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Welcome Aboard Ye Landlubbers! [OPEN]

Started by GoblinFae, June 23, 2012, 09:15:22 AM

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Morgan wasn't lying when she said that they could take the Argus, given the blessings of the sea gods of wind and surf, as well as proper prep time and a fair amount of luck. So just like any sea battle really. But perhaps it wasn't the best time to mention that to the Quartermaster, especially with her dragging some unlucky little urchin by the ear. While waiting the required paces, he noticed a bulge in her bedding. Slinking up to it, he lifted her mat to see the bottle of wine. "to answer her question, The second highest ranking officer in a room gets the better of two alcohols when the highest already has the best of the bleeding ship," He muttered, pointing out the the bottle to Chris ,"come on, lets go make sure we don't have to do a water burial before we even leave port."

When pointed at by the cabin boy, Aubrey had been simply enjoying that classical sea shanty, but it seemed that the Flying man had some kid to set straight. Walking to stand beside Chris, he squat to the kids level. "Your name is Sky, yes? And by that reasoning you think you should learn how to 'fly', no?" His voice was calm, and soft, albeit of the conditioned hoarseness of many years a sea breathing in the much salted air and the many many tonne of alcohol consumed over the years. "When I think of the sky, I tend not to think of it flying. I think of som'thin' that is always there, weather or not if you see it. It offers a warning, be it storms or an enemy or anything, and the Sky is ever aware of everything. Do you understand? Forget about flying. You are a cabin boy, not a rigger, if you are even looking up there, is should be to look past the rigging and towards you namesake."

Aubrey wasn't exactly mean. But he wasn't nice either, there was a discussion that popped up from time to time on weather or not Aubrey could make an insult seem like a compliment, or vice versa. He had proven the theory right on many occasion.


   Giving a grunt and a noncommittal wave of his hand (which Sky did not see, as she had bolted), Vladimir watched her owlishly as she bolted away- and then suddenly was aware of a presence rushing in. With a startled, half-slurred drunken oath he dropped to a crouch, his hand flying to his machete, to find that it was merely a crewman swinging around and lighting torches like an Essyrian circus dancer. "Bleedin' showoff." He griped under his breath, blowing out a sigh and letting his muscles uncoil. Sudden movements, and especially the unexpected kind, tend to make one nervous in a life of vagrancy.
   Still, he had to admit it was damned impressive, and miles above and circus show he had seen, so with a shrug and a last draught of the rum bottle (now disappointingly empty) he was on his way to whatever would occupy his time next. Maybe he would play his guitar! Although, much to his disappointment, several music men were already making merry upon the ship. 'Walp!' he thought to himself, 'problems don't solve 'emselves'.
   And so it was that he found himself strumming along to a shanty tried and true, if a trifle overdone, and upon the end of the song caught the leading man round the shoulders, for he had an urge for a bawdier tale.
   "We'rr playin' 'Six Clean Lin'uns' next," Vladimir informed the man with eyes slightly unfocused and rum strong on his breath, "An' no sayin' oth'rwise from you, aye?" He added seeing a look of hesitation or confusion (or perhaps distaste) on the man's face. Whether it was his yellowed eyes glinting in the torchlight, his beast-like visage or the subtle hint of violence in his voice that convinced the man remains a mystery, but they at once broke out into a lively fluttering sort of tune, the kind a wench could easily dance atop tables to, for there usually was a buxom, dancing wench or two about the type of places where this song was well-received.
   The song, as any who do a good amount of carousing know, was about a woman in the slums trying for a life in the brothels, but with a problem- she had seven potential "suitors", but only six clean sets of undergarments to wear. The rough humor and bawdy appeal of the song was borne of her attempts to entertain all her customers while keeping at least one linen shift clean. A bold, and truth be told somewhat crude tale, but it was often well-applauded among sailors and military men.


Sky heard new music break out in the background, but paid no attention to it. She wouldn't have understood it, anyway. Instead, she focused on the Flying Man in front of her and the words he preached. She nodded as he restated what she had previously said, not catching onto the fact that he was going to contradict her seconds later.

