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Coda La'Caiides

Started by Hyacinthus, July 26, 2022, 03:26:45 PM

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__________________QUICK STATS
Name Coda-Veras Sempris La'Caiides, or simply Coda
Age 19
Gender Male
Species Human
Sexuality Bi-curious
Ethnicity Serenian
Height 5'6"
Occupation Student, Minstrel, Poet, and all-around promiscuous magician
Residence Darken Vei

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Despite hailing from Serendipity, Coda sports a healthier tan than most folk of the nation. Sometimes short and tame, other times frizzy, large and in charge, his natural auburn hair is now often enough looking good on it's own that he can pull it into a bun or ponytail if he really needs to— but he normally doesn't. He's grown it as far down as his waist, and wears a sporty undercut while styling it over his left side, curly bangs covering part of his face in the process. Mirthful gray eyes and an often wide-lipped smile give him a youthful, sporty vibe.

Coda sports the practical beauty of the body of a lithe, well-toned athlete— despite being a mage— which often causes feelings of confusion (for all the right reasons) in those he interacts with. His golden brown skin seems kissed by the sun itself, and practically glistens in the daylight like fine rose gold. His full lips, soft, round cheeks and button-like nose do little to help reinforce any particular brand upon him—  which is just how he likes it. Beauty exists only in the eye of the beholder, and Coda has a talent for finding himself beholden to many a gaze among his peers.

Though his choice of clothing often varies depending on the environment he finds himself in, Coda's typical attire consists of a blue crop-top, sleeveless shirt, which he wears a sleeveless crop jacket over—  one with a darker tint of blue, and a shimmering, translucent and seemingly enchanted scarf of flowing silver across his shoulders—  He's fairly fond of such tops as they show off his toned stomach and adds allure and exoticism to his already attractive form. At his waist and on his wrists, he wears a silver sash and matching wristbands which match his scarf, and often sports either a pair of silvery-blue, loose-fitting palazzo-style pants, or a pair of very see-through silver harem pants, and matching set of flat shoes or sandals to go with either, as the weather dictates.



A well-mannered and good intentioned young man who's desire to help others find happiness in life and to provide a helping hand to his friends and loved ones. No, seriously. Unfortunately for Coda, his understanding of what that all means is a sliiiiiight bit skewed compared to your average sane individual.

Coda is what you might consider "chaotic". He is kind— very friendly and welcoming in conversation, perhaps too much so. A normal person might invite you to sit and chat with them if they were in a good mood, or had something interesting to share; Coda would go so far as to welcome company into the fires of hell or the gates of the abyss if it meant sharing a new experience with them. He is known for many things in regards to his overly-friendly, or unnecessarily extroverted antics— such as taking complete strangers to bed with him if willing, or sharing in very dangerous, experimental types of magic where he sees the opportunity. To Coda, this is what it means to be friends— to share in both love and labor, in pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow.

To that end, he is big on the concept of truly delving into what makes people tick; what gives them meaning, and what truly drives them in their day to day lives, not just what they superficially claim is their purpose. He hates lies; He's honest almost to a fault, and one of his biggest personal pleasures in life is stripping away the logic and excuses that others hide behind that prevents them from truly being "themselves". This is his idea of "helping others"; Be that to mean his helping someone become more comfortable in their own skin, or simply watching as the world around him falls into depravity and decadence under the weight of it's own yolks.

Coda has a minstrel's heart, beneath his more bohemian tendencies— a lustful, all-desiring minstrel's heart. Music, poetry and prose are his favorite pastimes, and he has linked his studies almost intrinsically to the arts. Why? He sees such performances as some of the only "truly honest" forms of expression in the world as it is. Music is an expression of the heart; Poetry and prose, of the way the mind sees and understands the world around it. Such honesty and beauty excites and stimulates him to such an extent that he is more than willing to put his life on the line for the sake of any such expressions of beauty. Dying for a sweet literary reference is not off of the table, by any means.

He is also, of course, a mage... and those self-same relentless desires for the truth extend to the very source of magic itself. It isn't unnatural for Coda to throw caution to the wind in an attempt not to gain greater power, but to understand and lay bare the secrets of magics the world over. Very much the sort of fellow that does not ask if he should, but if he can; And while in some cases this can lead to great discoveries, in others it can also lead to unparalleled tragedies. Such is the way of life, in Coda's mind.


