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Edith Lockmyre, The Blood Wolf

Started by Codex, September 30, 2020, 10:14:10 AM

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__________________QUICK STATS
Name Edith Lockmyre
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Species Vampire (formerly human)
Ethnicity Unknown
Height 5'8''
Occupation Wanderer
Residence Castle Dreadmoore

"When the town is naught but ashes and the bodies of its inhabitants are being feasted upon by hellish abominations... The Blood Wolf howls."

[Disclaimer! Dark Themes Ahead!]

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
On the surface Edith appears to be a regular human with some minor deviations. She stands a little taller than average for a human female and has quite the muscular build. Her skin is white as snow, as per the usual with any vampire, however unlike other vampires her left eye is almost golden in hue with a black marking surrounding it while the other remains a blood red. She has very long messy black hair that looks like it hasn't been cared for in a very long time (which probably isn't far from the truth), and no shirt. Instead Edith prefers to sport a very long black trench coat that contains tattered and frayed edges, suggesting it is a fairly old piece of clothing. Edith likes to keep the coat open, using white bandages that wrap around her chest and back to cover her breasts. She also wears dark reddish brown pants that lead into black boots. Lastly, Edith also uses a pair of gold rimmed steel gauntlets and shoulder pads she keeps on her at almost all times.


(This was a commission made for me!)

There was a time long ago when Edith was known to others as kind hearted and loving. However, endless years of blood, death, and unimaginable mental torture soon changed her. Something inside the woman snapped and she descended into madness, becoming extremely cold hearted and cruel. For the most part Edith keeps to herself. While it is true she is a wanderer, the woman still prefers to keep her distance as much as possible when it comes to interacting with others. She doesn't enjoy small talk and is never looking for friends, and as a result spends most of her days in the wilderness, far from civilization. She is quite moody and sullen most of the time, being easily annoyed and hard to approach. Because of this, Edith rarely talks at all.

However, in the rare cases that Edith does not resent conversation she can be quite barbaric. She has no love for the people of this world, and has no problem communicating that. Those that annoy her she is sooner ready to curse at the first chance she gets, or let loose a horde of her monsters to massacre their village. In the end their lives mean little, as they are nothing but tools for her to use and manipulate in an effort to bring about her end goal... Death.


Mark of the Blood Wolf
Edith carries the blood of a long dead demon in her veins. This demon was once very powerful, and chose to take on the form of a monstrous wolf when it displayed itself to mortals. Because of the blood she carries, Edith is now cursed for eternity. If she tastes or drinks the blood of another, she undergoes a horrific transformation that turns her body into the Blood Wolf as well. She has no thoughts or control while in this form, and as a result she rampages around and kills any in her path. This process puts extreme mental and physical stress on the woman and she absolutely resents the curse for it. Not only that, but the more she transforms the longer she stays a wolf every time. Edith fears that this curse will eventually consume her, and she will become the Blood Wolf permanently. Another side effect of the curse also torments Edith as well. The stories say that no matter where the Blood Wolf goes, she brings sadness and death to those around her... And this also includes anyone she forms a bond with. None can evade the curse, and as a result Edith has seen every person she has gotten close to die in some tragic and horrific way before her.

Edith is a vampire, and as such she has many things attributed to vampires. Pale skin, hatred of sunlight, and the overwhelming hunger for blood. Because of the nature of Edith's curse, becoming a vampire was a stroke of extremely bad luck. She cannot survive without drinking the blood of the living, but every time she does the curse of the Blood Wolf is triggered and she transforms. Because of these results, Edith tries her hardest to starve herself for as long as she possibly can before consuming blood, but she has found it increasingly harder and harder to do as the years pass. However, there are still a few perks that come with being a vampire. Edith's speed and strength have increased ten fold and she has the ability to manipulate the shadows to her liking.

Curse Casting
Due to the nature of Edith's condition, she had become obsessed a long time ago with curses. Desperately looking for a way to end hers, Edith sought out every piece of knowledge she could. She wandered the continent, learning and studying the effects of different curses from across all cultures and magics. As a result, Edith became quite capable at casting curses herself. She has mastered all manner of hexes in an effort to destroy her own, but she is often more than willing to use her knowledge against her enemies as well.

