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Aella, Necromancer(WIP)

Started by CounterfeitFish, October 12, 2021, 05:38:19 PM

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__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Aella(Pronounced "EYE-aylla")
Age: 32, give or take some.
Species:Human, though he plans to become a lich.
Ethnicity: Serenian
Height: A decent 5' 7".
Occupation: Necromancer, Lich-To-Be
Residence: Zantaric, cuz I can't think of anything better.

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description: Aella looks...surprisingly healthy, given his occupation as a necromancer. Most people think of them as thin, gaunt and pale, but Aella looks pretty good. His hair is a light blue in color, mainly because of his fae ancestry. As for his eyes, they are a similar hue. He often wears a set of long, flowing, obnoxiously fashionable gray robes that are common among fantasy wizards. No, I'm not jealous!

Personality: Aella is a pretty chill fellow who doesn't really give a shit about (most)stuff. Good or evil doesn't matter to him, as long as you aren't a dick. He doesn't like loud or annoying people, finding them to be irritating. You wouldn't catch him dead saying it, but Aella deeply respects and treasures his companions, even though they annoy him from time to time.

Magic/Abilities: Necromancy, and variations thereof.

Life Siphon- This ability allows Aella to drain the life of his opponents, or willing friends. It has a range of three feet, though it gets weaker the further away he is from the target. When using this ability, his hand takes on a skeleton-like appearance.

Summon Undead- This spell is mainly necromantic in nature, though there is a bit of good ol' summoning magic in there. By infusing the corpses around him and within the ground, Aella can bring them back from the dead. Most of the minions are mindless husks under his control, though there are a few that keep their personalities.

Command Undead- Depending on the strength of the creature, Aella may be able to impose his will upon undead that aren't already under his control. Whether or not it succeeds is up to the other people in the thread.

Sir Reginald Bloodbane the Third- The skeleton of a knight. He was the first creature that Aella raised, and basically acts like a butler. He's pretty good with a sword, though.

Boney Anne- A headstrong, boisterous lass who doesn't take shit from anybody. She often annoys Aella, but she's a damn good shot with a crossbow, and she refuses to go away.

Dead Tom- Don't ask about Dead Tom. He usually eats the people who ask questions.

Falenas- Aella's elven husband, the love of his life. The necromancer met Falenas when the human was in his early twenties and knew that no matter how cheesy it may sound, this was "The One." Huh? Elaborate? Nah, not until I can actually think of something cool.

History: Nah, not right now.

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