alive.
Though Ode knew what it was like to be alive, he strangely enough didn't know what it was like to be someone, like Perish could only just remember, quite the irony really.

"People always find reasons to attack me," Perish said gloomily, "Not that they need much of one other than to say I'm evil, that tends to work for everyone."
Indeed, before she had mastered the ritual to conjure the armour, some people had taken it upon themselves to try and end the evil creature that was her, she was a perversion of life and magic, no place in this world would welcome her.
The armour was intimidating, she'd give Ode that much, it shied away the weak and provoked the strong on occasion, as well as providing her some measure of defence to let her perform her task.
The armour was what made her the ultimate tool of vengeance, hard to stop, harder to kill, a truly nerve-wracking idea of having someone like Perish hunting you down.  Except of course she didn't hunt anyone any more, unless she was told to fairly forcefully.
The other fact being is that she didn't entirely know where south was either... Her natural sense of direction was a little numb, like the rest of her.

Yep, Ode was good at being confusing whilst making a bit of sense along the way; don't take the armour off, yes you should take the armour off, no don't ask a bard whether or not to take it off, but yes he'll tell you when to take it off.  Lots of sense...  Perish's head hurt a little with it going round in circles, trying desperately to understand so she wouldn't disappoint Ode, but it was incredibly hard.
She looked a little lost and sad as she went about figuring it out, somehow she was supposed to obey two mutually exclusive orders, but perhaps the best idea would probably be to drop the train of thought, maybe Ode would produce a clearer order for her later.

It was surprisingly comforting knowing she wasn't the only one confused, it often made her feel isolated when she couldn't understand something, less alive because it made sense to someone alive and not her.
He was right about one thing, it was confusing, acting a certain way in public sounded a little silly and made absolutely no sense whatsoever, it was mainly because she had no idea why she should care.  People frowned upon things because they were unhappy with something, Perish couldn't understand the 'thing' that was making them unhappy, their reasons made no sense.
It was hard to explain, yet also there wasn't much to explain about it, when something didn't make sense it just plain didn't make sense, especially when it concerned humans.

She was a little happy that Ode was excited about something, even if she didn't understand what was so exciting, when someone else was happy that was a good thing, so in turn Perish could be happy.
Though the thought of watching people didn't sound all that interesting at first, she'd probably just have rocks thrown at her and people chasing after her with pitchforks and whatnot, quite depressing, but if Ode wanted them to watch people then so be it.

Ode did understand most of what she was going through in her un-life, she had a purpose but not a reason, she'd become a rather obsolete tool, though Ode didn't quite understand the magnitude of how far she'd fallen into this form, it was like trying to reshape a tool that kept reverting or 'regenerating' back to its original shape.
That was just it, she had been turned into something that was incredibly resistant to change, almost to the point of being frozen in time.  Turned into something that couldn't really desire anything other than the purpose it had given itself at the time.
"But I don't desire anything strongly... I mean, I want to follow you but I'd stop if you told me to," Perish tried to explain, but she wasn't entirely sure how to properly say she'd lost her willpower to change.
She was what she was, living in a bottomless pit of her own making, falling to hell but never reaching it.

A clear order at last, Perish nodded at Ode, though she didn't know when they'd be out of Connlaoth, hoping Ode would tell her when.  It did remind her of the clothes factor, she hadn't taken the armour off in such a long time she'd forgotten if she was wearing any or not, though she had a feeling she had put some on before donning her armour way back when.  Though her clothes didn't regenerate like herself and her armour did...

Ode did seem determined to pull her out of this bottomless pit she'd thrown herself into, but somehow she just couldn't share in his determination, she barely even knew what determination was, let alone how to be 'determined'.  Thing was, her transformation into what she was today didn't seem so much of a 'change' as it was a 'fall', or 'loss', she was unaware of how to change into something that had all the things she had lost.
It was a good feeling though, encouraging? Maybe? That Ode was so determined to help her out, speaking inspirational words full of life and energy, no one had ever done that before, ever.

She jumped in surprise as Ode suddenly started running off for the river ahead, making a trail of discarded possessions, Perish instantly moved into a light jog to try and keep up, worried about being left behind or forgotten.  She came a few feet to the water's edge and looked around like a lost little lamb, not sure what to do now until Ode poked his head above the surface and spoke to her again.
Well it was official this time, lose the armour if she wanted to get in, and she saw no other option right now so she got to it.
With robotic efficiency, her hands simultaneously and systematically reached for pairs of clasps and undid them with remarkable speed, a series of clunks and clacks as her hands travelled directly from clasp to clasp all the way down her armour.
And with that her armour just basically fell apart off of her, collapsing messily on the ground around her, left only in the remnants of her white linen garments that blended in with her marble skin rather well.  They were completely littered with huge rips and cuts, her left sleeve completely fell off along with some parts of her shirt, and a lot of her pants.
People usually had scars to tell a history of their battles, Perish had wrecked clothes for hers, and she'd been rather busy.

Ode hadn't said anything about clothes so she figured she'd leave them on until he said otherwise, slowly walking into the water a little nonchalantly, though it was a bit of a problem when she walked completely underwater, she looked up at the surface and attempted to swim.
Problem being was that she hadn't needed to swim in a very long time, she generally just walked everywhere, so she was a bit hopeless at swimming.
She did manage to reach the surface a little clumsily, limbs flailing in their inexperience.
The water in her immediate vicinity was getting very cold very quickly, like she was sucking the heat out of the very water, yet she didn't appear to be getting warmer.

"I've forgotten how to swim," Perish remarked as she fought to keep her head above water so she could still talk and listen, some soaked strands of her white hair was draped over her face partly, but it didn't seem to bother her, "Swimming was impossible in armour so I guess I forgot how..."
It had been thirty or so years...


"You're not evil, you've demonstrated a thought process that indicates it. You're simply...indifferent really. That's nothing honestly, it just means your neutral basically, which is quite fine. I like to think of myself as neutral...maybe a little...chaotic, but I am just neutral." Ode told her with a large grin. The lower countries and cities would accept her. If she went to Thanatos she'd probably be accepted, so long as she didn't go around stabbing people. If she didn't wear the armour, and she didn't kill people, then no one would find a reason to kill one would find a reason to attack her.

If Ode was smart about it, no one would want to throw rocks at her or attack her with pitchforks. She wouldn't need to defend herself, she wouldn't need to worry about people attacking her and trying to kill her.

He wanted to make it so she didn't have to suffer.

Perish had gone through a lot obviously, and he wanted to make it easier for her. She just...didn't know what to do, but he would help her! He could help her. It wouldn't be hard to help her, it would just...need a lot of patience. He had that, he was patient, he was excitable but patient.

He couldn't change her in a physical sense, but it was how she looked at things, how she acted, it was about her outlook on life and how she responded to things. Ode was confident that she could change, that she could stop instrument or a tool. She could be pointed at something and unleashed, and she shouldn't. He felt a tad guilty that she was being pulled by him, but...his intentions were worthy and honourable. He wanted to help her to evolve and change herself, she was unhappy, it was obvious.

So he would help her.

Ode was stuck in the somewhat chilly water, watching the woman as she stood on the bank. She looked a little confused honestly, and he could understand why. Soon she wouldn't need anyone to tell her what to do, she'd have impulses, she'd have control, she'd be able to think for herself, do whatever she wanted.

For now the point was to not order her around. Give her options.

Finally he got an answer from her though, she DID have clothes underneath her armour. That made sense really, anyone who wore something like plated armour naked was a little...well, crazy. Her clothes however had a bit of...trouble. There was the fact that it was ripped and torn in various places. That would need to be fixed, but right was swimming time. Whether or not she was keeping her ripped and torn clothes on because she wanted to, or because she hadn't told her was...well...he wouldn't ask. That'd be rude and improper.

