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~`Peach Child`~

Started by Anonymous, August 07, 2006, 02:02:15 AM

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"Yay!" He'd play the flute for her! Or with her...whichever worked! Her flute was one of the few things she did bring with her, and she played it all the time.
She knew all sorts of songs, and was constantly making up new ones as she went. It also gave her the perfect opportunity to day dream as well, something she wasn't often permitted to do back home.

"Snork!" That was the sound of a badly held laugh. He was giggling! It was so cuuute...!
Finally, she flopped onto her side, giggling madly, though she was trying to muffle it with one hand, the other arm wrapped around her stomach as she lay next to Duweit.
"I-I-I think you failed at that one..." She squealed, her voice having risen in pitch since laughing.
His face...! That had been so funny...!

Finally she rolled onto her back and took deep breaths, trying to calm herself after laughing so hard.
"Hee...I guess whatever you gave me is helping...even after all that laughing, nothing hurts! Thank you!"


Snork? He giggled even more, finding the sound adorable in it’s own strange way. Duweit felt her let go of his arm and the bed shift. Add that to Clovers muffled giggling and it didn’t take long for him to realize she had doubled over in laughter. Finally he settled down as well and gave a kind smile, “you’re welcome.�

Then a tiny yawn came from Duweit’s backpack, “what’s with all the laughing?� The voice was small, a bit squeaky, and sounded like a little boy. Out scampered a cute little mouse with big, friendly black eyes and soft white fur. It crawled up the bed and up Duweit’s back until it was on his shoulder. “Who’s she,� it asked, looking up at Duweit, “new client? She’s pretty.� The mouse spoke quickly, and energetically.

He nodded, not at all phased by the talking rodent, “she is, on both counts.� He smiled playfully again, “her name is Clover. Clover this is Chu, he likes to act as my eyes sometimes.�

Duweit held out his hand to Clover and Chu scurried down his arm to sit up on his palm. There the mouse extended a paw to her, tail curling upwards in a question mark shape.  â€œNice ta meetcha!â€?


Clover sat up almost as soon as she heard the foreign voice. It didn't continue, and for a moment, she wondered if she was hearing things.
And that's when she saw the mouse.
That talked.

A talking mouse!!

It took her a moment to register what had been said, and then she blushed at the second half. She wasn't used to being told she was pretty.
And, obviously not by male company.
Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she finally regained composure and bowed her head alittle.
"H-hello, Chu."

When she lifted her head, she realized Chu was actually extending a paw to her. Was...he serious??
Clover, with surprising grace and poise, extended her slender pinky finger to him, and gently placed it against his paw to let him 'shake'.
She smiled at his cute accent.
"Nice to meet you as well."
Finally, as giggles started to well up inside her, her grin growing more mirthful, she had to say what was on her mind.
So what if he could talk.
"You are very, very cute Chu."

And, well, Duweit was cute too (along with his name) but she definately wasn't going to say THAT out loud.


Chu shook her pinky vigorously, grinning in his own mousy way. He seemed to have a lot of  energy for something so small. The little mouse sat back down on Duweit’s palm, blinking at being called cute. Then a blush showed through his white fur and he avoided her eyes, tail curling around him as though to hide under it. “Aww, you’re makin me blush!â€? Chu said bashfully.

Duweit chuckled softly, “Chu, what time is it?�

Chu blinked his black eyes at the window, “sunset.�

He nodded at the mouse and looked over to Clover, “I am sorry to ruin the mood, but how long ago did you leave your home Clover?� He needed to know how much distance she had gained on her pursuers. How much time he could allow her to rest her injury and how fast they would have to travel when they got going.


Clover leaned forward a bit as she noticed a pink flush under Chu's fur.

Mice could blush too?? What sort of mouse was Chu anyway? She'd never met a mouse that could talk and blush!!
She would have appologized, but found herself giggling instead. He really was cute, if not strange...

Clover also looked toward the window as the question was asked, and was surprised to see it was sunset already.
Wow, where had the day gone...?
Her attention snapped back to Duweit quickly as she was spoken to.

"Well...since before the sun came up this morning, actually..." She said softly, alittle surprised herself just how far she had come in such a short time. She also hadn't noticed her own fatigue until just now, because before her own fear and adrenaline had kept her wide awake.
She was actually looking forward to a good night's sleep...


