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Not Meant To Be Alone (Open) (Mature)?

Started by Anonymous, January 24, 2009, 05:24:17 PM

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Melusine nodded. She was still a little scared, but she knew she would have to make do with the answer she was given. He would try to control himself.

She was quiet for a moment, thoughtful. "Do you think I should leave so that you won't hurt me?" she asked. "What I mean is, when you're human you're good, but if you're a werewolf you might not remember what it is like to be human. Then you might end up killing me and then you would regret it.If I leave, I'll be on my own, and considering my condition- my plantar fascia- that might not be a good thing. If I don't leave, though, you might end up killing me and regret it." She thought nothing of her own death, only how he might feel if he killed her.

While she considered this, she managed to eat without thinking of what she was eating. If she'd thought about it, she might have realized that the dead deer could have been Xelus, but she refused to think such a thought as that with a hungry stomach.


"Yes, That would probably be for the best if you left once I get you to La'marri these hunters will give up and you'd be safe." He took huge bites of the now roasted hind leg of the deer.
Using his small branch cutter axe he had chopped off the pieces with most meat so they could eat civilised but considering his axe he only chopped up pieces for her and ate his part raw and directly from the corpse.

There was a large silence looming as they ate separately. "I don't think there will be a full moon for quite some time. It's only been a few weeks since last moon. I am no expert but isn't it usually a month or so before the next one?"


She was shocked and a little scared to think about being alone, but she tried to hide it. "Yes, you're right... but considering that it's been three weeks since the last one, that means we only have a week before this month is up. Maybe less, considering we've surely been traveling a day by now. I hope we're not too late."


(sorry for the delay)

"We might just barely make it. It all depends on these hunters, I haven't seen or smelled them since we met, unless they travel by horseback and have incredible trackers." His face was serious. "They will not catch us."

He brought with him the now dry branches and some spare meat he had tossed on the fire that she hadn't touched, for later use. "We ought to find a place to rest for the next night. I don't want us to fall asleep right on the road."
Lack of sleep isn't good, he could already feel his eyelids heavy from last night. Having a full stomach just made it worse. "Is there a river nearby? We should get that blood of you, if they use dogs they can track us down from horseback."


"Probably, the reason we haven't seen them before now is because they are experienced and know how to cover their tracks without getting lost," Melusine said seriously. "I didn't even notice them myself until Xelus had been shot."

When he asked if she knew where there could be some water, she nodded and kept going right. "This way." She could smell the water. A few feet later, she found it. "Do you need a bath too, or...?" Melusine let her voice trail off. She would be quite uncomfortable if he just stood there watching her bathe. Not that she actually believed he would, but it never hurt to make sure he wouldn't. "We should probably set up camp not too far from here since water will be nearby."


"Yes, I will bathe too." his face reddening at the thought. Embarrassed he looked up in the sky, took a deep breath and thought of the family baths.  
He had seen females naked before. There was no need to get worked up about this one in particular just because she wasn't in the family. Her red curly hair, pale skin, slender features and weird smell, wasn't making it easy.

A good half hour, thinking of grandma and reminding himself that this was life or death while walking with her finally calmed him down. He robotically picked her up as soon as she asked for it and sat her down by a desirable place she pointed out for him her keen eyesight found a set of trees with cover from the wind, their roots perfect for sleeping against.

The river was a decent stone throw away from them. It even had a calm spot where one could wade into and bathe. He dislocated his belt pouch and pulled out his cloth scrubber, gently asking for her clothes.


She winced at the thought of undressing in front of him, but did not protest when he asked her for her clothes. Instead, she stepped into the water, slipped the tunic over her head, and tossed it to him, jumping underwater before (she hoped) he could see anything.

She, too, had seen others naked before, but not necessarily humans. Secretly, she wondered what he looked like. He was already very attractive to her, what with longer hair than most male humans and his muscular body. Not that she'd had a lot of time to notice these things, but she had definitely had enough.

She didn't think she should care, though. Why would she care? In a few days, he might turn into a werewolf and kill her. She was only bathing because he said she smelled weird and because it would wash off the blood. One needed to bathe to survive. So why was she thinking thoughts like this?


