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Topics - FROSTCestrell

Niahi Woods / Teatime
October 02, 2023, 12:33:47 PM
As goddess of thunder and fire, devoted to keeping the balance of all things there were in the greater scheme of things, Akira spent a great amount of time on the road, wandering the country and trying to do her duty whenever needed, even if she usually liked to let the mortals deal with the consequences of their choices themselfes. After all, there hardly was a true balance to things, when it was dependant on a single being keeping the scales in the middle by force. No. Instead, she made it so mortals kept the balance themselfes.

Regardless of that, her journey usually attracted quite the negative attention, especially from folks which tended to work outside, or were in the farming buisiness, seeing how Akira tended to drag bad weather with her, as if it was her shadow, always one step behind her and often ranging between a soft and warm rain, to small storms. It simply was something that she wasnt able to change, even if she understood the reason for this effect perfectly fine. And while Akira normally wasnt particularely bothered by her clothes being soaking wet and her walking around in them, she still had a body which was able to feel and had its needs, such as the occasional comfort of a warm, dry place to sleep or stay in for a while.

It was this very reason that made her approach the strange building which was located in the middle of a dense forrest, equally covered and protected by nature's gifts. And who knew? Maybe there was more to this library then the eye could tell just by the looks of it.

Standing in front of the massive frontal door now, her face half covered under a hood and her arms and the tatoos on them exposed, two glowing eyes fixated at the opening, she rose her arm and knocked three times, with just the right amount of force that she imagined would be necessary, to be heard inside.
Serendipity / Lady Akira, god of thunder and fire
September 30, 2023, 03:37:17 PM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Akira
Age unknown
SpeciesMinor god, human appearance
Height1.73 meters
Occupation Peacekeeper and scholar
Residence Serendipity

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Akira is a fair and generally gentle being that tries to not let her past experiences dedicate her future actions. Overall she tries to keep the balance in all things, which leads to interesting interactions from time to time, where others which do not know of that vow, are confronted with Akira's personality and the likes. Despite her godhood, she is not to high to help people in the simplest of ways. Neither is she too high to take lives where she deems it necessary.

Dspite her friendliness, she can get across as brutal from time to time, especially in times where she does her duty. Akira's interest in the world of mortals and the butterfly effect which can sometimes be seen life in action make her an attendive observer or listener, that is bringing up a great deal of patience in most situations. Furthermore she sees anothe beings efforts and effects and usually comments on them accordingly.

One of her more negative traits is that she tends to speak in a, for most humans, weird way. Futhermore she is willing to help most people, but, unless absolutely necessary, wont accept help in most cases. Another negative thing which may not be directly associated to her personality is, that clouds and generally bad weather seems to follow her, ranging from rain to small thunderstorms.

Strengths: Compassion, Loyalty, Honesty, Politeness, intelligence
Weaknesses: strong sense of duty, being dramatic from times to times, untrusting

Avatar of fire and Tunder:
Akira is a physical embodyment of fire and lightning, hence her being named as the god of fire and thunder. She is able to use fire and lightning to archieve various effects masterfully, of which most are useful for combat or travel. Furthermore her abilities grant her a very high resilience against most forms of damage, making her a fearsome close quarter combatant.

Invunerability to fire and lightning:
Being an avatar of those two elements, Akira is immune against any attacks made with fire or lightning, even if it is enhanced by demonic or holy magic.

Combat prowess:
Akira was a melee fighter even before she ascended to godhood. When her abilites grew stronger, so did her combat prowess and while she doesnt use any sort of weapon in her fighting style, her tankyness and magical abilities which she can use both in melee as well as over ranges make her a dangerous fighter. Beyond that, she is quite fast and stronger then she looks like.

While her physical form isnt invunerable, she in the greater sense is. When her body is destroyed, it will reform after a while at a random place. Reviving her can also be forced by creating an incredibly hot fire or through very intense lightning storms. Aside from that, she does not seem to age.

None so far. Her former ones have deceased since quite a time sadly.

Originally Akira was a wandering sholar with a vow which forbid her from killing anyone, wandering the country of Rulastinia in the attempt to increase her knowledge.

The decision to wander the lands and to have her vow was due to her childhood, in which she already was adept in fire magic from the time she was a toddler and used  it once in a fatal accident which nearly claimed the life of one of her playmates, scarring him in the process. While her village did not  hold a grudge against her and the person she hurt even forgave her, she was plagued by a deep guilt about what happened and as such she ventured out in order to get away from the place where she hurt another being so much, and eager to maybe find a cure for what she had done to him.

During her travels, Akira gained a multitude of knowledge, ranging from conventional healing and herbal knowledge up to tactical and economical knowledge in a limited sense. However, the cure she sought was nowhere to be found and in the end she returned back to her village, empty handed, yet useful.

There she stayed for a few years, until her usefulness eclipsed in the way that she saved her friend from being killed by a stranger on the street, potentially robbing him. Taking a knive to the chest and with the light fading her eyes as was, a voice called out to her. She had two coices: Either to break her vow and replace it with a new one, or to die and have her friend potentially die with her.

The choice she had been given had been a simple one: Kill the person that killed her, and vow to preserve the balance of all things, or die. Back then the choice had been easy. After all, she was going to die. So what was bad about saving a friend? What was bad to keep things in balance? After all, in this situation, it was a life for a life. She couldnt have imagined what followed however.

As the light finally faded from her eyes, her body was taken to a small shrine, where her family mourned her for days, before her body was sont on its way towards a better place. Putting her on the pyre and igniting the wood, her body turned to ash and smoke as the fire slowly consumed it, burning blue from the sheer heat it generated. At the time the fire burnt the hottest, a humanoid figure could be seen standing in the midst of the flames, rising like a phoenix from the ashes of what was her old life. 

Indeed two mortal lifes were taken, but a god was born out of this sacrifice. While Akira didnt understand what or who saved her, she suddenly was blessed with more then just another chance to live. She had been given additional powers as well, together with glowing tatoos which resembled dragons on her arms of her eyes glowing brightly even in the darkest night.

Whether this was a reward for her keeping her vow for so long, or the humility she had had so far, or maybe even was a gift in order to help her  keep the vow she had taken, she didnt know, but regardless of that, one thing remained crystal clear. Something or someone had chosen her. Had put a bit of trust, however minisule it actually was, in her to be a good person. To keep the balance of all things.

Setting out from the place that would have been her tomb under normal circumstances, Akira traveled the country for a sizeable amount of time, taking out threats behind the scenes as they developed, before she took rest in the mountains, living in solitude. It came to her that her was to solve things often wasnt the particularely right one and that actions had consequences beyond her prediction and imagination. Finally she was ready to return once more to the world of mortals.

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