Wow, that didn’t leave a  lot of time. Duweit frowned a little, sighing. They would have to leave tomorrow morning, no telling how close anybody after her was. They could already be in the city for all he knew. The real question was which way was safer. If they went east they’d past by the Necromantia Isles and likely dock in Adela or Serendipity. He didn’t like that idea. The Necromantia Isles were a very unwelcoming place and the two kingdoms situated so close to each other. Word would get around fast. It would better to head west, on the continent and the Yoreiq Isles were many independent peoples in the western regions. Their presence would not be noticed as easily.

Chu blinked and turned to face the man who was holding him, frowning a little. “Don’t tell me you’re gonna ruin the fun now! I just woke up,� he pouted.

Duweit chuckled softly, “then you should have woken up earlier.� He got off the bed as Chu went to his shoulder again. Duweit gave Clover the rest of the medicine and some water. “ You should sleep now, you need your rest. We begin travel in the morning.�

“Meanie,� Chu scampered down to the backpack to go to sleep again. Duweit just grinned and took off his vest and his shirt before sitting down by the backpack. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, “good night.�

“Don’t worry about the bedbugs, I’ll take care of those fiends!�

“Let her sleep Chu.�



By Duweit's sigh, Clover suspected she had said the wrong thing. To her, getting so far in just one day was quite amazing. But obviously it had not been enough. A frown pulled on her features, but she took the medicine and water as it was given to her.
She drank down the medicine as Duweit spoke, looking up at him through those pale yellow eyes.
In the morning?? She wasn't sure her poor rump could take another day of riding so soon...
Now she knew the downfalls of living as a priestess all your life...

After setting the water and medicine containers down on the bedside table, she turned, planning to ask Duweit where he was going to sleep.
Unfortunately, he was suddenly topless.
Enter mega blush here.

Clover practically flew back around, sitting stock-straight on the bed. She...she did not just see that. Was she even allowed to see that??
What was just normal nekkid man chest to many was something totally unseen and assumed taboo for poor little Clover.
She managed a weak grin at Chu's words, but was so embarrassed, she couldn't even argue with Duweit about his choice of a sleeping place.

So instead she silently shuffled under the covers and curled up, taking off nothing but her boots.
She really didn't have anything to sleep in anyway. Well...normally she would have slept naked, like at the temple. But...her better judgement was telling her that wasn't a good idea.
Wait...why not? It wasn't like he could see her...And she was under the covers too...
Why shouldn't she be allowed to be as comfortable as back home??

Having made up her mind, Clover sat up as quietly as she could, and began to strip off her clothing. Nervously she bundled it up and set it on top of her pack, then laid back down between the covers.
They were too scritchy. The fabric was too coarse, not at all like the soft sheets she had back at the temple.
Sitting up yet again, and still trying to be as quiet as possible, she grabbed the white bundle and untied it. It was actually her robes, which she had wisely changed out of as soon as she had found the caravan and had bought new clothes.
They were soft, and smelled of home.

Smiling, Clover laid her underdress down on the bed, and then covered herself with the robe. Soft and warm and reminded of the temple, Clover quickly succumbed to her fatigue.
She never suspected something bad could still happen even if Duweit couldn't see her naked body.


Duweit woke silently, and listened. Only the soft breathing of his friends. He nudged his backpack, getting only a groan from Chu and a little shifting. Again he nudged, this time he heard the mouse yawn, and much more noise from inside. The small white mouse popped out of the backpack, rubbing his eyes with his little pink paws.


He pointed to the window.

Chu’s eyes followed, half open. “I’d say…midmorning. We leavin?�

Duweit nodded and Chu scurried up his shoulder, little claws not bothering him at all. He stood up and was about to lightly shake Clover awake. Chu blinked and realized what Duweit didn’t, “wait a sec!� The mouse said in a hissed whisper as he tugged on the mans hair, a faint blush under his fur. “She’s naked!�

His hand froze an inch before he actually touched her, and in the next second he was three feet away from the bed. Holding his hand, as if to be sure it wouldn’t do something inappropriate. Oh, Duweit was male, but he wouldn’t touch a woman without being that comfortable with her first. Let alone in her sleep. If his skin weren’t so dark there would be a blush on his cheeks. Okay…now what? He still spoke in a whisper. “Well…why don’t you wake her up?�


“Yes you! You know where not to touch! I can’t see!�



“Fine, fine,� Chu scampered quickly until he was by Clovers face. The mouse then tugged on the girl’s cheek and whispered in her ear, “Hey! Hey Clover! Wake up!�


(*Looks around* Hey, why aren't you on MSN woman??)