He managed to wash the stains off her clothes; hard work also took his mind of the subject that had been racing trough his mind lately. The fact that he was travelling with someone he would normally desire. Someone that could sear his mind and make him a mindless puppet to her will for the rest of his life. He tore those thoughts to pieces with the task at hand, scrubbing her tunic as best as he could. When he was finally done he hung it up in a tree near his belt and shouted to her that he was finished with her tunic but that it would take some time to dry.

He then proceeded to wash his own. Bear fur was made to handle the forest, his father had told him once about how he had wrestled with one and finished it off with his axe. An obvious lie to comfort him when he was young and believed that werewolves where hiding under his bed.
He laughed it off as he let the tunic rest on a nearby tree and shifted his attention towards his pants. The brown leather pants made out of deerskin and his linen trousers where finished quickly and he ran into the riverbed. Jumping into the deep end of the little pool, hitting it as a stone, like he had done with his brothers, already forgotten that her.

The water hit his skin instantly, cold at first it got really good before his head surfaced. He threw his head backwards letting drops of water soar around the air, shaking it like a wet dog.


When Aaron told Melusine her tunic was done, but that it would take time to dry, she wasn't that surprised. "That's fine," she yelled back. "I'm really dirty anyway!" The truth was, she wasn't that dirty, except for the blood, but she needed to figure out how to get her tunic back on once it was dry without getting it wet again. If she let Aaron see her naked for even a few seconds...well... who knew where that would lead? So getting out of the water to get it wasn't really an option.

It took four washes to get the blood out of her hair though. There had been a lot. Melusine hadn't realized how much blood there had been. Having all this time to bathe also gave her more time to think. What was she going to do once she got to La'marri and bought a horse? She didn't have even the slightest clue. "It's going to be rather lonely in La'marri without anyone I know," Melusine sighed to herself. But she didn't really have a choice. Aaron had said he didn't want her to stay with him any longer than necessary because he was worried he might kill her after he transformed.

Aaron's worry made sense, but the condition of her feet made it rather difficult for her to be alone. Even as a very young elf, Melusine had realized that. She wasn't meant to be alone, ever. She wasn't cut out for it. And all she could think about as she finished her bath was who would take care of her after she left Aaron.


Aaron sat there on a rock only in his linen trousers. Letting the sun dive trough his hair and softly lick his skin. His nose was filled with the forest and the wind was carrying the smell of her with it.
He had taken a bath and the river had cleared his head but the moment he had gotten out she had filled his with her smell. He damned his manhood, this wasn't the time.
She deserved better, some hero from the sky-tales that never thought anything about himself or his needs.

<Feed me!> Unaware he had fallen asleep, down there in the pit of nightmares a werewolf was begging him like a dog, the blood was raining from the sky, corpses of his family spewed around it and a malicious voice called out to him. <Come on Aaron, Do you think this is all a coincidence?> He looked around himself in terror as the werewolf jumped him licking his nose. <Just feed me and you can have it all!> the werewolf changed shape now, his grandfather with a bow and arrow ready to shoot someone <Or I can take it away>.

Aaron got up from the ground gripping his grandfather's neck, anger and heat filling him from head to toe. Fur grew out of his skin; his nails darkened and grew bigger like claws, his muscles bulked up even more his height increased tenfold. His nose grew outwards, his mouth a steaming furnace of fangs and death.

<Don't be afraid. Aaron. Full moon is only two day's away.>He suddenly noticed the smile on his grandfather's face as the ground of dreams caved in under his newfound weight. The last thing he saw was her face. Cold river water woke him up fast, its stream already threatening to carry him away.

As he got up from the river, getting dressed was easy. He hoped he hadn't dozed off for too long as he fetched his belt. He looked her into the eyes, his own already dead from believing the dream to be true. "Is there anyway we can get you to safety within two days?"


Melusine saw the deadness in his eyes, the nothingness. Was his transformation already beginning? As she got out of the water and pulled her tunic over her head, suddenly not caring whether Aaron saw her naked, she tried to calculate the distance. He was asking to travel almost five days' distance in only two! Finally, she shook her head regretfully, but resigned. "I don't think so, Aaron. We can try, and try we will, but... I just don't think so."