But when he did contradict her, she grinned. His logic was so wrong! "Nah!" she exclaimed. "Well, yeah! But can't I be more aware of everything if I'm higher up? I dun know how to rig, though. I dun quite know what rigging is. But I wanna fly!" She paused and then foolishly added, "And if I can fly, maybeh I wone fall when I mop!"

She looked around at the people surrounding her and her smile faded away. She probably shouldn't have dismissed what he said so quickly. After all, even Sky knew that he had to have a higher position then her. "Oops," she muttered. But she didn't apologize—it wasn't like she was wrong, after all.
Characters: Alycia | Sky | Kayala | Elaina | Alexandra | Piper | Gage AND Heather | Zeina | Elizabeth | Mera | Darya | Fiara | Tanya | Meki | Vivian | Lali | Nyimi | Jillian | Cedric | Jana | Duncan | Zara | Marie | Rora | Koraq | Xiana | Sevda | Nava | Na'il | Bambina | Micheovi | Nitya

Art Thread: Here! | deviantArt Profile: Here <3

If I owe you a post (which I probably do), sorry... I'll get you one as soon as I can! <3 Message me if you're in a rush or want one.


Aubrey could handle many things, fighting, bickering, constant complaining, bad food, scurvy, stowaways, lack of rum, death of comrades, horrid officers, the list just goes on and on. But there is one thing that Aubrey could not stand, from anyone, be it some lowly little sea urchin or the God King himself. He shot a quick glance to Morgan and Chris, it read 'if I must pay for this later, I will'.

Aubrey's hand shot out quick as a whip, striking the boy across the face with the back of his hand. With his other hand he snagged the boy by the back of the neck and drug him to the starboard side railing. At night the water looked cold and dark. A black liquid death. By now the music had stopped and the older crew watched in almost sympathy, Aubrey was not an angry man, he was just a man who had seen too much at sea and so he bore a burden of knowledge. Aubrey was a man that new the signs that told of the signs of a squall, and a man that had seen much tragedy at the hands of a slacker.

His voice held none of the softness of tone that it did before. "Do you see the water? Do you know what this is? This is the final resting place of anyone who dies at sea, paying for the sins of those who had the AUDACITY TO DECIDE THAT THEY HAD THE RIGHT TO QUESTION TO DO IT! DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?" Aubrey rather roughly moved the boy's head to get a clear view of the ocean. "This water is a goddamn cemetery. Here there is no gravestone, no way to remember, nothing to remind you of who they were, and not a god damned thing you can say to anyone who knew them other than 'I'm sorry'. Here is where yours and ever other seafaring soul on her will lay their mistakes to rest. Enjoy the view. May never see it from the bottom up."

With that, Aubrey let go of the boy and left to his hammock below deck.


The quartermaster did not take kindly to her reprimanding-to-be being interrupted. The second mate was only lucky that he was nearly equal to her in their ship's hierarchy. That alone saved him from being knocked flat on his rear in front of all the crew. She decided to make a mental note to have a discussion with him once they were alone and she could lay into him like there was no tomorrow.

With the cabin boy now off the hook, Morgan was free to peruse the rest of the crew. What she found though did nothing to soothe her ruffled feathers. Must they be so loud and boisterous? And what was Aubrey screeching about now? Was the whole bloody crew losing their minds? Did they not know there needed to be a sense of order? What would the captain say when he saw this? He would have her hide certainly for letting things spiral so far out of control.

What Morgan needed was a good brawl to get the blood flowing and the crew settling. She was in charge here and she would be damned if she was going to let the young pups do whatever they wanted without consequence. They were about to learn just how serious it was to obey the ship's second-in-command.

Turning to the closest sailor to her, which turned out to be the lupine deck-swabber she had at some point named "Puppy," and swung her fist with all her might, drunkenly expecting to make contact with flesh and bone. There was no knowing just how fast or slow her reflexes were considering the amount of the alcohol she had secretly and openly imbibed within her quarters. But, things were certainly about to get interesting now.