Clover was in the midst of a dreamless, deep sleep. She had always slept hard, but the added fatigue of the earlier day had only compacted her want for sleep. She did not even remotely stirr even as the two males talked above her.
She felt something tug on her cheek, whispered words not getting through to her conscious brain.

Groaning, Clover swatted poor little Chu away, and then rolled over the opposite way, closer to the center of the bed. It was going to be harder to wake her than either of them anticipated.
Being dead exhausted on top of naturally being a hard sleeper...

Yeah, Clover's body wasn't too willing to pull itself out of sleep just now.

(Bwahahaha! Duweit, you're not getting off the hook so easily! lol..)


Chu squeaked as he was swatted away, right to the edge of the bed. He swayed, waving his front paws in circles and straitening out his tail in an effort to balance. Finally he fell back and let out a sigh. Duweit tilted his head, “what happened?�

Chu glared at him, forgetting Duweit couldn’t see it. “She’s still asleep.�

“Well try again…try yelling.�

The mouse sighed in frustration and went back to Clovers side. He got right up to her ear and shouted as loud as he could. “WAKE UP!�


Well, unfortunately for the both of them, a mouse's scream isn't very loud. And with Clover sleeping as deeply as she was...
Nope, no wakey wakey here.

Again Clover swatted at the annoying thing at her ear again, and that was as much as she stirred.
She simply curled right back up again.

Yeah, Duweit, you're gonna have to suffer through it...


Duweit crossed his arms over his still bare chest as he waited. Again Chu squeaked and fought to stay on the bed. Duweit tilted his head again and stepped over to the bedside, frowning a little. This time he spoke normally, they were trying to wake her up after all. “Nothing I suppose?�

The mouse lay on his back, trying to catch his breath. “Nada. Your turn.�

Duweit nodded and reached over again, before stopping once more. “Um…Chu, direct me please.�

“What? Oh. Up,left…up again, now right…keep going…stop. You can put your hand down now.�

He cautiously let his hand drop onto Clover’s shoulder, feeling her soft skin under his slightly rough hand. Duweit bent over a little to make himself better heard, shaking her lightly and speaking a bit over his normal tone. “Clover? Clover, it’s time to go.�


All the ruckus around her was beginning to pull her from sleep, but it was happening far too slowly for the males to wait for her to wake naturally.
Which they weren't going to do anyway, so it worked.

Clover groaned as someone talked in her ear, slowly registering something warm was on her shoulder. She tried to roll over, onto her back.
Tried, but failed.
The thing on her shoulder was in the way of her feeble attempts at turning onto her back.
"W-wha...?" She mumbled, trying to force her bleary eyes open as she again tried to turn onto her back, using more force than before.


Probably not a good idea. Hand on shoulder ends up on chest if she rolls over. Of course, though she had finally realized it was a hand that was on her shoulder, it had not yet dawned that it was poor Duweit's hand.
So turning she was, heedless of the horrible embarrassment pending.


Too bad Chu was too busy trying to catch his breath, he might have prevented what was about to happen. Duweit blinked as he was suddenly touching something much softer than her shoulder. He thought quickly, she turned, but this didn’t feel like her back so this must be…Um…Not good.

He jumped back five feet from the bed this time and immediately bowed. “I’m sorry, I was just trying to wake you!�

The mouse sat up and looked from Duweit to Clover, blushing a little when he looked at the girl. Then he got a sneaky grin on his face, “ooooooo, Duweit’s a baaad boy.�

He stood up again and looked in the direction of the mouse’s voice. Duweit shook a fist at him, causing him to flex his muscles. He had nothing but his arm guards on above his belt, so he was showing off without knowing. “I didn’t do it on purpose!�


THAT woke her up.

Clover squealed and sat up, hugging her chest, a brilliant blush under her dark skin. Wh-wh-wh...???
What just happened!? He couldn't have...he didn't...
Oh gods!!!
A man had just...just...