Still, she refused to think about what might happen if they didn't make it there in two days. And if by some chance they did make it, then she might actually be in worse danger than before. Being killed by a werewolf was practically nothing compared to slowly dying of starvation all alone. At least the werewolf's devouring her heart would be quick.


"If I die the hunters will take you, if I live you will die by my hand." He wanted to cry out loud but savoured it rummaging trough his mind. "If I ran constantly for these two days, how far could I get you?" He grabbed her by the arms, his eyes mad with tears of desperation, helplessness and desire met hers. "Is there no place within this damn forest within my reach that can ensure your safety from me?" He was begging her now.

He eventually closed his eyes in resignation, taking deep breaths as he mentally readied himself. "Climb onto my back, point the direction. I will not stop. You will have to pull my ears as to steer me." As little feet got up on his shoulders, he wrapped one arm around her, keeping her there. It started off slow at first the pace was a dry jog. He let loose a growl as the speed increased tenfold the wind almost slashing at their eyes as they disappeared into the wilderness once more.

This wasn't like in the forest with the werewolf where he had run in fear and desperation. This was a final run with the intention to run until his heart and lungs exploded. No story about heroes or creature of the dark has ever been able to describe what this feeling is. The knowledge that if he kept up this pace he would die yet he was content with that. There was no question anymore. He had become the question. Pushing the shell containing 24 years of life to its breaking point and even further. This tiny string of life was like a candle before the wind snuffs it out.

For two days he kept going, following her directions. The wind and constant thumping from feet that had long since died ensuring that she stayed awake. As the second day passed and night crept in his body fell to the floor.
He pushed her off and fell still there. Fresh blood was flowing from his mouth and nose. His tunic stained with hours of severe bleeding. His heart doing its final jumps, the forest went silent as the moon started creeping upwards.


Melusine, however, couldn't sleep once he stopped. If he died, she would be alone, and if he lived she would die. In her opinion, both were equally bad, and yet she couldn't leave him.

"Aaron?" she asked, her heart leaping into her throat from fear. She jumped up, ripped a piece of cloth from her tunic, and started gently wiping his blood off of him. "Aaron, are you okay?"

Far above her, although Melusine didn't know it, the full moon was slowly rising....


The sudden sound of horses in full gallop and dogs barking suddenly rose up from the darkness of dawn. A pack of loose dogs quickly surrounded her and kept her there. One of them proceeded to lick Aarons face and even bit his ear, tearing it to shreds.
Then the men, mounted at horseback came prancing out of the moonlight, at least a hundred of them all dressed for forest camouflage in brown tunics. They stopped at the scene clearly confused.

A voice rose from the crowd of people. "You mean to say that a man outran us for this long? A commendable feat so lets take a look shall we." The men now surrounded the pair as well.
A grey haired, pale skinned and bony man without eyelids approached her, dressed in dark monk-robes with elaborate golden embroidery, his very presence abolishing life as he thread on the ground.
His steed resembled the rider. A saddle draped in rubies and gold.

There was enough of it to make kings jealous made one wonder how such a bony horse could move, let alone carry a person. It was all revealed by its green hateful gaze that this horse had been dead for some time yet it was still walking, sustained by a foul magic.
"We went trough a great deal to catch up to you. Cant have you spreading rumours about people pillaging and burning elf settlements in the forest now can we?"

He checked Aaron for vital signs. "This man is dead. Shame I don't have the gear to bring him back to the realm of living death with me. Had to chase you down fast so all the spare gear was left in the ruins of your village. Toss him in the chart." Six men dismounted and it didn't take them long before Aaron's body had been stuffed down the back of a chart.

The dogs now frustrated with the lack of a toy now growled at her, ripping at her tunic they dragged her into the mans evil presence. A wicked grin and a rope awaited her, Tied to the back of a horse like a sack of potatoes and stuffed so she couldn't yell out for help as they mounted up and all hope seemed lost as wolf howls filled the sky.

