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The Wild Ones Together

Started by wolfie, December 15, 2012, 07:30:10 PM

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Alerri carefully hugged the girl back glad that she was fine. She wasn't sure what to have expected the first time Nia landed, but not this. She figured it might be similar to her first landing. Nia was a faster learner than she had been. That of course was a good thing considering the scratches she ended up with from all those bushes she crashed into.

Oh good. Yes right now it's work but soon enough you'll find it more delight than work. You're muscles aren't used to doing that once they build up enough strength though you'll be in the air as if there hadn't been a time you weren't. She thought wondering if she should change back into her Human form. She didn't want to scare anyone in the area.

I live in a house not too far away. A nice lady is allowing me to stay with her. Why do you ask? Alerri thought a little alarmed that Nia would ask this. She was pleased that Nia wanted to use her voice even though she didn't have to.


Nia thought about how to express her answer in words, but was at a loss. no reason, wanted to make sure you had safe place   She was glad that Alerri had a place to go, even if it was one of those strange places made out of wood and stone. She didn't get what was wrong with a cave, or even a thicket of bushes.  She pounced on Atai and laughed as he playfully roared at her.  She had a new friend, and if Alerri didn't move too much Arina moved to land on her.  Nia couldn't believe that her shy friend  was going to do that.  It was unusual for Arina to get so close to anyone let alone a dragon.


Alerri was a little relieved to hear that Nia was just curious about where she was staying. She was still a little worried about it though. She wasn't sure how she would explain Nia to Prim. No words would come to her no how they met without completely lying about why she was walking through the forest. Prim might go postal if she found out Alerri was alone in the forest again. It was bad considering what happened last time. She got lucky meeting a new friend who didn't want to hurt her.

She was about to think something to Nia when she noted that Arina was about to land on her. She laid there completely still not sure what to make of this. Animals usually hated her species and never got within an iota of her. Now one decided she was good enough to land on it puzzled her to no end.

Alerri was glad that Nia had them. She needed someone in the world just like Alerri had needed someone. At least she has someone to talk to someone she can share with. Before I met her I couldn't even share my secret. Prim would freak out if she knew she had a dragon living with her. Heck anyone would freak out. What in the world am I thinking? I should come clean in a letter and just stay with Nia. It would be easier. She thought not sharing this with anyone. She was doubting everything recently even her desire to learn.

Do you have a cave or something? She thought to Nia. She was worried about the gal.


I live here in the woods...  Wherever Atai, decides we sleep we sleep. She hugged the cougar and looked up at Alerri.  Nia loved it in the wild, she didn't like houses and such... people were mean and they lived near houses and stuff.   Nia then walked over to the near by stream and laughed as Atai watched protectivly.  Nia began to wash the dirt off her self quickly.  Her clothes had found them selves on the side of the stream.  She would wave and smile if Alerri looked at her. She didn't like being covered in dirt and sweat... It had its uses but she found people really didn't like it if she was filthy.


Nothing wrong with that as long as you are comfortable. I need to learn more about humans before I could just walk away from them. I'm hoping it doesn't take a lifetime. She thought back wondering what would have happened if she hadn't taken a stroll that day. She wouldn't have found a new friend, and she didn't like that. She loved making new friends.

Alerri watched Nia until the girl decided to bathe. She sighed wondering if perhaps it was time to change her form too. She wandered away and changed form placing her own clothing back on. She then went and sat down on a nearby rock waiting for the girl to put her clothing back on.

Atai, how long have you been with Nia? She thought not sure the animal would talk to her. It was important though for Alerri to talk to the animal. It wasn't every day she felt protective of her friends, but she did just then.


Atai, hadn't felt the mind of another ever, he knew that this person was nice though. He  answered back though. I have been with her, since she was very little.   Atai gave her the mental image of Nia as a toddler near a spring.    He had always been amazed at Nia. She was his cub.  He  grinned a cougars grin as he looked around ensuring nothing was endangering Nia.

