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Little blessings in times of war

Started by SilmeriaElemred, April 25, 2015, 12:18:53 AM

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''They hunt every mage these days... I did use magic, to conceal my elven form and when injuries were really bad. Using magic is forbidden I know. But my job as physician, requires me to help people. They murdered my husband not to long ago. Someone tipped them off. It is me and my my unborn children now. If they catch me it is fine, but I do not want my children being a part of this. The war is no place for them.  But being pregnant makes it hard for me to travel. So the mordecai from earlier caught up with me. Ready to bring me to the archduke for my healing abilities or the mage camp.''

She took the alcohol and closed it before it would be emptied. The procedure had hurt due Zorvans inexperience but she was happy enough with his effort.


Zorvan nodded. "Aye, they're monsters. I saw a group of them kill a small child, must've been no older than five summers." He shuddered at the memory, wondering if it'd ever stop haunting him. "This war isn't something children should be casualties of."


''I doubt I can make it to Serendipity now though. I lost my horse. Unless my pursuaders tied theirs to a tree they are long gone.'' Julia said with a sigh.''I give labor in less then two months. Twins rarely make it to full term. I can nit travek fast either. There is...'' she paused. As kind as Zorvan was he was still a mordecai. But what choice did she have?

''If I would pay you... would you stay with me and protect me until I can do so again myself?''


"You'd trust me to protect you?" He said, snatching the bottle back. He wasn't sure why a mage would want a Mordecai as a bodyguard, she'd never be able to use her magic. Then again, could be a good idea. No magic, no one would go after her... Eh, if she paid well.

"What will you pay?"


''I doubt my peesence alone is going to cut it. I have friends at my old place in Serendipity who have all of my valueables.  I sent it to them when the war broke out. If you want gold take it. Artifacts or heirlooms be my guest. As long as I have enough to still live good enough to raise my children properly. I from my end promise, that would I go into labor before we reach Serendipity I will not ditch you. You just need to stick with me until we reach our destination.  Deal?''


Zorvan was convinced. How was it that she was so willing to trust him, knowing what he was? It seemed fishy.

"How much are they worth?"


''You will be able live like a very rich man the rest of your days wether you pick the gold or a few artifacts for selling. The latter is just easier to carry. If you refuse fine but right now you have the only shot I have got. A mother's love is a sacrifice they say right?''


Zorvan considered the offer for a moment then nodded his head. Money was money and being able to bribe people always comes in handle when it comes to killing.



Julia with some effort got on her feet. Placed her hands on her swollen belly and took a deep breath.'' Lets see if the horses are still there. You can make a headstart profit by selling the ones we do not need.'' She suggested. ''I will need to learn you some things about what you need to do if I would get into labor''


Oh, hell no.

Zorvan backpedaled slightly, raising his hands up. "Oh, no. I am having nothing to do with that, whatsoever." He was an assassin, not a doctor. He ended life, not helped bring it into existence, he wasn't gonna help this woman, no matter what the pay.


''Afraid of bringing me hot towels and hold my hand?'' Julia said with a chuckle. ''Well if you are then at some point we need to stay at a village then.'' she said simply. She had brought a lot of babies into the world herself. Not really thinking it could be a scary thing for someone else.

''Come. Before we turn into trees.'' she started to walk towards where she had known the horses to be last.


Afraid of towels? Not likely, Zorvan thought as he followed the mage wordlessly. He didn't fear much, not even where'd go when he died. There was no debate the hells existed, he'd heard enough stories of demons and devils to not believe in them. He wasn't so sure about the heavens as he followed no god.

He wondered what the mage believed, then, staring at the back of her head as he walked. She was hunted for a tool she employed, her husband killed. It was a dangerous tool, no doubt about that. But like a sword or a dagger, even magic was good in the right hands.

Zorvan wasn't sure what to think of her, she was, after all, hiring the same race of those who hunt her.


The horses were calmly waiting for their owners although a bit away from the one that belonged to Julia. She returned the alcohol and stichting materials in the saddlebag and got it off her dead horse whom she gently petted for the last time. She would not bury the creature though. She was to far in her pregnacy to actually dig a grave for a horse and in this way the wolves could still find use for it.

Instead of dragging the bag with her she gently aproached the horses that belonged to her now dead pursuaders. Comforted them and picked a black mare. Guiding her to where she had put the bag and tied it on. ''What do you wish to do with the other horses?'' she asked


Zorvan shrugged. "Leave them, I suppose," He looked at the mage, wondering not for the first time why he agreed to help her. Gold, that was why.

He loved coin as much as the next man, but this wasn't his usual practice. He wasn't sure this was anyones usual practice. He mounted his horse, a hazel colored creature and turned to the mage. "Lead the way,"


Julia nodded and gently sent the horse towards Serendipity. She did not let the animal run though. It would not be good for her. Earlier was merely because she was attempting to get away from the other Mordecai. For Zorvan it could be a long trip but if he could stick with her until the end it would be worth his while.