Ode had to concentrate for a little while as he let his feet change slowly into webbed feet. This would help him just a little bit. He did notice the temperature drop, but he couldn't care, unless it suddenly turned into ice. However, it probably wouldn't, so nothing to fear from that. He did notice that she did seem to have a bit of trouble, her strange flailing was almost adorable. She was without fear for that matter, she had no care in the world that she could sink to the bottom. It was also amusing that she could talk so calmly and yet she kept flailing her arms about.

With a quick movement from his legs he propelled himself over to her and put his arm about her stomach, his legs still moving to keep them both above the water. "Well, let's start in the shallow end before ah...taking you out any further." It just took a small change in angle to get himself to head back toward the shallow end of the river bank. "You were right, you make it nice and chilly." He remarked as his feet touched the ground finally and he let go of her. "I'd...say that you should...hrm." He suddenly stepped back from her as he looked at the drowned mess that was Perish. People had buoyancy because of all the air and such in their body but he was sure that she didn't have that sort of advantage. That would prove a little problematic really...

He didn't even realize that her clothes were white, and in cold water. When he realized that he was actually really surprised he hadn't noticed that first. He didn't blush or anything, but stood there with a fist under his chin as he thought about the best way to teach her to swim. "I'm not even sure you would be able to swim in fresh don't...float. I think that's the biggest problem. You have no floating power. So I think for the time being we should just...stay here in the shallow end." With a big grin he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. There was a sudden shift in Ode's appearance as he suddenly became...a duck. He became a mallard, a rather majestic male mallard duck that floated over to Perish and looked up at her.



She was basically neutral when she thought about it, not caring much whose side she was on, who was right or wrong or anything of that sort, but in some ways her apathy could be seen as a somewhat lesser form of evil, an unsure one considering various situations, but to just watch as something happens and doing nothing could be worse than taking a side or action, regardless of what it may be.
Sides had never made much sense to Perish thus she rarely every picked one, though it could be that lack of loyalty or dedication that made everyone so untrusting of her, she's just as likely to kill the person next to her as she is to kill the person she's told to.
It gave a kind of predictable unpredictability to her that would make a lot of people uncomfortable, especially the ones who didn't know how to use it properly.

Swimming seemed so laborious and pointless, unless she wanted to talk or listen to someone she saw very little reason to not just let herself sink to the bottom and walk along, it made traversing bodies of water much easier and simpler.
Especially in a suit of armour that had you on the ocean floor in record time, indeed underwater was just another part of the world to Perish, everything was a little sluggish and slow, and sound didn't carry very well.  It did grant her a bit of freedom over normal people in that respect, but she wasn't in the frame of mind that would enjoy it properly.

She let Ode drag her away from the deep water until she could comfortably touch the ground, resting more solidly on her two feet rather than struggling away keeping herself aloft like some semi-flightless bird.
Water really was just an inconvenience to her, the currents blew her around, her weight sunk her to the bottom, water filled up her lungs and was awkward to get rid of later.
At least it was better than sand...  It took her almost an entire day to get all the sand out of and off of her.

It was strange how negligent of her own modesty she was, absent-minded and careless beyond imagining, which tended to happen to people who saw absolutely no point in anything.  Literally.  Anything.  So clothing wasn't really a concern for her.
"Why do I need to 'float'...?" Perish inquired, looking at herself and the water for a moment.
Not seeing her armour did make her think twice, she felt kind of incomplete without it, and rather vulnerable, nothing but a miserable excuse for clothing to protect her flesh, not very comforting.

When she looked up she saw Ode suddenly transform into a duck, at first she was a little startled, not actually ever seen him shapeshift before really did catch her offguard, though she quickly grew to be intrigued.
And then he quacked.
Perish jerked back and blinked a few times, startled once more but a small smile rose on her face, the situation was actually kind of funny, it wasn't often the man you were talking to suddenly shifted into a duck and quacked in reply.
It certainly didn't look like the man she'd been following around, she leaned forward and reached out a hand to try and see if he was real, a little nervous and slow as a part of her didn't really want to find out in case it wasn't real.


It had been amusing to watch her try to swim, it would have been sad to watch her just jump into the water. That would have made him feel bad really, and he was glad he had told her to remove her armour. She was slowly getting by though wasn't she? He really hoped that she would be alright though, he wouldn't leave her alone of course, she needed some help. He hoped that she realized it of course.

He could only imagine how she would survive in a place like the frozen north.

She didn't appear at all to be embarrassed by her...transparent clothes. He was alright with that, he got to see a little bit of...her, and he wasn't one to be embarrassed either. He was very far beyond the concept of modesty really. He had run through an entire town naked once. That had been a fun day...a little odd, but it had still been very fun. He didn't make a habit of it though, he had left his lute behind and had to sneak in at night as a mouse to get it back.

"It's how you swim...sorta." He didn't understand it when people just drowned in still, calm waters. They floated, and yet he still heard tales of people who didn't know that. He would have thought that was the first thing a person found out in their life...but apparently not. Still he wasn't sure that he could teach her how to swim...but you didn't need that sort of thing. He could always become...well some sort of sea creature and she could simply come along for a ride. That was an interesting thought really, she didn't have to breath or anything like that after all.

However, right now was just a time to relax.

As a duck.

"Quack ack ack ack." It was possible for him to speak common to her as any form, but he liked the sounds of a duck. They were so silly. Ducks just sounded very weird, hilarious really, and you could never really tell what a duck was saying to you.

His little orange feet began to tread water and he pushed himself closer to her hand so she could touch him. "Quack." He nuzzled his head into her hand before he ruffled his feathers and swam around her, quacking happily as he did so. He was rather amused by this, he hadn't become a duck in a while. Usually his bird of choice was something a little more suited to flying.

This time however, a duck was a lot more suitable. He stopped in front of her and looked up at her, raising his wings and giving one flap. However, what took off from the water wasn't a duck anymore, but a rather lovely little Nightingale. The little bird was a speedy creature, but it took to landing onto the woman's shoulder. He began to sing at her, before he hopped closer on her shoulder and began to pick at her hair. He wasn't sure why, but something said that he needed to get some of that hair for a nest. That and it probably looked adorable.

"I'd turn into a fish but it's a rather boring form to become. Birds however are a lot" His voice was a little bit higher than normal, and a lot more sing song really. "Do you have any requests? Anything you'd like to see me turn into? I don't often take audience requests but...mrrf...for you I'll make an...mrrrf... exception." He still was trying to pick at her, his words a little muffled when his beak was full of a lock of the wet hair.


Shapeshifting... It was truly a marvel to behold, like one would expect to see in a dream, being able to change form as the person desired.  There was just too much to be interested by, be able to have countless experiences, lead numerous lives totally different from one another.
The essence of life was in the palm of their hand so to speak, something Perish found herself a little envious of, but it was nothing serious, she didn't really know what envy was anyway.

Her life just seemed so much less fulfilling and interesting in comparison to someone like Ode, it didn't look like there was anything he wanted that he couldn't get, so much freedom and ability to do the things he wanted to do.  It left Perish wondering why he chose to hang around, he could have easily turned into a bird and flew far away, to have fun somewhere else, between a world of opportunity and a lost little girl it didn't make much sense for him to stay here.

Perish issued a small sound of incredulous disbelief as she felt the feathery head of a duck nuzzled into her hand, her smile slowly broadened, almost on the verge of a small laugh as she watched Ode's duck form swim about merrily quacking away.
It was cute in a funny kind of way, a duck with the personality of the man she had just been speaking to, without a care in the world except to play around in the water.