"No Pride For Some of Us Without Liberation For All of Us"
~ Micah Bazant ~

Tirial Province (Serendipity)

Talu Territory (Adela)

Ninja Flamingos

Guilds - Under Construction and Revamping
Blood of Ash || Cleara Verdad || The Creoptera || The Reaper's Chalice || The Runner's Society || Vigilant Shadows

Agapito Perlaceo Calogero-Marcello da Lume || Ainsley Muir || Alanna Mercer "The Lioness" || Amleah Dvorak || Ariel "Owlet" Sowa || Artorius Winterbottom || Aurora "Makani'kai" Wiater || Autumn Laurel || The Bad Barkers || Benjamin Hase || Cally Foster || Cornelia Grey || Dagrun Baarda || Derrick Elthif || Donovan Cabello || Eireann Lehr || Elmira Sassafrass || Emma Fiore || Emyr Kasabian || Ferra Bestley || Fintan Kfir || Gilroy Bleddyn || Hanalei Keets || Hilarius Winterbottom || Imogene Khale || Incana Winged Blaze || Inteus Wapapow || Iorwerth/Ylli || Ithel Conlaoch || Justina Allons || Jypsei Danzer || Kailee Glint || Kaliko || Keegan Phillips || Kendall Wendle || Kenneth Kent || Kesrel Torv || Kharn Segal || Kirsikka Solvi || Ladybird "Petal" Hornwort || Lassassasya Ashaugh Seocss || Logan "Kotori" || Lorcan Dempsey || Malakai || Margot Lemaire || Maverick Alinari || Morgan Loone || Naomi Kita || Navarre Esken || Ocarern Farwind || Oddmund Greatdrool || Oliver Cabello || Pannoowau || Peregrine Liebling || Primrose Dragoslav || Pyske Daas || Qaletaqa || Quilla Anobe || Rene Zephra || Riley "Minnow" Bellerose || Ro'or Dvorak || Rosie || Rowan Alvar || Rylan Silvanus || Segari "Errum" Ggorf || Shamira Kashi || Solanacae || Sor Avi || Squeaker || Starbright Skye ||  Tiraris Silverd'art || Tighearnán High Eoforwine || Theodore Archer || Tyler Brice || Una Ornell || Vanora Partholon || Waman Pertinacity Sewati || Weilen Brunbek || Wilbur "Wilby" Smalls || Yalwa al-Kahinah || Yasmine Fairchild || Yura Elek || Zhirai Ver || Zurna Nali


   Upon finishing the song and throwing his arms in the air flamboyantly, Vladimir and his impromptu troupe was met with cheers and boisterous laughter. He himself laughed in the spirit of it all, and noticing a figure steping near, by the scent of it a female figure, he turned to welcome what he dared hope was a bonnie winsome wench, and instead had a split-second to focus his half-drunken eyes on the fist hurtling towards his face with concussive force. Then there was pain, a blinding light blossomed suddenly between and behind his eyes and there was a ringing, he felt the back of his head connect with the deck before he realized he had been hit. His vision swam back into focus and he saw the face of the quartermaster- the bitch had laid him out flat on his back! His already crooked nose had been broken for the second time that night.
   With a whoop and a laugh, he flung his knees up and over, throwing his weight further backwards until he rolled to his feet. "Ya-hey! Love a wench what's got some fight inn'er!" He laughed, before stepping forward and throwing a punch of his own. This night just seemed to get better and better! Though already having been fighting, rolling around in bed and drinking liberally, the fight truthfully did not look good for him.


Chris watched in bafflement Aubrey's burst at the lad.
So much energy for a small task, he thought with disapproval. The lad was dim witted, that Chris was certain of, but he needed the child able bodied and not crouching in a corner fearing constantly for his life. He took quick strides towards the two, passing by bemused sailors. He stood a pace away from the second mate with his hands clasped behind his back.
"That will do. Thank you, Aubrey, you made your point quite clear," Chris said in a composed manner, rocking on his heels.
He turned his attention towards the boy, his brow narrowing. 
How do I do this? he thought in dismay.
"If you want to fly, I suggest you hire a mage to craft you a pair of wings. Unfortunately we have none with such talents aboard our ship," he said with dry humor. A couple sailors laughed loudly at the joke.
"We can always kidnap one, aye!" a sailor jabbed. Chris ignored his drunkard ramblings.
Please don't give the boy any ideas.
"Until then, tie your shoes if you don't want to trip and tie yourself to the rails when scraping barnicles. You'll be doing that tomorrow, bright and early. Understand?"

