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Bar Wars (Or The Mischievous Antics of Hazel Goblinshimmer) [Argroww]

Started by Ethereal-Star, March 05, 2015, 07:32:21 PM

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At a tavern in Zantaric, the village of the dark and seedy, there was much activity inside. Patrons sat at tables drinking away, some into a drunken stupor, others boasting about this and that, while shady characters sat in secluded corners watching with silent eyes and listening with equally silent ears for any scrap of information they deemed useful for whatever vile reason they had. Others gambled away profits, laughing loudly and with much belching and the passing of gas which undoubtedly followed. The barkeep stood wiping down a greasy counter, trying to get rid of all the stains and dirty fingerprints that marred its smooth surface. He shook his head in slight amusement as one particular patron let out a hearty laugh that near shook the table he was sitting at, before slapping his comrade on the back rather harshly, the other man nearly choking on his drink in hand.

However, none of this mattered to a certain patron of the inn, who was for all intents and purposes, invisible to the rest as yellow eyes gleamed in impish delight, surveying her surroundings. Hazel was sure this setting would do just well for a bit of fun and games. Sneaking over to a pompous looking well-dressed man wearing fine black clothing and sporting a mustache, Hazel expertly picked his pocket and took what she found there. In her hands the fairy held a beautiful gold locket which when she opened it, showed a small rendering of a woman inside it. The image was very well-painted and looked as though whoever had done it had taken extra care in all the details to make it pop in just the right way. Regardless it no doubt had much value, both in monetary worth as well as sentimental value too.

Holding it tightly in her near ebony-colored hands, the butterfly fairy quickly deposited her find into the pocket of a large burly man with well-chiseled muscles a couple tables away. It was at that moment the noble looking man reached into his pocket and then frowned, rummaging further before looking around in confusion and anger. He spotted the gold chain of the locket sticking out from the large man's trouser pocket and quickly got up and stormed over to him. "Thief! I demand you return my locket at once!"

The rest of the patrons stopped what they were doing and watched as the scene commenced, with some going back to their poker games, drinking and other endeavors with not so much as a blink of the eye. Theft was pretty common around here after all. The motto going around was "If I take it, it's mine", kind of opinion. Others watched on, hoping for a fight to break out.

The 'thief' in question looked down at the smaller and better dressed man with a scowl on his ragged, hairy features, yellow rotten teeth showing as he sneered. "I took nothing from you, worm. Now scat! I'm busy here as you can plainly see!" He turned back around but the other man wasn't finished yet, becoming even more visibly angered at the brute's rather blasé attitude.

"Well, what do you call that thing sticking out of your pocket?" the black-clothed man challenged him.

The other man looked down and pulled out the locket, at first surprised and then he grinned wickedly. "Oh, this thing? No idea how it got there, but it tis' rather a nice little trinket, eh?" He nudged his comrades at the table and they all broke into raucous laughter at this. "I think I will keep it." he tucked the locket back into his pants pocket, looking rather pleased with himself. Of course this only infuriated the other man.

"That be a picture of my wife inside that necklace! I demand you give it back now or there will be hell to pay!" the smaller man shouted at the burly mass of muscle and made as if to strike him.

The muscular brute dodged the hit and it struck one of his fellow companions at the table instead. That companion getting up and balling his fists in reply, the well-dressed man looking a little less certain now. "Ye wanna a fight, I'll give ye a fight!" And he began to swing at the first man, hitting him in the gut as the fine-clothed man doubled over in pain.

Meanwhile, the brute who had been accused of the theft picked up a nearby stool and flung it at his accuser, but the man dodged it, instead hitting somebody else. That person got up and joined the fight as well. Pretty soon, the whole bar was in an uproar, tables and chairs being flung around, fists flying, feet kicking and weapons being unsheathed as the place became total chaos.