It felt good to smile, somehow, it made the whole world seem just that little bit less gloomy, as if maybe there was something to care about after all, but it was only subtle, and Perish could barely feel it the way she was.
There were lots of emotions she didn't get to experience from her strange dulled emotional sense, it had to really pierce her to the core to get through to her, to let her truly feel the emotion even if just a small taste.  It was these small tastes of emotion that often compelled her to do things, while she was no stranger to anguish or sorrow, things like happiness and joy were as faded as her memories, things she desperately wanted to keep hold of.

Ode was just full of surprises, turning from a duck into a small delicate little song bird, she would have laughed if she could have, seeing the shapeshifter land on her shoulder and sing sweetly to her ear, the form fit a bard very well, and certainly did his freedom justice with a bird's ability to fly.
It was yet another aspect of Ode's life, that of a little bird, simple and interesting like a duck, and she almost did laugh this time when he picking at her hair, she could only just feel his little feet resting lightly on her shoulder, and his little beak tousling her hair a little.  She could almost feel it tickle...

"You make a very good songbird," Perish assured with a smile, a small giggle interlaced with her voice as she responded to his picking at her hair, "That form is fine."

This 'break' was strange, Ode appeared to be having a lot of fun going between forms, the river's water was mildly warm to Perish's icy skin, and was quite refreshing strangely enough.
The concept of this break wasn't making a lot of sense, but Perish wasn't going to object.


For Ode the only true benefit of being a shape shifter was the immortality. He didn't quite understand why he wouldn't die from age, but he knew that you couldn't age and your body couldn't fail when you could just...choose whatever form you wanted. He was almost sure that he could turn himself into a disease or become a diseased creature if he wanted to, but he never saw any point to. He didn't want to be wrong for one, and he wasn't quite sure what would happen. Still the thought was an interesting one.

The duck form seemed to please Perish, she was even smiling, almost giggling even, which really made him get louder. Granted as a duck his vocabulary was limited to "Quack" but the effort was still there. He hadn't chose the form being able to talk, that took a lot more to do. He had to create all the proper things for speech, it could get to be a nuisance and a nightmare really.

He remembered when a wizard who studied animals thought he was a new breed of talking cow.

That had been a rather funny day.

As a bard, Ode probably should have enjoyed turning into a small songbird more, the fact that he could sing the day away in the bird language, but really, he found the limit of their vocabulary to involve danger, mating, and food. As well as flying south for a warmer climate when this one got too cold. Still at least it sounded pretty to other people, that was always good.

"Gotta practice and a bird." That was they key to spotting a shapeshifter. If you didn't act like the animal you had become, you would just be borrowing the form and you wouldn't truly be hiding. Though, some shapeshifters chose the forms if only to surprise people or to get away and sleep without being disturbed. If you saw a bird tucked away in a nest, you usually ignored it.

Right now the wet hair that he was picking at seemed like it would be an absolutely fantastic nest when it dried out.

The break lasted half an hour, with Ode staying at the song bird and serenading Perish with cheerful songs that she wouldn't be able to understand. Unless she could speak Nightingale, then he'd be rather impressed. However, she might be a little bored because of most of the songs were about some worms and seeds that he saw. They probably wouldn't interest Perish all that much, but still, he was trying!

After a while Ode hopped from her shoulder and zipped along the water's surface before suddenly there was that shimmering again and with a rather impressive flop and a splash Ode was back to being a man again. He waded back to his companion, his face all smiles as he approached her. This break had done some good he hoped, people needed to relax and unwind, get rid of their stress. While Perish might not have known it, she did have a bit of stress. She seemed to get sad and frustrated. This hopefully, would help to remove it.

"I think we've been frolicking long enough in the river dear Perish, it's probably best if we continue onward now." He told her before he headed back to land, walking up the shallow river embankment before getting out. Like her, he appeared to have no modesty, and as a shape shifter, he did spend a lot of his time naked. As a bard...he spent a lot of his time naked. You didn't often get embarrassed when you could simply make yourself as pleasing as you wanted. Perhaps a slight unfair advantage.

"Though...I think we'll probably want to wait a while before...wait...nevermind." Ode shook his head as he remembered. He could MAKE clothes when he transformed. All he had to do was about it. Still in all his full nude glory he helped Perish from the water so he could get a better look at her. The eyes staring at her were not out of any perverse form, but much like the eyes a tailor might look at you. He strode around Perish in a circle. When you were a shapeshifter, you had a good eye for detail, and for sizes.

"Now this is going to look a little surprising I'm sure...but I'm doing this just to make you fresh clothes." Ode's eyes fell shut and he began to concentrate. It had been a while since he had needed to take the form of another human, he usually stuck with his current one but this was probably a good idea. There was that shimmering effect around him again as Ode began to disappear, his form blurring out of reality until no one could tell what he really looked like. When the features began to sharpen and he came back into focus, there was no longer Ode standing there, but instead there was...Perish. An almost exact duplicate for that matter. This particular Perish however was wearing a dry, un-ripped version of Perish's clothes. These were also dark forest green in colour.

"I know, it's like looking into a green tinted mirror." Even the voice was the same as Perish, though the voice for this Perish had a lot more emotion in the mix, perhaps like the former Perish before she had fallen.

"See...the particular ability I have allows me to will clothes into existence when I change forms. I don't quite understand it, because they aren't a part of me...but if wear clothes that I created when I shape shift, they disappear as well." Even for Ode it was a headache, but as she might notice, the clothes he had discarded earlier were still strewn about the path that he had taken to get to the river.

"Anyway!" He began to strip off the clothing, folding it as he went. He found this oddly hilarious, and if anyone ventured in on this particular scene, they'd no doubt find it...very strange. However Ode said nothing as he got the last of the clothing off and handed it to Perish. "There you go. One new set of clothes!" The now naked Perish did do a quick look over of herself, nodding in approval. "You do look good you know." He commented impishly before he slowly began to blur again. It only took a few seconds but Ode was back, grinning, naked, but this time there wasn't even the faintest hint of having been in the river. His hair was dry, his skin was dry, everything was dry. It must have been grand to be a shape shifter sometimes. You could surely save time in the morning when you were getting ready.

Ode began to collect his apparel one garment at a time, hopping into his pants and then into his long socks, his boots, pulling his puffy shirt on and all that. When he was finally done, he was looping his belt around his waist and checking the satchels. Yep, they still had every little knick-knack he had collected in them.

"Nothing like a good break to melt any worry or stress away."


In some small way, strange as it may seem, Perish was rather content with some aspects of her life as it was right now, her bizarre perception of life probably added to that comfort as she tended to see some of the downsides in a less disadvantageous way.
Her worries for one thing had transferred to a whole new part of the scale, her only true worries now was unhappiness and being left behind or forgotten, nearly everything else she couldn't care less.  It was a strange feeling in comparison to the memories she had.

She didn't worry about what Ode's intentions or thoughts were, curious but not worried, some people may have been restricted in their interactions that way where Perish wasn't, so she guessed nothing was ever truly bad, regardless of how miserable her existence was there was something to take comfort in about it.

The sweet songs of a little bird carried through the air so beautifully, as a human Perish had absolutely no idea what Ode may or may not be singing about but she could still feel the emotion behind the song.  No matter what language people spoke, where they came from or what they were, songs always seemed to be the ultimate language, they surpassed all barriers produced something in purest form.
That, in essence, was what Perish was so drawn to, even a miserably little creature like her who couldn't understand nearly anything, could finally be able to understand something, something was finally connecting her to the rest of existence.
Her eyes seemed to glaze over and grow distant in thoughts, her mind like the petals of a sleeping flower, slowly opening, very slowly.

