Spirits of the Earth

Joining and Plotting => Le'raanian Characters => Character Registration and Directory => Wanderers and Independents => Topic started by: MadEmperor on January 16, 2024, 12:44:46 PM

Title: Connor Evans, Lost American Who Fell in Some Goo
Post by: MadEmperor on January 16, 2024, 12:44:46 PM
Name Connor Evans
Age 21
Gender Male
Species Human (for now)
Ethnicity Caucasian (Anglo-Saxon)
Height 5'8"
Occupation Unemployed
Residence None



Physical Description
Connor is an out-of-shape young man with brown hair in a bowl cut. He has tired, green eyes that seem to belong to someone much older. His complexion is clear, save for a few freckles.

Connor hated nearly everything about his life in his world. When you're told you've "always been a loser and will always be a loser" enough times, you start to believe it. So, above all, he dreams of escaping his circumstances. He just lacks the resolve to make something of himself in a world where he's always felt like an outsider. He's not the brightest, the strongest, the most attractive, or even remotely popular.

He compensates for his unhappiness with irreverent humor, which often gets him into fights he can't win. What friends he has are on the internet, because he can't stand the people he actually knows. Maybe if he got out of his parents' basement, he'd actually get some traction.

Well, the damn goo did something.


Connor grew up in a small suburb in Colorado, in the good ol' USA. Chronically unpopular in school, he passed through his childhood practically invisible to his peers and even most adults. College was better, but he couldn't handle the pressure and dropped out. Ever since, he's drifted from one dead-end, minimum-wage job to another, seemingly unable to keep one for more than a few months.

This changed when he rode his motorcycle home after being fired from his latest job. It was dark and rainy and he was miserable, so he didn't see the railing until it was too late. He crashed headlong into it, sending himself flying over the edge of a cliff into the dark.

He splashed down into something thicker than water. Upon climbing out, he found himself deep in what he would later discover to be the Kishahn Jungle. The odd tingle on his skin told him that he had landed in—and swallowed some of something strange. Disgusted and confused, he began trying to figure out where the hell he was.



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