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Amelia Thurgood, Untrained Mordecai

Started by DragonSong, February 25, 2017, 02:03:59 PM

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__________________QUICK STATS
Name Amelia "Mia" Thurgood
Age 23
Gender Female
Species Human
Ethnicity Connlaothian
Height 5'3"
Orientation Heterosexual
Occupation Soldier-in-Training
Residence Connlaoth

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Almost ghostly pale, with waist length black hair and bright gold eyes, Mia cuts a striking figure, which tends to be what people focus on first- how her appearance is such a sharp study of contrasts rather than what she actually looks like. On closer inspection, her soft mouth and delicate features become more apparent, traits that lend her an almost doll-like appearance.

Though not tiny, Amelia is small enough that she has to work hard to overcome the stigma placed on her by fellow trainees as an inherent weakling. Consequently, her build is lean and wiry, softened only by some moderate, soft curves.

Mia is a spitfire, quick to smile but also quick to anger. Though a little standoffish at first, she is incredibly loyal and protective to those who manage to befriend her.

Her mordecai aura is moderately powerful, stretching some two hundred yards from herself if she pushes.

However, Mia has learned and practiced the ability to contain her aura rather than push it out. This is much more difficult for her, and she can only keep it up for an hour or so at a time.

She is adept with most more conventional weapons as well, though her proficiency is in dual wielding a pair of short swords.

Her twin brother, Kay, is the only human she's really close with. Due to a rather turbulent childhood, the two have formed an incredibly close bond with each other, but find it difficult to connect with anyone else.

Brutus, her Connlaothian tracker hound. A massive, wire haired creature she was gifted as a pup by the kennel master, in thanks for the work she did with the hounds. Surprisingly, the creature gets along quite well with her brother's cat companion.

Surprisingly typical, considering she was born a twin and a mordecai: shipped off to the church as a baby, raised and trained to fight mages, bla bla.

Problem is, her brother is a mage...


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