She almost seemed to sigh regretfully when the little bird fluttered from her shoulder, moving away to revert to the shape she had labelled Ode, except of course she wasn't familiar with breathing when she wasn't trying to talk at the same time.
She really didn't need to breathe, her lungs truly didn't absorb air, nor did any of her organs work like they should, though all the muscles still worked so she could still 'breathe' per se, otherwise she probably wouldn't be able to talk either, and that might have been hazardous to Perish's already depressed mental state.

Ode shifted out of the water so she immediately began following, a little sluggish since she was more trying to walk out than actually swim, her usual method of crossing bodies of water.
Her eyes naturally travelled over to her pile of abandoned armour, she felt lightly compelled to go over and put it back on, Ode hadn't said anything so she almost did, until of course she felt Ode helping her out of the water.
Perish stood a little vacantly, looking at Ode expectantly as if thinking he were going to give her another order, though he only appeared to be examining her for something, which also confused her a little.  She too looked at herself, as if trying to figure out what Ode was thinking or was looking for specifically, but she was drawing blanks in that respect, all she could see were her destroyed garments and herself.

He started speaking again so Perish looked up at him, and soon he was shapeshifting again.  Of all the things Perish had expected or thought of, the last thing she thought Ode would turn into was... herself...?  It was rather... obscure, staring at yourself, like an identical twin except this one had Ode's personality.
She was absolutely dumbstruck, eyes wide, it was rather profound seeing yourself anywhere except a mirror, especially when this copy of yourself seemed so much more alive and full of energy than the real thing.
It gave her mixed feelings, that she was worse than a copy, fake version of herself, that Ode could do her existence better than she could.  But at the same time it did give her a little spark of inspiration or hope, it was like seeing what could be you, unmistakeable proof that this was actually possible, the proof may be shallow but it was proof no less.

Willing clothes into existence did sound intriguing in some way, giving your life added depth and another aspect.  People wore clothes and looked different, Ode wore people that wore clothes and looked incredibly different, the concept was amusing.

Though after all those thoughts, it still didn't prepare Perish for how bizarre it was to see herself strip off her clothes and hand them over... to herself...  Her mind hurt a little trying to think about it, taking the clothes obediently as they were given before looking at her nude copy still rather amazed.
Something twinged in the back of Perish's mind when Ode eyed his Perish-form off and made an impish remark, she felt a very small series of spasms through her right arm that didn't really do anything except feel funny.  She had a very distant urge to slap him right across the face, though she couldn't figure out why, staring at her hand with a perplexed expression, as if she would find the answer lurking inside her hand.

With one hand she recklessly peeled off the remnants of her soaked, white clothing, casting them aside before donning the strange green clothes and moving about in them awkwardly.
She'd never really been given anything before, let alone wore a different set of clothes in ages, the experience was quite new and interesting, she shuffled about in the clothes as she slowly made her way to her pile of armour, still looking at the clothes strangely.

She never really felt particularly stressed, a little worried, though the break didn't seem to a real lot other than cheer her up a little from Ode's antics.  He was an amusing person, a little walking ray of sunshine.
She did feel a little happy, a very small smile persisted on her face.

Though there was a sharp whistle on the edge of hearing that caught Perish's attention lightly, it quite suddenly followed with a dull thunk and there was a pin-prick of pain that shot through her.
Her smile fell and she looked down, there was a bolt protruding from her chest, her gaze followed the angle and saw a man up on the hillside of the valley lying down with a shiny crossbow shaped weapon in his hands, he was making a signal to something out of sight behind him as he attempted to reload.
Perish instantly reached down to pick up her armour, attempting to get it back on as fast as possible, but almost immediately there was another whistle and bolt was through her thigh, dozens of people were appearing at the top of the hill with dozens of those shiny crossbows, unleashing a small hailstorm of bolts as they attempted to get closer for accuracy.


This little experience, of being able to see herself in new clothings was probably a little disorientating. Now she could know how he felt when he had an identity crisis. She was able to see herself differently, and he would admit that if he wanted to he could act like her. Very stoic, very emotionless and almost innocent in a way. However, this was mainly to get her new clothes. He didn't really know her well enough to make any other clothes than the ones that she was wearing however. Personally he thought about giving her something with a corset and some leather pants but that was another time and another place.

One of those private places and what not.

He wondered just how well she could handle seeing herself doing something. People had told hima bout dreams they had, where they had been able to view themselves, so he had to wonder if this was just like that. Watch yourself doing something, while you stood there, knowing you were looking at yourself and were doing things that you didn't do.

He had honestly no idea that she had a want to slap him. HOnestly however he would have preferred if she did though. It would have shown that she had a lot more to her than he thought. She was a lot more alive than previously indicated. Then again, the best way to intimidate someone and to lure them into showing emotion, Ode had a pretty good idea what to do.

It was very good that Ode was busy however putting on his own clothes to watch Perish change her clothes, but honestly he had just spent a few minutes BEING her. There was no need to be modest or embarrassed now when that situation came up. Once a person figuratively puts on your skin and really...knows you that well, the concept of modesty goes out the window.

Ode barely heard the sound of the whistling on the wind. He was a tad busy getting his belt buckled up, but the sound of metal hitting flesh was unmistakable. He had, for a second, thought he had been shot, but he saw that Perish was the one who had a rather painful looking bolt sticking from her chest. Oh that wasn't good now was it? His eyes looked around to try and spot the person wielding the crossbow responsible, and he soon found the man on the hill with it. Oh that was not a good thing at all was it?

At first Ode didn't know what he was going to do. He couldn't just...become a big rock giant or something and try to fight them. No, Ode was not a fighter, though he could if he really needed to. He really didn't need to however, there was a whole lot of choices available to him

Gryphon would be the good choice however.

Ode bolted to Perish's side and began to pull her away from the armour and the hailstorm of bolts. His reaction time was very good, but he was the only one who had to worry about death from the sharpened bolts. However, he was already changing into something more, into something different. His legs were becoming lion legs, and his arms were becoming large eagle talons. He had to change fast, and he had to change into something big. His talon moved to her waist to grip it and suddenly throw her forward and upward a little bit. There was a sudden change with Ode as he was suddenly in a different form, his powerful legs and talons propelling him forward to catch her on his back between his very large eagle wings. He was a completely gigantic creature now, he had probably overshot how big he needed to be, but right now he wanted to escape.

"They picked the worst god damn time to appear."  Ode growled angrily, his voice was a lot different, but the original tone from Ode was still there. He could hear cursing below them, and the sounds of whistling bolts coming after him, but already he was headed upward. It looks like they were going to get her away from the armour a lot sooner than he had hoped. However, they were headed south still. They were moving a lot faster than they would have on foot. He could feel her holding onto a bundle of his feathers around his neck.

It wasn't painful, not for a big creature like him. He turned his head slightly to look at her, one eye focused on her. "I'm going to get us as far away from them as possible before landing. Just hold on tight." It was a little difficult to pronounce the words, but she'd understand what he was saying. He just didn't have the opportunity to get any real conversation in.

His wings were working as he propelled them along through the skies, the river now just a speck behind him that as he continued onward. He hoped that she could appreciate flying as much as he did, even if it was trying to fly for their life.

Soon they were dipping downward, this was almost after three hours of flying. They were approaching mountains anyway, which meant that he needed to have a break before they went through. For a little bit they could walk, and if need be, he could become a dragon or a very large eagle. They were good at traversing the strange mountain air currents. He'd have to be very careful if they wanted to fly, but he had gone through the mountains enough times to know what he was doing.

