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Building a mask

Started by Anonymous, July 12, 2005, 01:48:24 AM

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Lupyre leaned over the edge of the table, lifted the dainty cup and took a sip of the gruesome tea. Trying to keep a straight face, but squinting his eyes shut a bit too intensely. Not that unusual of a gesture, anyone drinking the tea would probably make a similar, or worse expression. The owner of this little lodge/restaurant somehow found a way to pile sugar, honey, molasses, sunshine, rainbows and manna from heaven into the tiny cup. It seemed almost obscene that the liquid didn't leave rings of sugar crystals on the sides.

At least having the tea hovering under his nose distracted it from the bear grease in his hair. After an hour of having the noxious stuff in his hair, spiking it didn't seem like a good idea. It started smelling fleshy after a while, like the fat it came from. Thankfully it had yet to become overpowering. Being arranged around his head put it in a lovely spot to be constantly smelled however...

It was for a good end, he needed to keep telling himself that. His 'death' was nothing if he screwed it up by prancing around as himself. He had to tolerate his hair's smell, its abysmal shortness, the constant itchy sensation from the wool vest and trousers, the shabby boots, the disgusting tea, this entire damned village with its rainbows and sunshine and manna from heaven.

He was probably blowing it out of porportion. A little anger had been expected since the big bang that wrecked just about everything. Staying angry about it eternally wasn't going to get him anywhere, there was no way to get back at a big fireball. Someone had to have put it there, but that person at this moment was the furthest being from his circle of concern. Lupyre had bigger fish to fry than some maniac who was probably still in Hell, still gleefully blowing up random locations.

Those fish had to wait though. One had to accept that he was 'dead' and go on with its merry existance. The other, the other was probably oblivious. All the better. It gave him time to wait, time to get into character as Lupyre.

Lupyre who obviously had his face, his pale skin and his light blue eyes. As Lupyre he cut his hair short, disgustingly short, dyed it a dark red that seemed to fade as it got closer to the ends and spiked it up. Something he never would have considered as himself. Lupyre wore a simple greyish-brown vest, black slacks and boots that were held together by the scowls he shot at them periodically; nothing apparently fancy. He tied the Anullus around his ankle and hidden by the cuff of his pants, that could be explained as Lupyre's 'precious treasure', and kept the crystal the drake gave him to keep in contact in a pocket, to most it would look like a peice of gaudy cut glass. Lupyre's personality didn't have to be that different from his own, he could recognize those that knew them and keep away from them if need be. Lupyre couldn't have all of his tastes though, he didn't want to set off any alarm bells. He wasn't terribly unique, but a series of little things was just the sort of trail he didn't want waving around a flag proclaiming his current stage of existance.

A girl, daughter or wife or sister or some relation to one of the men running this place, bounced up and asked about the tea. He lied and thought her guilty for its horrid sweetness. That was all she wanted, so she scurried back up the short flight of stairs leading to the door. Lupyre took another sip of the tea and glanced around.

The sun was shining, no clouds in the sky, such cliché weather. Children chattered and laughed in the distance, it was hard to stop focusing on them but he managed and let his eyes trail across the street. Somewhere, maybe on this street or the next up or in another town, was someone he could 'bump into'. Someone that would give Lupyre a solid connection to this world, make him real.