Aaron was floating around in absolute darkness, unable to move any of his muscles he could only lie still and accept the rising heat of body temperature as an unknown energy filled his body making him hotter than the sun itself as his heart started pumping once more. He could hear Melusine's muffled cry and the laughter of men. Had he failed her? Had he almost died for nothing?

A snap could be heard from afar as his belt cracked and clothes where torn. The chart groaned under the weight shift increase as a beast no longer Aaron Wright stood up on all fours, unleashing a howl of fury that sent even the bravest of horses darting for the woods, tossing off their riders.

Their prayers, desperate screams of pain, and cries for mercy filled the air shortly after. The only ones that escaped the field of slaughter that day was Melusine, bound to a horse she really had no choice or option in the matter and the bony man with his undead steed cursing at the wind.

However as quick as she had escaped later that same night, as the horse had finally calmed down and stopped running he had appeared once again. The blood and gore that followed as a giant wolf almost the same size as the horse jumped out of the sky could not be described in words.
As the saddle was tossed off and she was free. The wolf kept annihilating the horse as if enraged at it. Its head had soon been torn off the body and guts where spread all over. Gulping down the heart the wolf then turned to her.

A ragged beast, blood was dripping from every inch of its body. It calmly walked to her on all fours the magnitude of its fangs on free display, its breath a steaming volcano of death inches from her face.
It then licked her mouth and face as it gently ripped off her gag and removed her bindings. Shortly after he fell asleep his fur still a bloody mess as the moon started going down once more.

(Ooc: did my best, just tell me if you want something changed or if you want me to cut it up in pieces so you can interact).


(OOC: no, this is great! I liked the "its breath was a steaming volcano of death inches from her face.")

Melusine went dead white as the men captured her. She was so afraid that she was almost glad the hounds were pushing her into the robed man's presence. She would not have been able to walk. Then she almost gagged as they bound her face and body. And then things began to happen so quickly that she was no longer sure what was happening at all. All she knew was that she was free, but how or why was a blur to her.

Aaron was dead, or so she'd heard the man say, but then why was there a werewolf tearing out the guts and eating the heart of the horse she'd just sat on?

Self-regeneration, she thought.

He wasn't dead.

Almost as importantly, she wasn't dead, either. He'd been able to control himself. Melusine thanked whatever gods there were for that.  She almost wished that he would stay a werewolf forever so that he could protect her from the one man he hadn't gotten, but that would probably be impossible.  She had no idea what would happen to her if that wicked man came back, though.

She shivered. The dogs had nipped a piece out of the front of her tunic and she was cold. She lay down beside the sleeping werewolf and stroked his bloody fur. In the light of the descending moon, he looked almost cuddly, though she would never tell him that. For now, his warmth was enough. "Thank you," she whispered in his good ear, wishing she had a heal spell so she could repair his other one. "I don't know what's going to happen from here, but thank you." She snuggled beside him to keep warm, and then she too fell asleep.


An old wolf watched over them as they both fell asleep, its hair as wild and spiky as a bush A pattern in its fur, almost like a single tattoo was stretched across his entire body resembling chains by the feet and neck.
With him was his lady a red haired elf, her elaborate bust and brown, silk dress flew around in the air as if it was alive. Melusine would wake first, lying wrapped up in a warm blanket with the root of a tree as its pillow.  The first thing she would notice out of the ordinary would be a muscular black haired guy with a frizzy beard.

He would have looked like Aaron except that this mans had a grown beard and his eyes where shining amber bright like that of a wolf. He also had an elaborate tattoo resembling chains on his arms and it seemed to cross over his entire body if you looked closely enough. Aaron was lying face down on a leather blanket, and an unknown elf woman was tending to him. A wodden bowl by her side with something resembling bloody arrowheads lay by her side.

The man approached Melusine, smiling while clapping his hands. "Ah! Finally you woke up. Lie still if it pleases you. It would seem that you and my grandson has been trough a-lot. What a mess."

(ooc: i had many alternate versions of what would await them when they woke but i think this was the best one. Sorry for bringing in his gramps i will make sure he dosnt stay for long).


OOC: Gramps can stay as long as he wants. I think she's intrigued by him.)