Coda is quite a capable raw primal magic user, though his talents shine best when paired with an enchanted lute with him wherever he goes, called "Dreamweaver". A gift from his parents and a labor of love, Dreamweaver is capable of spreading primal magic through the sound waves it produces through its user's strumming— for better or worse. In Coda's hands, having practiced with the instrument day and night, the boy is capable of producing a wide range of effects onto himself and others— from inciting and calming the minds of the unprotected to creating illusions that can affect all five senses. He often uses such magics to affect his appearance in the eyes of others, stoke less-than-acceptable emotions in his friends, and the occassional blood magic spell when and where he's not at risk of being killed for doing it. You know, normal mage stuff.


Connor Mattherson is a fellow student of Airelos University, a year ahead of him in school seniority, but accessible enough in the student commons for the two to share a junior-and-senior relationship. Coda harbors a barely-restrained admiration for Connor's coolness in the face of trouble, be it self-created or from external factors, and often looks to him for guidance— not in education, but in life advice, typically when he finds that he has soured a relationship with someone else. Coda's jovial and free-spirited nature meshes well with Connor's trickster persona, and he often willingly helps with any pranks or jests Connor gets into; On the other hand, Coda also often can't help but keep his hands on Connor as much as possible; Coda's language of love and affection being physical contact, he can be overly touchy with Connor if the latter doesn't resist.

Ever Courageous Marchand could be considered an object of Coda's deepest interest. As Coda's senior, similar to Connor, Coda often finds himself drawn to Ever as a source of feedback and advice— in Ever's case, more for educational purposes than mere life advice. Beyond that, however, Ever's more by-the-book personality attracts Coda's personal need to lay everything— people included— bare. As such, Coda often inserts himself into Ever's life in any way possible... often to the detriment of his more scholarly goals. From trying to rope him into jaunts of extracurricular debauchery, to trying out new spells and primal magics in his vicinity, to physical teasing— All both for his own personal amusement, as well as to "help" Ever. It's in Coda's nature to see people struggling against their baser instincts in one way or another and think to himself, "I will help you learn to be comfortable in your own skin"; as such, despite being Ever's junior, he works to help 'educate' Ever in the joys of living freely.


"I must break you, and the entirety of this school with you."

So saying, Coda La'Caiides stepped foot into one mage's academy at the behest of his oh-so-beloved benefactors-- er, 'parents'.

Hailing from Darken Vei, Coda was born from the union of two nobles, wed not out of love, but of prosperity and political gain. His father, a talented mage in his own right-- his mother, a Essryni diplomat of some considerable import. From a very young age, the boy knew this on some level-- that there was no love lost between his birth parents, and as such, very little was spared for him in kind. His basic needs were attended to by maids and guardians while his parents focused much of their attentions on their own careers and lives, and so Coda grew up somewhat spoiled, and relatively uncontested.

One would think this would produce a worthless child, but instead, Coda grew up rather reclusive; Burying himself in literature and fine arts from a young age to fill the void that the parental attention and affection he craved had left. He discovered from a young age that he possessed his father's talent for magic and his mother's thirst for knowledge, but did not pursue magecraft or political studies further than what he could figure out on his own-- primarily out of spite towards his worthless parents, who in his eyes were just a pair of liars-- mostly to themselves. Instead of applying himself as a great mage, he pursued music, poetry, and found a happy blend of his own brand of magic mixed with his personal interests, and indulged in that lifestyle for the majority of his younger years.

Naturally, his parents couldn't ignore this forever, regardless of how they felt about each other, or how much they did or didn't care for Coda. He carried their name, and so he needed to apply himself as a proper member of society-- preferably a high-ranking member of society by his talents or learnings. As such, an eventually confrontation occurred between them, wherein Coda's mother and father agreed on forcing the boy to attend a school for magecraft-- threatening both to disown and condemn him if either he did not attend. Coda was appalled by the ultimatum, but not surprised; His family sought to use him to gain further political standing, by enforcing the standards of the world upon him. Such boorishness only drove a further wedge between them, as well as further disillusioned Coda that there could be any real value in a world or society wherein the esteem or prestige of the few mattered more than the freedoms and happiness of all.

He complied with his parent's wishes... Though from that day forth, beneath his otherwise unassuming and mirthful smile, a ravenous desire for change, and a plot most terrible had begun to brew... one which threatened to upend the foolish world his parents, and countless innocent others, lived in.

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