Arina landed on alleri's sholder and flashed a slightly older Nia, rescuing her in an image to Alerri.  They loved her, and looked out for her and was glad she had found a friend.   

Nia meanwhile carelessly hummed to her self as she enjoyed her bath in the stream.


Has anyone ever harmed her? Is she bothered by living different than other beings? Alerri asked Atai. She was concerned for her knew friend. Alerri thought about suggesting Nia live closer to her, but she wasn't sure that was a good idea. Nia needed to be out here in the forest.

She ignored the bath the girl was taking. She didn't want to interrupt it or make the girl feel uncomfortable she was in no hurry to return to Prim just then. It was nice to be out among the forest again. Noticing that Atai was keeping a close vigil she opened her ears and mind seeking out what was close to them around the forest.

Atai, there is nothing that will harm her for several miles from here. Checked it out with my mind nobody is looking for me yet as I haven't been gone long. Does she have any other friends? Alerri thought feeling like the answer to her latest question would be 'no'. She needed it affirmed though.


Atai was thinking on her questions.  He was relieved to hear nothing was nearby.  Yes, some try to take her in and force her to get civilized, others try attacking or taking advantage of her.  Some just bully her.  I try to protect her but she insists at seeing if they are nice. She doesn't really mind just doesn't like how mean people like you usually are. and no....


Alerri heard what Atai said wondering more about these people. She didn't like that others had used Nia. She wanted to protect the girl, but she just wasn't sure how. The only way that came to mind was telling nobody about her new friend. If she could keep it a secret maybe the world would leave the girl alone.

I won't do that she belongs out here. She's more free than anything I've seen myself included. If I weren't plagued by my curiosity I might be just as free as she is. There isn't anyone out there like me, Atai. She thought to the animal. She wanted it to sink in for a moment.

If you find anyone else that is like that again please let me know. I'll do what I can to shield her from the bad too. She thought next wondering what was taking Nia so long. Bathing shouldn't take this long unless the girl was in trouble.

Nia, are you okay?


Atai nodded and did what cats often do. He rubbed his body against her legs.  Nia didn't respond instead she tackled Alerri from the nearest tree.   She had snuck up to where they were talking.  Her clothes on for Alerri's relief.  Nia had noted that Alerri didn't seem to like it when they were off. She was like most people in that way which was funny considering she was always naked as a dragon....     Nia smiled and  got off of her. " am ok!" 


Alerri noticed that Atai was rubbing up against her. She figured that was the way the cat was accepting her. She wasn't sure what else to think. She was about to go in search of Nia when the girl didn't answer her. She didn't have to though as Nia, fully clothed, tackled her.

Going down on the ground she felt the air leave her lungs. Had she known that was coming she would have braced for it, but there was no warning. She didn't like this feeling having never felt it before. It hurt, and yet she knew she couldn't yell at Nia for doing this. The girl didn't know any better.

"I'm glad you are okay, Nia," she said trying to sound strong and unharmed. The air would return to her lungs. She could ignore the pain as well having not really hurt in all this. It wasn't easy being landed on in this form. She was learning more and more that she wasn't invincible.

"What would you like to do now?"


Nia smiled and looked at alerri and wondered what she might be thinking. "hmmm" She thought of her usual activities.  She often played with  Atai and Arina or hunted and explored.   " find food?"  She said sniffing the air for the scent of any nearby creatures.  Nia was hungry as she had been exerting alot of energy flying.


Alerri hadn't done that in this form yet. Her food had been served to her when eating with Prim. She wasn't sure how one did it. She was a little afraid to do so in this form, but didn't want to do so in dragon form having not been that good at it.

"I'll help if I can I haven't hunted in this form before. Unless you wanted to do it alone then I understand. I can wait here for you to return," she said not sure what the girl wanted. It was good that Nia knew what she wanted. Alerri didn't want to stand in this girl's way she would help if that's what Nia wanted.