Loud shouts and hooting drew Chris' attention away. His jaw dropped slightly as he turned around in time to watch Vladimir put his weight into a punch meant for Morgan.
"Excuse me," he mutttered as he pushed his way through the crowd surrounding the fight. Though brawls were a common part of pirate life, fights on deck, unless for training purposes, were prohibited.
There will be order on this ship, one way or another!
"Enough!" Chris growled as he reached for Morgan as he tried to position himself between the two. Some of the onlookers boo-ed.
"Oi! Let 'em have a go!" one cried.
Chris had never so badly wanted to tell someone to shut up... that week, anyway.


Morgan growled angrily. She was no innocent to such talk as his. Many had come before him with similar words and she highly doubted he would be the last. While she was able to side-step his blow enough to save her face, a dull pain erupted in her shoulder where his punch landed moments before Chris attempted to step between the two of them.

While the rational part of her mind told her this needed to stop, the number and hurt part raged against the rational and beat it down at the same time her her crashed into Chris' nose. Later she would claim she missed and swung blindly, but Morgan knew full well who that punch was aimed for and she had yet to miss even as she heard a pop and a clunk like hitting the deck.

"No Pride For Some of Us Without Liberation For All of Us"
~ Micah Bazant ~

Tirial Province (Serendipity)

Talu Territory (Adela)

Ninja Flamingos

Guilds - Under Construction and Revamping
Blood of Ash || Cleara Verdad || The Creoptera || The Reaper's Chalice || The Runner's Society || Vigilant Shadows

Agapito Perlaceo Calogero-Marcello da Lume || Ainsley Muir || Alanna Mercer "The Lioness" || Amleah Dvorak || Ariel "Owlet" Sowa || Artorius Winterbottom || Aurora "Makani'kai" Wiater || Autumn Laurel || The Bad Barkers || Benjamin Hase || Cally Foster || Cornelia Grey || Dagrun Baarda || Derrick Elthif || Donovan Cabello || Eireann Lehr || Elmira Sassafrass || Emma Fiore || Emyr Kasabian || Ferra Bestley || Fintan Kfir || Gilroy Bleddyn || Hanalei Keets || Hilarius Winterbottom || Imogene Khale || Incana Winged Blaze || Inteus Wapapow || Iorwerth/Ylli || Ithel Conlaoch || Justina Allons || Jypsei Danzer || Kailee Glint || Kaliko || Keegan Phillips || Kendall Wendle || Kenneth Kent || Kesrel Torv || Kharn Segal || Kirsikka Solvi || Ladybird "Petal" Hornwort || Lassassasya Ashaugh Seocss || Logan "Kotori" || Lorcan Dempsey || Malakai || Margot Lemaire || Maverick Alinari || Morgan Loone || Naomi Kita || Navarre Esken || Ocarern Farwind || Oddmund Greatdrool || Oliver Cabello || Pannoowau || Peregrine Liebling || Primrose Dragoslav || Pyske Daas || Qaletaqa || Quilla Anobe || Rene Zephra || Riley "Minnow" Bellerose || Ro'or Dvorak || Rosie || Rowan Alvar || Rylan Silvanus || Segari "Errum" Ggorf || Shamira Kashi || Solanacae || Sor Avi || Squeaker || Starbright Skye ||  Tiraris Silverd'art || Tighearnán High Eoforwine || Theodore Archer || Tyler Brice || Una Ornell || Vanora Partholon || Waman Pertinacity Sewati || Weilen Brunbek || Wilbur "Wilby" Smalls || Yalwa al-Kahinah || Yasmine Fairchild || Yura Elek || Zhirai Ver || Zurna Nali


The Flying Man's long lecture went in one of Sky's ears and out the other. The seriousness of what he was saying was important, she knew, but none of it was new information to her. It didn't frighten her—it was just what she was expecting. She didn't sneak onto the pirate ship to gain a family or recognition, after all. She sneaked on so that she could move somewhere else where she would be able to get those things.

After living on the streets her whole life, she knew about the idea of no life after death. There was no one to remember her, no one to mourn for her, no one to even know she was missing. So while the Flying Man himself may have frightened Sky enough that she stayed silent, the words he spoke had little meaning to her.