When they were finally on the ground, he knelt downward for Perish so she could get off his back. He had to change back into a more relaxed form, and for that matter, to get those bolts out of her. He didn't know if they hurt her, or if they were just uncomfortable but it was probably best to get them out of her.


This was the situation Perish had been afraid of, so to speak, as she wasn't really afraid per se, but that first bolt had pierced both sides of her so easily, her armour would have slowed it down immensely.  She just felt so vulnerable, this would never have happened had she kept her armour on, she would have been able to walk right up to those hunters and kill them all.
She didn't even have her sword now, it made her feel incredibly useless...
Her only purpose was to avenge, how could she kill anyone without a sword?  Now not only was she unable to have a reason to avenge people, but she couldn't avenge them even if she did, it was like taking away the remaining half of her existence and leaving her with nothing.

It was not a good feeling, Perish could feel herself closing up again, her wounds were little more than an inconvenience, the bolts themselves, uncomfortable, but the mental wound was nigh unbearable as Ode picked her up and took her from danger.

Flying itself wasn't all that strange to Perish, but riding something was another thing entirely, she had to keep balance and such from the rhythmic wingbeats surging them erratically through the air.
She'd taken the wings of a humongous air predator once, some kind of bird that tried to make a meal out of her and only got half way, ended up swallowing Perish's sword in the process of eating her arm.  Perish had utilised the wings and flown off.
She hadn't flown in some time though, so she had forgotten the feeling of freedom that it gave, as she rarely found a pair of wings large enough to lift herself with armour included.  Indeed, without the armour she'd probably weigh a lot less and be able to move a lot faster, but she had never been the fast type, she saw no point in it unless she was going to be left behind somehow.

Perish merely just nodded obediently to Ode, maintaining her grip on his feathers as she waited for him to land, idly concentrating to stop her blood from leaving the wounds.  She idly examined the arrowheads, they seemed to be rather valuable in they way they were a glistening silver with inscriptions etched into it that she couldn't read, perhaps yet another one of their anti-magic attempts at killing her.
Heck she wasn't even sure if it was truly magic coursing through her being, it seemed far too perverse and unnatural, it certainly felt different though she could still do a few mage-like things.
The armament rituals were one of them, and the blood control looked like some form of magic, so it would be easy to assume as much.
She'd have to perform the rituals again when they landed, she needed her armour and sword back almost like a mild obsession.

When they finally landed after quite the air trip, Perish slid off Ode's back and walked a few paces away to let him change again, sitting down for a moment as she slowly pulled the bolt out of her thigh, staring at it for a moment.
She didn't know why they hated magic so, or why they felt the need to attack Perish although she hadn't done a thing, nothing made sense, nothing ever made sense and it confused her when it happened anyway.

She was barely paying attention to the other bolt that was still completely through her chest, to her, injury had become so trivial it almost seemed humourous in some way how she could ignore it so easily.
Perish had become vacant and lost again, not sure what to do again.

"Why does un-life seem so much more simple and understandable than life...?" Perish mused, "Life is so complex and doesn't make much sense..."


The flight was at least very easy on the both of them...well, easier at least then running from the men with crossbows on land. They'd get away quickly, and they wouldn't have to deal with anything unless the Connlaoth people started training large mythical animals, which really didn't seem like a possibility. So the flight would be easy on them, and Ode was very focused on getting them away from there. He hadn't taken any bolts, and he was thankful for that. Back on the ground, the idea crossed his mind that Perish could have taken any hits, but that seemed downright cowardly. Even more than turning into a giant eagle lion and flying off. Using a woman as a shield? That was downright nasty even.

As Perish finally dismounted from his back he began to blur again as he slowly changed back into his human form. He still couldn't believe they had found them, but perhaps they knew where they had headed. Maybe going south had been a bad idea wasn't like they were suffering for it. Though...Perish seemed to be in a different state of mind, which wasn't very good it seemed.

"Ah, this is an argument that's counted as philosophical Perish." Ode told her as he approached, straightening his clothes out before he looked directly at the bolt in her chest. That would have hurt anyone else, but apparently she didn't feel it. He knelt down, putting a hand on the bolt and one upon her shoulder as he gently slid the bolt from her wound. It looked different than the others, he wondered if they were holy symbols of some sort. This wasn't a fairy tale, those rarely worked on magical creatures.

Still...he heard some vampires had an aversion to them.

"Life is only as complex as you make it Perish. It can be very simple. It can be even simpler than undeath." He told her as he tossed the bolt away and sat beside her, putting an arm around her and shaking his head. "My life for example, can seem complicated, but it's honestly very simple. I go from place to place, telling stories, singing songs, and making new songs and being a part of new stories or hearing a new tale or two. That's it. Now when you get further down into details, that's when things get complex. On the surface of it all, it's all very simple. You just have to remember that. Details are complex." Ode told her simply, a cheery smile on his face.

"As for making sense...well...that requires a bit more...complexity." He frowned at that thought. It made sense in his mind...this was another one of those perspective things perhaps.

"Maybe I can help you though. What's on your mind? What are you thinking about?" One should note, that he still sat close, with his arm still around her shoulders, but it seemed a lot more of a gesture of camaraderie than anything. Probably.

He did have a general desire to help her, but he was still a bard, and he was still a shapeshifter. Both of those things in turn could lead to some very bad places, but he seemed to be doing a good job of keeping himself from doing anything inappropriate. Ah, it was a hard life trying to show that you had a moral compass. At least he didn't act completely on impulses like some other shapeshifters he knew. Those were the shapeshifters that didn't survive for very long.

Days gone by however.


Ever since the day Perish killed the murderer of her husband, she had reason to see the world, no longer completely consumed by that which she had been made for, and she hadn't even looked once from her task at the time, like the entire world didn't exist, all there was, was the rider.
When there was no longer any rider, the world came back into focus, and it seemed suddenly so difficult to deal with than before, things weren't as simple as revenge, something happened and then vengeance would come in return, simple and clean.

Her body naturally moved a little as Ode withdrew the bolt from her chest, it was only a small twinge of pain as the sharp head on the bold made a messy path out, but Perish's abilities simply just put everything back together and in place, pulling the blood off the projectile and healing up like it had never happened.
She'd been through hell and back several times, but she definitely didn't look like it had happened.  In fact she'd done some of the most insane things and nothing was different about her, nothing was ever, different...

"What's simpler than death?  Nothing matters when you're dead, no worry, no obligations, nothing," Perish began, still staring at the bolt in her hands in thought, "I've done a lot of travelling, I've seen people, my life may be miserable but it makes sense, people do things for reasons I don't know.  I was attacked today because some people hate magic, I don't understand why they hate it so loosely, I don't understand why people fear such silly things, and I don't understand why they sometimes go to extreme measures for silly things.  There is so much that doesn't make sense... I feel a world apart."
While she could understand a few things about Ode, there was still a rather large gap between them, there was still so many things she couldn't understand why he did, which was most likely because he still had life in himself, he still had things he wanted to do.
Whereas Perish, she had nothing, she was nothing, she couldn't even fulfil her purpose even if she wanted to, especially since she didn't currently have her sword and armour, at least as a farmer's wife she had things she could do, aspirations and desires, but of course that had been taken from her like almost everything else.
She used to have morals, willpower, a purpose, a life, now they were all gone because of her mindless pursuit of vengeance, she was an empty husk.

