Spirits of the Earth

Joining and Plotting => Le'raanian Characters => Character Registration and Directory => Serendipity => Topic started by: Klezmer Gryphon on September 15, 2013, 12:39:33 PM

Title: Shamus McNamara; Lumber Mill worker
Post by: Klezmer Gryphon on September 15, 2013, 12:39:33 PM
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Shamus McNamara
Age 57
Gender Male
Species Human
Ethnicity Connlaothian
Height 5'9"
Occupation Lumber mill worker
Residence Northoak

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Barrel-chested with broad shoulders, Shamus easily intimidates most travelers. With his booming, loud voice, and short, bushy red beard, he easily scares everyone around him! His hair is of a darker red than his beard, with a few strands of grey appearing every now and then. His green eyes complete the look of a warrior.

His clothing, on the other hand, suggest a more modest, yet honorable trade. His shirt is of white wool, and over this he wears a course leather vest with a beaver pelt crowning his shoulders. For his pants.... What pants? He wears a plaid kilt, for God's sake! And, on his feet are a pair of thick hide boots he made from a beaver that tried to steal his tree....

As a complement to his loud voice, Shamus also has a knack for bragging and boasting. He can usually be seen telling larger than life stories to his friends, especially ones involving gryphons and dragons (to which Lucian does not take too fondly!). However, most of these stories are in good humor, and aren't meant to be offensive.

That being mentioned, Shamus is a genuinely caring person, and is one who will defend his and his friends' honor and lives, even if it means giving his own. While generally slow to anger, Shamus does have a bit of a temper, often getting a bit upset with mages and magic-users, saying that it makes them soft. However, he doesn't hate mages. It's only when they try to do trades with magic that require skill and many  hours of practice do they get on his bad side.

None.... Unless you count being able to split an adult oak tree with one swing an ability!


History To be added later!

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