The Strange Man came up and talked to her, clearly trying to cheer her up. The effort, if nothing else, was appreciated. She grinned carelessly back at him before he disappeared into a fight that seemed to have broken out. Sky looked at the Scary Woman and decided that she would do her best to avoid her... always.
Characters: Alycia | Sky | Kayala | Elaina | Alexandra | Piper | Gage AND Heather | Zeina | Elizabeth | Mera | Darya | Fiara | Tanya | Meki | Vivian | Lali | Nyimi | Jillian | Cedric | Jana | Duncan | Zara | Marie | Rora | Koraq | Xiana | Sevda | Nava | Na'il | Bambina | Micheovi | Nitya

Art Thread: Here! | deviantArt Profile: Here <3

If I owe you a post (which I probably do), sorry... I'll get you one as soon as I can! <3 Message me if you're in a rush or want one.


Chris shouted as Morgan's fist hit his face with a loud crack and an awful, squishing noise that was followed by the awful sensation of something slipping out of a tight spot. A sailor caught the second mate before he sprawled to the ground. His head still spinning, Chris awkwardly pushed himself away, panting as he tried to stop the blood spilling from his nose. He growled as he swayed. He wanted to give Morgan a damned piece of his mind, but more importantly,  his right eye socket was feeling awfully cold.

With a loud clunk his glass eye hit the deck and rolled along down the surface.
"Someone grab it!" he barked as he stumbled after his eye.


Sky gasped as she noticed the Strange Man's eye was missing. He looked so... odd. Her eyes quickly caught ahold of the shimmering light reflecting off of the glass eye, and she turned to run after it. Being the closest, it should have been an easy task.

She sprinted and picked up the eye with little trouble. But as she was turning around her head to smile with pride, she failed to notice that there was an obstruction in her path.

The obstruction, as fate would have it, was the mop bucket that she had left out on the deck so many hours earlier. She ran straight into it and fell harshly against the side of the ship. Sky let out a sigh of relief... the thought of falling overboard had occupied her thoughts during the trip. But the relief quickly vanished as she realized that her hand was empty and that there was now a little glass eye floating and being pushed away by the waves.
Characters: Alycia | Sky | Kayala | Elaina | Alexandra | Piper | Gage AND Heather | Zeina | Elizabeth | Mera | Darya | Fiara | Tanya | Meki | Vivian | Lali | Nyimi | Jillian | Cedric | Jana | Duncan | Zara | Marie | Rora | Koraq | Xiana | Sevda | Nava | Na'il | Bambina | Micheovi | Nitya

Art Thread: Here! | deviantArt Profile: Here <3

If I owe you a post (which I probably do), sorry... I'll get you one as soon as I can! <3 Message me if you're in a rush or want one.


OOC: It's hollow, so it wont sink :)

An ugly choking noise escaped Chris' throat.
My eye, he thought, his jaw slack.
He hopelessly watched as Sky dropped the precious thing and it plopped into the water.
"Idiot child! What have you done?!" he said hoarsely as he ran to the rail.
His shoulders relaxed at the sight of the glass eye bobbing in the water, sparkling by the candle light of the ship.

Okay, thought Chris, all we have to do is fish it out of the water...
But just then, Chris heard a splash. His heart sank as a fish emerged from the water, a catfish, and swallowed the eye whole. Chris grasped the railings of his ship, a broken man, his knuckles white and slippery with blood. He stared at the catfish, his mind blank.

Klezmer Gryphon

A drunken brawl was something Hrafn had not been expecting to walk into his first day on the Reaper's Chalice. As much of him that wanted to join in the raucous, the Sionhai sailor had the better judgement to not to; his experience on other vessels with drunken fights were pretty rough and usually ended with reprimand. So with a sigh and slight chuckle, he found a stool off in the corner, away from the action. Why do I seem to show up at the wrong times?


Cane watched slightly amused by the goings on. He felt bad for the fellow losing his eye, but, he also felt bad for the young lass he was yelling at.  Of course it didn't seem like anyone else had noticed that the child was a girl, and he wasn't one to tattle. He shook his head. He pulled out his fishing pole and held it out to the man. "You could try and catch it. Catfish are good eating so we won't waste anything. Although my mother always said a man with an eyepatch is quite dashing."