Demon Craft
In addition to learning curses, Edith also became quite interested in the demonic plain. Hoping she could find a being powerful enough to either end her curse or her life, she relentlessly studied this field as well. However, as she learned more and more about the nature of demons, Edith discovered something quite fascinating... The building blocks of demonhood. With this newfound knowledge Edith has been able to create her very own demons and monsters. Over the years she mastered the lost art, and is capable of creating fully sentient and extremely powerful demons by corrupting mortals. She calls them "Fallen Barons". The Barons were originally created with the purpose of being used against her. She wanted to create something stronger than herself so that she could finally end the curse that had plagued her existence for so long. However, to this day none of her creations have succeeded and Edith locks the failures away inside magical objects and tosses them aside. Many of her creations now lay scattered across Le'ranna, waiting to be found by others.

Edith is immortal. Her vampirism keeps her looking youthful while the curse of the blood wolf makes her immune to death entirely. That may sound like a boon, but given the amount of time Edith has been alive for she sees it as nothing more than a cruel curse.

The Black Weapons of the Blood Wolf
Throughout Edith’s many long journeys across the continent she came into the habit of creating powerful magical objects in addition to her demons in an effort to find a way to break her curse. These cursed objects can be anything from a legendary sword to a dark amulet, all possessing extreme magical power of some sort or another. However, due to the nature of their origins (all are an extension of the Blood Wolf’s power) They almost all have some sort of dark side effect that effects the user in some form. Similar to the demons of the Blood Wolf, when the Black Weapons failed to prove their worth to Edith she quickly abandoned them and left them to the hands of fate. To this day an unknown amount of Black Weapons still lay scattered around Le’ranna, corrupting their surroundings with their dark power, waiting to be found...


Almost nothing is known about the Blood Wolf. She has been around for many many years, and as a result legends and stories about her existence have popped up all across the continent in some form or another. She is a being of hatred and cruelty, bringing about misery and death wherever she goes... Or so the legends say.

Edith Lockmyre was a kind girl. In the town she grew up in she was known to everyone as a carefree, happy child. Innocent and untouched by the cruelty of the outside world. That did not last. On one fateful day the girl was taken from her home by a vampire lord. He came in the dead of night and kidnapped the young girl from her home, bringing her to his coven in the dark fortress Dreadmoore in northern Hyoite. It was there the effects of her curse soon became apparent. The vampire lord saw potential in the young woman and wanted to craft her into a loyal servant of his coven, so he turned her. The transition was painful and all of Edith's innocence died in that castle...

It was in those dark dungeons the woman spent a good portion of her life. The vampire lord who turned her wanted to break Edith's mind so that she would be more easily controlled, and as a result he starved her of blood for many years. She got just enough to survive, but was left chained and isolated for the rest. Over time her fragile mind began to crack, and Edith descended into madness as her overwhelming thirst for blood caused her to go completely feral. She spent many nights in her cell screaming and clawing at her own skin, trying anything she could to end her suffering but nothing worked. Eventually, the vampire lord thought she was ready to become completely submissive to him, and offered her blood in exchange for her servitude. A cruel joke, as Edith had broken long ago and would have taken the offer long before this point.

All thoughts of kindness and benevolence within the woman had all but vanished completely. When a human prisoner was dumped into her cell she didn't even think twice before tearing them apart and drinking their blood! However, when she did so Edith felt a much more sinister presence stir within her body... The Blood Wolf had awakened. An overwhelming dark presence enveloped the woman in a cloud of shadow, and the pain in her body became unbearable! The vampire lord looked on in horror as her screams of pain soon morphed and changed into monstrous howls of rage! She had become the Blood Wolf, a massive beast with bright yellow eyes and uncontrollable anger.

What followed was a massacre. Every single vampire in the castle tried to stop the Blood Wolf, but nothing worked. She slaughtered every single one of them, her corruption seeping into the walls of the old fort as the monster raged. Eventually the screams and sounds of battle faded and the Blood Wolf was all that remained within the castle. After Edith awoke she soon pieced together what had happened and became terrified of herself. She left the castle behind and made her way south, hoping to find help in civilization...

The follies of this plan were soon discovered. Edith became more and more hungry for blood, and when she could no longer resist her feral instincts took over and she murdered anybody she came across if they carried blood in their veins. What soon followed was another transformation into the Blood Wolf and Edith eventually came to accept this was the cycle of her fate. Sadness and depression washed over the woman and she vowed she would find a way to break the chains of her curse. Hardening her heart she set off on her new quest, traveling the world searching for a way to break her curse... Or die.

Edith eventually returned to Castle Dreadmoore. The old fort had remained untouched since she left it many years ago, and the dark north kept it perpetually veiled in shadow. Though the memories of the place were horrific, Edith decided she would use it as the epicenter for her power. Cursing the lands around the castle, Edith caused the region to become infested with dangerous monsters and demonic creatures so all the knowledge she had gathered over the years could be stored deep within the dark and windless halls of Dreadmoore...

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