Like would be expected, Perish didn't respond in any way to Ode's arm around her or how close he was, it was like the only thing she actually ever responded to was violence and talking, everything else was free reign as Perish plain didn't care about it all.
It was this careless sense of trust that had her doing anything and everything anyone could think about, and unless it involved violence, she never really acted on her own volition.

"What am I supposed to do? What am I to think, Ode?  What does a living person think about all this?  Should I hate what I've become?" Perish asked, looking at Ode hopefully.
She just wanted to blindly follow some orders, having something to do that she could focus on and forget everything for awhile, the world was too complicated for her little existence, like she was trying to learn everything over again but she didn't possess all of the necessary building blocks to understand anything, or even care about learning it in the first place.
The train of thought was agitating her the more she thought about it, and she only grew more and more depressed by it.  Thus was her life, she had attempted to climb these walls of this bottomless pit, only to eventually begin falling once more.


"You're reading too much into this. Connlaoth must have a reason to hate magical folks, they really must. However, it's hard for an outsider to ask such a question. Hatred can run deep, and it surpasses time itself sometimes." He had a story about that, of course he did. However right now was probably not the time for that sort of thing now was it? He could tell it to her later when they stopped for something to eat. Hunting in the mountains would mean small game usually, a mouse, rabbit, hopefully a big horned sheep of some kind really. He could tell her stories when they stopped again.

He just wished that he could help her more.

Ode felt sorry for the woman, he really did. She was confused, she couldn't understand how things were, and she couldn't let these things just be ignored either it seemed. She seemed to have a lot more feelings than she was willing to admit. She desperately wanted something more of herself, she realized she was lost and that she had no direction, but she couldn't find direction. She had removed her direction when she killed the man who had destroyed her former life.

Dust on the wind.

"A living person thinks that this is rather sad, and that you are a victim." She was looking right at him after all, she had asked him and he had to answer. "I don't know if you should hate yourself or not. I think that...your intentions were noble, but your practices were not. However, you felt like you probably had to do something, that you couldn't just let this injustice get away. You had to take up arms. You had to fight, and so you did." The only problem now was...that she couldn't fight anymore. She didn't have that reason to fight, unless attacked.

Her drive was removed.

Gently he reached out and took the bolt from her hands before tossing it away behind them.

"You don't have to be an instrument of war though Perish. You don't have to wear the dark armour and get into fights. You don't have to do any of that. You can live a simple life, you can live without worrying about the complex stuff." Ode almost said she could go back to being a farmer. It was a simple life, they worried about their farm and that was really about it. What weather would come to them, what crops to plant, when to harvest, it was a simple life on the surface really.

"Come on...when we get to the city...I'm gonna make you live again. Figuratively speaking." He had a plan in mind now, a good plan actually. Slowly his arm changed position, and his other came to her legs. Suddenly she was being lifted by him, held in his arms as he looked toward the mountain range before them. A path had been created, to some small degree, he wondered if it was from hunters, or mages trying to flee. It wouldn't last the whole way through if it was mages of course. They'd have stopped leaving a trail. Ode shook each foot, the limb blurring and turning into something else. Hooves, mountain goat hooves to be more precise. They had excellent grip and they had terrific balance, he'd only need his feet for this.

Hah, he felt like a satyr.

"You just hold on tight now Perish, we're going to go at a bit of a run." The further inside they got, the safer they'd be, but more important is that they would only take the small mountain path for a little while before veering off. The hope was to find a cave somewhere in the mountains perhaps, or in the very least, get off the trail and then take to the skies. He just wanted to be a little bit further in before they decided.


People were usually afraid of what they couldn't understand, and generally hated what they feared, each feeling transpiring into the next which made sense in a way.
Of course Perish kind of missed a step there, she understood basically nothing but had no reason to fear it, thus she could never find it in herself to hate anything, barring the man that had taken everything from her.
To have fear was to be normal, a strange kind of anxiety that shaped how one behaved in life, fearing this and that to the point where they made a great deal of effort to avoid or overcome it.  When you didn't need to avoid or overcome it, it made the whole notion a little silly and pointless.
Some people were afraid of heights, Perish had jumped off a cliff a few times without a second thought, some people were afraid of dying, Perish had enough 'death' experiences it was growing funny.
There are a lot of other fears but there is really only one thing Perish has left to fear:  Getting left behind, or perhaps more accurately, losing whatever shred of meaning she had left to live.

"Hatred makes no sense, unless something has stolen something important from you..." Perish mumbled, her thoughts deviating for a moment, "It's like all I can think about is what I've lost..."
Though she didn't usually talk beyond what was necessary because she didn't like interrupting people's lives, she just seemed to have become accustomed to Ode's presence already, and that he was already interrupting his own life hanging around Perish.
She'd have to ask him about that sometime, as though it wasn't already apparent, she really didn't think he was hanging around just to help her, so she was a little lost there.

"Sad...  I feel... sad..." Perish said, understanding a little.  At least she doing something right, she definitely felt sad a lot, always dredging up her memories of life that never failed to open up the mental scars anew, wallowing in her sorrow hopelessly.
Something within her wouldn't let that tragedy in her past go unpunished, it compelled her beyond all ability to think and act, to do whatever was necessary to annihilate that rider.
She cared not what her practices were, only that they were sufficient in strength to do the task she wanted to complete, cold and calculating, she sought a means to an end with total disregard to any and all consequences.  It had worked, clearly, though the consequences were a bit profound...

"But that's just it... I don't have to do anything, I don't have to fight, I don't have to move, breathe, eat, sleep.  I could just sit here and do absolutely nothing for the rest of eternity, simply because I don't have to," Perish said, frustration lurked in the very depths of her voice and mind, she knew her life was meaningless and she no point to continue it, yet she found herself defying her own logic and she absolutely no idea why, none of it made sense.

She wondered if she should begin materialising her armaments again, she might feel a bit better knowing she could actually at least be able to fulfil her purpose regardless if it wasn't possible, she'd feel safer in her armour.
But that was when Ode suddenly picked her up and started walking along towards the mountains ahead, she instinctively moved her arms around so she could drape her arms roughly over his shoulders and around the back of his neck.
She idly wondered how light she was without her armour, she'd almost never not worn it before as was quite used to the weight, she felt kind of small and floaty without it.

No one had really attempted to make her 'alive' again so to speak, while Perish doubted it would work as she had tried a few times herself, she just remained silent as for one she didn't know what to expect, and two she didn't make a habit of telling people what they could and couldn't do.
She just decided to keep quiet mostly, leaning her head against Ode as she was carried along, holding tight as she was told.  Perish still had no idea where they were, or where they were going specifically, but she didn't really care, at the moment it'd be impossible to fall behind as Ode himself was carrying her, so she really didn't care about a thing unless Ode decided to drop her.


"It makes sense and it doesn't. You can hate a person for a lot more, and you can hate a person for a lot less. Hate is a very strong emotion, and sometimes it takes over rational-minded people sadly enough. Hate is very much like a disease, because of how it can spread, and how it infects people." Hate was, by far, a very terrible thing. However she said something that made him smile. "What you have to start doing is thinking about what you can gain." Yes, something could be lost from you, something could be stolen, but there was still things out there you could gain. There was still a lot that could be had, if only you just had the drive to get it.

Currently, that was a problem.

Perish had little drive it seemed. She didn't want to have things. She just wanted...well, she probably wasn't sure. Ode wasn't sure, but he would be damned if he wouldn't help her find something. She didn't deserve to be lost, and he could help, he could help her to find something again. The question was...what could there be? Something out there would fall into his lap, it always did really.