((my girlfriend and my mother both say the same thing xp soemtimes makes me wish I had a missing eye))


The shouts and cries of a fight drifted down to the dock below, and gave Elias pause as he stood beside the gangplank. What on earth was going on? He frowned slightly, brow furrowed as running footsteps reverberated through the wood next to him. It sounded like a true ruckus, the type that he would normally turn tail and stroll away from, preferring to keep out of the way until the tempers had cooled and the fists stopped flying. Contemplating this now, he rubbed at the back of his neck in thought, then winced.

The skin was burnt a deep pink from sitting outside all day, and was still sore to the touch. It wouldn't begin healing into a tan for some days yet, he knew, and he cursed himself for forgetting about the fierce glare of the sun as he had sat and read.

Not that anyone would be able to see it in this light anyway - or so he hoped. Actually, he had hoped that the ship would be much quieter than this by now, and that he could slip on and into his quarters under the cover of darkness. He had been gone many hours since Chris had originally dragged him to the subscription table, and he had a feeling that people would have noticed, and would have questions to ask.

"Damn," he muttered, setting foot on the gangplank. It didn't look like a subtle arrival was in the cards tonight.

As he reached the deck, he stopped short in amazement. There was Chris, face covered in blood and with an extra hole where his eye used to be, rushing to the railing. Morgan nearby, looking furious. And plenty of the new recruits standing around helplessly - some he recognised, some entirely unknown.

He stood alongside nearest body, a man who held out a fishing rod, and asked of anyone who would listen, "What the hell's happening here?"


   Vladimir couldn't help but crack a grin at the squelching sound and the sight of the second mate scuttling after his glass eyeball. Hooking his toes under the bridge of his guitar where it lay on the ground, he kicked it up and out towards Morgan's facewith a "hold 'at fer me." It was a cheap shot; but he was, after all, a pirate, and a wicked idea had blossomed in his deviant little mind.
   "Wha's 'amatter, then? Go on in afft'r it!" He cried jovially, leaping towards the man and planting a foot squarely on his behind. With a shove and a shout, over the rail went Cat-eye into the harbor. The catfish (as fish often will) found the whole thing to be quite too much to handle and bolted. "Wha's wrong, Cat-eye? Kitty-kitty-kitty afraid'a the water?" He laughed raucously and turned to someone familiar- he had been at the table! The man seemed confused as to the goings-on of a brawl, and so answering his question with a simple "This!" Vladimir launched a fist right towards his face.


Sky flipped towards to the now eye-less man with a gaped mouth. "But I can't swim!" she declared in fright. He wasn't going to throw her overboard, was he?!

Luckily, it seemed like that wasn't going to be her fate but rather his. The man that made this mistake smelled like booze, so Sky quickly backed away. She didn't want to go over, too. But, even still, hopefully the eye-less man could swim... and she wouldn't get a flogging.
Characters: Alycia | Sky | Kayala | Elaina | Alexandra | Piper | Gage AND Heather | Zeina | Elizabeth | Mera | Darya | Fiara | Tanya | Meki | Vivian | Lali | Nyimi | Jillian | Cedric | Jana | Duncan | Zara | Marie | Rora | Koraq | Xiana | Sevda | Nava | Na'il | Bambina | Micheovi | Nitya

Art Thread: Here! | deviantArt Profile: Here <3

If I owe you a post (which I probably do), sorry... I'll get you one as soon as I can! <3 Message me if you're in a rush or want one.


OOC: OH gosh this is so long over due i apologize X_X

The cold hit Chris like a shock. He was surrounded by silence for a moment before he kicked up to the surface of the water, gasping for air. He narrowed his good eye viciously on the yelling and whooping people on deck. He growled at Vladimer's taunts and brushed back the hair sticking to his forehead.
I'll lash him for that.

A splash in the water distracted him, just a yard or so away from where he had landed.  Skirting across the water was the catfish, before it dived.  Chris could feel the energy of his glass eye pulling at him, but swimming in the ocean like this was no use.  Waters were too dark, too dangerous. 
"OI MR. URABI!" he shouted, calling the attention of a startled young sailor. The boy was of a dusky complexion with a curious pattern of stripes on his shoulders and back. The sailor did not need to ask what was going on. He ripped off his shirt and dove into the waters, his body transforming into that of a shark.