The poor girl curled up, barely hearing Duweit's appology. He touched...he touched...
Nooo, that was so wrong!
Bad, bad, bad....
He didn't do it on purpose, but...still!!!
Lifting her head alittle, she managed to turn her eyes to look at him, and only caught one heck of an eyefull of nekkid muscley Duweit.

She quickly pressed her eyes back into her knees.

It wasn't his fault, he didn't do it on purpose, he was blind...
These were the only things that kept her from screaming at poor Duweit right there. Instead, she forced out totally different words.
"'s...alright....Um...I'm awake now." Her voice was small and high due to her accute embarrassment.
She was absolutely mortified.


Chu looked up at Clover for a second. His whole face went red before covering his eyes with his tail, still grinning at Duweit’s misfortune. Some friend he was. Duweit forgot his anger and looked to Clover as her slightly high voice came to his ears. He sighed and stuck his hands in his pockets, looking to the ground. Damnit, sometimes being blind really sucks…she’s totally embarrassed, probably too nice to yell at me for it cuz I can’t see…I said sorry but I still feel bad, since she’s hiding her real feelings about it…

Duweit looked to where he had heard her voice and walked to the bed. Chu moved his tail when he started forward, wondering where this was going. He removed his hands from his pockets and bent over a little. The mouse blinked as Duweit pointed to his cheek, “if it makes you feel better you can slap me for it.�


Clover had finally had the intellegence to wrap herself in the top cloak that she had been using as a blanket, thus covering herself. Hopefully now they wouldn't have any more embarrassing touches...
Ahh, just thinking about it made her want to cry!!

Actually, she was getting alittle teary-eyed when Duweit then decided to come close once more.
Clover squeazed her mouth shut and quickly leaned to the side, away from his naked man-chested self.
But what he said surprised her, and she actually had to blink a few times at him with those wide yellow eyes.
Smack him...??

"Oh, no, I wouldn't do that!" She was quick to refuse, still clutching the cloak up around her chest, the blush amazingly obvious even under her clay red skin.
"I just...I mean...Um...let's just...go now..." Her words turned into a sort of mumble near the end.
She just wanted to get dressed and forget this ever happened...
Ever, ever, ever happened...


Duweit sighed again, though sadly this time. He straightened and nodded at her words, “…right.� Duweit quietly put on his shirt and vest. Then he put on his backpack, the quiver of arrows, his two swords and then finally his cloak. He kept his bow unstrung, he wouldn’t change that until they actually got going. Having the bow strung too long would stretch out the string, and the bow would lose strength. His mouse friend returned to his shoulder. Chu was silent for once, feeling the uneasiness in the room he almost wanted to shout. In fact he would have…if only he could find something silly enough to work…

Duweit waited for Clover to get ready as he thought of how to get across the desert. He had just walked. Clover had some strange steed with her, and was probably still a bit sore from riding it all day yesterday. Now they were together…he couldn’t just walk beside the beast as she rode. That would be an easy target, and it would be slow going. It would be best if he rode as well, behind her in case of pursuers, so he would be hit instead. But the animal didn’t know him, would it let him on? …more importantly, would Clover be all right with this? Contact was an issue this moment.


Clover rolled out of bed once Duweit moved away, and quickly grabbed up her clothing. They were dusty and scratchy, as well as a bit stiff from yesterday, but she didn't really have a choice. They were the only clothes she had aside from her robes, which would reveal her for what she was.
Once dressed, she also repacked her cloaks.

Standing, Clover suddenly wobbled, the pain hitting her in the chest like a fist. She grabbed for the bedside table, trying to breath through the raw pain.
She had hoped to be free of it for longer than just a night....

Hoping Duweit, and more importantly Chu, hadn't noticed, Clover straightened. She could bare this pain...
She grabbed one of her packs, and gingerly heaved it off the floor.
"Um, alright, I'm ready Duweit..."


Chu blinked and poked Duweit in the neck, “Uh. I think somethin’s wrong with Clover.� Yeah, it was harder getting past the notice of someone who could see.

“Hm,� Duweit immediately stood at attention and came over to her. He had heard her slightly off breathing but had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts he didn’t think about it. “It hurts again doesn’t it? …It’d be best if we got you to see a good doctor…� Then he tilted his head a little, remembering the other sounds. “You’re carrying something aren’t you.� He smirked slyly and held out a hand, “don’t you remember what I said yesterday? Here, I’ll carry it for you.