Hazel, the initial troublemaker took that opportunity to exit, creeping out the tavern door as it quietly opened and closed, with seemingly no one there to even be touching it. Outside, she snapped her fingers, becoming visible and donned the disguise of a cloaked hooded figure in gray, snickering to herself as the brawl was loud enough to be heard from outside. People around her stared for a few moments, before they soon minded their own business again and left the disguised fairy to her own devices.

The tavern door flung open then with a patron being tossed outside on his butt, grumbling as he fingered his head in pain and tried to get up. However that was not to be so, as Hazel took out her pouch of fairy dust and blew a smidgen of it in his face, before he face-planted on the ground outside, sound asleep now. Giggling again, Hazel in her gray-cloaked disguise continued down the streets of Zantaric, looking for someone else to trick.


Mosek was digging around, of all places in the cities dump.  His clawed fingers deftly filtered through cast-away junk that most no longer considered useful.

In truth he was starting to agree, he'd found a few interesting fungal growths, there was potential for some kind of alchemical use from them.  But he was looking for something more, why didn't these people keep things more conveniently, so far most of his finds had been low scale ingredients for his alchemical experiments, which was all well and good, but not what he was looking for and certainly wouldn't get him much praise back home.

He kicked a random wooden thing in frustration, then picked it up and studied it...some wooden pole thing, he wasn't sure what it was used for.

Some taller people wandered past, they seemed in high spirits, but they appeared to have been in some fight, he could see the bruises on their pink hued skin.  Mosek pulled the hood of his robe further over his head and tucked his tail back under, he didn't want any trouble.


The streets of the seedy village were ripe for the pickings as the unscrupulous types often say. Hazel was having a grand ol' time here, as she continually changed disguises, emulating the different people she saw, causing a ruckus among the populace as things were stolen, crates and stands were knocked over, food thrown, bugs dropped into someone's pants, you name it.

Skipping merrily along the streets disguised as a normal street urchin, that was when Hazel caught sight of a short, brown-robed figure digging through the trash heap at the end of the street near a darkened corner. The hint of green scales and a reptilian tail could easily be seen beneath said attire. The creature was a little taller than the fairy herself was, but to the mischievous sprite that didn't matter in the slightest. All people were fair game for her tricks although Hazel tended to have more respect for her own kind, and therefore there had only been a handful of other fairies she had played pranks on. Humans were by far the most pleasing to inconvenience, due to the variety found among them. A fairy never knew exactly what kind of reaction she would get sometimes.

Making sure to stay out of the creature's sight, Hazel then used her shapeshifting power to directly shift into a butterfly, which was different than her normal glamour power. This way she could squeeze into tiny, cramped spaces and see what was up just about anywhere she wanted to. Positioning herself on a nearby barrel, the wood old and worn, with a foul smell coming out of it to boot, whatever could be in there, she wondered, and began preening her wings while she watched the lizard creature sift through the garbage.

Getting bored soon enough, she flew over to a place directly above the trash digger, a small archway, purposefully dislodging some debris that was stuck up there, it raining down lightly upon the creature's head. Nothing really large, mind you, just small pebbles, leaves and dirt, and the occasional dead cockroach. Satisfied with her 'work', the fairy settled down and waited to see what would happen.


Mosek rubbed his head as various bits and pieces of the dump landed on his head, he looked upwards t try and find the source of the disturbance, but he could see nothing that revealed it.

However the unexpected tumble of bits did bring an unexpected source of pleasure, fresh cockroaches!

Oh, wait, they were dead.  This was unusual, cockroaches were rather sturdy little things, pleasantly crunchy and juicy indeed, but they lived through pretty much anything so if they were dead already...

Mosek scrambled up the pile and sniffed about the top of the pile, this involved his tongue poking out multiple times, like a snake's tongue his scent receptors were located on his tongue, although his was not forked.  Oh-ho! there it was, a source of minor magic.  Not really what he was looking for though, death magic it was, in a small human-like thing.  Mosek didn't think it to be very powerful, but it was enough to kill off small insects and other critters, he doubted it would make him even ill.

What a waste though, he'd been hoping for more than this.