You can find whatever you might be able to get and so will Atai and I.
Nia nodded to Atai, as  they both stalked in different directions.  Nia sighed as she didn't see any tracks.  So she found some  berries and such.  She hoped that Atai had better luck.  Nia got the message he had found something She laughed as she kept gathering what she could find.  She wondered if  Alerri had found something.  She didn't know.  Nia liked this, having a friend around.


Alerri realized she would be alone doing this. She had a feeling she wouldn't be netting much in the food department. She didn't know anything about berries. She could probably poison them all if she wasn't careful.

Wandering away from the group she opened her mind. There had to be something she could give to the meal. She heard it but couldn't believe it not too far from her was a beehive. It wasn't that high up she'd be able to easily reach it. She sighed knowing no matter what the bees wouldn't just give her any honey. They were stubborn.

She walked the distance hoping a plan would form. She had no idea that her saving being was walking up toward the beehive too. There not far away was a bear. He walked right up to that beehive and started scooping out honey. The bees swarmed immediately. The bear ran off the bees chasing him.

Using her mind she checked to see if any of the bees where left. She was in luck nobody was home. Quickly she removed several combs of honey and left before the bees returned. She went back to where she met Nia. I have something for you. Something sweet.


Yay!  Nia brought as much as she could.. Her arms overflowing with berries and vegetables and fruits. She had an impressive haul.   She placed them down and took a few bites, not wanting to wait. She laughed as Atai brought a couple rabbits.  hmm she thought.. She didn't know what she wanted to make.. maybe Alerri had an idea.  She waited for her.  hoping she came quickly. 

Nia loved this day, it was the most fun she had ever remembered having. Learning to fly, and meeting Alerri. It was so nice and she couldn't believe her luck. She didn't want it to end. This was the best day ever and she hoped it lasted a long time.


Alerri returned with her honeycombs. She noticed that there were rabbits along with fruits and berries. She wondered what they could turn this meal into. Realizing her thoughts quickly she found she was thinking like a human again. They didn't have to cook anything unless Nia wanted to.

"Have you ever had honey before?" She asked not sure if the girl even knew what it was. She figured they could use the honey on an apple or something. With the rabbits wouldn't be a good idea.

Alerri was enjoying her outting. She wasn't sure when Prim would miss her being around, but she thought it might be soon. She just hoped that Prim didn't send out a search party for her. It was the last thing she wanted.


"no...."  She skinned the rabbits and pondered on how to eat it. She sometimes ate it like Atai,  other times she cooked it.  She tossed one to  Atai and Arina as they  began to eat some of it. She smiled and looked to Alerri, how should we eat it... I usually just eat it as is...  but I understand you might like it cooked?      She hadn't had honey before, she didn't know what it was.    She looked at it trying to figure out where it came from and what it was.


She watched as Atai and Arina were eating the raw meat. She wondered what it would do to her stomach considering she hadn't had raw anything since meeting Prim. She figured it was a human thing to cook food. No dragon cared.

"I've had it both ways. I haven't had raw meat in awhile though so I don't know what it'll do to me. I'm willing to try some again though," she said and saw that honey was something new to Nia. She smiled wondering if she should help the girl with it.

"If we had some bread you could spread the honey over it. It comes from bees and is very sweet. I wouldn't suggest putting it on the meat that might not taste good. The apples and berries in honey might be a better idea or you could just eat the honey alone. Don't eat the combs they aren't good either," she said scooping some honey out showing the girl. She put some of it in her mouth finding it was better than she remembered.


Nia put the rabbit on a spit and piled up some wood, spitting out some fire to start it. " it tastes better cooked... " She put her finger and collected a bit and tasted it.  It was sweet, and better than most she had ever wanted.  "Bread?"   Nia hugged Alerri and then offered her some fruit and such. " have some" She  seemed to not know much about food. Bread... honey.. what else might she not know. 

Nia hadn't been around humans for a long while spending the last year hiding from them after her last encounter.  She was glad she had found one that was nice.