Melusine smiled sleepily as she woke more fully. "Hello, sir. Pardon me for not getting up, but I don't feel well at the moment." She really didn't. Her stomach was rolling horribly as though she were on a ship, and although she was nice and warm inside the blanket, her head and hands would feel cold to the touch. "I'm Melusine. I'm a friend of Aaron's, and yes, we have both been through a lot. The men who burned my village tried to kidnap me, and Aaron saved me, more or less. You're his grandfather, you say? It's a pleasure to meet you." The man may have been large and muscly, but he held no threat to her like the others had...although she did have to wonder about the tattoo.

She also did a double take when she saw the red-haired elf woman. That might be her, in a few more hundred years. She wondered if it meant anything and decided to mention it. "I see that like you, Aaron has a thing for redheads," she said, managing a small laugh.

However, she grew worried when she glanced over and saw the bloody arrowheads in the bowl. "What's wrong with Aaron? Did the hunters shoot him? Will he be all right?"


"He will live." He said as he took a seat next to her. "We werewolves are strong and resilient but, we kind of lack in the armour department." He then chuckled lightly "Did you honestly believe the men he killed where unarmed? Luckily it was me who bit him so tracking you has been easy." He sighed, rubbing his beard looking over at the scene.

"23 arrows and at least the same amount of sword slashes I'm going to rest him for the day. Honestly, what a reckless man, almost like you." the elf girl said with a smug grin, as she started painting at Aarons backside with a piece of shining charcoal, starting with his ass. The old man laughed it off, his booming laughter was calm and loud. "It took some time before Miranda would care enough to come help me, she loves seeing people fight their own battles but she hates seeing people die."

"Well, if you see. You kind of put yourselves in a nasty situation. Once full moon rises tonight, my boy Aaron here would attempt to shred you to bits if we didn't do anything. That got me thinking, would you like to be his master?" The elf girl finally looked back up, shaking her head. "My darling Sven, such a decision is not something you can decide upon instantly." The man now looked offended. "Why not? We did it, they can too."


"Um... er... what?" Melusine was floored. "What exactly does that involve?" She was already ill, but now she was pale, too.

She had to know.

Otherwise, she couldn't do it right. She wondered if there was such a thing as too little control, or too much. She had nothing against being Aaron's master; it might actually help her. But would she be controlling his every thought while he was human, or just while he was a werewolf?  He had stolen her heart already and they had only spent a few days together, but the last thing Melusine wanted to do was to force Aaron to love her.

"It could greatly benefit me. After all, one of the men did escape. I won't feel truly safe until Aaron catches that... that..."

What exactly had that man been anyway? A wizard? He'd said there was equipment to bring dead people into the realm of the living dead with him in the ruins of her village.

" Ugh!" The mental image of the man with the undead steed made her shiver again. "But I need to know how to control him. How does one control a werewolf?"


"I told you she wouldn't outright refuse the idea." Sven said grinning stupidly as he ran over and pulled out a set of four silver chains from the backpack next to Aaron. "Truth be told we where going to leash him anyway but at least now his master will be someone he knows a little bit more." Miranda sat down besides Melusine sweaty from treating Aaron's wounds.

"I never where good at explaining, it is a spiritual bonding of sorts. You will both be able to tell each others conditions and feel each others feelings over great distances, this will allow Aaron to be more in control of the wolf form by himself."

She sighed and looked over at Sven. "The side effect is that you will be able to project your will. He can if he should wish it, fight your commands but he won't be able to directly disobey them. If you have ever issued a command it will stay in effect permanently until you command differently."

As she sat there explaining Sven attached the chains to Aaron's arms and legs dragging them out and round trees at a steady pace, they where surprisingly long considering that they had been in such a small sack.
"Then there is also the risk, should one of you die the other usually follows shortly after." She made a dismissing notion at that risk. Only her eyes revealed the truth. Should Aaron ever die without the bond first being severed she would suffer a trauma deeper than what most would manage to live trough before killing themselves.

"If you are willing i can start now. I will leash him for you and then hand the control over during the end part of the ritual. You just have to be present around me for it to work."