"I could understand that...this must be very painful for you." Her physical wounds may not cause her any pain, but she still had thoughts, and those could be very painful. He could understand that she was saddened by this whole thing....and he perhaps wished he hadn't brought it up but it was good to talk about it. It may not have bothered her to keep it bottled up, but her willingness to made him realize that perhaps she had really just been looking for someone to talk to.

And he could certainly be talked to.

"No, you don't have to do anything. You don't have to do things that you don't want to, but you made yourself this way, you took on this power. Now you're going to have to exist with it. You should though. You shouldn't just let this all slip away. You can live a hundred life times, and sadly, some people are cut away too short. You have to enjoy life, because there are others out there who have died, and can't live on." It was a good thought really. Live for those that didn't. He liked it, and he often used it as a motivator for himself. The people in his stories were long gone now, but they could still live on.

Ode wouldn't say anything about her armour. She had to be broken free of that, she didn't need it anymore after all. He was going to teach her that if she didn't provoke people by looking dark and evil, she wouldn't get attacked. That was plain and simple really. He honestly wanted to get her moving before she could try to get it back. Still, he did like the idea of her holding onto him, but he kept that to himself.

After the little stunt with the clothes, it was probably best not to say anything.

Ode carried her far into the mountains, night had already settled in, and there was a slight chill in the air. Slight being...he should have made himself into a half-bear and half satyr at this point to stay warm. However, the immediate danger of freezing to death was not upon him. Though the mountainous trail was leading quite up and down and higher up the mountain face, it wasn't altogether bad. He had to leave the trail halfway through though, choosing an alternate route away from the beaten path. If he kept his hooves on, and didn't let Perish walk, most of the hunters would only see that he was game, and was certainly not the people they were looking for.

However, they had a very good head start on them, and they probably had very little idea where they were heading. The chances of seeing them again was slim. Still, it was best not to take precautions. He came across a cave finally, it was rather high along a mountain, however it was large enough that they could have a fire inside and not worry about anyone seeing the light. Once they were inside, Ode set Perish down before he went about gathering some sparse fire wood from around the area. The fallen branches and deadwoods weren't what he was hoping for, but he managed to collect enough within a half hour for a respectable fire. Then he set about starting it.

He was very thankful for the flint and tinder he kept with him in one of the satchels at his side. He could not remember how many times he had been without it, until he finally starting carrying the damn thing around with him.

When the fire was merrily burning away, Ode sat down beside Perish. He almost asked if he was cold, and he had the innate desire to put his arm about her again. He had to remember the whole boundaries thing of course, and that she didn't get cold, but seemed to cool things down instead, like the water.

Strange that. He just wanted to hug and hold her to see if he could warm her up.

Ah, the bard in him was getting romantic again.


To a less depressed and sorrowful person, Perish's state might actually be quite an advantage.  How many people wished they didn't have to be afraid of consequences?  Or being hurt?
Perish had incredible freedom in this world if she ever bothered to notice, she could almost literally do anything, which would be quite inspirational to someone who actually wanted to do something.
She never really took advantage of anything now, not for her own sake anyway, she rarely ever did anything for herself unless she was attempting to 'act alive' which generally ended up failing miserably.  Every time she's done something it's in response or because of someone else.

She hadn't talked with anyone this much for as long as she could remember, her interactions never lasted anywhere near this long with other people, and it kind of opened her up in a way.  Spilling your thoughts to a total stranger would be rudely interrupting their life, which Perish absolutely did not want to do, though it somehow seemed less an interruption to people she knew, as a friendship with her probably interrupted their lives enough for it not to matter.
Perish only wished there was something she could do for Ode, he hadn't really needed her for anything, he could ensure his own safety and he had his own life, he could basically turn into whatever he might need at the time, so there wasn't a real lot this little dark knight could do.

It was the first time she really got to experience body heat, cradled in Ode's arms resting against him, it almost felt like it was thawing her out very slowly.  Warmth was something she wasn't familiar with, except for the few cases when she'd been attacked with flames, but that heat provoked light jolts of pain through her that was incredibly uncomfortable.
This heat wasn't painful at all, it was almost comforting being able to feel the warmth of life so vividly, now all she needed was one of those songs.

Night fell a little non-existently on Perish, she kept about as much track of the day as she did the wounds she sustained, her body did not feel tired, or anything at all really, at times she wondered if she still existed.

Perish was a little curious as to why Ode was carrying her, if there was anything she was good at, it was following people, she was relentless in that respect, yet Ode must have thought there was something wrong with her legs or something?
She couldn't really figure it out, put he eventually put her down when they were inside a cave, and walked back out.
It came as a bit of surprise to Perish, this cave was clearly a dead end so it wasn't like there was much reason to come here, so perhaps Ode had finally grown tired of her and left her behind here?
Her expression fell as she looked at the cave entrance, sorrow slowly consuming her once more as the loneliness closed in upon her yet again, thinking the worst and despairing over it.

It actually hurt, for once, to be at least vaguely connected to someone and then have them leave, though she wasn't really sure why Ode had left, she had a few careless guesses, typical guesses of a person consumed in sorrow, depressing thoughts and ideas.
Her mind wandered back to her armour and weapons, she guessed it was time to get them back, lethargically placing a hand on the stone and dirt floor.
Blood cut a gap through her palm and slowly seeped out onto the floor, her dark magic working at it, guiding it in definite paths across the floor, reaching out like web into some enormous elaborate ritual circle.

Though, she was only three quarters done when suddenly Ode came back with an armload of dry wood, it was quite the interruption as her thoughts drifted back, partly relieved she was wrong, a little happy he was back.
He had needed warmth, Perish couldn't have guessed, she didn't need warmth so the idea of fire had always seemed stupid, it caused more harm than good.
The fire started quite rapidly with the strange tools Ode had withdrawn from a satchel, it made Perish wonder what else he kept in them and why, but it wasn't like she was curious enough to ask yet.


While Ode was more of a solitary traveller, he was really no stranger to hitching rides with people when it was appropriate. Perhaps the farmer on the cart had a few good stories, or even the man riding by his lonesome. The point being that he really didn't mind having someone accompany him. He liked company, he liked talking to all sorts of people, and when they weren't available, he'd talk to the animals. However, he had found a very interesting person to travel with. At first he had intended to travel with her and get a good tale and song out of the whole thing. However now it was more like she was following him.

That was alright though, because she was good company. He wished that she perhaps spoke more, but really...there was nothing wrong with their current level of conversation. She seemed to be really warming up to him, and usually he found some people grew annoyed with him instead. Still, it might have been because she was alone, and she was in a place that she was despised.

When he put her down inside the cave, he had forgot to say anything to her. All of his thoughts had been internal, and he realized that as he gathered wood. He hoped of course, that she wouldn't go anywhere, or do anything drastic. He probably should have said something...but his mind had been so focused on a variety of things that it just never crossed his mind that she might misconstrue their stop as something else. He just needed to rest, he just needed to regain his energy a bit before he became a gryphon once again.

Then he'd do a little hunting on their way through the mountains. He hoped for a fat goat of some sort to cross his path. Still he focused on the firewood. If need be  he could become a termite later and engorge himself on wood. That always surprised him, that his level of fullness was usually carried over from form to form. He didn't quite understand it but he assumed it worked like his clothes, strange and magically.

When he finally got back to the cave, he could see what she had been doing. He didn't say anything about it though, he should have expected she'd try something like that. However it was probably good when he interrupted her, though neither of them said anything. That was probably for the best, they didn't need to say anything. Whether she realized she had been doing something 'wrong' though was beyond him, but she had stopped which was good enough for him.