Chris grabbed hold onto his dorsal fin as Urabi darted after the catfish.  Chris held his breath during the entire chase, feeling the pressure of the ocean around him.  AT the moment Chris felt he was about to pass out, they suddenly reemerged from the surface. His head swimming, Chris patted the side of the shark's face.

"You better not have swallowed it, boy," he sputtered, wiping the salt from his eyes. 
The shark opened its mouth to reveal a dying catfish, parts of its body punctured by rows of shark teeth. careful not to hurt himself, Chris reached in and yanked the fish out.
"Thank you," he told his ship mate with utmost sincerity. He looked up at the deck at the rows of cheering men.
"Celebrate after you throw some bloody ropes over!" he shouted up at deck as Urabi transformed back into a man.


Cane was thr first to respond to the call for ropes, having grabbed a knotted length used for just that purpose as soon as he'd realized what the drunkard was going to do. "Here sir."

Cane tied the rope off  and prepared to haul the two out. He was a scrawny thing but his body was corded with strong muscle. The result of hauling sailing lines and heavy fishing nets. He could pull a single man out at a time but hoped that others would help pull the two men up at the same time to reduce the risk of some drowning, however unlikely it was.


It would not be entirely wrong to say Morgan had not known whom she was striking once she had made contact. She certainly felt no regret over it; it served Chris right for interfering with her fight, not of course she would say that to his face.

She recoiled as the bucket of filthy water splashed into her face and she cast it to the side. Now angry and wet, the Quartermaster stomped after the wayward crew member, fire flashing in her eyes. Morgan was just in time to see the fist headed for Elias right before her own sneaked under Vladmir's unwary gaze to catch him in an uppercut.

"Think you're funny do you?" Morgan hissed at him, already moving to punch him again.

"No Pride For Some of Us Without Liberation For All of Us"
~ Micah Bazant ~

Tirial Province (Serendipity)

Talu Territory (Adela)

Ninja Flamingos

Guilds - Under Construction and Revamping
Blood of Ash || Cleara Verdad || The Creoptera || The Reaper's Chalice || The Runner's Society || Vigilant Shadows

Agapito Perlaceo Calogero-Marcello da Lume || Ainsley Muir || Alanna Mercer "The Lioness" || Amleah Dvorak || Ariel "Owlet" Sowa || Artorius Winterbottom || Aurora "Makani'kai" Wiater || Autumn Laurel || The Bad Barkers || Benjamin Hase || Cally Foster || Cornelia Grey || Dagrun Baarda || Derrick Elthif || Donovan Cabello || Eireann Lehr || Elmira Sassafrass || Emma Fiore || Emyr Kasabian || Ferra Bestley || Fintan Kfir || Gilroy Bleddyn || Hanalei Keets || Hilarius Winterbottom || Imogene Khale || Incana Winged Blaze || Inteus Wapapow || Iorwerth/Ylli || Ithel Conlaoch || Justina Allons || Jypsei Danzer || Kailee Glint || Kaliko || Keegan Phillips || Kendall Wendle || Kenneth Kent || Kesrel Torv || Kharn Segal || Kirsikka Solvi || Ladybird "Petal" Hornwort || Lassassasya Ashaugh Seocss || Logan "Kotori" || Lorcan Dempsey || Malakai || Margot Lemaire || Maverick Alinari || Morgan Loone || Naomi Kita || Navarre Esken || Ocarern Farwind || Oddmund Greatdrool || Oliver Cabello || Pannoowau || Peregrine Liebling || Primrose Dragoslav || Pyske Daas || Qaletaqa || Quilla Anobe || Rene Zephra || Riley "Minnow" Bellerose || Ro'or Dvorak || Rosie || Rowan Alvar || Rylan Silvanus || Segari "Errum" Ggorf || Shamira Kashi || Solanacae || Sor Avi || Squeaker || Starbright Skye ||  Tiraris Silverd'art || Tighearnán High Eoforwine || Theodore Archer || Tyler Brice || Una Ornell || Vanora Partholon || Waman Pertinacity Sewati || Weilen Brunbek || Wilbur "Wilby" Smalls || Yalwa al-Kahinah || Yasmine Fairchild || Yura Elek || Zhirai Ver || Zurna Nali