"We'll stay here for a few hours, while I gather my strength and heat up a bit. Then we'll take to the sky again and get into Serendipity." He told her quietly, trying not to think about the mess of blood on the ground. "Once there, you won't need armour or a weapon, but what you will need is a willingness to experience new things." Because he was going to take her right out of her paradigm and everything. She was going to have the time of her un-life he hoped, once they got out of this place.

His head turned to look at her, his eyes upon her as he tried to figure out something to say. "You know...I could have sworn I felt you warming up when I was carrying you." Ode would admit, he was a snuggler, and most people didn't mind that at all. Two bodies, pressed together, sharing space and heat...while at this time it would only be him that was giving off heat to Perish, he still...didn't mind it at all. "I liked it was nice." If not for the fact they were running for their lives and such. Still. He was really liking this situation he had found himself in. Perish was a nice woman to be around, despite all the pain she had, he knew that he could help her. She just had to see things from a new perspective, and he definitely had that going for him.

"You wouldn't object if I wanted to ah...hold onto you again while we sit here, would you?" Best to ask, though at this point he wasn't sure she'd mind or not. He certainly hoped she didn't of course. His thoughts and feelings for her were mixed, he did see some potential with her, she had a strange beauty to her that wasn't often found after all. He would admit there was a physical attraction, there was a romanticized attraction as well, and not to mention there was his bardic ways. Still, he thoroughly was enjoying her company, and she seemed not to mind his at all.

As his thoughts turned to a bit of a more...risque, he wondered just what she was capable of. She was a corpse in some regards, would she feel pleasure even, or would any of his advances be...unfelt? That was a question for to bring it up?

"I have...I have a little question for you. You said that you don't really feel...physical pain...but what about other physical sensations? you feel someone holding onto you, can you feel light brushes along your skin? Do you get goosebumps from a pleasurable touch?" Probably most aware and alert women would understand what he was getting at, and yes he was going around a dangerous path no doubt. However, there was nothing gained in life if you didn't take a few chances and asked some questions, even if they made you out to be a pervert.


There was much thought on continuing the ritual, but now that Ode was back she was hesitant as she would weigh a lot more in her armour, which may make Ode not want to carry her again.
Perish didn't like being a burden, though she still didn't understand why he carried her it really wasn't on her list of important things to know, the main fact hovering in her mind was the body heat, and the feeling that she couldn't fall behind.
So she reversed her magic, the massive elaborate ritual circle rapidly pulled from its shape and travelled directly back to her palm on the ground, disappearing back inside her bloodstream until there wasn't a trace of what she had been trying to do.
Her palm healed up perfectly and she placed her hands in her lap, watching the fire for a moment, it was almost amusing how fast she healed the spots on her eyes that one got from staring at bright objects.

She rarely ever knew what to say, having little experience in conversations and also a desire to not irritate whoever she may be talking to, so silence it usually was, and most of the time it worked, people didn't often complain at her silence.  Though this was when if ever she'd managed to meet someone that wouldn't run away, which meant she hadn't done a lot of talking, but she had come across this blind old man once, he had talked for hours and hours with her, not about anything in particular.

A few hours didn't really mean much to Perish, time was absolutely irrelevant to her, she barely even remembered her own age.  So in a way what Ode was really saying, was we're waiting here until I say so, which suited her perfectly.
Though it was odd to imagine a place that she didn't require weapons or armour in, 95% of the world had the possibility of attacking her, she didn't like Ode's logic very much but it wasn't like she was going to disobey him, to her it was worth being a little uncomfortable if it didn't disappoint someone else.

Perish nodded when Ode said about her warming up in his arms, she had felt like she was getting a little warmer with such proximity to a powerful lifeforce and energy, she felt not too different from a manifestation of snow at times, she almost felt like her skin was melting at the time.
"I was warming up, slowly.  It felt... good..." Perish said, running a hand along her arm as if trying to feel the heat again.
Her thoughts didn't digress much about it, it was truly a nice feeling to warm, even if it was only fleeting and she probably caused Ode mild discomfort with cooling him down perhaps, but her thoughts never transpired to what else could happen.

She turned her head to look at Ode almost directly, eyes slightly wide in very mild surprise at the question.  To be held once more and feel the warmth, Perish had little idea of why she'd ever object to that, quickly shaking her head just a little more vigorously than normal, a somewhat subtle hint at faint eagerness.
She kind of shuffled sideways along the floor closer to Ode and leaned in toward him, pressing against his chest and shuffling a bit as she moved the rest of her body closer, if she breathed she might have sighed at that point as the warmth slowly crept into her skin.
This bard truly was one of a kind, no one had ever really wanted to hold her before, it did feel like it opened her up a little more, like Ode was slowly wrestling the door to the land of living open, no one had ever done that for her before.

"Everything feels dampened, I can still sense people touching me, though anything else has to be quite strong or profound for me to properly feel it.  That axe in the stomach felt like a deep scratch, arrows feel like being briefly stabbed with a pin.  And... I don't know what a pleasurable touch feels like," Perish said, not hesitating in answering his question completely.  She had no shame, and she didn't place it on others either, nor did she feel any compulsion to keep secrets or lie to people, unless of course someone told her to, that was the general exception to most things about Perish, obedient to a fault.
Again her thoughts didn't digress very much, the warmth was quite distracting, so she didn't quite put it all together, though she had a feeling those questions were trying to lead to something, she just couldn't figure out what right now.


"It was rather nice wasn't it?" Sometimes there had to be a little tenderness in your life really. She probably...never had thought about such a thing since her husband had been taken from her. He felt sort of bad but...what he could tell, the man would never be coming back, and certainly you'd want a loved one to move on instead of being...stuck in time. Hm...that could make for an interesting part of the tale that they were creating.

If she was surprised, Ode was just as surprised. He hadn't seen so much emotion before on her face, he was really quite surprised by her. That however wasn't a bad thing, not at all! It was just amazing to see such emotion on her face, and for a moment he just wondered what her answer would be. However, it was obvious now, and even more so he couldn't believe it. She wanted to be held, her shaking head showed a bit more emotion and...he liked that. She moved closer to him, and he moved closer to her, his arm automatically going out to bring her close. Soon she was almost right against his chest, and he was smiling, his other arm coming about to hold her as well. There was another shift of movement, and Ode brought her onto his lap with a small smile. While she was taking heat from him, he really didn't mind. The fire was there, and he was ably to maintain a good temperature.

"I'm glad that you don't mind." He told her softly. Just the thought of her being so cold, and yet she could warm up with his body heat. He wondered if she could actually become warm like a real person, or if she was doomed to the heat absorption. Well, they had a few hours while he rested to find out now didn't they?

"You don't even know? That's...well,, there is something really wrong with that for sure." But honestly, he could understand. She kept herself in that armour, she was usually seen as an attacker of some sort, as a threat. He however didn't see her that way, he had been lucky probably, that the situation they had met in had been favourable. Mostly...granted people had died today, and he had killed a man was altogether a favourable time.

"Though, a pleasurable touch could be anything I hand across your arm." His fingertips gently ran along the length of her arm, a smile on his face. "Brushing hair from your face and gently touching your ears." Once more his hand moved up and gently brushed the hair from the side of her face, tucking the locks behind her ear. There was...other things of course...but he should probably stick to brushes and what not, something simple and something that couldn't lead to much more. Unless she instigated anything.

His hand moved slowly downward to her neck, the back of his hand just barely running over the slightly cold surface of her neck.

"Did anything feel...different from a normal touch, or did you just barely feel them?" She was a mystery really, and he did like to figure a good mystery out. They all had questions, and he did wish she'd speak up and ask him more. He wondered if she had any, or if all of them had been quelled.

It was something to think about really. After they done figuring her out and he got to know and understand her of course.